Holy sheeeei..........

Once again you making assumptions out of things I never said.

Why would you troll this thread?

Trolling? So were you trolling by posting hunting pictures asking why we weren’t discussing hunting on a hunting forum? (Except that there’s was related to hunting, oddly enough.)
Trolling? So were you trolling by posting hunting pictures asking why we weren’t discussing hunting on a hunting forum? (Except that there’s was related to hunting, oddly enough.)
No I asked why you have never posted any pics of you hunting.

"Me fail english??? That's unpossible."
Anyone wanna make a bet the Browns don’t make the SB? Hopefully I can hi-jack this stupid thread 😆

On a side note the sky isn’t blue…prove me wrong 🤘
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Yeeessh… I like Texas. but I will say it’s a pre requisite to be 4’ nothin and have the attitude of a 6’8” linebacker to live In south Texas. Just an observation…
So you are scared of information about a murder being posted?

Damn you might be the most easily triggered human ever.
Maybe we should start posting about crooked taxidermists that attempt to steal mounts of trophy game animals by reporting them stolen or lost so they could sell them for a large profit. I know of one that tried to do that in Wyoming to my father-in-laws antelope mount that scored very high.

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