Game and fish frustration


Long Time Member
I think more and more hunters are getting frustrated with the game and fish. This was my first thought reading this. In our area the panic of cwd in a couple of areas gives game and fish leverage to make dumb decisions. My discussion with a biologist is numbers dropped dramatically before you little cwd hysteria started. They won't accept a simple talk on it

I agree with some of that article but I'm not so sure the answer is just to stop trying to find answers to why they are declining. There's allot of opinion in this article
I agree with some of that article but I'm not so sure the answer is just to stop trying to find answers to why they are declining. There's allot of opinion in this article

Well said.

I cant speak for other parts of state but here locally in the mountains the answer is clear to me. Increased housing equals more deaths on highway, tourist to yellowstone equals more deaths on highway, I feel our kitty cat population is much higher than they think, obvious one harsh winters, and doe harvest.

With that being said I can't speak locally for our bad lands area but a decreased in populationis a yes. Only a handful of cats, harsh winters yes but low number of traffic kills. There is high hunting pressure and it makes for a easy road hunt and a lot of doe harvest happens on a general tag
Well said.

I cant speak for other parts of state but here locally in the mountains the answer is clear to me. Increased housing equals more deaths on highway, tourist to yellowstone equals more deaths on highway, I feel our kitty cat population is much higher than they think, obvious one harsh winters, and doe harvest.

With that being said I can't speak locally for our bad lands area but a decreased in populationis a yes. Only a handful of cats, harsh winters yes but low number of traffic kills. There is high hunting pressure and it makes for a easy road hunt and a lot of doe harvest happens on a general tag
Does shouldn't be killed anywhere in the west until they get a handle on the populations
Quit messing with the fawns leave them alone. Counting them is fine handling them is not.
Why take the chance the mother won't feed the fawn because we put a collar on them. I could see where that could hinder a fawn having that collar around it's neck. Get it caught in a fence or a tree limb and it's all over
I’ve never seen or heard of a fawn collar for mule deer. Do you have any evidence the Game and Fish are collaring fawns? I’ve only seen doe collars or a few studies that collared bucks.
Fawn mortality is the leading cause of population decline. That's why they are collaring them in the first place. Trying to figure out what is causing the majority of fawn mortality
I think it’s a common theme all across the west. It’s a combination of a multitude of things in my opinion. 1. Loss of habitat (building homes on winter range etc) 2. Over harvest/hunting pressure (100 percent agree on eliminating all mule deer doe tags everywhere) 3. Predation- a primary reason of such a high fawn mortality rate all across the west. 4. Winter kill
I’ve never seen or heard of a fawn collar for mule deer. Do you have any evidence the Game and Fish are collaring fawns? I’ve only seen doe collars or a few studies that collared bucks.
I saw an adult doe collared with her 2 fawns and both fawns were collared also. I do not have pictures to prove it but know 100% sure all 3 had collars. This was just last week.
I saw an adult doe collared with her 2 fawns and both fawns were collared also. I do not have pictures to prove it but know 100% sure all 3 had collars. This was just last week.
The Game and Fish website says they are collaring 6 month old fawns in late fall as they approach winter range. I found this on Dr. Monteith’s FB page showing a newborn fawn being collared but not sure how widespread the newborn fawn capture/collar is. I’m sure they’re trying to find out how many fawns are surviving the first 6 months and what are the causes of fawn mortality.
Odfw has collared fawns for years. It’s how they determine mortality rates and carcass location for cause of death.
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Here in Idaho they collar late fall, early winter(Dec/Jan). Helped a few times. Best when herded up and when some snow is on ground but still healthy.

Those “fawns” will give you a concussion real fast if not careful at 80lbs.

Never volunteered for elk. Man’s got to know his limits.

PS. I agree, in 2024 I doubt there’s many places that have an abundance of Mule Deer so I don’t understand why anywhere is allowing doe harvest. Me thinks ranchers in the state house may disagree.

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