2024 Reissue Thread

We will just meet on the mountain new timer🤣
You bringing the food?
Can I use your rifle?
What’s the closest 5star hotel I can stay at and wait for your call when you have that new world record elk tied up for me?

On a serious note could have those 6 returned tags been a group?
Maybe if they did not apply I would have drew the tag and have been preparing for a great hunt. Next year I hope.
You bringing the food?
Can I use your rifle?
What’s the closest 5star hotel I can stay at and wait for your call when you have that new world record elk tied up for me?

On a serious note could have those 6 returned tags been a group?
Maybe if they did not apply I would have drew the tag and have been preparing for a great hunt. Next year I hope.
Well… you will have to bring your own 5 star hotel and food….
I just put together a rifle you can use for a price🤣
The rest we can discuss but like always no promises!
This is a weird year so far for sure. Who knows?
Well… you will have to bring your own 5 star hotel and food….
I just put together a rifle you can use for a price🤣
The rest we can discuss but like always no promises!
This is a weird year so far for sure. Who knows?
I don’t drink, but should I bring beer or whiskey? 🤣🤣
Personally I wish CPW would call up unsuccessful draw applicants who put in for that specific tag on the draw process. Tell them a tag has been turned in. Do you want yes it's yours, no we call the next guy inline. Seems to be the most fair
They did that in 2016 when I got my sheep tag. I was second in line they told me when the original person drew the tag and turned it back in.
Personally I wish CPW would call up unsuccessful draw applicants who put in for that specific tag on the draw process. Tell them a tag has been turned in. Do you want yes it's yours, no we call the next guy inline. Seems to be the most fair
It might be the most fair, but can you imagine the time and resources that would take in order to do for every tag on that list? According to CPW, they already do that for every tag that requires 5 or more points to draw. It seems to me that a good chunk of the tags that I see pop up on the list meet that criteria, so it's surprising to me that that many people are getting phone calls and turning the tags down in order for them to appear on the reissue list. It seems crazy that ONE person would turn down a phone call offering a 61 bull tag, let alone 6.
It might be the most fair, but can you imagine the time and resources that would take in order to do for every tag on that list? According to CPW, they already do that for every tag that requires 5 or more points to draw. It seems to me that a good chunk of the tags that I see pop up on the list meet that criteria, so it's surprising to me that that many people are getting phone calls and turning the tags down in order for them to appear on the reissue list. It seems crazy that ONE person would turn down a phone call offering a 61 bull tag, let alone 6.
Think part of the problem is logistics of making a hunt fit into your work and family schedule at last minute.
I have been trying to draw 61 rifle. I never tried for one of the reissue tags for a few reasons.
If drawn in the draw I would have had time to make the hunt and scouting fit my schedule. Now it would not fit. And I would not use my 24 points for something that I am close to drawing and will be able to scout and hunt my way.
I know they take your points if you accept the high point tags via email if your the next person inline, but at minimum take points for any list A tag rewarded from re-issue as well. There’s enough hunters that I think would accept losing there 1 point on a zero point tag just to have the opportunity to hunt that year. And definitely points should be used on the quality re-issue tags, can’t believe CPW still lets people point bank when awarded high point tags.
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Think part of the problem is logistics of making a hunt fit into your work and family schedule at last minute.
I have been trying to draw 61 rifle. I never tried for one of the reissue tags for a few reasons.
If drawn in the draw I would have had time to make the hunt and scouting fit my schedule. Now it would not fit. And I would not use my 24 points for something that I am close to drawing and will be able to scout and hunt my way.
That's a good point... I kind of take the approach that anything scored off of the reissue list is a bonus tag (that would change if they started taking points for them). But 90% of the time I'm going for tags that I have quite a bit of past experience with and live very close to.

I will never decline a sheep, moose, or goat tag if I'm the recipient of a phone call. But when I stop and think about it, it wouldn't be as simple of a decision with a deer or elk tag.
It might be the most fair, but can you imagine the time and resources that would take in order to do for every tag on that list? According to CPW, they already do that for every tag that requires 5 or more points to draw. It seems to me that a good chunk of the tags that I see pop up on the list meet that criteria, so it's surprising to me that that many people are getting phone calls and turning the tags down in order for them to appear on the reissue list. It seems crazy that ONE person would turn down a phone call offering a 61 bull tag, let alone 6.
I have been called twice because I was next in line.
Do not forget that if you take the tag on that phone call, You will lose your points.
I am not willing to give up double digit points with no time to scout the tag. Therefore I turned it down.
Think part of the problem is logistics of making a hunt fit into your work and family schedule at last minute.
I have been trying to draw 61 rifle. I never tried for one of the reissue tags for a few reasons.
If drawn in the draw I would have had time to make the hunt and scouting fit my schedule. Now it would not fit. And I would not use my 24 points for something that I am close to drawing and will be able to scout and hunt my way.
If you grab a tag off the reissue list you do not lose your points. If you take their offer of next in line , you DO lose your points
Missing the good old days of the re-issue list…

Pretty quiet on here today.
Anyone successful?
Finally got to the Add to Cart screen. But it would not let me add it to my cart.
Getting closer.
Next week!!! 😎😎😎
I thought I had it, got to add to cart, clicked it and screen went to loading and kicked me all the way back to select a tag... never had that happen to me before.

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