If you really need to know why I think he's an A hole, I'll start with the fact that a court of law and a jury of his peers found he sexually assaulted a woman.

I really don't care about any of the criminal cases. But that one is an easy litmus test for me. If you abuse a woman emotionally, physically, or sexually, you are an A hole.

How's that?
Long Island lawyer Andrew Lieb said he believed the biggest problem Carroll had on the rape claim “was that she couldn’t pinpoint the day [or] time.”

“Without concrete details it’s really problematic,” Lieb said.

Carroll told jurors that the incident took place most likely in the spring of 1996, but she couldn’t remember an exact date — despite racking her brain for the timeframe for years.
If people look at both candidates, ask if Trump 4 years were better for them and the country, a good border, no wars, more law and order, energy independent low inflation, supreme court that will obey the constitution, etc,
Compared to the last 4 years, Trump should win by a landslide.
But we still ALL need to vote.
Let's just put our cards on the table.
I have 2 draft age grandchildren. Do I want a limp wrist liberal driving our ship? Do I want them fighting a war that we should never be involved?
Guaranteed that the rich kids will be safe. Trump 4 deferrals Biden 5 deferrals.

Trump wants us out of wars, Israel and Ukraine are both Biden/Democrat caused. Weak and stupid.
Biden? He is all in. Clueless old senile washed up puppet.
Kamala? She is to stupid to think for herself. Laughing and cackling will not keep us out.
DJT was easily hatable long before he was ever a presidential candidate or twitter existed.

You can keep saying "mean tweets" like it's some kind of badge of honor, and republicans can keep losing elections. At least you'll have your mean tweets, I guess.

I'd prefer not having Kamala Harris be president, personally. But people can choose what they want. It's America!

There's two types of people in this world.

1. People impressed with speech.

2. People impressed with action.

It was amazing to me, how after decades of harshly worded speeches about abortion, it was ended.

All the years of Romney speaking in carefully worded speeches, not a single attempt to end abortion.

All the years of LWCF never getting funded while listening to all the words spoken, and Trump gets it done.

One guy talking about a group of women who will let you have your way with them(grabbing *****), which was met with howls and screams.

Now we have Harris, the literal poster child for what Trump says.

I don't give two shits what my doctor, mechanic, plumber, accountant says, or who they screw, I care they are good at their job.

Flowery words aren't impressive
If you really need to know why I think he's an A hole, I'll start with the fact that a court of law and a jury of his peers found he sexually assaulted a woman.

I really don't care about any of the criminal cases. But that one is an easy litmus test for me. If you abuse a woman emotionally, physically, or sexually, you are an A hole.

How's tha
Trump was found guilty of liable in a CIVIL case regarding this matter.
Apparently he hurt her feelings when he said he would have never been interested in her, or she wasnt his type.

He was not found guilty of sexual assault.
Trump was found guilty of liable in a CIVIL case regarding this matter.
Apparently he hurt her feelings when he said he would have never been interested in her, or she wasnt his type.

He was not found guilty of sexual assault.
And OJ wasn't found guilty of murder in the criminal trial, but was convicted in civil court.

Doesn't mean OJ didn't do it, and doesn't mean trump didn't either.
Just think of Biden showering with his young daughter? Does that count? Or is being a pedophile ok? Clinton+Monica+blue dress ok?
JFK with Marilyn in the white house?

We know Biden showered it daughter. Why would the daughter lie? Put it in her diary as a child
We know Clinton had interactions with Monica, nice blue dress with DNA
We know JFK with 1st hand accounts, paper trails. Pics etc.

And none of that has anything to do with who WE choose to represent OUR ideals. And coincidentally, I'm not planning to vote for Biden, Clinton, or JFK in this election, so I think I'm safe on that one!
Trump was found guilty of liable in a CIVIL case regarding this matter.
Apparently he hurt her feelings when he said he would have never been interested in her, or she wasnt his type.

He was not found guilty of sexual assault.

I am not sure what you mean by "not found guilty," but if you think the civil trial was only about defemation, you misunderstand what happened. A jury found him liable for sexual assault. The defemation stuff came after that was already done.
If people look at both candidates, ask if Trump 4 years were better for them and the country, a good border, no wars, more law and order, energy independent low inflation, supreme court that will obey the constitution, etc,
Compared to the last 4 years, Trump should win by a landslide.
But we still ALL need to vote.
Yeah, law and order was a real high priority for trump...SMH.



Oh, and in regard to energy independence...Just sayin'.

But hey, don't the facts get in the way of your rhetoric.
When you’re in a blood fight, and we’re in one, don’t you agree that it’s high time to get upset?

We’re in a blood fight.

Peoples blood is being spilt V, people have been killed……. Yes/No.

The fight is no longer simply disagreements, in the Congress, in the neighborhoods, and in people’s homes, it is citizens blood, on the ground. Yes/No?

Does that not upset you. Yes/No?

Will you become upset, only after it’s your blood that’s spilt or someone you love’s blood? Should we not become upset when it’s someone else’s blood that’s flowing. Yes/No.

Has this divide not now gone beyond opinions. Yes/No?

And now the county has 10 to 20 million mostly illegal young men, that are here, in cities and towns, getting more angry by the day. Are they spilling blood? Are American’s spilling illegal immigrates blood? Not that I’m aware off. Are they stilling ours? Are we upset about the political policy invited/hauled them here. Yes/No

I’m upset, I have been upset for many many years, not because I’m some kind of futuristic prophet of doom but I damn sure can do simple addition and know that 2+2 will always equal 4. Until some changes what 2+2 equals.

My hope is someone can step forward and lead us to a political solution before the bloodshed becomes a full blown bloody civil war. Wish for that kind of conflict….. if you want, I don’t, yet I can not willingly concede another inch of our freedoms to our socialists.

Until a stronger, smarter, more resilient, wiser Republican shows up, I’ll support Trump. If someone I trust and respect more steps up, like him or not, I’m all in for Trump. I also send as much of my limited income, as I can to him. Not because I like him but because I want what he wants.

Your turn. 😁

My turn is simply this: Let's assume for this discussion you and I agree 100% on everything you wrote there. What good does it do us to have Kamala Harris as president? Why not select someone that would lay waste to her in a general election instead of put her in the White House?

I really don't want Kamala Harris to be president. I hope I'm wrong, but my gut is telling me that is where we are headed.
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And none of that has anything to do with who WE choose to represent OUR ideals. And coincidentally, I'm not planning to vote for Biden, Clinton, or JFK in this election, so I think I'm safe on that one!
The people will speak Nov 5. The above has everything to do with who  WE will vote in.

Do  WE want another 4 yrs of the current administration or should WE go back to the Trump yrs?

I will vote what's best for me and my family
Agreed.. sadly it is common for our elected leaders not modeling our core values.
My turn is simply this: Let's assume for this discussion you and I agree 100% on everything you wrote there. What good does it do us to have Kamala Harris as president? Why not select someone that would lay waste to her in a general election instead of put her in the White House?
Simple answer, trump has a literal cult following. When his supporters compare him to god, there is nobody better they will ever support. Its staggering to think there were actually people at Jonestown that didn't drink the kool-ade, but not a single trump supporter that doesn't.

The Republican Party has hitched themselves to the chit/manure wagon and they're going to pay a heavy political toll for a long, long time.

The only large segment of voters that agree with the way trump does business, is angry old white men, like lumpy, treedagain, etc.. They've lost every other demographic and that is NOT going to be anything that leads to long term success of the party.

IMO, if they don't start drastically making changes and unhitching themselves from the likes of trump and vance, they better prepare for many decades of disappointments at the voting booth.

People are sick of it, including a growing constituency of Republicans.
My turn is simply this: Let's assume for this discussion you and I agree 100% on everything you wrote there. What good does it do us to have Kamala Harris as president? Why not select someone that would lay waste to her in a general election instead of put her in the White House?
I wish we could V. Man….. do I wish we could.
And none of that has anything to do with who WE choose to represent OUR ideals. And coincidentally, I'm not planning to vote for Biden, Clinton, or JFK in this election, so I think I'm safe on that one!
The people will speak Nov 5. The above has everything to do with who  WE will vote in.

Do  WE want another 4 yrs of the current administration or should WE go back to the Trump yrs?

I will vote what's best for me and my family
sadly it is common for our elected leaders not modeling our core values.
Simple answer, trump has a literal cult following. When his supporters compare him to god, there is nobody better they will ever support. Its staggering to think there were actually people at Jonestown that didn't drink the kool-ade, but not a single trump supporter that doesn't.

The Republican Party has hitched themselves to the chit/manure wagon and they're going to pay a heavy political toll for a long, long time.

The only large segment of voters that agree with the way trump does business, is angry old white men, like lumpy, treedagain, etc.. They've lost every other demographic and that is NOT going to be anything that leads to long term success of the party.

IMO, if they don't start drastically making changes and unhitching themselves from the likes of trump and vance, they better prepare for many decades of disappointments at the voting booth.

People are sick of it, including a growing constituency of Republicans.

Yeah, cults and such.

If you really need to know why I think he's an A hole, I'll start with the fact that a court of law and a jury of his peers found he sexually assaulted a woman.

I really don't care about any of the criminal cases. But that one is an easy litmus test for me. If you abuse a woman emotionally, physically, or sexually, you are an A hole.

How's that?
Generally agree with you about Trump, He said prior to the 2020 election that "If I lose to Biden, you'll never see me again" He should have kept to his word.
But if you're talking about the E. Jean Carroll case it's so full of holes, Swiss cheese wants to name a new cheese after her. She's a totally flockin insane looney tune that is not credible at all.

She couldn't remember when Trump attacked her.
Had to admit & correct the record about the Donna Karan outfit she said she was wearing in the dressing room when the alleged event occurred in 1995 she can't remember? It was not made or available for sale until well into 2000's. The same outfit she said she hung up in her closet and could never wear again due to the "attack"

She's a well known man hater and she appeared on Charlie Rose's program in 1995 talking about men. No mention of sexual assault?

The Dem machine in NY changed the law to specifically go after Trump in this case.

In her memoir she accused up to 21 different men of sexual assault against her including CBS Chief Executive Les Moonves who vehemently denied the claims.

SDNY Judge Lewis Kaplan dismissed credible sexual assault claims by one of Jeffrey Epstein's victims against Prince Andrew. Not to mention all the ridiculous evidentiary issues in the Trump/Carroll case.

Did it happen? Not someone I'd believe to be credible. She's about as credible as Christine Blasey Ford & Julie Swetnick claiming Kavanaugh was a serial rapist when he was in high school.

Coo coo for cocoa puffs Anderson Cooper interview where she said it was "not sexual"... not admissible in Kaplan's court

Generally agree with you about Trump, He said prior to the 2020 election that "If I lose to Biden, you'll never see me again" He should have kept to his word.
But if you're talking about the E. Jean Carroll case it's so full of holes, Swiss cheese wants to name a new cheese after her. She's a totally flockin insane looney tune that is not credible at all.

She couldn't remember when Trump attacked her.
Had to admit & correct the record about the Donna Karan outfit she said she was wearing in the dressing room when the alleged event occurred in 1995 she can't remember? It was not made or available for sale until well into 2000's. The same outfit she said she hung up in her closet and could never wear again due to the "attack"

She's a well known man hater and she appeared on Charlie Rose's program in 1995 talking about men. No mention of sexual assault?

The Dem machine in NY changed the law to specifically go after Trump in this case.

In her memoir she accused up to 21 different men of sexual assault against her including CBS Chief Executive Les Moonves who vehemently denied the claims.

SDNY Judge Lewis Kaplan dismissed credible sexual assault claims by one of Jeffrey Epstein's victims against Prince Andrew. Not to mention all the ridiculous evidentiary issues in the Trump/Carroll case.

Did it happen? Not someone I'd believe to be credible. She's about as credible as Christine Blasey Ford & Julie Swetnick claiming Kavanaugh was a serial rapist when he was in high school.

Coo coo for cocoa puffs Anderson Cooper interview where she said it was "not sexual"... not admissible in Kaplan's court

Cool it Dude……….. no need for any of that crap right now. Ya know……… people are voting for a President today.
The only large segment of voters that agree with the way trump does business, is angry old white men, like lumpy, treedagain, etc.. They've lost every other demographic and that is NOT going to be anything that leads to long term success of the party.
Do they not get internet in Laramie? Are you that dense?

Apparently more than angry old white guys like Trump? 74million of them.

Also calling me angry old white man is wrong. I am not that old. Not sure about lumpy? He seems pretty young at heart?
Do they not get internet in Laramie? Are you that dense?

Apparently more than angry old white guys like Trump? 74million of them.

Also calling me angry old white man is wrong. I am not that old. Not sure about lumpy? He seems pretty young at heart?
Then there's no excuse for you being an uneducated A-hole...
Simple answer, trump has a literal cult following. When his supporters compare him to god, there is nobody better they will ever support. Its staggering to think there were actually people at Jonestown that didn't drink the kool-ade, but not a single trump supporter that doesn't.

The Republican Party has hitched themselves to the chit/manure wagon and they're going to pay a heavy political toll for a long, long time.

The only large segment of voters that agree with the way trump does business, is angry old white men, like lumpy, treedagain, etc.. They've lost every other demographic and that is NOT going to be anything that leads to long term success of the party.

IMO, if they don't start drastically making changes and unhitching themselves from the likes of trump and vance, they better prepare for many decades of disappointments at the voting booth.

People are sick of it, including a growing constituency of Republicans.
I supposed we could all start with no limitations on abortion, no limitations on boarder crossings, no limits on gender mutilation surgery on our children, no limits on Islamic attacks on Israel, we could all support doing away with the 2nd amendment, and support the government to regulate every moment of our day.
All of that would make the Republican party more attractive to pepole like you.
You know what you could just call us the Democratic party. 🖕
Sorry guys, he made me do it.
I supposed we could all start with no limitations on abortion, no limitations on boarder crossings, no limits on gender mutilation surgery on our children, no limits on Islamic attacks on Israel, we could all support doing away with the 2nd amendment, and support the government to regulate every moment of our day.
All of that would make the Republican party more attractive to pepole like you.
You know what you could just call us the Democratic party. 🖕
Sorry guys, he made me do it.
When you lash out like a child as you did here, it's because you know I'm right.

The Republican party before trump, was not vile like this, like what you've just displayed.

That's what is killing the Republican Party, vile behavior and binary thinking.

So Buzzy while you brag up your 401k, I get to brag up my grandchildren and a full life.... as well as 401k that dwarfs your sad and pathetic portfolio.
So sad little blue Buzzy.
So Buzzy while you brag up your 401k, I get to brag up my grandchildren and a full life.... as well as 401k that dwarfs your sad and pathetic portfolio.
So sad little blue Buzzy.
😂 😆 😂

Triggered much? You cling to every word I say, and imitate them.
😂 😆 😂

Triggered much? You cling to every word I say, and imitate them.
Triggered? Laffin......more like not being able to look away from a train wreck. It amazes me that someone with your limited brain capacity has survived this long. Gladly those genes die with you.
Triggered? Laffin......more like not being able to look away from a train wreck. It amazes me that someone with your limited brain capacity has survived this long. Gladly those genes die with you.
Post up your high school diploma...oh, wait.

When you lash out like a child as you did here, it's because you know I'm right.

The Republican party before trump, was not vile like this, like what you've just displayed.

That's what is killing the Republican Party, vile behavior and binary thinking.

I must have hurt your feelings.
When you lash out like a child as you did here, it's because you know I'm right.

The Republican party before trump, was not vile like this, like what you've just displayed.

That's what is killing the Republican Party, vile behavior and binary thinking.

You’re absolutely right, Republican party before Trump was not vile like this……… However, the Democratic Party was……….

They’ll deny that, as well you BuzzH, we know that because we all watch them/you do it.

Demos were very vile to Ford, Bush, Dole, Reagan, Bush, McCain, and Romney and their Vice President picks.

We watched GOP guys get butcher by Demos vile claims for decades. Demos butchered the RINO’s. (like they just butchered the current President) The RINO’s supported far too much of the left’s Party platform and vile from the Demos like it was a badge of honor. That’s what the GOP used to do. Should I be surprised you want that back? I’m not.

What did the GOP gain by their gentlemanly response to the Democrats vile…………? The GOP got unimaginable national debt, illegal immigrates, foreign wars, National racial hostility, Chinese aggression, a Woke military, without bullets, World wide radical Islamic terror, climate hoax, electric destruction/failed-production, endless inflation, loss of industrial productivity, failing infrastructure, loss of trust in our systems (both public and private) loss of trust in our media, loss of trust in our scientists, loss of trust in our medical system, more police, more Secret Service, more IRS, more indifference, more love of tribes, less love of America, less national security, etc etc etc etc etc etc.

That’s what us Republican’t got for not “going vile for vile” with the leftists.

Yep it pisses you off when Trump uses your tactics against you………… bummer!
You’re absolutely right, Republican party before Trump was not vile like this……… However, the Democratic Party was……….

They’ll deny that, as well you BuzzH, we know that because we all watch them/you do it.

Demos were very vile to Ford, Bush, Dole, Reagan, Bush, McCain, and Romney and their Vice President picks.

We watched GOP guys get butcher by Demos vile claims for decades. Demos butchered the RINO’s. (like they just butchered the current President) The RINO’s supported far too much of the left’s Party platform and vile from the Demos like it was a badge of honor. That’s what the GOP used to do. Should I be surprised you want that back? I’m not.

What did the GOP gain by their gentlemanly response to the Democrats vile…………? The GOP got unimaginable national debt, illegal immigrates, foreign wars, National racial hostility, Chinese aggression, a Woke military, without bullets, World wide radical Islamic terror, climate hoax, electric destruction/failed-production, endless inflation, loss of industrial productivity, failing infrastructure, loss of trust in our systems (both public and private) loss of trust in our media, loss of trust in our scientists, loss of trust in our medical system, more police, more Secret Service, more IRS, more indifference, more love of tribes, less love of America, less national security, etc etc etc etc etc etc.

That’s what us Republican’t got for not “going vile for vile” with the leftists.

Yep it pisses you off when Trump uses your tactics against you………… bummer!
Did you use to teach or something?
Your presentation is always very well written, to the point, and polite.
Something I wish I was better at. After being polite a time or two I want to …. Well never mind you get it. 😎😎😎
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Did you use to teach or something?
Your presentation is always very well written, to the point, and polite.
Something I wish I was better at. After being polity a time or two I want to …. Well never mind you get it. 😎😎😎
Naw, not a teacher LIK2. More of the “or something”.

The secret to my tactics: I never shut up and even a blind pig……… well, you know.
Just think of Biden showering with his young daughter? Does that count? Or is being a pedophile ok? Clinton+Monica+blue dress ok?
You Just Had To Mention SLICK HOSE'EM WILLY Didn't You?

JFK with Marilyn in the white house?

We know Biden showered it daughter. Why would the daughter lie? Put it in her diary as a child
We know Clinton had interactions with Monica, nice blue dress with DNA
We know JFK with 1st hand accounts, paper trails. Pics etc.

Trump is a pig on multiple levels, but a NY jury would put him away/prison for shoplifting a candy bar. Would I want him dating my daughter? Nope.....but putting this country back on track? He has my vote.

E. Jean Carroll lied and perjurded herself. Just watch her on the View to get an idea of her motivations for suing Trump.
DJT was easily hatable long before he was ever a presidential candidate or twitter existed.

You can keep saying "mean tweets" like it's some kind of badge of honor, and republicans can keep losing elections. At least you'll have your mean tweets, I guess.

I'd prefer not having Kamala Harris be president, personally. But people can choose what they want. It's America!
You have been hoodwinked by the media.

You say he is hated, really? Before running for president all the dems loved Trump. Even Oprah, on her show, said Trump should run for President. The media used to love Trump.

It wasn’t until he wanted to dismantle the corruption did they turn on him. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…..if you gave Trumps accomplishments to a democrat president, the Dems would claim he was the best president ever. Just go back up to post #78 to see how easily they would do it.

It’s not that the R’s need to get a more likable candidate. We need a media that tells the truth. Kamala was a drain on the dem ticket less than 2 months ago, they wanted her off the ticket!! The media did a 180 and dem voters are too stupid to see it.

We already have 4 years of evidence from each candidate. Care to put the economy/inflation, border, crime, wars, etc records to the test between the 2 candidates? We have a media that lies to keep the machine in power and a vast majority of the population to stupid realize it…that’s the real problem.
When you’re in a blood fight, and we’re in one, don’t you agree that it’s high time to get upset?

We’re in a blood fight.

Peoples blood is being spilt V, people have been killed……. Yes/No.

The fight is no longer simply disagreements, in the Congress, in the neighborhoods, and in people’s homes, it is citizens blood, on the ground. Yes/No?

Does that not upset you. Yes/No?

Will you become upset, only after it’s your blood that’s spilt or someone you love’s blood? Should we not become upset when it’s someone else’s blood that’s flowing. Yes/No.

Has this divide not now gone beyond opinions. Yes/No?

And now the county has 10 to 20 million mostly illegal young men, that are here, in cities and towns, getting more angry by the day. Are they spilling blood? Are American’s spilling illegal immigrates blood? Not that I’m aware off. Are they stilling ours? Are we upset about the political policy invited/hauled them here. Yes/No

I’m upset, I have been upset for many many years, not because I’m some kind of futuristic prophet of doom but I damn sure can do simple addition and know that 2+2 will always equal 4. Until some changes what 2+2 equals.

My hope is someone can step forward and lead us to a political solution before the bloodshed becomes a full blown bloody civil war. Wish for that kind of conflict….. if you want, I don’t, yet I can not willingly concede another inch of our freedoms to our socialists.

Until a stronger, smarter, more resilient, wiser Republican shows up, I’ll support Trump. If someone I trust and respect more steps up, like him or not, I’m all in for Trump. I also send as much of my limited income, as I can to him. Not because I like him but because I want what he wants.

Your turn. 😁
I agree Lumpy but here is the problem. A stronger, more resilient, wiser Republican won’t get elected unless he/she is an establishment candidate. That’s the way the system is designed now. Remember who the Dems wanted? Haley. Why was that?
You have been hoodwinked by the media.

You say he is hated, really? Before running for president all the dems loved Trump. Even Oprah, on her show, said Trump should run for President. The media used to love Trump.

It wasn’t until he wanted to dismantle the corruption did they turn on him. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…..if you gave Trumps accomplishments to a democrat president, the Dems would claim he was the best president ever. Just go back up to post #78 to see how easily they would do it.

It’s not that the R’s need to get a more likable candidate. We need a media that tells the truth. Kamala was a drain on the dem ticket less than 2 months ago, they wanted her off the ticket!! The media did a 180 and dem voters are too stupid to see it.

We already have 4 years of evidence from each candidate. Care to put the economy/inflation, border, crime, wars, etc records to the test between the 2 candidates? We have a media that lies to keep the machine in power and a vast majority of the population to stupid realize it…that’s the real problem.

And again, even if I agree with everything you just said and Kamala Harris ends up our president, what good is any of that?

You can accuse me of being hoodwinked. I'm simply being a realist. Politics aside, because I'm certainly no fan of Harris or her terrible politics, if she is president, Republicans only have ourselves to blame for it.
You have been hoodwinked by the media.

You say he is hated, really? Before running for president all the dems loved Trump. Even Oprah, on her show, said Trump should run for President. The media used to love Trump.

It wasn’t until he wanted to dismantle the corruption did they turn on him. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…..if you gave Trumps accomplishments to a democrat president, the Dems would claim he was the best president ever. Just go back up to post #78 to see how easily they would do it.

It’s not that the R’s need to get a more likable candidate. We need a media that tells the truth. Kamala was a drain on the dem ticket less than 2 months ago, they wanted her off the ticket!! The media did a 180 and dem voters are too stupid to see it.

We already have 4 years of evidence from each candidate. Care to put the economy/inflation, border, crime, wars, etc records to the test between the 2 candidates? We have a media that lies to keep the machine in power and a vast majority of the population to stupid realize it…that’s the real problem.
Very well said Fly……. Regarding “a vast majority of the population to stupid realize it”, I see it differently.

There are stupid folks, but there are a lot that are dang smart, and they are the bigger problem. We have millions, by the socialist’s design, that use big government to their advantage. These are the mega companies (that were once Republican’t) that have given the socialists billions of dollars to fund the propaganda efforts in the media, the public and private education system, the bureaucracies, etc. Next we have the bloated bureaucracies themselves, that are dependent on a government play check every month, on the Federal level but also on the State and Local level as well. Followed by the smart and the lazy, who tap every government support resource, for every dollar they get, every month.

These three groups, by design, have grown into millions and millions voters, and to a person are dependent entirely on a socialist government income. And they have been kicking our butts since the end of WWII. If we keep thinking they are stupid, they are going to keep kicking our butt.

Does that make since?
Very well said Fly……. Regarding “a vast majority of the population to stupid realize it”, I see it differently.

There are stupid folks, but there are a lot that are dang smart, and they are the bigger problem. We have millions, by the socialist’s design, that use big government to their advantage. These are the mega companies (that were once Republican’t) that have given the socialists billions of dollars to fund the propaganda efforts in the media, the public and private education system, the bureaucracies, etc. Next we have the bloated bureaucracies themselves, that are dependent on a government play check every month, on the Federal level but also on the State and Local level as well. Followed by the smart and the lazy, who tap every government support resource, for every dollar they get, every month.

These three groups, by design, have grown into millions and millions voters, and to a person are dependent entirely on a socialist government income. And they have been kicking our butts since the end of WWII. If we keep thinking they are stupid, they are going to keep kicking our butt.

Does that make since?
Totally makes sense and I agree with that. In my mind they are stupid because they can’t see where their line of thinking leads.
Very well said Fly……. Regarding “a vast majority of the population to stupid realize it”, I see it differently.

There are stupid folks, but there are a lot that are dang smart, and they are the bigger problem. We have millions, by the socialist’s design, that use big government to their advantage. These are the mega companies (that were once Republican’t) that have given the socialists billions of dollars to fund the propaganda efforts in the media, the public and private education system, the bureaucracies, etc. Next we have the bloated bureaucracies themselves, that are dependent on a government play check every month, on the Federal level but also on the State and Local level as well. Followed by the smart and the lazy, who tap every government support resource, for every dollar they get, every month.

These three groups, by design, have grown into millions and millions voters, and to a person are dependent entirely on a socialist government income. And they have been kicking our butts since the end of WWII. If we keep thinking they are stupid, they are going to keep kicking our butt.

Does that make since

Waiting for buzz to chime in and tell us how important all this over inflated government is.
And again, even if I agree with everything you just said and Kamala Harris ends up our president, what good is any of that?

You can accuse me of being hoodwinked. I'm simply being a realist. Politics aside, because I'm certainly no fan of Harris or her terrible politics, if she is president, Republicans only have ourselves to blame for it.
Absolutely true but not because of Trump……. haven’t you noticed V, the Socialist have attacked and made every Republican President and every Republican Presidential candidate look like a self centered, scum bag, going back over your and my lifetimes. They make up terrible lies, twist truths, tell half truths, use the national media to repeat these falsehoods, use corrupt and politically ambitious judges, to convict their political opponents. And that’s not the half of it.

It is so obvious to me…….. for what good that is to anyone else……. the socialists will grind up anyone who stands in their political way. Reagan and Trump were both socialist hero’s, right up in the moment they stopped supporting socialism. Romney, and McCain were attacked just as aggressively but they never punched back, and never won anything accept when they voted for socialist hero’s for supporting socialists bills, against the GOP. The Bush father and son where put through the socialist meat grinder and both caved into socialists ideologies by the time they left office.

Doesn’t of that justify Trump’s resistance to the meat grinder. Kind and gentle has caused inflation, illegal immigration, unimaginable national debt, declining middle class/worker standard of living, Russian aggression, Chinese aggression, mistrust in American systems at home and abroad.

I absolutely would prefer a kinder more gentle Republican’t President/Presidential candidate….. but…….. if that means we end up loosing another election or getting another socialist sympathizer as President, no thank you. I’ll take a guy that’s been convicted by a kangaroo court everytime.

If we insist on loosing to the meat grinder again and again, we have already have ourselves to blame.

We are not Republican’t because we hold to our values. We are Republican’t because we don’t.
Totally makes sense and I agree with that. In my mind they are stupid because they can’t see where their line of thinking leads.
I believe they know exactly where it leads and that is precisely where they want it to be. That’s smart but rotten to the core.
I believe they know exactly where it leads and that is precisely where they want it to be. That’s smart but rotten to the core.
I was referring to the voters not leaders. Hell yes the leaders know where it’s going because that’s what they want.
We are not Republican’t because we hold to our values. We are Republican’t because we don’t.

Agreed! 100% agreed!

Have you seen the swing on "law and order," responsible spending, and abortion lately? (There are other examples, but that is good enough...)

We've lost a ton of credibility, but I still believe in what made me subscribe to these beliefs originally. No candidate is going to sweet talk me off of them.
Have you seen the swing on "law and order," responsible spending, and abortion lately? (There are other examples, but that is good enough...)
I’ve watched the swing since I came to make my home here in 1975. I’ve been whining about it for 49 years because I love this “last great place” and if this dies, there’s no place to run.

49 years is a long time to build up a head of steam V, so if I seem hot at times, I guess it’s cuz I am.

The Republican’t have moved so far left of the 1975 center, it’s now called radical right.
I've often said that if you turn far enough right, you'll turn left.

It wasn't in this context, but it seems to fit. 😂
I've often said that if you turn far enough right, you'll turn left.

It wasn't in this context, but it seems to fit. 😂
A far wiser person than me said something like that V. “There is nothing new, under the sun.” When it come to ruling/governing, if you study a little history, it a predictable cycle. Slavery, Poverty, Humility, Success, Wealth, Power, Debauchery, back to Slavery, Poverty Humility……… a constant cycle because there are finite number of ways human can interact with each other, so around and around and around we go, and we always end up back where we started from.

So you are absolutely right, we will end up back on the far right………. It’s simply a matter of time…….. because, “there is nothing new under the sun”.
How many of you old....uh....more experienced geezers....darn it, folks remember HHH?

He would be a conservative by today's standards.
A question is got for all of you guys that seem to know more than me.
"God forbid" but if there was a successful assignation of Trump or Kamala.
What happens to the election, does the survivor get the Presidency automatically?
A question is got for all of you guys that seem to know more than me.
"God forbid" but if there was a successful assignation of Trump or Kamala.
What happens to the election, does the survivor get the Presidency automatically?

Dem power brokers already figured out a way to pick their preferred candidate without having an election. No need for an assassination!

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