Anyone hunting the Sargent this year?

Well my wife got it done this year in the Sargent second rifle. 10 licenses but only 6 hunters- highly suspect the other 4 went to the PETA pool. This was her first and probably only hunt she says. But the boys and I were so proud of her and her first kill. Only talked to her about broadside shot placement. But after a 5 minute stare down with her gun up she took the shot just in front of near shoulder and exiting just behind far shoulder(angled towards). 60 yard shot, ran 50 yards. Thankful for the opportunity.



That's pretty cool. Congrats to her. My wife said it was like labor, when I asked her a week later if she would do it again she said no way and then the pain of pack out disappered and she was ready to do it again by the next draw season.

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