Horse rental Pinedale WY


I have a moose tag and plan on coming to Pinedale the first week of October with my side by side in my horse trailer so I can cover a lot of country. I’ll be staying at a hotel in Pinedale so I won’t have anywhere for my own horses plus the side by side. So what I’m looking for is someone to rent me a couple horses or mules that I could come grab in the event I need to pack a moose out that isn’t close to the road. They would be solely pack animals that I could just lead in. Any leads appreciated.
What moose area are you hunting? Only horse rentals I know of close to here is in the Star Valley area Yellowstone Horse Rentals. Blucher Creek Outfitters also covers a wide area in BTNF and can do day trips in an out to pack game out. FYI, there is NO game processing in the area nor cooler. Should be cool enough to hold it for a couple days by October, been mid 20's to mid 30's in the mornings.
I’m hunting area 5. Thanks for the info. Yea, I was just there last week and it was plenty cool. 28 degrees at night.
It’s hard this late in the game. If you have a horse trailer then rent them in Afton from Yellowstone rentals and leave your side by side at your hotel. Many trailheads have a corral you can keep them in. Most Outfitters either aren’t permitted to carry you during hunting season or choose not to pack for such little return. Most of the locals won’t rent to strangers. If you rented a single big boned pack horse horse you could carry out half a moose each trip.
I hear you. I know it’s a long shot. Afton would probably be too far of a drive to get horses and get back. My other thought is to bring my own horses and look for a place in Pinedale to board them while I hunt and then they would be closer if I needed them.
If you focus on the southwest portion of the unit than having horses is the only way to go to pack one out. The rest of the area is covered by plenty of roads that can be covered with SxS or if you want to go slower, a truck. Lots of those roads end 6 to 10 miles from where you'd have to start riding a horse anyways. By October you could hear rumors of a bull 6 miles from such and such trailhead, so the next day you ride up there and don't see a damn thing. Then you find out the same bull was seen 10 miles away in a different drainage the next day by a certain road. If there with a cow than you may have a day or so. The only trailhead up there that has horse corrals is all the way up at Green River Lakes, which if the road is still in the terrible shape takes way too much time to trailer all the way up there when you'll probably be hunting further south of there. Just FYI, if you have to leave one overnight, be bear aware. I've seen plenty of videos of grizzlies on carcasses within a day of harvest that were filmed while sitting in a SxS or truck. Good luck with your hunt.
Spring Creek Park and New fork have corrals. The vast majority of Eastern part of the unit is all Wilderness. Afton is only 2 hours from Pinedale.
Understood, bulls will be traveling often when I get there. Good advice I’ve received is if I see a hooter bull, he won’t be there tommorow. I rode out of the North Beaver TH a couple weeks ago but only saw cows, so going to try the east side of the unit this time.

I know New Fork has corrals but I need to stay in a hotel in Pinedale this trip due to my dad going with me. And I’m good with the wilderness as a WY resident but I’ll be on a sxs and won’t be in the wilderness this trip.
Drive to Afton. $500 for a pack horse and trailer. Guy next to our elk camp from WA just drove over there grabbed one for the day packed out his bull and took it back. We were about 1 hr from Afton. You will be about 2 hrs depending on where you shoot one.
This attack happened yesterday. Buzz was in our office this morning and told us about it. Second year in a row a grizzly has went after a hunter in the upper green Moose Area 5. And I think 4 out of the last 5 years. Be careful out there.

We kept our horses at the rodeo arena and camped there when we came off the mountain. Had water and quite a few corrals. A few other people were doing the same thing while we were there.
Well, didn’t take horses and made it happen. Thanks to all that chimed in anyways. Died 50yds from the sxs….


Wyoming Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Badger Creek Outfitters

Offering elk, deer and pronghorn hunts on several privately owned ranches.

Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, antelope and moose hunts and take B&C bucks most years.

J & J Outfitters

Offering quality fair-chase hunts for trophy mule deer, elk, and moose in Wyoming.

Yellowstone Horse Rentals - Western Wyoming Horses
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