Remember this Utah buck?


Long Time Member

Milton Z. Hunt....?

First time I've seen this pic of it
The Buck was Harvested in TARDville in the 40's!

Going By Bad Memory I Think the Buck was like 45" Wide!

And 40+ total Points!

Is He in the Book Homer?

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
Does This mean if I Get a Buck about 1/2 this Bucks Size & I'm Using a Burris Eliminator Scope I Won't be Eligible for the Book?

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
LAST EDITED ON Dec-06-16 AT 05:11AM (MST)[p]In my Opinion Elk.....yes..HEHEHHE

That pic is in the book-A Mule Deer Retrospective-published by Boone an Crockett
That buck will forever be engraved in my memory. As a kid growing up I looked at that picture found in the First Utah's Biggest Bucks book on page 316 frequently. Some of you guys probably remember this hunter orange hardback book. I think that is the only book I read cover to cover while I was in my youth lol. Definitely one of my all time favorites. Thanks for sharing that blast from the past.
Fantastic buck and a beautiful place for a cabin. Imagine how big it would've been if he'd held it out at arms length! Imagine how big it would've been if he'd given it another year... lol
Does anybody know where he is at now?

Or was he thrown out on the pile of antlers behind the barn like so many bigguns were back in those days?
NVB would be Proud of the Gun!:D

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
FYI, the orange covered copy of Utah's Biggest Bucks was the second edition published in 1988. The first edition was brown and published in 1977.

I saw a buck that looked a lot like this one in south central Utah about 20 years ago. Unfortunately, it was 200 yards away on a bow hunt.
>Does anybody know where he is
>at now?

I think its part of the Cabela's collection. Formerly owned by Don Schaufler. I fondly remember this buck as I delivered him to a guy UT for a calendar shoot? Strapped the mount into the seatbelt and drove 3 hours to meet him in ID Falls. The antlers tore a hole in interior of my pickup when we were putting him in.

As I recall that buck has the most mass of any in the book.
This buck is owned by cabelas last i heard..he is 43 5/8 inchs wide and a score of 304 5/8...I was wondering why he wasn't listed in the Boone and Crockett book guess it has a broken skull another great buck that don't get a credit from B&C...While I was going through all my big buck stuff I seen there has been quite a few 40+ in. Bucks killed in the pine valley area
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You wonder what the ol’ boy grippin’ and grinning’ would have to say to us all these years later sitting here wishing we could have been a part of times that are (for now) gone.
This buck is owned by cabelas last i heard..he is 43 5/8 inchs wide and a score of 304 5/8...I was wondering why he wasn't listed in the Boone and Crockett book guess it has a broken skull another great buck that don't get a credit from B&C...While I was going through all my big buck stuff I seen there has been quite a few 40+ in. Bucks killed in the pine valley area.
He’s in Kansas City. I saw him last time I was there. He’s a brute.

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