WY Unit 47 pronghorn


New Member
I drew 47 first time being in that area I started e scouting and will get boots on the ground in a couple weeks to scout I hope to shoot an above average buck but of course would love a giant since I’ve only ever shot little guys and I’ve heard this area has good sized pronghorn Any tips for hunting this area? Certain areas better then other? Any landowners allowing access? And if I choose todo archery would it be a good idea to sit water or spot and stalk from what I seen it seems to be a lot of streams any advice would be appreciated!
This used to be my favorite hunt and then I would get doe tags in 32, very good times. There is plenty of land to hunt in the Shirley Basin. Lots of two tracks in the unit. Lots of road hunters. My advice is to hike the land and breaks that are hard to see from roads, you will be surprised what you see. For what it's worth last year driving through the unit a few times I did not see the critters I used too. Lots of BLM land to camp on. Archery I would hunt water. Not saying you can't spot and stalk but getting an advantage may be challenging as far as cover.
Spent a decent amount of time out there last fall. Saw antelope, but the numbers were down considerably after the previous winter. Drove through there on the old highway a couple weeks ago. Saw antelope scattered in places, but the numbers weren't much different than last fall. Get out there a few days before the season opens and you might turn up a good one.
I kind of figured numbers would be down from the winter a couple years ago but I’m gonna give it my best shot I’ve got a few spots I wanna check out when I go scout so we’ll see what I can find
Hunt the opener or the week after. Wait too long and lots of the good ones are all on private. I'd have one picked out prior to.opener if hunting blm
Got it done this morning! My biggest buck ever Saw a few big goats running around this one got the bullet thanks everyone for the info about the unit!

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