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  1. M

    High Lonesome Lost... Public hunters Won

    Should be after all the federal employees put there lives on the line trying to save the ranch.
  2. M

    444 4th Season Info

    Ya no problem.
  3. M

    444 4th Season Info

    Yes, 4th season. Wasn't really huntable with the amount of snow higher and private land down low. I can only imagine with 4th season being later now, that it will just get worse. Intersted in what it's like up high during muzzleloader season.
  4. M

    444 4th Season Info

    Anyone hunt the earlier seasons or even muzzleloader? What are your thoughts on 444? 3rd and 4th season are kind of a joke.
  5. M

    Unit 444 4th Season

    Hows the 2020 season going?
  6. M

    Unit 444 4th Season

    LAST EDITED ON Nov-20-19 AT 06:27PM (MST)[p]Yes, not a unit I'm eating points on again. Would be interested to hear of others 4th season public land experiences.
  7. M

    Unit 444 4th Season

    Has turned out to be a bust. Other hunters are seeing the same thing, as in nothing. Public land is not very accessible. Hikers and bikers everywhere. Should have listened to the other things around the internet I have read about the urban intrusion and lack of deer. Good unit if you hire an...
  8. M

    Does anyone scout any more?

    LAST EDITED ON Sep-12-19 AT 08:54PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Sep-12-19 AT 08:53?PM (MST) LAST EDITED ON Sep-12-19 AT 08:52?PM (MST) LAST EDITED ON Sep-12-19 AT 08:50?PM (MST) This is just silly. Hunters like to hunt. There's only so much opportunity in state. So you apply to the best place you...
  9. M

    Montana mule deer unit

    Ive seen a few of the biggest bucks I've ever seen in that unit just driving past on the highway. It was loaded with deer before the big kill off in 2010, but I would not shoot a 150 with that tag even still, not on the first day.
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