Backcountry Sleep after Back Surgery


Active Member
I have always used a Thermarest NeoAir Xtherm NXT Pad with a nice down sleeping bag and slept great. After back surgery last summer, I went on my first hunt this year and slept terrible. Do you any of you have any recommendations for something that is a better option while packing into the backcountry? Thanks
I second the Helinox Cot. Although if you are backpacking, look into the Cot Lite as it is half the weight of their regular cot. Sometimes I go further by laying the Thermarest on top of the cot, more as an extra thermal layer on cold nights but the added padding is always welcome
How much time elapsed between surgery and the hunt?
Did the therapist know of your plans to hunt/camp?

It may be that your back could use a bit of strength training and/or additional therapy. It is possible that, even though your surgery site is recovered, your supporting musculature needs a bit of help. Sometimes the ongoing condition or mishap which led to surgery causes a person to walk, lift, move, sleep differently in order to relieve pain. Along comes the surgery to fix the problem and then the muscles you weren't able to use prior to surgery are now weakened and don't perform as well.

Whatever you do, make sure the surgeon is involved in your treatment.

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