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  1. E

    12a west waterhole maps

    I bought the map in my opinion it was not worth the 50 bucks just scout around. I walked to 3 tricktanks only to find that the map was so old it didnt show the roads that wqent to the tank and I thought I was hiking in the hard way to get to the honey hole. It only shows about 75 % of the actual...
  2. E

    Questions about units SW area 70 vs 74 vs 75

    LAST EDITED ON Aug-01-11 AT 08:32PM (MST)[p]Hey guys looking to finally put together my first diy archery elk hunt to CO I have been looking at stats and trying to narrow down a unit to target. I am coming from AZ so the durango area seams to be the closest with larger populations of elk...
  3. E

    7E Lost Archery Bull

    Steve greta to see you found a cape man it sure all did come together congrats. Nice to seel peoples selfless acts. Charlie
  4. E

    7E Lost Archery Bull

    Thank You Steve it was very nice to meet you. Thank God I was just the messenger but very proud to be a part of the story. What a blessing, please post the pics after your taxidermy guy finishes him up. Take care Charlie Rust
  5. E

    7E Lost Archery Bull

    Sounds good. Thanks
  6. E

    7E Lost Archery Bull

    Steve real sorry i could not make it to hearing. Sounds like it might not have made any difference. Dont think GF is right on this one at all. When I found that bull just wanted to get it back to the guy that shot. We can all just spread the word that its yours and hopefully know one else bids...
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