MAGA On The Ropes


You Either Don't Comprehend What's Going On With The Pollution BS?

Or You're One Of The GREENIES Thinking You're Gonna Save The Earth All By Yourself With Your STUPID BS Ideas!

As Smart As You Claim You Are!

SPLAIN How Moving Pollution To Other Areas Of The Globe Helps Anything In The Long Run!
Listen EA, I was too rough in that last reply to you, and I apologize.

PS I don’t like pollution anywhere. It’s not good to move it around the globe, but I can’t have any impact on China’s politics.
Listen EA, I was too rough in that last reply to you, and I apologize.

PS I don’t like pollution anywhere. It’s not good to move it around the globe, but I can’t have any impact on China’s politics.
You're Buddied up With BIDEN,Right?


He's In Bed & Has Been In Bed With China For Who Knows How F'N Long?
You're Buddied up With BIDEN,Right?


He's In Bed & Has Been In Bed With China For Who Knows How F'N Long?
Yeah, Joe and Donald are both corrupt clowns, unfortunately they are who will be on the ballot.

Should I say for the 50th time I wish Dems would run someone else at the top of the ticket or?
I Think You Should!

You Could Post The DUMBEST Democrat You Know Of Or Like Besides Biden & It'd Be An Upgrade!

Like LEAD Pipe On The Wasatch/SLC Area Is NEWS?




Yeah, Joe and Donald are both corrupt clowns, unfortunately they are who will be on the ballot.

Should I say for the 50th time I wish Dems would run someone else at the top of the ticket or?
I Think You Should!

You Could Post The DUMBEST Democrat You Know Of Or Like Besides Biden & It'd Be An Upgrade!

Like LEAD Pipe On The Wasatch/SLC Area Is NEWS?



Getting rid of lead pipes? A good thing, we'll end up with less of you.
There's Lead Service Lines Still Serving Water To People On The Wasatch Front That's Been In Service for 80-100+ Years!

I've Seen It First Hand & The Old Lead Pipe Is Still In Excellent Shape!

But Ya!

You Give A Mouse Enough Lead You'll Eventually Kill Him!
Is there any possible way for the federal government at all levels to regain any trust of the people governed??
Is there any possible way for the federal government at all levels to regain any trust of the people governed??
In my opinion, unless there is actual accountability ( heads rolling, treason charges )for all the lying and cheating….no trust will be regained.
Is there any possible way for the federal government at all levels to regain any trust of the people governed??
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When we have guys like this advising/making economic policy, it's just a matter of time before we collapse

I would pay money to watch him and Kamala Harris have a debate on economics and busses

For those that don't have Facebook

I love how you all post obscure idiots you see on social media, that confirm whatever nonsense you want them to say, believe it as fact, post it, and then think you really did something. You’re gullible morons who allow your social media algorithms to tell you and reenforce any garbage you want to believe. You literally don’t think for yourselves, you think whatever nonsense technology throws your way you like.
I love how you all post obscure idiots you see on social media, that confirm whatever nonsense you want them to say, believe it as fact, post it, and then think you really did something. You’re gullible morons who allow your social media algorithms to tell you and reenforce any garbage you want to believe. You literally don’t think for yourselves, you think whatever nonsense technology throws your way you like.
Gullible morons?
Like the MSM that pushed the lie that Hunter's Laptop was Russian dissinformation. 🤣 🤡 ☝️
"we haven't really accomplished what we set out to do, but the polls with Kamala are just too close"

A half point without inflation in check, means they see real damage to jobs down the line
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Natl. debt just went up $82 Billion dollars in two days. We're headed for hard times IMO no matter who is elected.

The last two times the Fed's 1st rate cut was lowered by 50+ bps both ended in recession. What happens the 3rd time initiated today?

I'll be voting for the guy that isn't destroying our soverignty flooding the country with millions of new third world voters. The guy that still values the 1st & 2nd amendment and isn't a puppet of the bureaucracy. The guy that didn't start any new wars. The guy that want's to lower regulation and make it easier for businesses to prosper. The guy that actually doesn't hate the middle class. The guy that said he will empower his cabinet via Kennedy, Musk & others to help reign in the bureaucracy & wasteful spending. The guy that isn't trying to destroy the lifeblood of our economy (energy) on a fake hoax. I'll also be voting for the guy and the party that knows men can't get pregnant or menstruate and thinks that mutilating young kids over a mental illness is criminal.

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Uh ho is right. There is no good reason for the fed to cut rates 50 bps at this time. The previous rate was not extraordinarily high when compared to historic rates. Look at the recent times that the Fed has cut rates 50 bps. All of those times the poop was about to hit the fan. The board at the Fed must be looking at some economic data the isn't making the head lines to make this move. The Fed just has not made this kind of cut when all things are rosy with the economy. The only other expatiation is the Fed has turned political and if that is the case we have even bigger problems
"we haven't really accomplished what we set out to do, but the polls with Kamala are just too close"

A half point without inflation in check, means they see real damage to jobs down the line
He said the economy is good, inflation has cooled significantly and the trends will continue. And yes, the economy is a delicate balance of inflation and employment correct.
Natl. debt just went up $82 Billion dollars in two days. We're headed for hard times IMO no matter who is elected.

The last two times the Fed's 1st rate cut was lowered by 50+ bps both ended in recession. What happens the 3rd time initiated today?

I'll be voting for the guy that isn't destroying our soverignty flooding the country with millions of new third world voters. The guy that still values the 1st & 2nd amendment and isn't a puppet of the bureaucracy. The guy that didn't start any new wars. The guy that want's to lower regulation and make it easier for businesses to prosper. The guy that actually doesn't hate the middle class. The guy that said he will empower his cabinet via Kennedy, Musk & others to help reign in the bureaucracy & wasteful spending. The guy that isn't trying to destroy the lifeblood of our economy (energy) on a fake hoax. I'll also be voting for the guy and the party that knows men can't get pregnant or menstruate and thinks that mutilating young kids over a mental illness is criminal.

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I could reply in a serious way, but you can vote for your hateful racist. The economy is doing well especially considering worldwide comparatively since the pandemic, you just need excuses to vote for the hateful racist. Nothing but scare tactics, but at least he has “concepts of a plan” and scare tactics, demonization, and racism for you all.
Uh ho is right. There is no good reason for the fed to cut rates 50 bps at this time. The previous rate was not extraordinarily high when compared to historic rates. Look at the recent times that the Fed has cut rates 50 bps. All of those times the poop was about to hit the fan. The board at the Fed must be looking at some economic data the isn't making the head lines to make this move. The Fed just has not made this kind of cut when all things are rosy with the economy. The only other expatiation is the Fed has turned political and if that is the case we have even bigger problems
There is. They are seeing cut backs on temporary employment, which is a signal that they have to decide what balance needs to be struck. You cannot wait for employment to start falling before adjusting the formula. The temporary positions added has been giving indications they needed to make a cut. You do it before it ends up eroding into the full and part time job markets. They feel comfortable enough that inflation has cooled that they need to infuse the job market. It’s made the headlines. Temporary jobs are the first jobs companies start to cut back on if things are getting tight in the labor market. They have been coming in lower for the first two quarters than the fed is comfortable with. With inflation cooling a lot, it was time.

The question isn’t actually whether a cut was necessary it was, I actually think they’re a little worried they cut it later than they should have.
He said the economy is good, inflation has cooled significantly and the trends will continue. And yes, the economy is a delicate balance of inflation and employment correct.

He did t say inflation was at 2% though did he.

Meaning job losses, the feds other job, are now more scary than inflation
Here’s a conspiracy for ya.

What’s going to happen when 10-15 million young men, angry and hungry, start resorting to stealing, killing and eating horses, get forced out of hotels, (getting cut off from free from food etc etc etc and get reeeeeeally pissed off and start feeling threated?)

Choose which conspiracy you think will happen:

a). They’ll get hired and start buying Roth IRAs.

b). Buy airline tickets to New Zealand where they’ll marry loving Māori women and live there, happily ever after.

c). Relocate to Michigan, create a utopia, the likes of which the world has never seen.

d). Purchase weapons and beginning taking whatever they want from American citizens, where ever and when ever they choose.

Pick one and remember, Homer say’s it will only be a conspiracy for a couple months……… what say you?
Economists have been expecting an interest rate cut and the timing and magnitude of this one come as no surprise. Yet, after arguing that Presidents should control rates, Chicken Little is now complaining that this move is politically motivated? His apparent concern is that Americans will notice that the Sky is not Falling, and have one less reason to tolerate his own brand of incompetence. Dude's had four years to plan for this election--he had better give America something besides grievance because most of us are just not that butthurt.
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Here’s a conspiracy for ya.

What’s going to happen when 10-15 million young men, angry and hungry, start resorting to stealing, killing and eating horses, get forced out of hotels, (getting cut off from free from food etc etc etc and get reeeeeeally pissed off and start feeling threated?)

Choose which conspiracy you think will happen:

a). They’ll get hired and start buying Roth IRAs.

b). Buy airline tickets to New Zealand where they’ll marry loving Māori women and live there, happily ever after.

c). Relocate to Michigan, create a utopia, the likes of which the world has never seen.

d). Purchase weapons and beginning taking whatever they want from American citizens, where ever and when ever they choose.

Pick one and remember, Homer say’s it will only be a conspiracy for a couple months……… what say you?

d. Steal weapons....
He did t say inflation was at 2% though did he.

Meaning job losses, the feds other job, are now more scary than inflation

He said it is trending there and has come down substantially.....and is at 2.5%, so yes, given that and the temporary job market they can see they need to strike a balance here.
Here’s a conspiracy for ya.

What’s going to happen when 10-15 million young men, angry and hungry, start resorting to stealing, killing and eating horses, get forced out of hotels, (getting cut off from free from food etc etc etc and get reeeeeeally pissed off and start feeling threated?)

Choose which conspiracy you think will happen:

a). They’ll get hired and start buying Roth IRAs.

b). Buy airline tickets to New Zealand where they’ll marry loving Māori women and live there, happily ever after.

c). Relocate to Michigan, create a utopia, the likes of which the world has never seen.

d). Purchase weapons and beginning taking whatever they want from American citizens, where ever and when ever they choose.

Pick one and remember, Homer say’s it will only be a conspiracy for a couple months……… what say you?

God you people are so stupid and out of whack with reality. Truly, just mind numbing. Get off Facebook and stop listening to Alex Jones.
Economists have been expecting an interest rate cut and the timing and magnitude of this one come as no surprise. Yet, after arguing that Presidents should control rates, Chicken Little is now complaining that this move is politically motivated? His apparent concern is that Americans will notice that the Sky is not Falling, and have one less reason to tolerate his own brand of incompetence. Dude's had four years to plan for this election--he had better give America something besides grievance because most of us are just not that butthurt.
Here's the thing....the orange dude....only cares about the orange dude. He would smile big tomorrow if the stock market crashed and millions of American's lost their jobs if he benefited from it. Yet some of these folks think he's some God that cares about them. He does not. He's not whining about a rate cut. When isn't he whining? He, and some of the folks on this board, just don't want to admit America of all developed nations has had one of the best and fastest recoveries economically from covid in the world, along with one of the best inflation rate recoveries.
Browneye has changed my mind... he has convinced me with his lies to vote for the deep state puppet that wants to make sure my sons have access to tampons and gender reassignment. If she is not successful at making them queer she will send them to another country to die in a war we shouldnt even be in...
Here's the thing....the orange dude....only cares about the orange dude. He would smile big tomorrow if the stock market crashed and millions of American's lost their jobs if he benefited from it. Yet some of these folks think he's some God that cares about them. He does not. He's not whining about a rate cut. When isn't he whining? He, and some of the folks on this board, just don't want to admit America of all developed nations has had one of the best and fastest recoveries economically from covid in the world, along with one of the best inflation rate recoveries.

There are hundreds of MMers. Have you ever noticed that it is the same dozen or so who reappear here, day after day, desperate for validation? They never have anything informative to say about hunting. It's more like watching your aunties argue over the best cheesecake recipe on Facebook, which explains why they are relegated to the nickel seats here on MM. Nobody wants to hear the constant whining. Most sane people do not have the patience for arguments based solely on paranoia. That fact, alone, gives me the confidence that America is not as bad off as these guys would have you believe. In the end, millions of real conservatives will burn MAGA to the ground in November and then rebuild a party true to our principles.
There are hundreds of MMers. Have you ever noticed that it is the same dozen or so who reappear here, day after day, desperate for validation? They never have anything informative to say about hunting. It's more like watching your aunties argue over the best cheesecake recipe on Facebook, which explains why they are relegated to the nickel seats here on MM. Nobody wants to hear the constant whining. Most sane people do not have the patience for arguments based solely on paranoia. That fact, alone, gives me the confidence that America is not as bad off as these guys would have you believe. In the end, millions of real conservatives will burn MAGA to the ground in November and then rebuild a party true to our principles.
Well thought out and presented bullshiit...
There are hundreds of MMers. Have you ever noticed that it is the same dozen or so who reappear here, day after day, desperate for validation? They never have anything informative to say about hunting. It's more like watching your aunties argue over the best cheesecake recipe on Facebook, which explains why they are relegated to the nickel seats here on MM. Nobody wants to hear the constant whining. Most sane people do not have the patience for arguments based solely on paranoia. That fact, alone, gives me the confidence that America is not as bad off as these guys would have you believe. In the end, millions of real conservatives will burn MAGA to the ground in November and then rebuild a party true to our principles.
Yep……. yet you go to the trouble of digging through and finding an unlisted Political thread, 99% of the members never bother to go in, post your opinions and get frustrated. If most sane people are not in this room, what does that say about both, you and I? Think about it for a second…… you come to the “nickel seats”, uninvited and are uplifted because we make you believe “that America is not as bad off as these guys would have you believe”, and you are unhappy with that.

Imagine that!

Seems like you might be a deeply conflicted gentleman.
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I could reply in a serious way, but you can vote for your hateful racist. The economy is doing well especially considering worldwide comparatively since the pandemic, you just need excuses to vote for the hateful racist. Nothing but scare tactics, but at least he has “concepts of a plan” and scare tactics, demonization, and racism for you all.
Always pull the race card when you have no argument... never fails.

Maybe go pull the lever in the mens bathroom and you'll get a free Tim Walz tampon which you clearly need. You show up about once a month on the rag... just sayin?

I've been as critical of Trump as anyone here but I damn sure know the lesser of two evils. I'll be sure to bookmark your post for when we enter a deep recession.

It's been 1037 days, almost 3 years since $42 Billion was appropriated to extend internet service to millions of people without service. Where is it? Not a single person has been connected to date... Zero! Where is that money... in Ukraine or the pockets of lobbyists & congressmen? It sure as hell ain't getting used to build out internet service to those without. Reminds me of the shovel ready jobs from a previous administration that never materialized.

Been about the same amount of time that Biden/Harris approved $8 Billion to build 500,000 EV charging stations across the country. 500K charging stations! Know how many they've built? 8.
Eight charging stations for 8 billion dollars. Yeah I ain't voting for that level of incompetence you half-wit.

Why is it that every bill named does the exact opposite its given name implies? Affordable Care Act. Inflation Reduction Act. Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act. American Recovery & Reinvestment Act. It's all garbage used to launder money to their politically favored friends.
If most sane people are not in this room, what does that say about both, you and I? Think about it for a second…… you come to the “nickel seats”, uninvited and are uplifted because we make you believe “that America is not as bad off as these guys would have you believe”, and you are unhappy with that.

Oh, I am not claiming to be an exception to the rule. The difference, if it matters, is that I will have moved on by tomorrow while you will still be discussing recipes with Homer and the other ladies you invited to my thread. As for being unhappy or frustrated, I think you misunderstand--I am perfectly content to see that most MMers do not share your gloom and doom.
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Oh, I am not claiming to be an exception to the rule. The difference, if it matters, is that I will have moved on by tomorrow while you will still be debating recipes with Homer and the other ladies you invited to my thread. As for being unhappy or frustrated, I think you misunderstand--I am perfectly content to see that most MMers do not share your gloom and doom.
Well that’s good, my friend, so am I.

So, we’ll carry on then……. making the folks happy.

Sleep well, and we can both look forward to my misunderstanding again…….after a few hours of blissful rest.
It's been 1037 days, almost 3 years since $42 Billion was appropriated to extend internet service to millions of people without service. Where is it? Not a single person has been connected to date... Zero! Where is that money... in Ukraine or the pockets of lobbyists & congressmen? It sure as hell ain't getting used to build out internet service to those without. Reminds me of the shovel ready jobs from a previous administration that never materialized.

Been about the same amount of time that Biden/Harris approved $8 Billion to build 500,000 EV charging stations across the country. 500K charging stations! Know how many they've built? 8.
Eight charging stations for 8 billion dollars. Yeah I ain't voting for that level of incompetence you half-wit.

Why is it that every bill named does the exact opposite its given name implies? Affordable Care Act. Inflation Reduction Act. Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act. American Recovery & Reinvestment Act. It's all garbage used to launder money to their politically favored friends.
The democratic economic plan can be condensed to three words.

Trickle Down Goverment
He said it is trending there and has come down substantially.....and is at 2.5%, so yes, given that and the temporary job market they can see they need to strike a balance here.

My wife works for an international tech company.

The job market is terrible.

And, the outlook is worse.

Aside from fed gov hiring, it's bad heading to worse. And I know you won't believe it, but electing Harris, only makes it worse.

But I love the "it's trending there, could be another year and a half, but by then Kamala is President and shell run cover"

"So you all know, we plan on cutting rates for the next year and a half"

"I know I'm doa if trumps elected so that's why I'm telling you"

It's just another institution that the left has corrupted with politics.

No one looking at a toss up election where Harris could win thinks inflation is going to 2%. Her boss spent record amounts. After her "oppurtunity economy", $25,000 per American for houses, and reparations, shell make Biden look like Dave Ramsey.
There are hundreds of MMers. Have you ever noticed that it is the same dozen or so who reappear here, day after day, desperate for validation? They never have anything informative to say about hunting. It's more like watching your aunties argue over the best cheesecake recipe on Facebook, which explains why they are relegated to the nickel seats here on MM. Nobody wants to hear the constant whining. Most sane people do not have the patience for arguments based solely on paranoia. That fact, alone, gives me the confidence that America is not as bad off as these guys would have you believe. In the end, millions of real conservatives will burn MAGA to the ground in November and then rebuild a party true to our principles.
Lighten up Francis. BTW, I got a buck during bow season this year.
My wife works for an international tech company.

The job market is terrible.

And, the outlook is worse.

Aside from fed gov hiring, it's bad heading to worse. And I know you won't believe it, but electing Harris, only makes it worse.

But I love the "it's trending there, could be another year and a half, but by then Kamala is President and shell run cover"

"So you all know, we plan on cutting rates for the next year and a half"

"I know I'm doa if trumps elected so that's why I'm telling you"

It's just another institution that the left has corrupted with politics.

No one looking at a toss up election where Harris could win thinks inflation is going to 2%. Her boss spent record amounts. After her "oppurtunity economy", $25,000 per American for houses, and reparations, shell make Biden look like Dave Ramsey.
Yep it's always just the system, Obama was a communist, Joe was a communist, Kamala is a communist.....oh and the stock market and economy are going to fail....been hearing that for 10 years now on Ben Shapiro's podcast....weird....none of them were ever communists, and the economy pumped throughout each of their Presidencies. Yes, it's poor, poor's not that the guy at the top of your ticket's main running line for the last two weeks is immigrants eating cats and dogs conspiracies while the Republican commissioners, mayor, Governor, and others in Ohio have asked he and his running mate to stop spreading false's not that he can't let go of 2020, it's not that he's a mouth vomit buffoon every time he speaks. It couldn't be that he is extremely pro-tariff. It couldn't be that things are going well.....NO NO NO you see, conservatives always must fear monger that the next great collapse is happening right before our eyes for the last 14 years and yet it just won't fail for them.
Always pull the race card when you have no argument... never fails.

Maybe go pull the lever in the mens bathroom and you'll get a free Tim Walz tampon which you clearly need. You show up about once a month on the rag... just sayin?

I've been as critical of Trump as anyone here but I damn sure know the lesser of two evils. I'll be sure to bookmark your post for when we enter a deep recession.

It's been 1037 days, almost 3 years since $42 Billion was appropriated to extend internet service to millions of people without service. Where is it? Not a single person has been connected to date... Zero! Where is that money... in Ukraine or the pockets of lobbyists & congressmen? It sure as hell ain't getting used to build out internet service to those without. Reminds me of the shovel ready jobs from a previous administration that never materialized.

Been about the same amount of time that Biden/Harris approved $8 Billion to build 500,000 EV charging stations across the country. 500K charging stations! Know how many they've built? 8.
Eight charging stations for 8 billion dollars. Yeah I ain't voting for that level of incompetence you half-wit.

Why is it that every bill named does the exact opposite its given name implies? Affordable Care Act. Inflation Reduction Act. Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act. American Recovery & Reinvestment Act. It's all garbage used to launder money to their politically favored friends.
Utah has free tampons too buddy, why don't you go grab yourself one instead?
The democratic economic plan can be condensed to three words.

Trickle Down Goverment
The Democratic economic plan, has been being in charge of some of America's most prosperous times while having the White House all of the last 14 years, except 4 of them. Notice how there ain't been a major economic down turn since predominantly Democrats have controlled your government?
There are hundreds of MMers. Have you ever noticed that it is the same dozen or so who reappear here, day after day, desperate for validation? They never have anything informative to say about hunting. It's more like watching your aunties argue over the best cheesecake recipe on Facebook, which explains why they are relegated to the nickel seats here on MM. Nobody wants to hear the constant whining. Most sane people do not have the patience for arguments based solely on paranoia. That fact, alone, gives me the confidence that America is not as bad off as these guys would have you believe. In the end, millions of real conservatives will burn MAGA to the ground in November and then rebuild a party true to our principles.

Ahhh, yes. The good ole days.

I for one can't wait for more war,
Yep it's always just the system, Obama was a communist, Joe was a communist, Kamala is a communist.....oh and the stock market and economy are going to fail....been hearing that for 10 years now on Ben Shapiro's podcast....weird....none of them were ever communists, and the economy pumped throughout each of their Presidencies. Yes, it's poor, poor's not that the guy at the top of your ticket's main running line for the last two weeks is immigrants eating cats and dogs conspiracies while the Republican commissioners, mayor, Governor, and others in Ohio have asked he and his running mate to stop spreading false's not that he can't let go of 2020, it's not that he's a mouth vomit buffoon every time he speaks. It couldn't be that he is extremely pro-tariff. It couldn't be that things are going well.....NO NO NO you see, conservatives always must fear monger that the next great collapse is happening right before our eyes for the last 14 years and yet it just won't fail for them.


Kamala's parents were/are Marxists.

She literally copied and pasted BIDENOMICS.

Not such a great plan...

The issue is, we all remember how it was rolling until Dec 19'.

You, and she, want to pretend epidemic economy was Trumps economy.
I don't know, I'm starting to think Biden's economy may be tough for trump to top. With the S&P hitting a new record and up 1.71% I think trump may have a tough time topping that level of performance.

It's interesting that DJT stock dropped about 6% in a record setting day, down from a high of $79 to $14. The great business mans stock is headed to zero.

I made a chitload of money today...scouting pronghorn with a buddy.
I don't know, I'm starting to think Biden's economy may be tough for trump to top. With the S&P hitting a new record and up 1.71% I think trump may have a tough time topping that level of performance.

It's interesting that DJT stock dropped about 6% in a record setting day, down from a high of $79 to $14. The great business mans stock is headed to zero.

I made a chitload of money today...scouting pronghorn with a buddy.
Happy for ya Buzz.
I don't know, I'm starting to think Biden's economy may be tough for trump to top. With the S&P hitting a new record and up 1.71% I think trump may have a tough time topping that level of performance.

It's interesting that DJT stock dropped about 6% in a record setting day, down from a high of $79 to $14. The great business mans stock is headed to zero.

I made a chitload of money today...scouting pronghorn with a buddy.

Believed every word until "buddy"
You guys that are smarter than me answer these questions
If Biden and Kamala has did so good with the economy and did such a wonderful job with the energy secture, and they have implemented policies that majority of Americans support.
And according to you really smart people, Trump is hated by majority of Americans.
Then why is Trump still competitive in the presidential race?
Why would on of the largest labor union not support Biden or Kamala?
The Teamster union has supported every democrat candidate since Regan.
I would like to hear from you Oneye.
You guys that are smarter than me answer these questions
If Biden and Kamala has did so good with the economy and did such a wonderful job with the energy secture, and they have implemented policies that majority of Americans support.
And according to you really smart people, Trump is hated by majority of Americans.
Then why is Trump still competitive in the presidential race?
Why would on of the largest labor union not support Biden or Kamala?
The Teamster union has supported every democrat candidate since Regan.
I would like to hear from you Oneye.
Easy answer, trump supporters are cult like and divorced from reality.

I'm voting for him only because he's a complete sellout to wall street and that's more money in my pocket.
The Democratic economic plan, has been being in charge of some of America's most prosperous times while having the White House all of the last 14 years, except 4 of them. Notice how there ain't been a major economic down turn since predominantly Democrats have controlled your government?
Wake up Rip Van Winkle, you been asleep for 3 1/2 yrs?

Cost of housing has more than doubled, mortgages have doubled & rents skyrocketed. A renter has to make $80K to afford the average rent. You pay car insurance or homeowners insurance? Skyrocketed. Vehicle maintenance up 32%. Food, fuel... pffft no problem? You heat or cool your home with anything other than the hot air you spew?

Household debt & credit card debt is the highest it's ever been since they started tracking in 1999.

Yup people sure are enjoying all that Democrat prosperity, take a bow.
Biden doesn't even agree that BIDENOMICS has worked, or that inflation is down

President Biden confessed Thursday that there’s “a hell of a lot more work to do” to tame inflation and boost the economy — as he delivered an error-ridden speech including a false claim that he hadn’t met Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell.
Wake up Rip Van Winkle, you been asleep for 3 1/2 yrs?

Cost of housing has more than doubled, mortgages have doubled & rents skyrocketed. A renter has to make $80K to afford the average rent. You pay car insurance or homeowners insurance? Skyrocketed. Vehicle maintenance up 32%. Food, fuel... pffft no problem? You heat or cool your home with anything other than the hot air you spew?

Household debt & credit card debt is the highest it's ever been since they started tracking in 1999.

Yup people sure are enjoying all that Democrat prosperity, take a bow.
The idiot is Biden. Americans living through Bidenomics. It's the economy stupid. Have you been to a gas station or grocery store lately? Better hope you arent looking to buy a home. Interest rates higher than Joey's crackhead son.

I miss Jimmy Carter!
Oh my, the price of eggs...


Yep leave out 2008.
Ummmm....yeah that would be Mr. Bush's crash buddy lol. You can't blame Obama, but you can credit him for the terms where the economy recovered and stabilized and hasn't crashed since despite conservatives begging it to for a decade plus.

Ahhh, yes. The good ole days.

I for one can't wait for more war,


Kamala's parents were/are Marxists.

She literally copied and pasted BIDENOMICS.

Not such a great plan...

The issue is, we all remember how it was rolling until Dec 19'.

You, and she, want to pretend epidemic economy was Trumps economy.
Oh yes, just call them Marxist, it hasn't lost you guys 3 out of the last 4 Presidential elections. Find a new fear mongering point. ALL YOU PEOPLE DO.

You guys that are smarter than me answer these questions
If Biden and Kamala has did so good with the economy and did such a wonderful job with the energy secture, and they have implemented policies that majority of Americans support.
And according to you really smart people, Trump is hated by majority of Americans.
Then why is Trump still competitive in the presidential race?
Why would on of the largest labor union not support Biden or Kamala?
The Teamster union has supported every democrat candidate since Regan.
I would like to hear from you Oneye.
Because the country is 50/50, I believe actually leaning slightly to the conservative side with the leaners, but the GOP has become so utterly unpalatable to reasonable people with MAGA nonsense that they will vote for a Democrat before they vote for your weird ****. Romney didn't lose because he was a bad candidate. Romney lost because he was running against literally one of the top 5 most popular politicians who has ever ran for political office. Trump loses because in spite of people being unhappy with some things, they still won't vote for THAT. And you're going to lose again, to another unpopular Democratic, with an unpopular incumbent Democrat as President. You nominated dog **** for a 3rd time. Enjoy losing with that dog **** again. I saw a tweet about a year ago that put it simply. The suburbs don't like weird ****, and the GOP has done nothing but weird ****. THAT is why you lose. By focusing on fear mongering immigrants who are peoples neighbors and friends. Demonizing everyone who isn't like your set of beliefs or ideals. You lose because you are really bad at this, not because Democrats are good at this. Imagine nominating that orange clown and asking why Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will have the White House for 8 years. Look in a ******* mirror. Put down the racism, the shouting communism, the idea the nation is crumbling, and talk reasonably about ideas. Problem is, orange guy can't, you can make him follow the trap wherever you put it.

Easy answer, trump supporters are cult like and divorced from reality.

I'm voting for him only because he's a complete sellout to wall street and that's more money in my pocket.
100000000% Just look at Phil Lyman's campaign. It's just Trump, localized lol.

Biden doesn't even agree that BIDENOMICS has worked, or that inflation is down

President Biden confessed Thursday that there’s “a hell of a lot more work to do” to tame inflation and boost the economy — as he delivered an error-ridden speech including a false claim that he hadn’t met Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell.
No ****? And also, is Biden's mind there enough for you to quote him now? Or is he senile? The goalpost seems to move. One minute he's entirely competent because you want to call him terrible, then the next he's as gone as gone gets. But we'll ignore that and you can quote him here as your legitimate source.

Job numbers, inflation, the border….all the bs they spouted is finally coming to light for those who had their head up their azz.
And orange man is going to lose anyway. Them polls are slipping. Even Bill Maher looking at the last few weeks and being one of the folks saying "he can win" now says "It's over, he's going to lose". And he is.
Job numbers, inflation, the border….all the bs they spouted is finally coming to light for those who had their head up their azz.
And orange man is going to lose anyway. Them polls are slipping. Even Bill Maher looking at the last few weeks and being one of the folks saying "he can win" now says "It's over, he's going to lose". And he is.

And orange man is going to lose anyway. Them polls are slipping. Even Bill Maher looking at the last few weeks and being one of the folks saying "he can win" now says "It's over, he's going to lose". And he is.

Don’t think so, the polls from reliable sources ie Silverman, Girdusky etc are saying much different. There’s a reason Kamala wants a second debate and is going to do another canned “interview”. Her female voting block is locked in with the same numbers D’s have always had. Kamala is down big with most other blocks Trump seeing bigger numbers than in 2016 and 2020.
Don’t think so, the polls from reliable sources ie Silverman, Girdusky etc are saying much different. There’s a reason Kamala wants a second debate and is going to do another canned “interview”. Her female voting block is locked in with the same numbers D’s have always had. Kamala is down big with most other blocks Trump seeing bigger numbers than in 2016 and 2020.
Don't think so?? was a great poll for Trump

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