World record down for kid


Long Time Member
I bet your reading the title then see the picture and call me a liar. Let me explain.

Started out with a blizzard on Friday. We hiked in and found a 2x2 and 60 plus does in the area. Well things went south. My kid was miserable in the weather. Well I knew the deer would move all day but as a dad I needed to make the right call and call the hunt off. We hiked out and spent time with some family visiting.

Day 2. Hiked in and found our 2x2 buck. Had hell of a time setting up on him. Our goal is 200 yards or less. We were busted but snuck up again. Nothing would go right. To many does in the way. Shooting sticks fell over. Snow on the scope, The frustration was high.

Well I looked up and at 600 yards was a solid 150ish buck. Told the kid we have to move quick. It was straight up and I was pushing him to hard to close the distance. The buck and 13 does cross the ridge.

Well I had a plan. Make camp and wait. Fast forward to 3pm plus 27 uno matches later we made a move. I knew the buck was bedded in some trees but we were to exposed in the open. So we backed out and set up in a new location. 4:30pm 13 does arrived but no buck. We waited and waited. Came to the point let's hike out and maybe see something on the way out

While hiking out we flushed a blue grouse. Which caused buck to flush out. The buck was about to vanish in the trees but decided to see what was going on. Sage brush was tall. Off hand shot he was to shaky. Put the gun on my shoulder, ok just plain stupid. So I took our gear and stacked it then shooting sticks on top. Ahhh ha. Perfect. The kid could see. One shot and dropped the buck with 20 minutes of legal light to spare

I never seen my son so excited. He felt the pain of the hike, pain of failure, pain of cold. All those failures led to a little decent buck that he is happy with. And it's time I buy my kid a pack instead of his school backpack

Well I packed the meat out and my kid packed all the gear out. To me it felt like a world record hunt seeing the kids excitement

Congrats to you both! Great pics, thank for sharing.
I remember my hands and feet freezing while riding horses on a late October Wyoming elk hunt. :);)
That is awesome. I have played a lot of UNO with my kids while hunting. Infact it is about the only time in my life I play.
Nothing better than father-son hunts. Big congrats to both of you. I hope you created a life-long hunting partner.

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Urge 2 Hunt

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J & J Outfitters

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