Where does this bull fit into the spike bull regulations?


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What is your thought?





It did not appear to be broken off. It appeared to have Hair growing over the skull cap on the no antlered side. Like he never had a antler from the beginning of his life. Two valid comments so far and this is why I want to post this to see what everyone thought.

Valid comment #1, technically he does not have a spike. (Which would fit into the illegal category)

Valid comment #2, does not branch above the ear on the left side. (Which would fit the legal category)

Carry on.
This is pretty cut and dry, not a spike.

A "bull elk" has to have antlers at least 5" long or longer. A "spike bull" is a "bull elk" which has at least one antler beam with no branching above the ears.

So the bull in question does have 1 antler that meets the "bull elk" definition, but it does not have any antler beam with no branching above the ears. It is not just "no branching above the ears--it still has to have an antler beam at least 5" long that does not branch above the ears to qualify.
It did not appear to be broken off. It appeared to have Hair growing over the skull cap on the no antlered side. Like he never had a antler from the beginning of his life. Two valid comments so far and this is why I want to post this to see what everyone thought.

Valid comment #1, technically he does not have a spike. (Which would fit into the illegal category)

Valid comment #2, does not branch above the ear on the left side. (Which would fit the legal category)

Carry on.
Actually comment #2 is not valid because definition states an antler which the bull is missing.

I’d pass on that one. It doesn’t have anything that meets the spike definition. Now, if he had just a brow tine 5” or longer and the rest was broke off, I’d smack him.

He’s closer to an antlerless definition than a spike definition
Good thing he was in a any bull unit. I am just trying to see how many would or wouldn’t shoot him in a spike only unit. He definitely almost fits into some gray area but I think people are right by definition he is not legal in a spike only unit. Thanks for participating.
Good thing he was in a any bull unit. I am just trying to see how many would or wouldn’t shoot him in a spike only unit. He definitely almost fits into some gray area but I think people are right by definition he is not legal in a spike only unit. Thanks for participating.
He almost fits into gray area for a spike about the same amount that a cow fits into that gray area
It did not appear to be broken off. It appeared to have Hair growing over the skull cap on the no antlered side. Like he never had a antler from the beginning of his life.
He definitely almost fits into some gray area ...

There is no gray area.

He has no antler at all, therefore there is no spike (or no antler to not be branched).

That is not a legal animal in a spike only unit.

And.....what is "definitely almost" anyway? No wonder you find yourself in these quandaries. 😉
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