Trump was Trump. Took the bait and reacted. Disappointing to me.

But on the positive he destroyed her on the facts and her failure as a VP.

If swing voters look at the facts he won.
If they look at planned statements and bought her hollow talking points she won.

She can talk the lies for sure.
Trump is still a wildcard and has not learned from his past.
Trump is not a polished politician and it shows
Harris is a polished politician and it shows in her ease of non commitmental empty answers.
Democrats lie and soldiers die
Trump is such a poor, ineffective debater. Policies and politics aside, he really isn’t any good at this debate stuff.

Harris refused to answer the basic questions. Of course, had she done that in some instances it would have been really bad. Her closing was strong. (Not on policy, just on delivery.)

Trump really sucked tonight. He needs a major bounce back if anyone agrees to do another one of these.
I watched the first 1/2 hour and I had to turn it off and go to bed.

Trump was disappointing with his talking in circles. Terrible debater. Made my toes curl 50 times with his nonsense. And for the record I am a “Trump supporter”.

Harris is clearly just another lying woman who is not to be trusted. Made my toes curl 51 times with her lies and fake cackles.

Bottom line, If these two idiots are the best we can come up with to lead this country out of its funk then I think we are destined for failure.

Thats all I have to say about that.
Trump being Trump

30 years of excuses from so callled conservatives ,,

In Trump’s 1st term he showed much of them to be just that “excuses” the first week in office with a few strokes of the pen.

I’m pulling for a third term.
Watched last 20 min or so.
Sure wished Trump would have spoke more about moving forward and plans to help average AMERICAN achieve a higher standard of living.
He got tricked into just sounding like an angry past-president unfortunately.
I feel we are in trouble either way.
I watched some of the highlights and it went as expected.

1. Trump isn’t good at debates, never has been. He rambles too much, sways off topic like usual, etc.

2. Kamala was never asked the questions from the moderators that should have been asked. They saved her a couple times. It was definitely home field advantage but this was really her only chance to get back in the race and she got her help…this was expected.

3. I doubt she’ll do another debate because it will be by Fox and the hard questions will come. That won’t happen until October anyway and much voting will already be done.

4. I don’t think it changed too many minds but the media will do their best to spin this as a Kamala crush.
Only a few hours after the debate,, Trump and Vance wade right into the swamp heads held high. Only voices heard from the crowd were,, Donald, Donald,Donald.

Just another dog and pony show. I think she was prepared by the same people as Hillary was. They taught her not only how to avoid the questions, but her smirks, batting of her eyes, and facial expressions. She acted just like Hillary did. Trump might be an a$$, but I can not believe how dumb and gullible people are to believe her. If another debate is done it should be done by Fox. They will keep the fire under her feet. She is not smart enough to run this country.
Either way, if she wins she will be a puppet for the democrat elites just like the empty shell acting as president now. If you watch the DNC it was obvious that Peloci, Obama, and Clintons are running the show.
I don't understand why Trump won't ever put the moderators of the debate on their heels.

They asked him one question after another trying to provoke him and at any point he could have said they were avoiding the topics important to the American people and it's irresponsible for them to do so, but he just does the same ****.
Harris basically didn't answer any questions, she is a spectacularly fabulous liar. She was well prepared and with the help of the moderators was easily able to control the debate.

Trump was easily baited into his worst instincts. Trump was Trump, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory in the most winnable debate imaginable. Trump is spectacularly awful at defending his positions & explaining how his policies would help Americans. He appeared angry, unprepared, easily sidetracked & was on defense all night. He left mountains of points on the field.

The moderators were openly & inexcusably biased. Duh everyone on the planet knows this.

Biggest loser was the American people.
If swing voters look at the facts he won
No such thing any more. The country’s completely tribal now. The debate was pointless, thus I didn’t watch.

The election is up to the counters. Just the way it is now. Consider yourself lucky that you lived in America when it was still a republic. Our future generations will have no idea what that is.
Trump is such a poor, ineffective debater. Policies and politics aside, he really isn’t any good at this debate stuff.

Harris refused to answer the basic questions. Of course, had she done that in some instances it would have been really bad. Her closing was strong. (Not on policy, just on delivery.)

Trump really sucked tonight. He needs a major bounce back if anyone agrees to do another one of these.
Trump is not a trained attorney, he’s a successfully negotiator. The difference between a trained presenter and a talented negotiator was clearly evident in the debate. She won, if your judging on slick, he won if your judging on content. Most people judge on slick.

Here was a content example that she was slick with, forgive me because it’s paraphrased:

She was asked: she is accused of wanting to take peoples guns away. (a legitimate question but intentional tee up nicely for her by the host). Her answer was a huge grin, while she denied she wanted that, and to reassure the gun owners, she said she owned a gun. No reason why she supported gun ownership or why the Founders made it the Second Amendment, right after Free Speech. As if her owning a gun would keep her from taking yours.

Another example of the same thing she’s said previously: She was being interviewed on some radio talk show and got asked about all the people she’d put in jail for using pot, her answer was: hee, hee,
hee….. I’ve used pot……hee,hee,hee (meaning don’t worry about all those people I convicted and jailed, I use pot to.)

She is either lying or she’s a classic hypocrite.

Very slick but weak on content.

Slick or not, she out “performed” Trump, and she’ll do it again, if they debate again.

Trump kicked a butt on content and he will if they debate again.

I guess it depends if you want slick or solutions, when it comes to who you’re going to put in office.
Oh, I wouldn't characterize my opinion as thinking Harris "won" anything. I just thought her closing was well done and will appeal to people that don't know better. Besides that, she pretty much dodged every question, so I'm not ready to crown her victor on the debate just yet.

Trump just sucks at this stuff. I wish he was humble enough to surround himself with smart people and then listen to those people. He also refused to answer the questions but appeared pretty desperate and not in control for most of the evening. A debate is about confidence and control, not whining and bickering. He is pretty good at whining and bickering, he sucks at confidence and control (on the debate stage, at least).
Oh, I wouldn't characterize my opinion as thinking Harris "won" anything. I just thought her closing was well done and will appeal to people that don't know better. Besides that, she pretty much dodged every question, so I'm not ready to crown her victor on the debate just yet.

Trump just sucks at this stuff. I wish he was humble enough to surround himself with smart people and then listen to those people. He also refused to answer the questions but appeared pretty desperate and not in control for most of the evening. A debate is about confidence and control, not whining and bickering. He is pretty good at whining and bickering, he sucks at confidence and control (on the debate stage, at least).
The Democrats set it up, along with the moderators/hosts to attack Trump as if he were the incumbent, not her. The entire debate was fixed to make Trump defend his administration rather than the last 3.5 years of Harris/Biden’s Presidency. It was well orchestrated and well delivered too that objective, by Harris. Trump….. too some degree had no alternative to push back against the scheme. That would have been hard for anyone to have looked good based on the fixed agenda, based on the orchestration that took place. Still, having said that he looked defensive and petty……….. which was the goal. Based on the gaol, she played her roll well, him, as usual, he wasn’t roll playing….. he was reaction as only he does. Trump is a one man knife fighter……… that’s what he is and is exactly what we need, in my opinion.
The Democrats set it up, along with the moderators/hosts to attack Trump as if he were the incumbent, not her. The entire debate was fixed to make Trump defend his administration rather than the last 3.5 years of Harris/Biden’s Presidency. It was well orchestrated and well delivered too that objective, by Harris. Trump….. too some degree had no alternative to push back against the scheme. That would have been hard for anyone to have looked good based on the fixed agenda, based on the orchestration that took place. Still, having said that he looked defensive and petty……….. which was the goal. Based on the gaol, she played her roll well, him, as usual, he wasn’t roll playing….. he was reaction as only he does. Trump is a one man knife fighter……… that’s what he is and is exactly what we need, in my opinion.
Well said Lumpy! Interesting poll coming from CNN after the debate saying Trump was up 20% on able to handle the economy and up in regards to handling the job as commander in chief, along with immigration.

I agree that we need Trump as he is, and if there is a debate moderated by Fox it will really expose Kamala. But, will that debate be too late?
Early voting is designed for people to make a decision at that moment. That helps the Democrats. If a person has to wait until 11\05 they will vote on the full election picture. That helps the Republicans.

All the stations that had real time monitoring showed Trump crushed it with undecided voters.

In another debate Trump will crush both. Much like 2020.

Trump is his worst enemy, but 3on1 was pretty sad.
That debate was certainly biased against Trump. I noted how the moderators felt compelled to "fact check" in real time certain things Trump said, but had no such duty for anything Harris said.

If we were keeping accurate score, probably 20% of anything anyone said on that debate stage last night was actually accurate!

Heaven help us all...
Interesting. She showed herself as the slick politician she substance but buttery speech. It reminded me of a movie performance, scripted and practiced...And the Oscar goes to camel-a.
Trump showed himself as a frustrated and sometimes angry candidate, much like most of the nation after 3.5 yrs of her running the country.
Early voting is designed for people to make a decision at that moment. That helps the Democrats. If a person has to wait until 11\05 they will vote on the full election picture. That helps the Republicans.

All the stations that had real time monitoring showed Trump crushed it with undecided voters.

In another debate Trump will crush both. Much like 2020.

Trump is his worst enemy, but 3on1 was pretty sad.
All early and absentee voting needs to go away. Day of, paper ballots. That’s how it’s supposed to work and the only way to combat fraud. If you don’t care enough to get off your ass and vote that’s your problem. And cry be a river about people it’s hard for. Go vote or don’t
All early and absentee voting needs to go away. Day of, paper ballots. That’s how it’s supposed to work and the only way to combat fraud. If you don’t care enough to get off your ass and vote that’s your problem. And cry be a river about people it’s hard for. Go vote or don’t
Lol.... I think it should be more than 1 day to vote to accommodate for weather and other disruptions.
But weeks/months is a joke
It should be a national holiday, give people the day off to vote. No excuses, get your ass to the polls and vote.

If other countries can do it and have results back so can we. This whole thing of taking weeks to get results is 🐂 💩. All that does is give the dems a number to go after for the win.
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It should be a national holiday, give people the day off to vote. No excuses, get your ass to the polls and vote.

We are going to close all hospitals, jails, prisons, grocery stores, gas stations, restaurants, etc., etc., etc. (This would become a really long list!)

Things seem easy, until they aren’t. You can take my mail-in ballot out of my cold, dead hands!
We are going to close all hospitals, jails, prisons, grocery stores, gas stations, restaurants, etc., etc., etc. (This would be come a really long list!)

Things seem easy, until they aren’t.
See above, I shouldn’t have said national holiday but if people need time to vote they should have it.

In-person voting would make a huge difference.
Obviously biased mediators.
Kamala was well rehearsed with her broad platitudes, no specifics on anything. Obviously not qualified, just another puppet.
Trump got pissed, and disappointed me. Many lost opportunities.
We are going to close all hospitals, jails, prisons, grocery stores, gas stations, restaurants, etc., etc., etc. (This would become a really long list!)

Things seem easy, until they aren’t. You can take my mail-in ballot out of my cold, dead hands!
The problem with mail-in ballot, there seems to be a few cold dead hands that are voting. 😁
The poor old orange guy has nothing but hate and fear to sell and it's still in the same package with the same tired sales pitch as 8 years ago.

Polymarket was dropping his odds during the debate and ended up down 4.7 by the end. a hilarious disaster that was trump's best rally so far.

When you're so far out in space VP Cheney endorses someone like Harris there's your sign, you're not in the GOP, you're in a cult.
I thought Harris got the best of Trump when she sauntered right on up to him, put out her hand, and said “Kamala Harris”. That was funny. He looked like he was dumbfounded.
The poor old orange guy has nothing but hate and fear to sell and it's still in the same package with the same tired sales pitch as 8 years ago.

Polymarket was dropping his odds during the debate and ended up down 4.7 by the end. a hilarious disaster that was trump's best rally so far.

When you're so far out in space VP Cheney endorses someone like Harris there's your sign, you're not in the GOP, you're in a cult.
Yup……. and those are all good reason to vote for Trump.

He’s the same guy with the same objectives, since 2015. That’s what I call reliable and predictable.

When a RINO campaigns against him, you know he’s working toward the right solutions.

If he cost the Democrats all their investments and all their Poly’s…… that a good thing.

Don’t ya think?
True, I didn’t think of that.

How about a few hours during the day to vote? Clock out, they go vote, come back to work?
Go after work. My God guys it’s worked like that for literal decades! It’s not hard. Doesn’t even require problem solving skills. Hit the middle school on the way home.

This. This is why we’re doomed
The poor old orange guy has nothing but hate and fear to sell and it's still in the same package with the same tired sales pitch as 8 years ago.

Polymarket was dropping his odds during the debate and ended up down 4.7 by the end. a hilarious disaster that was trump's best rally so far.

When you're so far out in space VP Cheney endorses someone like Harris there's your sign, you're not in the GOP, you're in a cult.
Cool story bro!
Go after work. My God guys it’s worked like that for literal decades! It’s not hard. Doesn’t even require problem solving skills. Hit the middle school on the way home.

This. This is why we’re doomed
People are saying one of the reasons we have to have mail-in voting is because they don’t have time to do it. I was trying to find a way to make it easier but secure.
People are saying one of the reasons we have to have mail-in voting is because they don’t have time to do it. I was trying to find a way to make it easier but secure.
Again. Cry me a river. If it matters make time. The nail in thing is straight fraud, nothing else. Do a little looking into the country’s that eliminated mail in voting and why around the world. We’re one of the few “democracy’s “ left that allow it.
Again. Cry me a river. If it matters make time. The nail in thing is straight fraud, nothing else. Do a little looking into the country’s that eliminated mail in voting and why around the world. We’re one of the few “democracy’s “ left that allow it.
We’re one of the few “democracy’s “ left……..

Well……… NFL……… Not For Long.
Rino, I love that cult excuse for losing real republicans. Cheney is a RINO, yeah, and Keith Richards has never done drugs.

A RINO is a republican who refuses to drink the orange Kool aid and live for the next idiotic conspiracy story from dear leader.

On the bright side, dear leader does have a " concept for a plan " to replace Obamacare. he's been thinking on it for 9 years so no doubt it's close. HA !
F-Obama Care!

Rino, I love that cult excuse for losing real republicans. Cheney is a RINO, yeah, and Keith Richards has never done drugs.

A RINO is a republican who refuses to drink the orange Kool aid and live for the next idiotic conspiracy story from dear leader.

On the bright side, dear leader does have a " concept for a plan " to replace Obamacare. he's been thinking on it for 9 years so no doubt it's close. HA !
“A RINO is a republican who refuses to drink the orange Kool aid and live for the next idiotic conspiracy story from dear leader.”

R Republican
I In
N Name
0 Only

No point in continuing the conversation T, when you resort to changing definitions, you’ve lost any further reason to engage.
Rino, I love that cult excuse for losing real republicans. Cheney is a RINO, yeah, and Keith Richards has never done drugs.

A RINO is a republican who refuses to drink the orange Kool aid and live for the next idiotic conspiracy story from dear leader.

On the bright side, dear leader does have a " concept for a plan " to replace Obamacare. he's been thinking on it for 9 years so no doubt it's close. HA !
You are the only one that called Cheney a RINO.
I read someone called him a "war monger son of a bish"
Politics make strange bedfellows. The entire left is now giddy to have the endorsement of a man they tried to put on trial & have executed at the Hague for war crimes. Now he's magically their hero because it help further their neocon globalist cause.

His sleazy daughter Liz's short term in congress had her net worth ballooning from $7 million in 2017 when she first took office, to $44 million in 2020 on a congressional salary LOL.

Pops famous for getting extremely profitable no-bid contracts when he was the CEO of the evil Halliburton Multi National fracking/energy Corporation is also ungodly wealthy x 10. Doesn't Kamala & 99% of the DNC hate fracking & fossil fuel? Bernie Sanders, Liz Warren & AOC must be turning in their Marxist graves at this news? Follow the money. D.C. is where people go to get rich on the back of taxpayers. I have a feeling the hatred of Trump is rooted in all their war machine gravy train going the way of the Dodo if he's elected again?

Putin also just endorsed Kamala, does that make her also an agent of Russia? Putin got rich and was able to fund his Ukraine war machine directly as a result of Biden's energy policy.

Meh probably just a conspiracy
I thought baiting was illegal but that is what she certainly done to him. He took the bait every time didn't listen to his advisors about sticking to the issues
Think we have a representative government of, by and for the people? Former cyber expert at the State Dept. shows otherwise.
Worth watching if you want to know why we're involved in a war in Ukraine and why Trump must never take office again.

Yeah. Lots of wars during his administration. No I didn’t watch the link
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The Communists said, back in the 50's I believe, that we would be taken over without firing a shot. We would implode from within.
Well, here we are. It's happening right before our eyes.
I just wish the Republicans would quit playing Defense.
Republicans could play a lot less defense if we'd pick our best candidates.

Love or hate Trump's policies, he's divisive and easily hatable. Which is fine for the dyed in the wool loyal followers of the GOP, or what the GOP is becoming. It doesn't work for those that we need to win elections. There simply are not enough of those dyed in the wool folks I mentioned above to win national elections anymore.

Pick a conservative (something I'd still argue DJT is not...) that is strong, but not a total A hole that middle America could stomach voting for when the other option is as horrid as Kamala Harris.

Or not...and we suffer the consequences.
Republicans could play a lot less defense if we'd pick our best candidates.

Love or hate Trump's policies, he's divisive and easily hatable. Which is fine for the dyed in the wool loyal followers of the GOP, or what the GOP is becoming. It doesn't work for those that we need to win elections. There simply are not enough of those dyed in the wool folks I mentioned above to win national elections anymore.

Pick a conservative (something I'd still argue DJT is not...) that is strong, but not a total A hole that middle America could stomach voting for when the other option is as horrid as Kamala Harris.

Or not...and we suffer the consequences.
Is it the mean tweets?
The Communists said, back in the 50's I believe, that we would be taken over without firing a shot. We would implode from within.
Well, here we are. It's happening right before our eyes.
I just wish the Republicans would quit playing Defense.
The Republican’t have never held enough seats in the Senate or the House since Eisenhower, due to far too many RINO’s holding Republican’t seats.

Lincoln said this in January 27, 1837, long before the Russians may have said it.

" If it ever reach us it must spring up amongst us; it cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen we must live through all time or die by suicide."
Is it the mean tweets?

DJT was easily hatable long before he was ever a presidential candidate or twitter existed.

You can keep saying "mean tweets" like it's some kind of badge of honor, and republicans can keep losing elections. At least you'll have your mean tweets, I guess.

I'd prefer not having Kamala Harris be president, personally. But people can choose what they want. It's America!
DJT was easily hatable long before he was ever a presidential candidate or twitter existed.
What's funny is that Oprah among others wanted him to run with them. Snoopdog and most of Hollywood loved him. Take a look at his comedy central roast. They hate him now for not falling inline and promote the liberal agenda.
Loved as a Democrat
Hated as a Republican

How is he hated more than Biden or Kamala? Because the mainstream media says so?

Take a look at shanksville in the fire station?
Biden/Kamala walk in and nobody even looks up?

Trump walks in and the crowd erupts.
DJT was easily hatable long before he was ever a presidential candidate or twitter existed.

You can keep saying "mean tweets" like it's some kind of badge of honor, and republicans can keep losing elections. At least you'll have your mean tweets, I guess.

I'd prefer not having Kamala Harris be president, personally. But people can choose what they want. It's America!
He certainly was dislikable before he was ever a candidate. I dislikable him as much as anyone, I’m sure. I still do and I still will, after he’s out of politics. I’m not a discriminating disliker. I dislike a lot of people……….. Big deal.

Even though I don’t like him, I respect him because he wants what I want………. for our Country and that outweighs all of my likes and dislikes. And he’s a tough, and a relentless powerful knife fighter in a fight that’s here, whether we like, recognize, or deny it. We’re in a fight. I support him because he’s our knife fighter.

Call me irrational and extreme all you want folks………. Two guys tried to kill him, possible more that weren’t as successful (as these two that got catch) before they could hold a rifle on him. So you tell me who’s irrational or extreme…….. Trump or the left?

Have a great day V. I get what you’re saying but I can’t help responding, from my view of the situation.
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What's funny is that Oprah among others wanted him to run with them. Snoopdog and most of Hollywood loved him. Take a look at his comedy central roast. They hate him now for not falling inline and promote the liberal agenda.
Loved as a Democrat
Hated as a Republican

How is he hated more than Biden or Kamala? Because the mainstream media says so?

Take a look at shanksville in the fire station?
Biden/Kamala walk in and nobody even looks up?

Trump walks in and the crowd erupts.
I still have his back! C'mon, I've never wavered.😄

P.S. You spelled my name wrong-- two G's.
He certainly was dislikable before he ever a candidate. I dislikable him as much as anyone, I’m sure. I still do and I still will, after he’s out of politics. I’m not a discriminating disliker. I dislike a lot of people……….. Big deal.

Even though I don’t like him, I respect him because he wants what I want………. for our Country and that outweighs all of my likes and dislikes. And he’s a tough, and a relentless powerful knife fighter in a fight that’s here, whether we like, recognize, or deny it. We’re in a fight. I support him because he’s our knife fighter.

Call me irrational and extreme all you want folks………. Two guys tried to kill him, possible more that weren’t as successful as these to that got catch before they could hold a rifle on him. So you tell me who’s irrational or extreme…….. Trump or the left?

Have a great day V. I get what you’re saying but I can’t help responding, from my view of the situation.

You are absolutely entitled to whatever opinion you want to have on this stuff. I stopped being upset about people's politics or judging them harshly for their stances many, many years ago. Just too much grey involved to get upset if someone simply just sees it differently than I do.

The opinions that will matter the most ultimately will be those that elect our next president. Those will not be determined by the dyed in the wool on either the right or the left. I'm not suggesting that your vote and my vote don't matter because we live in a place where the republican candidate is going to win in this election regardless, because I don't think any vote cast is a wasted vote. I'm just suggesting that if "we" were smart we would pick candidates that could pull enough in the middle to win. After all, a candidate we love (I know neither of us love the current one, just speaking in general) that loses doesn't do much good.

Heck, I'd even compromise on a couple of my own values to get someone that mostly agrees with me elected instead of someone I don't agree with hardly anything. Hell, the GOP is becoming pro-choice before our eyes because of what Trump is telling them to do. There are way less important issues than that I'd be willing to bend on in the middle to get a candidate that was going to beat Kamala in a landslide. But here we are, staring down the real possibility that we can't win in November. And we only have ourselves to blame.
If you really need to know why I think he's an A hole, I'll start with the fact that a court of law and a jury of his peers found he sexually assaulted a woman.

I really don't care about any of the criminal cases. But that one is an easy litmus test for me. If you abuse a woman emotionally, physically, or sexually, you are an A hole.

How's that?
Just think of Biden showering with his young daughter? Does that count? Or is being a pedophile ok? Clinton+Monica+blue dress ok?
JFK with Marilyn in the white house?

We know Biden showered it daughter. Why would the daughter lie? Put it in her diary as a child
We know Clinton had interactions with Monica, nice blue dress with DNA
We know JFK with 1st hand accounts, paper trails. Pics etc.

Trump is a pig on multiple levels, but a NY jury would put him away/prison for shoplifting a candy bar. Would I want him dating my daughter? Nope.....but putting this country back on track? He has my vote.

E. Jean Carroll lied and perjurded herself. Just watch her on the View to get an idea of her motivations for suing Trump.
You are absolutely entitled to whatever opinion you want to have on this stuff. I stopped being upset about people's politics or judging them harshly for their stances many, many years ago. Just too much grey involved to get upset if someone simply just sees it differently than I do.

The opinions that will matter the most ultimately will be those that elect our next president. Those will not be determined by the dyed in the wool on either the right or the left. I'm not suggesting that your vote and my vote don't matter because we live in a place where the republican candidate is going to win in this election regardless, because I don't think any vote cast is a wasted vote. I'm just suggesting that if "we" were smart we would pick candidates that could pull enough in the middle to win. After all, a candidate we love (I know neither of us love the current one, just speaking in general) that loses doesn't do much good.

Heck, I'd even compromise on a couple of my own values to get someone that mostly agrees with me elected instead of someone I don't agree with hardly anything. Hell, the GOP is becoming pro-choice before our eyes because of what Trump is telling them to do. There are way less important issues than that I'd be willing to bend on in the middle to get a candidate that was going to beat Kamala in a landslide. But here we are, staring down the real possibility that we can't win in November. And we only have ourselves to blame.
When you’re in a blood fight, and we’re in one, don’t you agree that it’s high time to get upset?

We’re in a blood fight.

Peoples blood is being spilt V, people have been killed……. Yes/No.

The fight is no longer simply disagreements, in the Congress, in the neighborhoods, and in people’s homes, it is citizens blood, on the ground. Yes/No?

Does that not upset you. Yes/No?

Will you become upset, only after it’s your blood that’s spilt or someone you love’s blood? Should we not become upset when it’s someone else’s blood that’s flowing. Yes/No.

Has this divide not now gone beyond opinions. Yes/No?

And now the county has 10 to 20 million mostly illegal young men, that are here, in cities and towns, getting more angry by the day. Are they spilling blood? Are American’s spilling illegal immigrates blood? Not that I’m aware off. Are they stilling ours? Are we upset about the political policy invited/hauled them here. Yes/No

I’m upset, I have been upset for many many years, not because I’m some kind of futuristic prophet of doom but I damn sure can do simple addition and know that 2+2 will always equal 4. Until some changes what 2+2 equals.

My hope is someone can step forward and lead us to a political solution before the bloodshed becomes a full blown bloody civil war. Wish for that kind of conflict….. if you want, I don’t, yet I can not willingly concede another inch of our freedoms to our socialists.

Until a stronger, smarter, more resilient, wiser Republican shows up, I’ll support Trump. If someone I trust and respect more steps up, like him or not, I’m all in for Trump. I also send as much of my limited income, as I can to him. Not because I like him but because I want what he wants.

Your turn. 😁
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