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  1. Hatchet Jack

    Iowa Eliminates NR Party Hunting

    Just so you guys realize. Party hunting will still be allowed in Iowa. Only thing is, non residents can not participate anymore. So how does that solve any problems or issues?
  2. Hatchet Jack

    Iowa Eliminates NR Party Hunting

    The problems you describe are not exclusive to Iowa party hunting. They happen in whitetails states across the country. I can honestly say we have none of the problems you describe above. The Iowa family that invites me to hunt their property are great people and a pleasure to hunt with. Why...
  3. Hatchet Jack

    Iowa Eliminates NR Party Hunting

    Why should I have any problems? It was 100% legal and I paid about $600 for a tag. I did not cause anyone not to draw a tag. So where does the problem lie?
  4. Hatchet Jack

    Bo Derek

  5. Hatchet Jack

    Iowa Eliminates NR Party Hunting

    I wouldn’t know. We never had any problems. Just out of curiosity, what kind of problems did it cause?
  6. Hatchet Jack

    Bo Derek

    Nope. Getting your socks crunchy musta been for dumb dudes who couldn’t figure out how to clean up after themselves. Sock???? WTF????
  7. Hatchet Jack

    Bo Derek

    Bingo! Never in a million years wooda thought of using a sock. These boyz musta had a foot fetish. Not only that. Who would want their mom to see the evidence?
  8. Hatchet Jack

    Iowa Eliminates NR Party Hunting

    I hear ya. I am sure it was probably a way of squeezing as much money out of nonresidents as possible. Oh well! It was fun while it lasted.
  9. Hatchet Jack

    Bo Derek

    Mom died in ‘76 when I was 13. Asked a couple people from my neck of the woods if they knew what “crunchy socks” meant. Said they never heard of it . So I am guessing it must be a regional or generational thing. At age 62 it is first time I’ve ever heard the expression.
  10. Hatchet Jack

    Bo Derek

    Maybe it just went over my head or something, but............. What is the meaning of ''crunchy socks''?
  11. Hatchet Jack

    Iowa Eliminates NR Party Hunting

    Understood, and already knew that. However, for all these years it has never been a problem or issue for us. Not sure what happened..... maybe some outfitters or landowners abused the system. As much as I enjoy hunting with my buddy and his family. It is hard to think of spending $630 for just a...
  12. Hatchet Jack

    Iowa Eliminates NR Party Hunting

    Got a text from my buddy in Iowa the other day. He said new Iowa rule change for 2024. No more nonresident party hunting. It was always nice to get an invite to go hunt with him and his family on their properties. The only thing I needed was to buy a left over doe tag for one of the gun seasons...
  13. Hatchet Jack

    Bo Derek

    I had Cheryl Teigs posted up on my gym locker in high school.
  14. Hatchet Jack

    Elk Point Creep

    If you were looking for an outfitter in Unit 61, I would highly recommend Garvey Brothers. They are top notch.
  15. Hatchet Jack

    Elk Point Creep

    Not sure how people can blame things on the internet. I started collecting points back around 1990 when everything was mail in and hand written checks. With that said there were still tons of guys inline in front of me with lots more points than me. Last year, with 29 pref points I still didn’t...
  16. Hatchet Jack

    Elk Point Creep

    I had accumulated 29 preference points hoping to one day hunt one of the "big bull" northwest units. With the point creep I was always 2 points behind. I was spending $115 a year just to get a preference point. Speaking to Colorado outfitters and state wildlife agents, I came to the conclusion...
  17. Hatchet Jack

    Iowa Email.

    You are correct. A lot of my work is in south central Pennsylvania Amish country. I have spoken to guys who live and hunt in that area who have firsthand experience. They say trespassing during deer drives can be a big problem. Often times posted property signs are disregarded.
  18. Hatchet Jack

    Iowa Email.

    Thanks for the reply. Seems like that EHD and CWD are everywhere these days. I think the biggest threat to the deer where we hunt in SE Iowa are the Amish. LOL Last December we were ''Party Hunting" the 2nd gun season with my buddy at his farm. We could hear the Amish blasting away all day with...
  19. Hatchet Jack

    Iowa Email.

    I will be hunting Des Moine County. So, you are saying I should be OK? I guess I am late to the party. What has caused the lack of deer in the northeast counties?
  20. Hatchet Jack

    Iowa Email.

    I drew unit 6 Archery with 5 points. I can remember when it only took 2-3 points to draw my Iowa archery tag. Looking forward to November
  21. Hatchet Jack

    Lets See your Best Elk to date

    Another 2023 Colorado Unit 61 Bull. Sidelock muzzleloader kill. My biggest bull ever. Not sure what he scores. Probably 320’s - 330’s I would guess.
  22. IMG_0849.jpeg


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