Search results

  1. 3x2

    11 points

    You might look at X2 but only after rereading what Calbuck and 270Hunter wrote. Might also be a good way to make a friend who was successful in a 4-5 point zone last year.
  2. 3x2


    I had a great experience with Allout Outfitters in 40 last year, very responsive. Although might take a few days due to being out lion hunting.
  3. 3x2

    Muzzy bullets - Colorado Legal ?

    +1 for 300gr Thors
  4. 3x2

    Meme thread

  5. 3x2

    M-9 tag

    That was Mike B's quote from post #13
  6. 3x2

    M-9 tag

    Great story, thanks for sharing! I was hoping that recent past hunters would post of their success (or not) on this forum. Looks like when they do draw they just go off into the sunset.
  7. 3x2

    Unit 76 vs 40 non resident elk.

    PM Sent
  8. 3x2

    Deer Tag Return

    Talk about having your priorities out of wack! College over hunting?
  9. 3x2

    M-9 tag

    So how did the Garden treat you?
  10. 3x2


    Thank you, much appreciated.
  11. 3x2


    That’s definitely a fear of mine. Thanks for letting me know you like them.
  12. 3x2


    Thanks I’ll check them out
  13. 3x2


    I'm leaning towards that approach, thanks for the suggestion.
  14. 3x2


    Thanks, I'll check those out.
  15. 3x2


    I'll check those out, thanks.
  16. 3x2

    Meme thread

  17. 3x2


    I posted this in the hunting gear page but figured I might have better luck here. Heading to Alaska next year on a moose float trip and looking for waders. It sounds like Simms G4 and G3 are the top of line, do any other brands come anywhere close? How do Simms less expensive options stack up...
  18. 3x2


    Heading to Alaska next year on a moose float trip and looking for waders. It sounds like Simms G4 and G3 are the top of line, do any other brands come anywhere close? How do Simms less expensive options stack up? Thanks for your help.
  19. 3x2

    2023 Bull Elk Success - Pack Giveaway

    2023 Colorado Muzzy
  20. NIFG9433.JPG


  21. 3x2

    Do you hunt for more than meat or trophy?

    Where do you sign up to get the free rifle, optics, clothes, gear, and perpetual motion vehicle? Asking for a friend!
  22. 3x2

    Allout Guiding and Outfitting

    Thank you!
  23. 3x2

    Allout Guiding and Outfitting

    Thank you, it was definitely more of a photo shoot then I am used to, but very thankful that I actually got some really good pictures.
  24. 3x2

    Allout Guiding and Outfitting

    Thank you very much! Judging by the guides reaction his body is definitely on the larger side. I'm 5'10" and as close to him as possible.
  25. 3x2

    Allout Guiding and Outfitting

    Epic only begins to describe the experience I had with Allout Outfitters. After waiting so many years to draw a tag, the only certainty about cashing in that many points was uncertainty. I undoubtably feel like I made the right choice and can't thank JT's team enough. A very special thanks to...
  26. NIFG9433.JPG


  27. 3x2

    Bookcliffs Buffalo

    Utah Big Game Outfitters
  28. 3x2

    Moose Outfitter Recommendations

    Thank you Bobby, much appreciated
  29. 3x2

    Moose Outfitter Recommendations

    Thank you all for the suggestions. Bogey - Very impressive Bull!
  30. 3x2

    Stone and or folding mountain outfitters.

  31. 3x2

    Moose Outfitter Recommendations

    Thank you, I will definitely check them out.
  32. 3x2

    Moose Outfitter Recommendations

    I have heard good things about them as well. I probably need my hand held a little more on this go round. Thanks for the suggestion.
  33. 3x2

    Moose Outfitter Recommendations

    Hello, I'm looking for any recommendations on a reliable outfitter or just as importantly any to avoid. Open to locations. Would be interested in a combo caribou hunt but moose is definitely the priority. Thanks in advance!
  34. 3x2

    Moose Outfitter Recommendations

    From what I have seen so far that is spot on.
  35. 3x2

    Moose Outfitter Recommendations

    I would be interested to know who? Feel free to message me if you don't want to post publicly. Thanks
  36. 3x2

    Moose Outfitter Recommendations

    Thanks SS! I am leaning towards Alaskan/Yukon but am not completely locked into a certain location.
  37. 3x2

    Moose Outfitter Recommendations

    Hello, I'm looking for any recommendations on a reliable outfitter or just as importantly any to avoid. Open to locations. Would be interested in a combo caribou hunt but moose is definitely the priority. Thanks in advance!
  38. 3x2

    Moose Outfitter Recommendations

    Hello, I'm looking for any recommendations on a reliable outfitter or just as importantly any to avoid. Would be interested in a combo caribou hunt but moose is definitely the priority. Thanks in advance!
  39. 3x2

    G3/Goodale Hunts.....??

    I didn't know Charlie Sheen hunted?
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