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If you thought the great reset was coming , what would you want to invest in ? I have some friends who went to a big financial seminar and they were told it will happen this next Presidential term . That doesn't mean it will but I don't see things getting in a better direction. I have people I know who bought gold and silver. I'm not convinced of that though.
In my opinion, which means nothing. I would stay as diversified as possible. You will not make a killing as if you invested in one thing and it booms. But you will hopefully not lose everything. I was never a gambler. The rest of our retirement is in T bills, stocks, 401k’s and mutual funds all well diversified. I retired right before turning 60. Wife and I decided on investing about 1/3 of our savings into buying a few rental houses and making a business of it. I enjoy working on the houses and it’s at my pace.
Never liked the gold and silver thing. Only because I would want to physically have it. And I know nothing about how to tell if it was pure or not.
If I had a big warehouse I would fill it with ammo and reloading supplies. Now that will really be worth something down the road. 🤣😎🤣
gold and silver etf’s that pay a dividend, click the dividend reinvest button and forget about it. been a good steady performer for me.
I would (likely) never invest in gold or silver.
No individual stocks.
And I world NEVER invest in Crypto.
For me, it’s Mutual funds. Real estate is good as well.
I would never “cash out” Mutual Funds if there was a recession/crash. It’s better to stay the course and eventually it comes back.

For me, investing is a marathon.
I’d second the land or a lot as a solid investment as well. But that depends where it is of course
Real estate is always been a great investment, given type and location of course. but it's not very liquid and you better have the horsepower to sit on it a while if need be. I wouldn't want all my eggs in that basket, but quite a few.

Stocks are next best in my opinion. you're investing in the economy, and if the economy doesn't come back nothing comes back and you're screwed with any investment. it's liquid and it's easy to track. at no point in history has a half savvy lost their money if they ride it out. people leave, they always come back, because they have no choice.

I don't like gold or other metals for the same reasons Warren Buffett doesn't. if you think you're smarter than him good luck with that.

I don't understand crypto and I don't want to. I know some people have made a lot of money with it, but I'm out

Just my opinion, I don't claim to be an expert, but I've done very well so I'm not going to change my plan.
I would (likely) never invest in gold or silver.
No individual stocks.
And I world NEVER invest in Crypto.
For me, it’s Mutual funds. Real estate is good as well.
I would never “cash out” Mutual Funds if there was a recession/crash. It’s better to stay the course and eventually it comes back.

For me, investing
For those of you with young kids, I would start a 529 for them. It is a great option.
Great option. Started one for my daughter years ago. She is now 18 and going to school at Dixie. It's been a huge help.
If its an actual Great Reset you fear... I'm not sure it will matter. If those powers that be are able to effect the change they want, only "the 1%" will have anything of their own. 😡

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