MAGA On The Ropes

And orange man is going to lose anyway. Them polls are slipping. Even Bill Maher looking at the last few weeks and being one of the folks saying "he can win" now says "It's over, he's going to lose". And he is.

Even Nate Silver has Harris winning now. But you quote "wokespy" lol. Every reputable pollster and forecaster now has Harris winning.
Don’t think so, the polls from reliable sources ie Silverman, Girdusky etc are saying much different. There’s a reason Kamala wants a second debate and is going to do another canned “interview”. Her female voting block is locked in with the same numbers D’s have always had. Kamala is down big with most other blocks Trump seeing bigger numbers than in 2016 and 2020.
Kamala wants a second debate because she lured Trump into every trap she set for him in the first one lol. Literally everyone....including KENNEDY who endorsed Trump got on live television the next day and said he did a horrible job during the debate. If you can make your opponent look so dog **** even people endorsing him are saying he lost, why wouldn't you want a second....a third...a fourth. Democrats have a strategy and one that has worked--get Donald Trump in front of the American public so they remember it was so much worse than they remember---Just remind American's who the orange clown is, is the strategy, and it's let them overperform since 2016 in every cycle.

Don't think so?? was a great poll for Trump
So of course you'll believe it....Trump was propping up Nate Silver a couple weeks ago...not so much now huh?

Trump faith baby, Trump faith. There’s no way we have 80 million idiots that will vote Harris.
Trump faith is all you're gonna have. Hopefully this one finally breaks you delusional morons and you realize its YOU with the problem. Trump's like the alcohol you keep picking up, everyone not drunk says you have a problem, but you just never accept you do.
Uh.....pretty sure Gallup did the poll.....
Okay, rely on that. Even Rasmussen that is very favorable to Trump has them tied in the swing states. Trump has had as much as a 6 point lead in Rasmussen polls until recently. Enjoy. Hell, Harris may win North Carolina due to a MAGA nut job GOP Governor candidate the great "conservative" voters pushed forward. Stop nominating dog **** and you'll stop losing.
Wake up Rip Van Winkle, you been asleep for 3 1/2 yrs?

Cost of housing has more than doubled, mortgages have doubled & rents skyrocketed. A renter has to make $80K to afford the average rent. You pay car insurance or homeowners insurance? Skyrocketed. Vehicle maintenance up 32%. Food, fuel... pffft no problem? You heat or cool your home with anything other than the hot air you spew?

Household debt & credit card debt is the highest it's ever been since they started tracking in 1999.

Yup people sure are enjoying all that Democrat prosperity, take a bow.
It is so worth it not to have to hear Trump's lies and pretend that he is the Messiah.
Trump faith baby, Trump faith. There’s no way we have 80 million idiots that will vote Harris.
I think there are, but many aren’t idiots, they want what Harris and the left is selling. If there aren’t more of them than there are of us, it will surprise me.
I think there are, but many aren’t idiots, they want what Harris and the left is selling. If there aren’t more of them than there are of us, it will surprise me.
Well the polls are saying more blacks and Hispanics are voting for Trump this time around vs in 2016 and 2020. So just need this to reflect in WI and PA. Trump should win easily. Don't need the rest of the idiots from CA and NY.
Totally unscientific.....but My Mexican labor contractor and his crew in 2016 were all anti Trump.....2020.....they didn't know what to 2024, He and all 1500 of his illegal voters are pro Trump....we'll see....
WaPo explains in this article (google it) how man has caused global warming and we're doomed, yet they have not been correct about a single prediction, not one, since they started making predictions. Then they post this graph debunking their own argument. LMAO

Screen Shot 2024-09-20 at 12.13.46 PM.png
Okay, rely on that. Even Rasmussen that is very favorable to Trump has them tied in the swing states. Trump has had as much as a 6 point lead in Rasmussen polls until recently. Enjoy. Hell, Harris may win North Carolina due to a MAGA nut job GOP Governor candidate the great "conservative" voters pushed forward. Stop nominating dog **** and you'll stop losing.
Trump hasn't had a 6 point lead since Biden got out.
You are a idiot.

Well the polls are saying more blacks and Hispanics are voting for Trump this time around vs in 2016 and 2020. So just need this to reflect in WI and PA. Trump should win easily. Don't need the rest of the idiots from CA and NY.
Black voters have swung way back. Latest polls have Trump around 10-12% he’s going to end up getting. Maybe don’t racially attack people in Springville Ohio for weeks claiming they’re eating cats and dogs as your main campaign pitch and you could have made inroads. But can’t hide that racism problem forever I suppose.
Well, I remember the polls in 2020 and 2022……… that’s what I remember.
And pollsters have made adjustments to try and factor in silent Trump voters in many cases. At this point, Trump voters are the loud ones and Harris voters are the quiet ones. The red tidal wave that never came.
You can question what we do in regards to climate change…but if you question the idea that our CO2 output can have a greenhouse effect on the climate, you’re just not very smart at all. We absolutely do have an impact and we should be working to minimize that impact in all ways we can.
Black voters have swung way back. Latest polls have Trump around 10-12% he’s going to end up getting. Maybe don’t racially attack people in Springville Ohio for weeks claiming they’re eating cats and dogs as your main campaign pitch and you could have made inroads. But can’t hide that racism problem forever I suppose.
According to CNN
CNN’s latest poll finds Harris leading Trump by 63 points among Black likely voters, 79% to 16%.
Big difference between 10% and 16%.

Oneye, as long as you keep flapping your lips you will continue to be wrong.
And you are still an idiot.
The loss in numbers in just the black (men especially) and Hispanic voters is enough to push Trump to a win.

It was interesting on that Notre Dame college survey. First time it’s gone republican!
"We need to guard that spirit. We have to guard that spirit. Let it always inspire us. Let it always be the source of our optimism, which is that spirit that is uniquely American. Let that then inspire us by helping us to be inspired to solve the problems that so many face, including our small business owners," Harris said.
You can question what we do in regards to climate change…but if you question the idea that our CO2 output can have a greenhouse effect on the climate, you’re just not very smart at all. We absolutely do have an impact and we should be working to minimize that impact in all ways we can.
How many billions of tons of Co2 have been emitted & there's more ice in the Arctic today & no change in ice or temperature in Antarctica. LOL

How many billions of tons of Co2 have been emitted & there's more ice in the Arctic today & no change in ice or temperature in Antarctica. LOL

According to AOC we only have about 6 more years until the world ends because we haven’t done enough to curb climate change. In 2019 she’s on video saying the world will end in 12 years. 🤡
According to CNN
CNN’s latest poll finds Harris leading Trump by 63 points among Black likely voters, 79% to 16%.
Big difference between 10% and 16%.

Oneye, as long as you keep flapping your lips you will continue to be wrong.
And you are still an idiot.
I'd look at sample size buddy.

The loss in numbers in just the black (men especially) and Hispanic voters is enough to push Trump to a win.

It was interesting on that Notre Dame college survey. First time it’s gone republican!
Good luck with that. When 90% of black people vote for the Democrat again like they have since the civil rights movement because your party has a racism problem you'll probably.....well you'll keep denying it of course.
"We need to guard that spirit. We have to guard that spirit. Let it always inspire us. Let it always be the source of our optimism, which is that spirit that is uniquely American. Let that then inspire us by helping us to be inspired to solve the problems that so many face, including our small business owners," Harris said.
Let's do some Trump quotes now.

How many billions of tons of Co2 have been emitted & there's more ice in the Arctic today & no change in ice or temperature in Antarctica. LOL

This does not prove that warming and climate change isn't happening moron. It proves one politician made a horrible prediction of its impact over a time period. Greenhouse emissions absolutly warm climate. You don't know **** about the conversation if you don't at minimum know that.

According to AOC we only have about 6 more years until the world ends because we haven’t done enough to curb climate change. In 2019 she’s on video saying the world will end in 12 years. 🤡
Why don't you people start citing scientists instead of it always being a dumb ass politician.
Browneye is a true believer and a true moron. Since green energy is not green at all where are we going to get all the energy we need genius? The world has spent trillions subsidizing the green farce scam and it has taken us nowhere. Why is there more ice in the Arctic today... Gore & his "expert" scientists said it would be ice free in 2014?
I'd look at sample size buddy.

Good luck with that. When 90% of black people vote for the Democrat again like they have since the civil rights movement because your party has a racism problem you'll probably.....well you'll keep denying it of course.
Let's do some Trump quotes now.

This does not prove that warming and climate change isn't happening moron. It proves one politician made a horrible prediction of its impact over a time period. Greenhouse emissions absolutly warm climate. You don't know **** about the conversation if you don't at minimum know that.

Why don't you people start citing scientists instead of it always being a dumb ass politician.
I'd look at sample size buddy.
Sample size!
You are an idiot!

The sad fact is 69 years after the Civil Rights movement, we are still judging based on race.
And that is because of one party, that needs to keep the black man in the shed, and living off of goverment cheese.
Barack Obama could not have got elected without white guilt Americans.
The courts will decide whether or not these agencies have evidence sufficient to prove their charges. If they do not, then they will deserve the scorn placed upon them by some. If not, then they will prove vindicated.
If you still believe that BS your eyes are wide shut! “MODERATES” today are ignorant or just don’t want to own their title. LEFTY! This isn’t even “ polotics” it’s good vs evil. You MF that suffer from TDS might as well order a Harris-Walls hat and turn MSM back on. If a person still believes a man that campaigned from his basement got over 81 million votes more than NOBAMA even that’s just wild!
Dead people voting, good old fashioned ballot stuffing, people caught on camera pulling out fake ballots from under tables , real time vote graphs inverting ( never should happen) dumpsters full of ballots marked Trump. Yep nothing screams free and fair like this!
💯 STOLEN! There’s literally like 3 dudes here who believe MSM is gospel 🤣🤣
MAGA 2024

See you guys in the political section of MM here shortly! I’m sure this thread will get moved
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N the idiots toting about Kamala
“ winning the debate” did you know that your own MSM “ UNCOVERED🤣
the questions were given to her ahead of time, the biotch asking the questions was her sorority sister, the owners of the network that it aired on her best friends, she wore ear pieces, and how about the fact it was 3 on one ? You smart guys didn’t catch on to that? 🤦🏻‍♂️😱 The fact Trump was
“ fact checked” while she wasn’t . I mean gosh damn there’s really some ignorant ass people in this world!
Browneye is a true believer and a true moron. Since green energy is not green at all where are we going to get all the energy we need genius? The world has spent trillions subsidizing the green farce scam and it has taken us nowhere. Why is there more ice in the Arctic today... Gore & his "expert" scientists said it would be ice free in 2014?
Actually considering emissions vs people, we’ve made quite a bit of progress, even along the Wasatch Front alone in reducing emissions, but again, you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about. Clearly.

Sample size!
You are an idiot!

The sad fact is 69 years after the Civil Rights movement, we are still judging based on race.
And that is because of one party, that needs to keep the black man in the shed, and living off of goverment cheese.
Barack Obama could not have got elected without white guilt Americans.
I love how your point is “it’s been 70 years since you were discriminated against, get over it. I’m the white guy in the room I know best about racism.”

You’re a ******* idiot. Like truly just a ******* brain dead dumbass for this post.

So how things have always been? Now do wages.

If you still believe that BS your eyes are wide shut! “MODERATES” today are ignorant or just don’t want to own their title. LEFTY! This isn’t even “ polotics” it’s good vs evil. You MF that suffer from TDS might as well order a Harris-Walls hat and turn MSM back on. If a person still believes a man that campaigned from his basement got over 81 million votes more than NOBAMA even that’s just wild!
Dead people voting, good old fashioned ballot stuffing, people caught on camera pulling out fake ballots from under tables , real time vote graphs inverting ( never should happen) dumpsters full of ballots marked Trump. Yep nothing screams free and fair like this!
💯 STOLEN! There’s literally like 3 dudes here who believe MSM is gospel 🤣🤣
MAGA 2024
View attachment 159198
See you guys in the political section of MM here shortly! I’m sure this thread will get moved
Again, you people are just so ******* stupid and out of touch with reality.

It’s absolutely wild how stupid you look when you think you look smart lol.

N the idiots toting about Kamala
“ winning the debate” did you know that your own MSM “ UNCOVERED🤣
the questions were given to her ahead of time, the biotch asking the questions was her sorority sister, the owners of the network that it aired on her best friends, she wore ear pieces, and how about the fact it was 3 on one ? You smart guys didn’t catch on to that? 🤦🏻‍♂️😱 The fact Trump was
“ fact checked” while she wasn’t . I mean gosh damn there’s really some ignorant ass people in this world!
And this, this right here is the level of intelligence we are dealing with @BuzzH lol….they see a meme on Facebook and think it’s the truth because it confirms whatever nut job ideas they got going on up there no matter how fake and easily disprovable it is lol. Brian rot truly, Swiss cheese up there buddy, thoughts and prayers.

The more a person lies, the more they get fact checked. That checks out, because every other sentence is lying dog **** that comes out of his mouth.
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Well thought out and presented...... nicely done.
I owe Swiss cheese brains nothing more. Kamala had an ear piece and was fed the questions. You people are nut cases who believe Facebook memes and pictographs the second you see them. You’re idiots. I don’t owe anyone the time of day when the believe dumbass **** like that. You’re beyond gone. You come up with the nonsense because you have nothing else.

“Kamala didn’t win the debate, she had an earpiece and was fed the questions”

“Trump didn’t lose in 2020, it was a fraud!!”

******* delusional idiot crybabies who can’t fathom that maybe…just maybe….normal people with a working brain aren’t with you on the orange idiot or your conspiracies.

It’s always stolen, fake, or against you. No. Yall just suck.
Actually considering emissions vs people, we’ve made quite a bit of progress, even along the Wasatch Front alone in reducing emissions, but again, you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about. Clearly.
Co2 is the reason life exists on earth, without it we all die. It's a fractional trace gas in our atmosphere and it's at one of the lowest percentages it's ever been in earth's history. Clearly you bought in to the UN propaganda by their junk science... props to you.

Screen Shot 2024-09-13 at 8.06.09 AM.png
Co2 is the reason life exists on earth, without it we all die. It's a fractional trace gas in our atmosphere and it's at one of the lowest percentages it's ever been in earth's history. Clearly you bought in to the UN propaganda by their junk science... props to you.

View attachment 159487
No. I bought into a clear change in climate, warming, and the impact CO2 has on that. Gasp.
Sample size!
You are an idiot!

The sad fact is 69 years after the Civil Rights movement, we are still judging based on race.
And that is because of one party, that needs to keep the black man in the shed, and living off of goverment cheese.
Barack Obama could not have got elected without white guilt Americans.
Can’t get over this dumbass post. You, the white guy, think you get to tell minorities, specifically black people how to feel less than 100 years after being blatantly discriminated against, and less than FIFTY years since the predominant religion in this state discriminated against them, how they should feel about racism and that they’re stupid if they don’t agree with YOU. The conservative white dude who undoubtably knows better for them. Truly, you’re disgusting and yeah you yourself clearly have a racism problem. You think your thought process is superior when being impacted in no way by this countries racist past. But hey, you know best conservative white dude. Your party is rampant with racism, that’s why 90% of black individuals vote for democrats every election cycle. You’re not in denial, you’re a part of it, so I’m not surprised you want to pretend it’s not there.
Can’t get over this dumbass post. You, the white guy, think you get to tell minorities, specifically black people how to feel less than 100 years after being blatantly discriminated against, and less than FIFTY years since the predominant religion in this state discriminated against them, how they should feel about racism and that they’re stupid if they don’t agree with YOU. The conservative white dude who undoubtably knows better for them. Truly, you’re disgusting and yeah you yourself clearly have a racism problem. You think your thought process is superior when being impacted in no way by this countries racist past. But hey, you know best conservative white dude. Your party is rampant with racism, that’s why 90% of black individuals vote for democrats every election cycle. You’re not in denial, you’re a part of it, so I’m not surprised you want to pretend it’s not there.
You know you lost when you blame everything on racism. I feel sorry for your mom.
Can’t get over this dumbass post. You, the white guy, think you get to tell minorities, specifically black people how to feel less than 100 years after being blatantly discriminated against, and less than FIFTY years since the predominant religion in this state discriminated against them, how they should feel about racism and that they’re stupid if they don’t agree with YOU. The conservative white dude who undoubtably knows better for them. Truly, you’re disgusting and yeah you yourself clearly have a racism problem. You think your thought process is superior when being impacted in no way by this countries racist past. But hey, you know best conservative white dude. Your party is rampant with racism, that’s why 90% of black individuals vote for democrats every election cycle. You’re not in denial, you’re a part of it, so I’m not surprised you want to pretend it’s not there.

What does the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints have to do with the percent of blacks voting for Trump?
You are a idiot!
I never said nothing of how black Americans should feel, and I never denegrated blacks.
You call me a racist for pointing out the divide in this country.
You know nothing about me, so stop with your racist crap.
You are such a tough guy on the internet, we all know people like you are nothing but cowards.
Everyone knows the democrats want to keep the black Americans down and dependent on the US government, that is no secret, that is democrats VOTING BASE.
You must be the only dope in America that does not know that.
You are a Idiot!
Can’t get over this dumbass post. You, the white guy, think you get to tell minorities, specifically black people how to feel less than 100 years after being blatantly discriminated against, and less than FIFTY years since the predominant religion in this state discriminated against them, how they should feel about racism and that they’re stupid if they don’t agree with YOU. The conservative white dude who undoubtably knows better for them. Truly, you’re disgusting and yeah you yourself clearly have a racism problem. You think your thought process is superior when being impacted in no way by this countries racist past. But hey, you know best conservative white dude. Your party is rampant with racism, that’s why 90% of black individuals vote for democrats every election cycle. You’re not in denial, you’re a part of it, so I’m not surprised you want to pretend it’s not there.
You want to talk about the past 100 years, maybe you should read the racist history of the Democratic Party.
All you white guilt Americans say we can't be forgiving of are racist past.
That is all on one party the Democrats.
You are a Idiot!
I owe Swiss cheese brains nothing more. Kamala had an ear piece and was fed the questions. You people are nut cases who believe Facebook memes and pictographs the second you see them. You’re idiots. I don’t owe anyone the time of day when the believe dumbass **** like that. You’re beyond gone. You come up with the nonsense because you have nothing else.

“Kamala didn’t win the debate, she had an earpiece and was fed the questions”

“Trump didn’t lose in 2020, it was a fraud!!”

******* delusional idiot crybabies who can’t fathom that maybe…just maybe….normal people with a working brain aren’t with you on the orange idiot or your conspiracies.

It’s always stolen, fake, or against you. No. Yall just suck.
And this type of “ genius” is exactly the problem of conservatives! Go fondle yourself while you watch the view! Don’t forget to cup the balls!
You know you lost when you blame everything on racism. I feel sorry for your mom.
Racism is to blame for 90% of black people voting for Democrats every election cycle. Specifically the racism the GOP endorses. Donald Trump spent $7.1 trillion, and added more to the debt than Biden. The last thing he is, is “conservative” or fiscally responsible, you people just love the hate and fear mongering he spews of people cause it ain’t the money he’s not spending.

What does the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints have to do with the percent of blacks voting for Trump?
You are a idiot!
I never said nothing of how black Americans should feel, and I never denegrated blacks.
You call me a racist for pointing out the divide in this country.
You know nothing about me, so stop with your racist crap.
You are such a tough guy on the internet, we all know people like you are nothing but cowards.
Everyone knows the democrats want to keep the black Americans down and dependent on the US government, that is no secret, that is democrats VOTING BASE.
You must be the only dope in America that does not know that.
You are an Idiot!
The church is the local obvious example for those of you who want to shout “get over racism”. It’s been 46 years since the local prominent church deliberately discriminated against the skin color of individuals. You people need to stop acting like it was hundreds of years ago. And again, 90% of black people don’t love Democrats they just can’t vote for the party of racism and hate of everyone who doesn’t look, talk, or act like you that nominates racist piles of garbage like Donald Trump. The hate is 100% what the GOP base loves.

You want to talk about the past 100 years, maybe you should read the racist history of the Democratic Party.
All you white guilt Americans say we can't be forgiving of are racist past.
That is all on one party the Democrats.
You are a Idiot!
This should tell you how bad your parties racism problem is when 90% of black people and overwhelming majorities of everyone but white men vote for the other party. It could never be a you problem though.

Easy to ignore when you don't look in the mirror.
You selfish SOB.
The irony. Imagine 90% of people voting for the other party (who btw also isn’t great) and thinking it’s not a you problem when you haven’t had to deal with the ramifications of racism and discrimination a day in your ******* life.

And this type of “ genius” is exactly the problem of conservatives! Go fondle yourself while you watch the view! Don’t forget to cup the balls!
Go repost another Facebook meme that says what you want to believe no matter how absolutely unhinged and nutty it is.

I love how Elon Musk can get on stage and support Trump and conservatives don’t say boo lol. Can you imagine the absolute blubbering cry fest had any social media company CEO or owner got up on stage with Biden or Clinton lol? There’s so much “bias” against conservatives the only time it’s happened is on Trumps stage. Conservatives project so much.
I love how Elon Musk can get on stage and support Trump and conservatives don’t say boo lol. Can you imagine the absolute blubbering cry fest had any social media company CEO or owner got up on stage with Biden or Clinton lol? There’s so much “bias” against conservatives the only time it’s happened is on Trumps stage. Conservatives project so much.
Are you that dense? Facebook, Twitter, Tiktok,
Snapshot etc.....was in Bidens pocket 2020...all the censorship, lies, disinformation were just OK to you? Cry me a river? How does it feel blue boy to have 1 less bs play out of your book?

The main stream media is 100% bias to the Democrats. 90% negative for Trump 90% positive for Kamala. Pretty easy for a blind man to see.
Are you that dense? Facebook, Twitter, Tiktok,
Snapshot etc.....was in Bidens pocket 2020...all the censorship, lies, disinformation were just OK to you? Cry me a river? How does it feel blue boy to have 1 less bs play out of your book?
Show me the photo with them on stage with Clinton, Biden, or Harris. Yes yes yes….the white conservative dude always the victim, always rigged against you, always wha wha wha you. Donald Trump is the only dude with the actual owner of one of the 3 most prominent social media companies in the world on stage looking like a complete dork with him lol. Musk looked so absurd yesterday too, and you see conservatives (Mike Lee included) talking about how great it is and how cool Musk is. It’s hilarious how much you losers cry and how far from the grips of reality you are. THE OWNER OF TWITTER WAS ON STAGE WITH YOUR CANIDADTE DUMBASS but you keep saying those social companies are just so bias against Republicans. Truth is, Musk has done way more to put a bias thumb on his app than Dorsey ever did. Had Jack Dorsey went on stage with Biden or Clinton you idiots would have balled your eyes out for weeks and everyone from Fox News to Ben Shapiro would have been playing wall to wall coverage of it whining like the little snowflake bitches you are.
The main stream media is 100% bias to the Democrats. 90% negative for Trump 90% positive for Kamala. Pretty easy for a blind man to see.
Fox News exists buddy. Calling out lies because one dude does it every 3rd sentence he speaks doesn’t make you bias, it means you tell the truth, but hey, in you losers minds Trump didn’t really lose in 2020, it was “rigged”. You people are as stupid as it gets, truly.

Musk going up there is election interference, if Trump wins this is so rigged!!!! He’s changing the algorithm to favor his candidate!!! Grrr!!! This election is getting stolen!!!! This election is being stolen!!! Harris won and Musk stole it!!! Loud noises I’m mad!!!! Grrr!!! Let’s storm the Capitol”!!!!(what I’d be saying if I were a conservative).
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Show me the photo with them on stage with Clinton, Biden, or Harris. Yes yes yes….the white conservative dude always the victim, always rigged against you, always wha wha wha you. Donald Trump is the only dude with the actual owner of one of the 3 most prominent social media companies in the world on stage looking like a complete dork with him lol. Musk looked so absurd yesterday too, and you see conservatives (Mike Lee included) talking about how great it is and how cool Musk is. It’s hilarious how much you losers cry and how far from the grips of reality you are. THE OWNER OF TWITTER WAS ON STAGE WITH YOUR CANIDADTE DUMBASS but you keep saying those social companies are just so bias against Republicans. Truth is, Musk has done way more to put a bias thumb on his app than Dorsey ever did. Had Jack Dorsey went on stage with Biden or Clinton you idiots would have balled your eyes out for weeks and everyone from Fox News to Ben Shapiro would have been playing wall to wall coverage of it whining like the little snowflake bitches you are.

Fox News exists buddy. Calling out lies because one dude does it every 3rd sentence he speaks doesn’t make you bias, it means you tell the truth, but hey, in you losers minds Trump didn’t really lose in 2020, it was “rigged”. You people are as stupid as it gets, truly.

Musk going up there is election interference, if Trump wins this is so rigged!!!! He’s changing the algorithm to favor his candidate!!! Grrr!!! This election is getting stolen!!!! This election is being stolen!!! Harris won and Musk stole it!!! Loud noises I’m mad!!!! Grrr!!! Let’s storm the Capitol”!!!!(what I’d be saying if I were a conservative).
Get real stupid. Your a idiot/Troll.

Go cry your blue tears. Mainstream media/social media was bent so far left it was off the chart. No stage needed.

Troll away moron. Not fun when the script is flipped and they don't have them backing there play.

Now go away until next weekend.

Are you doing time on the weekend? Bored in your jail cell, angry at the world? Poor little picked on Oneye.
Get real stupid. Your a idiot/Troll.

Go cry your blue tears. Mainstream media/social media was bent so far left it was off the chart. No stage needed.

Troll away moron. Not fun when the script is flipped and they don't have them backing there play.

Now go away until next weekend.

Are you doing time on the weekend? Bored in your jail cell, angry at the world? Poor little picked on Oneye.
He’s an idiot! I don’t even have fake book ! 🤣
I just scrolled through my work I pad news app. This was the first time I’ve actually opened the news app on this device. At least 90% of the articles were anti Trump. And Ive said it before and I’ll say it again. I do not love Trump, I think he has many flaws. And I do think he should be held to the fire with the media. With that being said every single Kamala article was positive. The media is 100% siding to the left. Anyone that can read can see it.

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