Another YouTube keeper - legal? Ethics?

Bux n Dux

Active Member
Anyone see any issues around the 1 minute mark in to this video? I have my own opinion on it, based on the basic info I gathered from the video, just curious to see how others view it

Legal? Illegal? Right? Wrong? Ethical? Unethical?
Shooting an elk that wasn’t theirs to begin with, possessed a tag for or intended to claim? Crossed several lines in one move
turn the volume up and you can hear him say the cow was hit, then a random story about a coyote to cover up buddys shooting at elk herd and wonding a cow,
The plot thickens…

They’ve now edited that part out of the video 🫣

Unfortunately for them, I have that part still saved

So given that turn of events…. What’s peoples thoughts on it now?
I missed that part also.
I discredited him as being a real hunter when I heard the word ‘horn’ come out of this mouth.
Also, he had barely left Maverik and mentions he forgot fuel.
These people are our future world leaders…
watched the redacted version along with the clip you reposted with the removed section where the kid finished off a cow for someone else or whatever the story was. Definately not kosher..

HOWEVER, I will say this. youtube and social media didnt exist when most of us were kids. How many of you would have had friends posting questionable things YOU did at age 17? If you never did anything dumb in your late teens, continue to throw stones from your glass house.

They didnt rob a bank, they arent selling meth. Theyre dumb kids that did something dumb.. like most of us probably did when we were young and dumb but nobody was there to film it all and post it.
watched the redacted version along with the clip you reposted with the removed section where the kid finished off a cow for someone else or whatever the story was. Definately not kosher..

HOWEVER, I will say this. youtube and social media didnt exist when most of us were kids. How many of you would have had friends posting questionable things YOU did at age 17? If you never did anything dumb in your late teens, continue to throw stones from your glass house.

They didnt rob a bank, they arent selling meth. Theyre dumb kids that did something dumb.. like most of us probably did when we were young and dumb but nobody was there to film it all and post it.
I didn’t do “dumb” stuff with a weapon in my hand. This is a different generation.
watched the redacted version along with the clip you reposted with the removed section where the kid finished off a cow for someone else or whatever the story was. Definately not kosher..

HOWEVER, I will say this. youtube and social media didnt exist when most of us were kids. How many of you would have had friends posting questionable things YOU did at age 17? If you never did anything dumb in your late teens, continue to throw stones from your glass house.

They didnt rob a bank, they arent selling meth. Theyre dumb kids that did something dumb.. like most of us probably did when we were young and dumb but nobody was there to film it all and post it.
They did discharge a firearm at protected wildlife that they did not have a tag for, after complete strangers had shot it first…. Given it’s an elk in utah, valued at $500+, that makes it a felony type violation. But continue to normalize this behavior.

They obviously know there’s an issue with since they gave the original version a pretty hefty edit job.

If We All Wanna Be Honest!

We All Did Some STUPID Sshitt When We Were Younger!

But The Time I Was Out Hunting On My Own & Before That I Was Taught The RIGHTS & WRONGS!

You Shoot & Animal,Taking Care Of It Quickly Was Top Priority!

I Surely Didn't Have A Cell Phone To Call Somebody To Come GUT It For Me!

We All Gotta Learn!

Not Sayin They're Right!

But They Could Be Out Doing Something Worse!

Hopefully They WISEN Up In A Year Or Two!

But The Social Media/YouTube/LOOK AT ME Mentality Is Out Of Reality!

And Has Been For How Long Now?

Even The PRO'S In Hot Weather Will Waste An Hour Or Two Scoring A Buck Or Bull In Hot Weather And Get It On Social Media Before GUTTING It/Taking Care Of It!

I'm All For Putting An Animal Out Of It's Misery But The Cow Didn't Look Like She Was Going Anywhere & You're Gonna Shoot At Her/Towards Her With The Guy That Did Shoot Her First Working His/Their Way In To The Cow?

The Only Way I Woulda Put Another Round In Thar Cow Would Be At Point Blank Range & A Downward Direction Shot!
Legal or illegal aside, I wouldn't be very satisfied if some knucklehead walked up to a cow elk (or any animal) that I had shot (that was clearly dying) and blasted it with a high power through the freaking backstraps.

I am glad I never got into the whole YouTube and video taping of my hunts. Some people just can't help themselves, I guess.
I wouldn’t consider putting down a wounded animal the crime of the century but that elk wasn’t getting up. The could have waited a minute for the hunter to show up.
I will say though, if they finished off my animal with a bullet through the steaks, I’d tell them “good work boys, better get your elk cleaned and tagged”.

They Didn't Even Start Cleaning Their Own!

I wouldn’t consider putting down a wounded animal the crime of the century but that elk wasn’t getting up. The could have waited a minute for the hunter to show up.
I will say though, if they finished off my animal with a bullet through the steaks, I’d tell them “good work boys, better get your elk cleaned and tagged”.
Bessy, Did you see the hat the kid was wearing ? Taking lessons from the best !! :) The elk looked like it was blotted when they got back to it .
HELL Ya It Was Bloated!

They Didn't GUT It Until Dad Got There!

I Seen The Hat But I Guess I Won't Cuss It Too Bad!

If You Guys Seen The Hat Lumpy Bought Me Several Years Ago You'd All Would Probably Be Making Fun Of Me Also!:D

Bessy, Did you see the hat the kid was wearing ? Taking lessons from the best !! :) The elk looked like it was blotted when they got back to it .
Well along with hunting this kid needs to be taught about meat care. It's not only about pulling the trigger. After my dad made me eat that sparrow I learned my lesson young. It seem that the spike elk hunt has turned into Utah's deer hunt of yesterday ! Not able to buy a deer tag. I know what you all will say. We need to be teaching the younger generation. Well when I have more time to type on this key board . Maybe I'll share a few pearls of wisdom that I shared with my kids about caring for a elk. It's no deer. I would love to see the video footage of those kids gutting that gut shot elk. :) Maybe a lesson in shot placement as well.
I'd Place Money Saying He Still Doesn't Know How To GUT An Animal And He's Never Gonna GUT One By Himself!

When Dad Is Gone He'll Probably Quit Hunting!

Well along with hunting this kid needs to be taught about meat care. It's not only about pulling the trigger. After my dad made me eat that sparrow I learned my lesson young. It seem that the spike elk hunt has turned into Utah's deer hunt of yesterday ! Not able to buy a deer tag. I know what you all will say. We need to be teaching the younger generation. Well when I have more time to type on this key board . Maybe I'll share a few pearls of wisdom that I shared with my kids about caring for a elk. It's no deer. I would love to see the video footage of those kids gutting that gut shot elk. :) Maybe a lesson in shot placement as well.
Hey Bux N Dux did one of these boys ditch your daughter before prom or just a slow day fer ya? Axe to grind much?
I’d hope my daughter wouldn’t give these guys a 2nd look. If she does, I’ve failed her. This moron is shooting a creedmoor at elk. That should be any girls first red flag.

Do you always go to bat for people with chit ethics that film themselves committing felonies for attention on social media? If so, I bet you worship MuleyFelon and think he’s a righteous dude.

I’m surprised Prostate hasn’t shown up to defend these kids. But Texas did just start their deer season. He’s probably out “hunting”, sitting behind a high fence right now over looking a full bucket of corn.
What they did is not good. But not the end of the world. A good ass chewing would be in order. It would be good to get ahold of their dads and see how they planned on dealing with it. If I didn’t feel that the dads took it serious, maybe law enforcement should get involved. For the record, I did some stupid **** when I was a kid and learned from those dumb mistakes. I’d like to hope most of us also did some dumb stuff when we were young and learned from it.
Maybe my perspective is off, but I don’t think this thread was meant as a “let’s prosecute these kids for doing the wrong thing”. Instead, it shows how social media and YouTube have ruined parts of hunting and maybe think about taking some time to talk to your kids about this exact stuff before letting them into the field alone. Everything has to make the ‘gram’ or ‘YouTube’ and I think more stupid stuff happens trying to get views or follows. “I did dumb stuff as a kid too” is a really bad justification for saying this was just dumb stuff. Worse stuff definitely happens but this is a starting point and shouldn’t be accepted as doing “dumb stuff as a kid”
Finish off by shooting it in the spine, that will tenderize those straps…lol….the days we were all that stupid. But I’m sure we all live by the same motto: The older I get the better I was at anything and everything.
Having watched so much of the TV series "Wardens", Im pretty much and expert in wildlife law 😆 But I'm pretty sure they would have been in trouble for their actions with the cow, depending on the warden anyway...
Having watched so much of the TV series "Wardens", Im pretty much and expert in wildlife law 😆 But I'm pretty sure they would have been in trouble for their actions with the cow, depending on the warden anyway...
Montana wardens don’t hold a candle to utah wardens! The stuff some of those guys in Montana get away with and just get tickets over would get you arrested and all your stuff confiscated immediately! Utah is way over the top compared to most other states. Makes it really hard to even be around a warden in utah since everything is a handcuff offense, even if it was an accident (unless you’re Wade heaton. Then they will lie to the general public in an attempt to keep your ass out of trouble as long as possible).

But in all seriousness. An honest accident and turning yourself in in Utah will still most likely result in loss of privileges, when in other states, they just write you a $135 ticket, take all 6 of your elk and send you on your way. Utah DWR could use a lot of improvements in every aspect of their job

When they seen your License Plate & The 6 Elk In The Back Of Your Truck You Were Done!:D

Montana wardens don’t hold a candle to utah wardens! The stuff some of those guys in Montana get away with and just get tickets over would get you arrested and all your stuff confiscated immediately! Utah is way over the top compared to most other states. Makes it really hard to even be around a warden in utah since everything is a handcuff offense, even if it was an accident (unless you’re Wade heaton. Then they will lie to the general public in an attempt to keep your ass out of trouble as long as possible).

But in all seriousness. An honest accident and turning yourself in in Utah will still most likely result in loss of privileges, when in other states, they just write you a $135 ticket, take all 6 of your elk and send you on your way. Utah DWR could use a lot of improvements in every aspect of their job
Well along with hunting this kid needs to be taught about meat care. It's not only about pulling the trigger. After my dad made me eat that sparrow I learned my lesson young. It seem that the spike elk hunt has turned into Utah's deer hunt of yesterday ! Not able to buy a deer tag. I know what you all will say. We need to be teaching the younger generation. Well when I have more time to type on this key board . Maybe I'll share a few pearls of wisdom that I shared with my kids about caring for a elk. It's no deer. I would love to see the video footage of those kids gutting that gut shot elk. :) Maybe a lesson in shot placement as well.
Did you at least get to cook it? How? I have so many questions…..

I’m sure glad I didn’t have to eat everything I shot :oops:
I wouldn’t consider putting down a wounded animal the crime of the century but that elk wasn’t getting up. The could have waited a minute for the hunter to show up.
I will say though, if they finished off my animal with a bullet through the steaks, I’d tell them “good work boys, better get your elk cleaned and tagged”.
Amen to that!
Couple thoughts.

First, I've been hunting a long time and in all that time I've heard "uncle......", "Dad ..", "grandpa....." Yelled across canyons after kills dozens of times, including by me when younger, so the "not knowing how to gut" criticism is pretty weak.

It's a new time. When I was his age, is put down a wounded cow, it was the right thing to do. Nowdays, I wouldn't dare. Somehow letting one suffer is the new ethic.

But Bux is technically right, they did break the law, and put it on film, like morons.

The elk hunt was hot this year. I was in a t shirt all day. After 46 years of having orange beat into your head, I was uncomfortable with just an orange hat. Not sure I will get comfortable without more on.
One article visible is the minimum required. Anyone is welcome to wear as much as will make them comfortable.

I watched an acquaintance drive by me on his way to get service to YouTube how to gut an elk. He had years of watching it done under his belt. I guess not very retentive.
Couple thoughts.

First, I've been hunting a long time and in all that time I've heard "uncle......", "Dad ..", "grandpa....." Yelled across canyons after kills dozens of times, including by me when younger, so the "not knowing how to gut" criticism is pretty weak.
So Now Everybody Has Time To YOUTUBE This BS Before They Gut/Take Care of their Animal?


I'll Call Dad & He Should Be Here About Dark!

I Didn't Hear: Dad,Uncle,Grandpa Yelled After The Shot?

It's a new time. When I was his age, is put down a wounded cow, it was the right thing to do. Nowdays, I wouldn't dare. Somehow letting one suffer is the new ethic.
Were The Ones You Put Down Hossy Already Down?

But Bux is technically right, they did break the law, and put it on film, like morons.

The elk hunt was hot this year. I was in a t shirt all day. After 46 years of having orange beat into your head, I was uncomfortable with just an orange hat. Not sure I will get comfortable without more on.
I Agree!

I Might Be The Only Mature PUMPKIN On The Mountain!

I Always Thought The PUMPKIN SUIT Was A Good Thing Considering The Other Amount Of JOKERS In The Field!

This Rule Change On The Orange Amazes Me About The Same As When They Said Go Ahead & Put Any Scope You Want To On Your SMOKEPOLES!

WTF Knows!

Maybe In A Few years After A Few Accidents They Can Get A COMMITTEE Organized!
I believe Utah is just once again behind the states surrounding us on several rules.

With only 64k deer hunters afield these days as compared to 230k in the 90's, i feel pretty safe in just an orange hat.

There were very few elk hunters where i was on the pisscutter hunt, my orange hat felt sufficient.
Still waiting for all the "hunter mistakes another hunter for deer/elk antelope" shootings to hit the news.

While we are at it how many driving without a off road license violations have been issued?
So Now Everybody Has Time To YOUTUBE This BS Before They Gut/Take Care of their Animal?


I'll Call Dad & He Should Be Here About Dark!

I Didn't Hear: Dad,Uncle,Grandpa Yelled After The Shot?

Were The Ones You Put Down Hossy Already Down?

I Agree!

I Might Be The Only Mature PUMPKIN On The Mountain!

I Always Thought The PUMPKIN SUIT Was A Good Thing Considering The Other Amount Of JOKERS In The Field!

This Rule Change On The Orange Amazes Me About The Same As When They Said Go Ahead & Put Any Scope You Want To On Your SMOKEPOLES!

WTF Knows!

Maybe In A Few years After A Few Accidents They Can Get A COMMITTEE Organized!

Yeah. Lots of kids don't know what they are doing. But a simple walk through a meat locker, and neither do their dad's.

Might be unpopular, but I'll take these boys in the hills no being seasoned hunters, over the **** that patrols town, or lives online.

The first deet I killed I hit between the eyes.

The second I got the jaw, 2 legs, ass, guts. It was a **** show. But I learned I don't like the show, so I got better.

We used to gut and drag out whole. I got smarter, and better and learn d to quarter and bone.

I can't imagine someone filming my teenage years. Plenty of girls who turned into fabulous moms, and wife's, would be answering questions, they shouldn't. We both learned and grew
I've reported violations I found on YouTube in the past. Officers followed up with me each time. But I don't think anything ever came of any of those reports because I was told they were "lesser violations". Warden Discretion Id guess.
I've reported violations I found on YouTube in the past. Officers followed up with me each time. But I don't think anything ever came of any of those reports because I was told they were "lesser violations". Warden Discretion Id guess.
I alerted "Pig Man" sponsors to the fact he was baiting elk in the middle of winter.

It want illegal, but in 3ft deep snow, baiting cows was a bad look.

Got a nice cease and desist from him.

But he lost sponsors, so it was 😊
I’m about 50/50 on YouTube violation reports as far as a follow up goes.

I did find a really bad blatant violation video one time that got immediate attention. Still think I should have got a reward tag for that one, but they sure didn’t 😂

Others I have reported that I know were illegal, ranging from no orange and trespassing, to party hunting. Never heard anything back on them. I understand we don’t have enough officers to keep up with what’s really going on, but a simple “we appreciate your efforts, but we don’t care this time” would be nice instead of absolute silence.

I will say that their app to report things seems to get more attention and replies from them than the UTIP hotline or website reporting system.
Imagine being a fish cop and you get a call or email to investigate a YouTube video where a hunter didn’t wear orange. Hilarious You better get on this one Mr. Officer.
Imagine being a fish cop and you get a call or email to investigate a YouTube video where a hunter didn’t wear orange. Hilarious You better get on this one Mr. Officer.
Why have a law if you aren’t willing to enforce it?

This isn’t about orange. It’s about party hunting and shooting animals you don’t have permits for
Why have a law if you aren’t willing to enforce it?

This isn’t about orange. It’s about party hunting and shooting animals you don’t have permits for
Absolutely believe in upholding the law. I just can’t imagine how serious they are going to take a YouTube video where orange is the issue. I’m hoping they’re taking care of that in the field.
Absolutely believe in upholding the law. I just can’t imagine how serious they are going to take a YouTube video where orange is the issue. I’m hoping they’re taking care of that in the field.
I have a video of a late season hunt that the hunter pulled a big jacket over her orange vest as we were in a snowy north facing slope. Someone called the CO and they actually came to their house to have a chat about it. All the other parts of the video show her in orange, even orange fingernails through the hole in the horn and they still got on her about it. Crazy is all I can say :)

Cheers, Pete
Absolutely believe in upholding the law. I just can’t imagine how serious they are going to take a YouTube video where orange is the issue. I’m hoping they’re taking care of that in the field.
Again, orange isn’t the issue. Maybe watch the video again.

Regardless of the issue being reported, they should all be taken seriously. A violation is a violation. And someone took the time to make them aware of it. If they feel differently, then maybe they need to let someone else do their job who respects and enforces the laws we have.
Again, orange isn’t the issue. Maybe watch the video again.

Regardless of the issue being reported, they should all be taken seriously. A violation is a violation. And someone took the time to make them aware of it. If they feel differently, then maybe they need to let someone else do their job who respects and enforces the laws we have.
But yet, you’re bear violation was an overzealous officer?
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