Out of State Hunters

This is a common sentiment in most states across the west. As tag numbers dwindle and the resource becomes more scarce, there is growing resentment toward non resident hunters. Wyoming, Colorado, and Idaho have all recently made changes that reduce NR opportunity. I'm sure Utah is next and I can only hope Nevada follows suit. I'd sure like to hunt here at home more often myself.
I had the pleasure of meeting a couple from Cali with their adult son hunting general season this year. They were super friendly and excited for my kiddos getting their deer. They also got a couple bucks. We bumped into them 3 or 4 times and they're good people I was happy to share the mountain with.
I had the pleasure of meeting a couple from Cali with their adult son hunting general season this year. They were super friendly and excited for my kiddos getting their deer. They also got a couple bucks. We bumped into them 3 or 4 times and they're good people I was happy to share the mountain with.
I wish Utah would quit selling tags to people from California…

Seems like every time I find a hunter from there, within the first sentence they speak they feel the need to say where they are from. No kidding, I’ve ran in to quite a few of them who say something almost exactly like this “hello, we’re from California…”. They say it like it’s something to be proud of 😳
"I can only hope Nevada follows suit. I'd sure like to hunt here at home more often myself." I'm with you Sparks. Problem is, they can sell one NR tag for an elk for 1200.00 and a resident for 120. Thats 9 more tags for the cost of one animal. As game animals dwindle, NDOWs thought process must be to increase NR tags to make up for lost funding. That's my thought sometimes.
I wish Utah would quit selling tags to people from California…

Seems like every time I find a hunter from there, within the first sentence they speak they feel the need to say where they are from. No kidding, I’ve ran in to quite a few of them who say something almost exactly like this “hello, we’re from California…”. They say it like it’s something to be proud of 😳
Why wouldn't it be something to be proud of? Last time I was at Disneyland, there were BYU and UofU shirts and hats everywhere so, apparently people are proud to be from Utah as well.---SS
"I can only hope Nevada follows suit. I'd sure like to hunt here at home more often myself." I'm with you Sparks. Problem is, they can sell one NR tag for an elk for 1200.00 and a resident for 120. Thats 9 more tags for the cost of one animal. As game animals dwindle, NDOWs thought process must be to increase NR tags to make up for lost funding. That's my thought sometimes.
True, but I'd gladly pay $1,400 to hunt elk every year here at home and I have 100,000 friends that feel the same way. That kinda shoots their logic in the foot. ----SS
It sure doesn't seem right when out of state deer hunters are almost guaranteed a tag every year when us locals are lucky to get to hunt every three or four years in our home unit.
You’re on crack cocaine if you think this is true. UT doesn’t give out many tags at all except to SFW for profit. Lots of the good deer hunts have 1 tag.
True, but I'd gladly pay $1,400 to hunt elk every year here at home and I have 100,000 friends that feel the same way. That kinda shoots their logic in the foot. ----SS
I don't propose it's their logic, just my thoughts. It does make sense though. 100 NR elk tags gets you $120K. 100 Rez tags gets you $12,000. Not sure what a NR license is. They have to be looking at numbers like this. They could ramp the tag fees for us, but I'd hazard a guess poaching would skyrocket. People are pissed off enough about not getting a simple deer tag for years. A slippery slope for sure.
"I can only hope Nevada follows suit. I'd sure like to hunt here at home more often myself." I'm with you Sparks. Problem is, they can sell one NR tag for an elk for 1200.00 and a resident for 120. Thats 9 more tags for the cost of one animal. As game animals dwindle, NDOWs thought process must be to increase NR tags to make up for lost funding. That's my thought sometimes.
NV is very stingy with NR tags. I’m guessing around 5 percent or lower. Do you really think that adding a few tags back to residents will help you draw sooner. The numbers would be negligible. I have 20 elk points and have less than a 1 percent chance of drawing the tag I want.
Many of the units I’ve looked at for non residents odds are pretty close to 1 in 1. Especially for archery and muzzleloader
Californians only know about Pine Valley and Zion. We haven’t ventured farther north yet 👍🏻 your inability to draw every year can be blamed on your neighbors
NV is very stingy with NR tags. I’m guessing around 5 percent or lower. Do you really think that adding a few tags back to residents will help you draw sooner. The numbers would be negligible. I have 20 elk points and have less than a 1 percent chance of drawing the tag I want.
NR tag allotments vary per unit but if you add NR tags and NR guide tags, its almost always at least 10% for deer. Other species vary as well between 5%-10%----SS
How many states are you a non resident?

This screw the Nonresident movement is like hitting yourself in the nuts then complaining that it hurts.

If a guy doesn't take advantage of applying for multiple states then he doesn't know how to maximize his hunting opportunities.
Start using the system and quit bitc4ing about it.
I play the game just fine. I’ve already hunted 3 states this year and have more tags to go.

Given the chance, I’d rather hunt at home more often. Lotsa folks in Wyoming, Idaho, and Colorado feel the same way considering the recent changes that are happening.

Of course people from states that export the most hunters like CA and UT want all the NR tags they can get. ——-SS
I wish Utah would quit selling tags to people from California…

Seems like every time I find a hunter from there, within the first sentence they speak they feel the need to say where they are from. No kidding, I’ve ran in to quite a few of them who say something almost exactly like this “hello, we’re from California…”. They say it like it’s something to be proud of 😳
What’s the problem there? Insecurity on your part sounds like. I’m from CA and just left Utah with a bad impression..people where I was were rude and would look away from me. The funny thing? I’m looking for a mature deer and they are competing with everyone for a baby forked horn. They can have that bs. It’s no wonder there aren’t any decent deer in some of these Utah units. I would gladly help someone drag
Out their buck or whatever but I don’t feel like that sentiment would be reciprocated. You all need to step back and realize that Ogden and San Jose are about the same thing.
I play the game just fine. I’ve already hunted 3 states this year and have more tags to go.

Given the chance, I’d rather hunt at home more often. Lotsa folks in Wyoming, Idaho, and Colorado feel the same way considering the recent changes that are happening.

Of course people from states that export the most hunters like CA and UT want all the NR tags they can get. ——-SS
Classifying hunters by state leaves a lot of bs on the table..If you’re a good person and an ethical hunter there should be no issues..we’re all Americans. It’s the people who are rude and competitive and shady that put ALL hunters in this state if blame..I was appalled at the hunt situation I saw in Utah this year. Sad is the only word that describes it. I left, as I’d had a fun and successful hunt in Nevada. Wasn’t worth my time or effort. Utah has a serious problem with their game and hunt management and that’s a fact.
It sure doesn't seem right when out of state deer hunters are almost guaranteed a tag every year when us locals are lucky to get to hunt every three or four years in our home unit.
Don’t know about your local situation but I wouldn’t pay to have the tag I did this year as non res..the people there were rude and farrr too many of them.. and the bucks I saw them competing over were babies. The resource is not unlimited and they were falling over themselves to shoot a spike or baby forked horn. No clue for conservation. Awful ethics. Sorry, but most non-residents at least appreciate the resource. The locals where I was do not. It’s an entitlement and sounds
Like Utah residents in general feel entitled to hunt their ground. And don’t appreciate it.
I was appalled at the hunt situation I saw in Utah this year. Sad is the only word that describes it. I left, as I’d had a fun and successful hunt in Nevada. Wasn’t worth my time or effort. Utah has a serious problem with their game and hunt management and that’s a fact.

It’s not just hunting, it’s everything. Utah is terrible. Stay away!

The locals where I was do not. It’s an entitlement and sounds
Like Utah residents in general feel entitled to hunt their ground. And don’t appreciate it.

Haha! The irony.
Ahh the irony. Explain? Ironic that I found YOUR state to be the most rude and rotten hunt experience? What do you mean? You prob got nothing.
Ironic that someone who clearly has entitlement issues by your posts here is complaining about others that feel entitled and don’t appreciate it.

Utah is terrible. Don’t let the door hit ya in the arse on your way out!
It’s definitely not worth it. Box Elder is our best unit. If you hated it, you’ll be absolutely miserable anywhere else!
Ironic that someone who clearly has entitlement issues by your posts here is complaining about others that feel entitled and don’t appreciate it.

Utah is terrible. Don’t let the door hit ya in the arse on your way out!
I clearly am entitled? How
Do you surmise that? I just went to Nevada and killed a nice 4x4 solo with no help. I went to Utah hoping to see some decent hunting conditions and found a literal circle jerk of people following each other all over the mountain and literally racing each other to shoot forked horns. And rude as all get out. How am I entitled?? You don’t know me. I kill my animals DIY..and I’m proud of that. I’ve never seen you post an animal you shot.
It’s definitely not worth it. Box Elder is our best unit. If you hated it, you’ll be absolutely miserable anywhere else!
Everyone knows BE isn’t the best unit..I tried it for other reasons. Your negative attitude is why these forums go south. You could help people but spout negativity. I truly try to help anyone I see in the woods or wherever.
I clearly am entitled? How
Do you surmise that? I just went to Nevada and killed a nice 4x4 solo with no help. I went to Utah hoping to see some decent hunting conditions and found a literal circle jerk of people following each other all over the mountain and literally racing each other to shoot forked horns. And rude as all get out. How am I entitled?? You don’t know me. I kill my animals DIY..and I’m proud of that. I’ve never seen you post an animal you shot.
You do realize you were one of those guys? You drove around looking at forkies and bailed early. I suppose you were entitled to a better hunt and outcome??
You do realize you were one of those guys? You drove around looking at forkies and bailed early. I suppose you were entitled to a better hunt and outcome??
I saw a hunt I wasn’t interested in as an experiment. Trust me I won’t be back to that shitshow..you can have it. I actually SAID I’m one of those guys but I’m calling it out as SAD that you folks allow your Fish and Game to sell you that bullshit every year. That unit should hold good bucks but you allow them to dump everyone there to kill every buck as a baby and NO management whatsoever. The only thing saving that area is all the private property..open your freaking eyes
Funny how you locals will defend to the end but you don’t even realize you’re being effed over by your own state game officials.
Like I said, don’t let the door hit you in the are on the way out.
You, nor anyone else will have anything to do with where and when I hunt, and that is a fact. And my opinion, however it offends you will still continue to be posted as I see fit.
Funny how you locals will defend to the end but you don’t even realize you’re being effed over by your own state game officials.
Next time get off the roads and stay a while. Outcome might change drastically. I’m sure the state game officials thank you for your donation. And don’t forget to fill out your harvest survey on the way out 👍
Like I said, don’t let the door hit you in the are on the way out.
Wow so this is how Hunters unite behind a common goal of greater hunting opportunity/conservation. I always thought you were one of the more respected members of this forum.. kinda wondering why at this point. I’m calling out obvious issues that YOU all know about and you defend it because I’m a non-resident. That’s brilliant.
Next time get off the roads and stay a while. Outcome might change drastically. I’m sure the state game officials thank you for your donation. And don’t forget to fill out your harvest survey on the way out 👍
Hahahaha get off the roads! With all the other “my kids tag”
People. For a forked horn or spike! No thanks. You can have your little Utopia..I would hike for a decent buck but the majority opinion was that a 15” 4x4 was a great buck for the unit. Let’s get real. Your management people are screwing you and you are letting it happen
Hahahaha get off the roads! With all the other “my kids tag”
People. For a forked horn or spike! No thanks. Keep your little Utopia..I would hike for a decent buck but the majority opinion was that a 15” 4x4 was a great buck for the unit. Let’s get real. Your management people are screwing you and you are letting it happen
I could of told you about some areas that hold a big buck or two on the BE. You probably would have had the whole canyon to yourself. If only you would have asked.
Next time get off the roads and stay a while. Outcome might change drastically. I’m sure the state game officials thank you for your donation. And don’t forget to fill out your harvest survey on the way out 👍
I would think you as a hunter would be trying to help this unit (and others) recover to the standards people held there 10-15 years ago..and others from Utah. I spoke with a lot of different people from the area and they all echoed the same sentiment..”it used to be good”. Instead you’re attacking me and telling me that as a non resident I clearly am entitled and clueless..the fact is I’m calling out the mismanagement bs..I work for my game. I saw immediately some of the issues of the unit. Not sure if you’re handling Vanillas light work or what but the issues I raised aren’t new..you guys spout vs forum members but don’t speak up to your wildlife board? I’m not the enemy, I’m one of the friendlies, whether you like it or not.
I could of told you about some areas that hold a big buck or two on the BE. You probably would have had the whole canyon to yourself. If only you would have asked.
Yeah I’ve tried that years ago and got the “put your boots on the ground” statement. So instead I put my boots on the ground. And didn’t find much except what I saw. It’s not that there isn’t deer there..it’s the competition and animosity over areas thing that got me…not my type of hunt..I didn’t realize it was that type of deal. And I don’t typically ask for too much info, not specifics anyway..I like to find my own animals. I usually try to ask general info about areas.
I could of told you about some areas that hold a big buck or two on the BE. You probably would have had the whole canyon to yourself. If only you would have asked.
It’s not about that..it’s about the overall issue of the unit. I wanted to bring my son to have a hunt with him we could do relatively often. But I wouldn’t bring him to BE by any means.
It’s not about that..it’s about the overall issue of the unit. I wanted to bring my son to have a hunt with him we could do relatively often. But I wouldn’t bring him to BE by any means.
NW BE has had bad reputation for a lot of road hunters for many years now. There's a reason why it or some other units are easier to draw.
I wish Utah would quit selling tags to people from California…

Seems like every time I find a hunter from there, within the first sentence they speak they feel the need to say where they are from. No kidding, I’ve ran in to quite a few of them who say something almost exactly like this “hello, we’re from California…”. They say it like it’s something to be proud of 😳

On the flip side, I wish people in Utah would stop asking me where I am from. Lived her 26 years, and people still keep asking me “where are you really from, because you have an accent”? You would think that I have antennas growing off my head or something.

I’m not from California, but I would not be ashamed of it if I were from California.
What’s the problem there? Insecurity on your part sounds like. I’m from CA and just left Utah with a bad impression..people where I was were rude and would look away from me. The funny thing? I’m looking for a mature deer and they are competing with everyone for a baby forked horn. They can have that bs. It’s no wonder there aren’t any decent deer in some of these Utah units. I would gladly help someone drag
Out their buck or whatever but I don’t feel like that sentiment would be reciprocated. You all need to step back and realize that Ogden and San Jose are about the same thing.
Whiny little complaint bags is about all I’ve encountered from California. Entitlement is another one. “I drive xxxx hours, I feel like you should find another place to hunt since your a local” (I was there first and he was mad about it).

You seem to fit the mold perfectly.

And I won’t even begin to get into the political side of why California and its people are a plague.
This is a perfect example of “If everyone you meet is an A hole, then maybe you, in fact, are the A hole.”

Wow so this is how Hunters unite behind a common goal of greater hunting opportunity/conservation. I always thought you were one of the more respected members of this forum.. kinda wondering why at this point. I’m calling out obvious issues that YOU all know about and you defend it because I’m a non-resident. That’s brilliant.

And your posts really ring of someone looking to be united, for sure! Again, the irony.

Utah sucks. If you thought BE was bad, you ought to see everywhere else! Stay away. It’s terrible out there!!!
The real irony is the dude who basically does a drive by, bails out early, then proceeds to blame his lack of big buck sightings on residents and management. Successful recon mission Cal, you have a pretty good assessment on the situation it seems. I wouldn’t come back either.
Classifying hunters by state leaves a lot of bs on the table..If you’re a good person and an ethical hunter there should be no issues..we’re all Americans. It’s the people who are rude and competitive and shady that put ALL hunters in this state if blame..I was appalled at the hunt situation I saw in Utah this year. Sad is the only word that describes it. I left, as I’d had a fun and successful hunt in Nevada. Wasn’t worth my time or effort. Utah has a serious problem with their game and hunt management and that’s a fact.
Screenshot 2024-10-21 083216.png
Now we have to start this in UT too?

It took me 25 years to draw an elk tag in UT. my wife has 27 deer points and still can't draw. so if a NR is getting a tag every few years it's a crap tag and I don't want it anyway.

Even with 25 points I didn't see anything over 310 , but it was a fun hunt and all the people I met were nice and showed zero NR bias towards me. so no complaints from me.
Wow so this is how Hunters unite behind a common goal of greater hunting opportunity/conservation. I always thought you were one of the more respected members of this forum.. kinda wondering why at this point. I’m calling out obvious issues that YOU all know about and you defend it because I’m a non-resident. That’s brilliant.

There will never be more opportunity than there is today.

Opportunity will continue to erode, as humanity expands.

There's nothing anyone can do to change that, short of exponentially reducing human numbers.

If you want opportunity.....make money, and buy land/access.
Utah doesn't rely upon NR fees the way some other states do.

I'm not advocating for a reduction in NR permit numbers. They can remain right where they are currently, from my perspective. However, watching what all western states are doing to NRs, to assume Utah isn't going to follow suit seems a bit naive.
Oh, I think some people have an issue, as evidenced by the OP's starting this thread. I just don't have an issue with those numbers.

Utah doesn't give a ton of NR tags, but I think it's a pretty good deal to come to Utah to hunt for NRs, even if some feel entitled to more and don't appreciate what they get when they come here.

The best solution for whiny people like that is simply to not come back. Pretty easy!
Whiny little complaint bags is about all I’ve encountered from California. Entitlement is another one. “I drive xxxx hours, I feel like you should find another place to hunt since your a local” (I was there first and he was mad about it).

You seem to fit the mold perfectly.

And I won’t even begin to get into the political side of why California and its people are a plague.
Haha I didn’t complain about driving or tell someone else to find a different place to hunt. All I was trying to point out is that I saw a sad situation where throngs of people are just slaughtering yearling bucks and could care less about the resource. You know nothing about me other than your pre-conceived notion.
10% is the standard allocation for nonresident tags, I think that is a fair number especially considering the increase in tag costs for non residents. It doesn't matter if a nonresident draws easier than a resident in a few cases. We are nonresidents in 49 other states. You can draw some hunts in other states easier than their residents so I don't see this as an issue.
I think it’s more about supply and demand than blaming someone. When the supply goes down residential want more of the tags.
100% agree. IMO, this is exactly how it should work. In every state. When game populations decline, NR tags should be the first on the chopping block. Once these have gone to 0, if continued declines persist then res tags start to drop.

If a State started issuing big game tags today, with resident demand where it currently is and game populations where they currently are but without all the legacy issues of G&F agencies, businesses, communities and individuals benefiting financially from NR hunters, it would be hard to argue that any western state should issue even 1 NR tag for a buck, bull, ram or billy.
Haha I didn’t complain about driving or tell someone else to find a different place to hunt. All I was trying to point out is that I saw a sad situation where throngs of people are just slaughtering yearling bucks and could care less about the resource. You know nothing about me other than your pre-conceived notion.
I didn’t say you said that.

I know all i need to know. You’re from California and fit the mold perfectly
One example, odds for youth draw-only general elk are twice as good for non-residents.

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To be 100% honest, anyone (NR) is their right mind, would not apply for this hunt. Its such an over rated hunt that is very hard with very low success rates. I think many people think this is such an awesome hunt, and it is, but very hard. And I think the odds show that by only 375 people applying for 75 tags.
I see Wyo residents that have an extreme dislike for folks from Utah, but I can't recall anyone blaming them for the decline of the deer herds.
I just spent 15 days bow hunting elk in wyoming. Many of the people that ran into would scoff at the plates on my truck or SxS. Oh, you're form Utah. That's why our herds suck. You all come here and kill all our deer. I laughed, since I know how many tags go to NR vs unlimited R tags. But blame Utah and the NR. The family I am friends with there say the same thing. They laugh about it but admit everyone thinks that. So......
I think I have a way to fix this problem for all NR of any state. I am going to start a little side hobby selling out of state license plates. They will be your resident state plate number but in colors matching the state you are hunting in. No one will ever read the state name. Everyone should have plates for multiple states. I just might make a small fortune. 😎🤣😎🤣
Blaming individuals from any one State for the decline of deer herds is complete foolishness. I cannot recall every hearing a wyo resident blame a UT resident for the decline of deer herds. You must of hang around some interesting folks.

Getting pissy about seeing UT hunters or fishermen in areas I like to hunt, well yep that happens for sure. I am guilty of that. I dislike seeing any other hunters at the trailhead but have a particular dislike for UT plates. But that is more about the enjoyment of the hunt rather than harming herd numbers.
I think I have a way to fix this problem for all NR of any state. I am going to start a little side hobby selling out of state license plates. They will be your resident state plate number but in colors matching the state you are hunting in. No one will ever read the state name. Everyone should have plates for multiple states. I just might make a small fortune. 😎🤣😎🤣

I always wanted a magnetic Colorado and Wyoming plate for the front of my vehicle, so people actually waived back instead of passing me and sneering like an a$$hole.....then gawking in their side mirror trying to see where I am from........Yaaaa.......I saw you looking while you were sipping your juice box. lol
My solution is to exclude residents of states that offer terrible non-resident options from the draws in states with decent non-resident options. Think how much draw odds would improve if you eliminated applicants from Texas, California, New York, Oregon, Washington, and basically every state east of the Mississippi River. How many people are traveling to Pennsylvania, New York, Texas, California, etc. to hunt except for high fence or high dollar hunts. As a compromise I think most would agree that eliminating Texas and California residents would be reasonable and fair based on how little those states offer in opportunity and quality.
Pay the higher price and apply for a non resident tag.

Anyone know how that is written into the regs.

Might not be illegal.
ChatGPT says that's illegal. If they were to allow that, it would definately even out the draw odds (where non-resident odds are better)
Your bitter attitude shows a lot about you.
What’s the problem there? Insecurity on your part sounds like. I’m from CA and just left Utah with a bad impression..people where I was were rude and would look away from me. The funny thing? I’m looking for a mature deer and they are competing with everyone for a baby forked horn. They can have that bs. It’s no wonder there aren’t any decent deer in some of these Utah units. I would gladly help someone drag
Out their buck or whatever but I don’t feel like that sentiment would be reciprocated. You all need to step back and realize that Ogden and San Jose are about the same thing.
Or this...
Don’t know about your local situation but I wouldn’t pay to have the tag I did this year as non res..the people there were rude and farrr too many of them.. and the bucks I saw them competing over were babies. The resource is not unlimited and they were falling over themselves to shoot a spike or baby forked horn. No clue for conservation. Awful ethics. Sorry, but most non-residents at least appreciate the resource. The locals where I was do not. It’s an entitlement and sounds
Like Utah residents in general feel entitled to hunt their ground. And don’t appreciate it.
Ahh the irony. Explain? Ironic that I found YOUR state to be the most rude and rotten hunt experience? What do you mean? You prob got nothing.

Or this one???

I would think you as a hunter would be trying to help this unit (and others) recover to the standards people held there 10-15 years ago..and others from Utah. I spoke with a lot of different people from the area and they all echoed the same sentiment..”it used to be good”. Instead you’re attacking me and telling me that as a non resident I clearly am entitled and clueless..the fact is I’m calling out the mismanagement bs..I work for my game. I saw immediately some of the issues of the unit. Not sure if you’re handling Vanillas light work or what but the issues I raised aren’t new..you guys spout vs forum members but don’t speak up to your wildlife board? I’m not the enemy, I’m one of the friendlies, whether you like it or not.

Your bitter attitude is revealing a lot about you. Enjoy your Nevada buck, and hopefully you stick to west of the Utah/NV border from now on so you don't have to be so upset about a hunting trip that you label all the hunters in the state you went and criticize them when you know nothing about them but your preconceived notions.
Yep all I did was express my opinion of a sad situation in your state..well within my rights to do so. And you’re free to do the same about mine. I’m not disputing that. I thought this forum was a place to discuss issues such as what I mentioned, but particularly the Utah forum is a bash-fest on the rest of the country. I’m sure there are many great minds in your state but this forum doesn’t seem to represent that. At least the squeaky wheels in the group..I’ll do whatever I feel I should do, and I have helped a lot of people via these forums, and have received help on here as well. I will continue to do so..have a good one!
For what it is worth, Utah and Wyoming Residents have been pretty awesome when I have asked for advice and help.

With a 10% allocation to NR, even if you took all of those tags it wouldn't improve draw odds. You would be better off trying to get people to stop moving to your state, or better yet move away. I mean using the youth elk license example above, it goes from 10% to under 12%. It is only going to get worse.
My solution is to exclude residents of states that offer terrible non-resident options from the draws in states with decent non-resident options. ........ How many people are traveling to Pennsylvania, ....etc. to hunt except for high fence or high dollar hunts.

I live in PA. We offer some excellent hunting, and make it very easy and affordable for a non-resident.

$102 for a NR license, that gets you a deer and two turkeys. You can get antlerless tags for $27, and a second spring gobbler tag for $42. Bear is $37, and PA has some of the largest bears in the country. Elk is by draw, but only $250, and again, PA has some huge bulls.

I'd say that's not a bad deal for any non-resident.

Oh, and we have some pretty decent deer here too. 😉

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I live in PA. We offer some excellent hunting, and make it very easy and affordable for a non-resident.

$102 for a NR license, that gets you a deer and two turkeys. You can get antlerless tags for $27, and a second spring gobbler tag for $42. Bear is $37, and PA has some of the largest bears in the country. Elk is by draw, but only $250, and again, PA has some huge bulls.

I'd say that's not a bad deal for any non-resident.

Oh, and we have some pretty decent deer here too. 😉

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Any public land?
How is the private property owners on allowing hunting?
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