Search results

  1. eelgrass

    Good news and bad news

    The bad news is they haven't found SS! yet. The good news is they found his phone.
  2. eelgrass

    A Memorial Day message

    A 6 minute message.
  3. eelgrass

    Climate warning!!!

    This is serious.
  4. eelgrass

    Mountain Lion wipe out

    Pretty cool trail cam capture. Watch the fur fly.
  5. eelgrass

    Put one of these on your couch?

    A soft mount. I think it would be a hard no. 1 minute video.
  6. eelgrass

    Did you know this about wolves?

    1 minute video.
  7. eelgrass

    If this was a pro Trump protest

    The bridge would have been opened in about 15 minutes and felony charges would have been filed.
  8. eelgrass

    That house in New Orleans

    Speaking of guitars....
  9. eelgrass

    Bluehair saw a wolf in Colorado!

  10. eelgrass

    A state-of-the-art sawmill

    They have a vertical bandsaw and that's all. I hope they run a metal detector over those logs before they run them otherwise that saw will blow up one of these days and it won't be pretty. Plus a few other safety concerns.
  11. eelgrass

    Oil change question

    Should I be adding oil to my filter? A 1 minute video.
  12. eelgrass

    How about it, Bobcat?

    Is NASCAR ready for the EV revolution?
  13. eelgrass

    Prime real estate in San Francisco for lease

    Union Square has some openings. I wonder what happened in the 4 years Trump was in office?
  14. eelgrass

    Why I love/hate archery hunting

    :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: 😁 short video
  15. eelgrass

    Here they come...don't move!

    Aleutian goose hunt. 2023 2 minute video.
  16. eelgrass

    Wiszard, now what?

    Home buyers and sellers to be spared standard broker commissions under $418 million settlement
  17. eelgrass

    What does US and Russia have in common?

    Russians are voting in an election that holds little suspense after Putin crushed dissent
  18. eelgrass

    Question for Elkassassin

    Hey Bobcat, would you happen to know who this is?
  19. eelgrass

    You gotta gut the moose

    Iditarod issues time penalty to Seavey for not properly gutting moose that he killed on the trail
  20. eelgrass

    State of the Union

    I watched the first 15 minutes before I puked. I should have just gone fishing in the ocean.
  21. eelgrass

    The mighty Klamath River

    The largest dam removal in the world happened last month. You know, to save the river. I thought they were going to let the water out gradually with clean up as they go. Nope, they let it all go at once, and right before this latest weather event with massive snow melt coming. Now they're...
  22. eelgrass

    Traffic collision question

    Where did the red pickup come from? A 20 second video
  23. eelgrass

    .50 caliber vs Coyote thermal

  24. eelgrass

    This sounds made up

    A anti MAGA/Trump campaign ad. It's the FBI. They have no credibility when it comes to politics and truth.
  25. eelgrass

    It's a NorCal thing

    Humboldt/Mendocino/Trinity Counties, aka the Emerald Triangle He really was sent to prison.
  26. eelgrass

    Pasta Fagioli

    I did the cooking the other day so got on YouTube and this sounded okay so I went to the store. First, it's pronounced Fashioli, not how it's spelled. It's Italian.:) Fry up some sweet Italian sausage and set aside. Statue some shredded onions and carrots and garlic. Add a couple cups of...
  27. eelgrass

    Do you think this is true?

  28. eelgrass

    Where were you Jan 6th?

    Jan 6, 2020. The largest attack on America since Pearl Harbor. Worse than 911. I've thought about it and tried to remember where I was. I have no recollection.
  29. eelgrass


    I see in the local obituaries that my skunk trapping buddy passed away. RIP, John. I dug through my old photos and found this. I was only about 12 and John was a few years older. He was my mentor and hero. You might say I looked up to him. Literally. You have to remember this was in the early...
  30. eelgrass

    Let's drive to the beach.

    And watch the rogue waves come in. Time to clean the parking lot. 30 second video
  31. eelgrass

    So, what's the deal with our open border?

    At what point does the USA suffer irreparable damage? Where are the jobs or even the housing? What are they living on? How many of them speak English? Hard working citizens can't afford the rent let alone buy a house. The Democrats blame Republicans for not passing comprehensive immigration...
  32. eelgrass

    Has anybody seen Roy?

    During the operation, authorities confiscated 30 tons of endangered plants and thousands of live animals, such as turtles.
  33. eelgrass

    Where is everybody going?

    A 27 second video.
  34. eelgrass

    Climate change 1977 Barney Miller

    A 1:22 video. Haha. I remember this. You could never disrespect the "science" like this now but it's just as funny now.
  35. eelgrass

    Remembering the USS Arizona

    December 7, 1941 a 20 second video
  36. eelgrass

    What happened to Beanman?

    Anybody heard from him lately?
  37. eelgrass

    Brace yourself for 2024

    A 10 minute video sums up my belief.
  38. eelgrass

    Left over Antelope Island bucks

    I ran across this on YouTube.
  39. eelgrass

    Ultimate Dominoes

    Sometimes when you have two or three trees limb locked together it's best to fall them together to prevent a dangerous situation. This guy took it to the next level. A 2 minute video.
  40. eelgrass

    Big Boy Fishing

    A recently discovered fishery here on the north coast of California. Bluefin Tuna. Several local charter boats have got the hang of it now. A local research vessel first noticed them and put the word out. The charter boat I went out with yesterday for crab caught this one a couple weeks ago...
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