What you and Jesus have in common


Long Time Member
May not be what me and Jesus have in common. Since you are perfect and I am not, I'll continue to strive to be less judgmental about others views and opinions, and be more forgiving of others actions, knowing that someday I will definetly need forgiveness. I like brunettes with green eyes, my favorite color is purple. My favorite big game animal is the muley, favorite cat is the snow leapord (sorry bobcat).

These are my opinions. If your opinion is not the same as mine, it doesn't mean you are wrong and I am right, or vise versa. If you want to hunt with out a guide, that's fine, but someone who does is not wrong, so quit bashing them. If something is legal, then someone is allowed to benefit from it. If it impacts you negatively, then fight the law, rather than the person benefiting.

When I first joined MM, over 10 years ago, one of the first persons to help me with posting pics, knowledge of hunting units, etc, was a guy name Jeff Coldwell. A super nice guy that everyone on the site looked up to, because of the help he gave, pictures he shared, and the bucks he killed. Then we were hit with a bombshell, as he was caught poaching a deer. And it wasn?t just a one time deal. With multiple charges spanning several years, he was hammered with penalties and fines. Publicly embarrassed on this site, and hasn't been heard from here since. As a friend, I defended him, as others hammered him. When he finally came clean to me, I was devastated, hurt, and embarrassed. I do not condone any form of poaching by anyone, but this hit me hard because I knew him personally. It drastically affected our friendship, but I didn't turn my back on him. Many people did. Doesn?t make me right, and them wrong, just different. I do what makes me feel at peace with my savior.

I guess the purpose of this post is I'm getting tired of the continued name calling, criticizing, and negative crap that happens every time a pic is posted. Mike Brownlee, Dennis Austid, etc, didn't come on here bragging about their great achievements by posting these pictures, somebody else did. If you've posted your opinion, let that be it. I don't want to hear it again, and then again, and then again. Add good stuff to this site by posting hunting pics.

2nd the idea that guys need to get past the Brownlees and Moss's of the world. We all have too much other stuff to worry about. Whether guy plugs a deer on the winter range with a landowner tag in Dec or on a public hunt with a bow in Aug is all in the eye of the beholder plus who cares.
>2nd the idea that guys need
>to get past the Brownlees
>and Moss's of the world.
>We all have too much
>other stuff to worry about.
>Whether guy plugs a deer
>on the winter range with
>a landowner tag in Dec
>or on a public hunt
>with a bow in Aug
>is all in the eye
>of the beholder plus who

Why is it not a big deal? There has been tremendous shift away from the hunt and a total focus on antler size and trophy hunting. Between the SFW, guys like MOSSBACK, Austad, ETC. It is clear to see where the money is going and the sad direction the sport is taking in general. In Colorado you have outfitters pushing to increase PLO and voucher tags, WY you increasing tag cost, We all know the issues in Utah and the push towards trophy bulls and the sacrifice of other areas to offset cost. We should be concerned about big outfitters, we do need to watch and monitor what guys like mossback, Brownlee, and the likes are doing and how they are effecting the sport. It is all part of larger issues and eventually it will effect us all!
Tough to get past a poacher, and I dont.

I'm on the side of wildlife, not the profiteers of same.
I think most on here would agree with the fact that you Yellum make MM a better place. Definitely something to think about but human nature being what it is also something that probably won't change. When I want an argument I usually go to the Sportsman political forum.
>Tough to get past a poacher,
>and I dont.
>I'm on the side of wildlife,
>not the profiteers of same.

Then keep it to yourself.
"I've hunted almost every day of my life, The rest have been wasted"
BUZZ, I don't know you, but from what I've read on your post about your hunts, I think you do things right, and have respect for the animals you hunt. I see nothing wrong with you continuing on that path.

You are a class act. You are certainly welcome to join my campfire anytime. I feel your pain as well as I read of those with hunting passion bashing one another. We all make mistakes but then, "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" is wise counsel.
Unfortunately my 60 plus years of experience tells me that hunting is a dying pass-time and it's slow painful death will most likely be aided by us turning on each other. Well spoken my friend and may your Christmas find peace and happiness to you and yours.
Yellum, you are correct. The reason alot of guys/gals who used to frequent this site have stopped is because of the bashing/beating a dead issue. I know Jeff/Deerking and remember the slaying he took. Hopefully we can follow your advice and try and keep this site more civil........... Thanks, Allen Taylor......
LAST EDITED ON Dec-20-12 AT 03:46PM (MST)[p]It is blasphemy to even use the name of Jesus and Brownlee in the same paragraph.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-20-12 AT 04:15PM (MST)[p]Yelum and littlebighorn,

I get what you're saying, I really do.

I'm not going to hold an honest mistake against anyone...you accidently shoot through an animal hit another, punch the wrong date on your tag, etc. No problem, it happens. The intent was to do the right thing, just didnt happen.

But, if some idiot is expecting sympathy from me that chronically, and knowingly, is poaching for purely ego-driven crap...forget it. There is no sympathy from me, as there was never an intent to do things right. If ego and money are negatively impacting the sport, the wildlife, etc...again, I wont support it just so we can all "stick together".

The "we're all hunters we all need to stick together" is whats going to cost us all in the end. Chronic poachers need to be out-casts, not accepted back into the sport. Light sentences, and "forgiveness" are the reason many take the chance to start with...and why many are repeat offenders. They need to be kicked to the curb and never allowed to hunt again. Problem solved.

Within the last few months I was subpoenaed to testify against a chronic poacher here in Wyoming, a guy that I knew, and a taxidermist in Cheyenne. He ended up pleading guilty to the charges, so I didnt have to testify.

Please explain why I should have looked the other way and let this douchebag keep stealing wildlife from all of us? Why should I forgive him? Why am I the bad guy because I wont "stick together" with a poaching a-hole?

No, I'm not making up a story to get a point across:

Buzzh: Just remember, if you bring up that guy in 15 years everyone will say that it was no big deal, because it was 15 years ago.
+1 Buzz, very well put. If the intention was there to break the law, we should speak up. They do not need to be accepted with open arms, etc. Greed and ego need to be kept in check, big money, is a negative thing for our sport if it is not kept in check.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-20-12 AT 04:37PM (MST)[p]4000, I didn't, but don't agree with your statement anway. The bible I read used sinners and Christ in the same sentence, as well as paragraph, many times over. That was his whole purpose, to bring sinners back to God.

Buzz, I to, understand your feelings, and am not here to change them. And no doubt, Brownlee, Coldwell, and others choose their actions out of greed. They were tried, convicted and sentenced. I don't have sympathy for them, anymore than for my own son, who sits in a federal prison. They made there choice, and must pay the piper. I just choose to forgive them, and hope they learn through punishment, to change their course. Being what I consider a religous person, thats what I was taught by Jesus to do. I may trust them less, but thats also my right. The Apostle Paul murdered, or had many murdered, before turning and following Christ. He wasn't trusted by many followers for some time, but now we take his word as truth.

Buzz, also, you shouldn't look the other way, and you're not the bad guy for hating wehat they do. Good for you on doing your part of whats right.

Thank you both for discussing a situation and coming up with two positive posts at the end. It was refreshing to not see the posts become more and more negative. I agree with Allen that many have left this site because of bashing. Life is too short to be negative.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-21-12 AT 10:03AM (MST)[p]Thanks Yelum!

I've always appreciated your posts, so much so that I sought you out at an event, at the beginning of the year, just to shake your hand.

I get a little tired of all the "I'm right, you're wrong" attitudes. I really think we all hate poachers but we all handle it a little differently.

There are a handful of guys on here who are pretty good guys but certainly have a different view than me and that's OK. There are also a handful of guys on the site who are overbearing, self-righteous, name-calling duds who can't and won't ever be wrong or modify their position to accomodate other's ideas. They care about nothing but themselves and their own position and all others be damned. It gets old.

It's not about looking the other way or being right or wrong, it's about how someone conducts themselves that shows character!

Best to you yelum,

Jeff was the first guy to help me out on this site 10-11 years ago. Until just now I never knew what happened. Like you have said, we are not here to judge. The courts can do that. MM has become a battling ground on almost every post, hence why I don't post on here anymore. It comes to the point its not worth sharing anything with the guys on here, even though there are still great members on MM.

I have joined other outdoor forums that I post on, and the attitude is GREAT, I've yet to see anything negitive. If your a big backpacker, climber or photographer you should look at http://backcountrypost.com/forum/index.php

I still sit on the sidelines of MM and check out post and the awesome photos from the members hunts. There's some great stuff on here. Just way to many Strong Opinions!

I really like your post Yelum, well put!
I'm still a newbie here, but Yelum, from what I have read about him and what I've read in the contents of his posts, seems like a genuine person and a cool outdoorsman. I know his posts wont be bullsh*t.

If our paths ever cross, I'd be glad to meet you and talk hunting. That's it.
A lot of people posting defense for bad talking keep using the argument that they are bashing poachers yet its not the only form of bashing that happens here. For one i dispise poachers just as much as the next hunter, however On many different occasions I have been attacked maliciously by sharing comments or my opinion when there was nothing negative or insulting about my post. Honestly I feel the quality of mm would greatly increase if there was more enforcement on banning those who have nothing better to do than be negative, I won't mention names but I could list several users on here where all I need to do is read there name and I already know there will be nothing positive about their post."I've hunted almost every day of my life, The rest have been wasted"
Yelum- thanks for starting this thread. As a longtime MM follower and recent member, its amazing to me the negativity of some. We are all here because we love hunting. I think Thumper's mom said it best on the movie Bambi, "if you cant say anything nice, then dont say anything at all." With that being said, thanks again for starting this thread.
if you cant say something nice then dont say any thing at all, thats just for talking about the pres,,,
You are a true class act and I couldn't agree more with your statements and opinion. I too am new to this site but am no stranger to online forums and harsh feelings. It's always refreshing to see this kind of a topic online. God Bless ya
>May not be what me and
>Jesus have in common.
> Since you are perfect
>and I am not, I'll
>continue to strive to be
>less judgmental about others views
>and opinions, and be more
>forgiving of others actions, knowing
>that someday I will definetly
> need forgiveness. I
>like brunettes with green eyes,
>my favorite color is purple.
> My favorite big game
>animal is the muley, favorite
>cat is the snow leapord
>(sorry bobcat).
>These are my opinions. If
>your opinion is not the
>same as mine, it doesn't
>mean you are wrong and
>I am right, or vise
>versa. If you want
>to hunt with out a
>guide, that's fine, but someone
>who does is not wrong,
>so quit bashing them.
>If something is legal, then
>someone is allowed to benefit
>from it. If it
>impacts you negatively, then fight
>the law, rather than the
>person benefiting.
>When I first joined MM, over
>10 years ago, one of
>the first persons to help
>me with posting pics, knowledge
>of hunting units, etc, was
>a guy name Jeff Coldwell.
> A super nice guy
>that everyone on the site
>looked up to, because of
>the help he gave, pictures
>he shared, and the bucks
>he killed. Then we
>were hit with a bombshell,
>as he was caught poaching
>a deer. And it
>wasn?t just a one time
>deal. With multiple charges
>spanning several years, he was
>hammered with penalties and fines.
> Publicly embarrassed on this
>site, and hasn't been heard
>from here since. As a
>friend, I defended him, as
>others hammered him. When
>he finally came clean to
>me, I was devastated, hurt,
>and embarrassed. I do
>not condone any form of
>poaching by anyone, but this
>hit me hard because I
>knew him personally. It
>drastically affected our friendship, but
>I didn't turn my back
>on him. Many people
>did. Doesn?t make me
>right, and them wrong, just
>different. I do what
>makes me feel at peace
>with my savior.
>I guess the purpose of this
>post is I'm getting tired
>of the continued name calling,
>criticizing, and negative crap that
>happens every time a pic
>is posted. Mike Brownlee,
>Dennis Austid, etc, didn't come
>on here bragging about their
>great achievements by posting these
>pictures, somebody else did.
>If you've posted your opinion,
>let that be it.
>I don't want to hear
>it again, and then again,
>and then again. Add
>good stuff to this site
>by posting hunting pics.

Great post and so true!
A week or so ago I drilled myself (as opposed to what I have been told to do to myself on MM) while making an antler chandelier for a customer. It was only an 1/8" hole and relatively shallow but I cannot imagine the "forgive them for they know not what they do"... I couldn't even forgive myself...

I had a young fella stop by and ask for some specific info about the outdoors and he showed me some pics of his deer which I thought was one of my favorite local bucks. I was busy and asked him to stop back in a few which he did and he brought his deer with him for me to measure, as he didn't know how. We started talking hunting (as has been known to occur in this house) and I showed him pics of "Catch 22" one of which was Mossback's dead deer shot with Denny holding him, a way better shot showing all his points than any I took of him while walking.

This young kid started telling me of how he hated everybody in the pic by name, I asked him how he knew them- he didn't (even a local guy). As he told me for about the 4th time how much he hated them all I had to ask him why/ how can you hate people you have never met and IF you were even old enough to have a drink would congratulate you on an awesome buck and buy you a round? He couldn't give me a reason- but he KNEW he hated them.

He had an awesome buck- in all likelyhood the biggest deer he will ever kill- way better than any I have taken- and should have still been pi$$ing down his leg excited about it and he was more animated about who he hates on the internet than about his trophy.

I had to take a ton of psycho classes 30 yrs ago and I have to admit I just do not get it. But I do realize it seems to be extremely prevalent and growing in intensity. I think it is largely fueled by being able to spout off on-line in anonymity with 0 % chance of being held accountable, nor ever having to justify your position in depth- even to yourself. But like I said I don't get it, it's possible I could be mistaken!
God bless you Larry!! My hat is off to you my friend, you are 100% correct. Very well said man! People, this is a man's man, this is what a real man sounds like. He really gets it; he gets what is most important and he has the guts to say it. This is a man with real integrity and courage! He understands that people and the treatment of others is more important than all the big deer and all the wildlife projects and all the landowner tags and the crap that is involved in this sport. He is able to look past and forgive all the bitterness and jealousy and meanspiritedness and right/wrong and he focuses on what really makes a difference in the long run! God bless you Larry!! You have my vote for post of the decade!

Wade Heaton

First, the problem with the written word is that it is hard to convey emotion. You and I have spent, and most likely will spend a lot of text arguing the merits of the AI deer hunt. At no time was I ever mad, hateful, etc.., nor do I believe you were, but it can seem that way depending upon who and how things are read.
Second, and I know this will shock you, we disagree on this. To end the year we had a meeting with a truely great man, hawkeye, the DWR, and SFW about convention tags. SFW has a written contract, they actually do have no reason to even talk about the tags, HOWEVER, there is a TON of pressure being applied to them and the DWR, and a bunch of it comes from sites like this. If we all followed your desire of only stating an opinion once then backing off, this meeting(and I believe large changes in the future) would never happen.
Lastly, and again I know we disagree, the Denny Austads of the world work daily to get the hunts, access, rules that they want. Mossback, et al are daily out trying to get things in their favor. I don't think they are doing anything illegal, but that is my problem with the whole "industry", in short that it is an INDUSTRY, and there is only two ways to affect change, and one of them is voicing your opinion. I have always found it interesting that with all the guides, all the deep pocket hunters, all the "celebrity" hunters, every time their is any contoversy, the same handful of names seem to always pop up. Some guys believe its jealousy, I believe its because these are the guys that always walk that edge, almost rubbing it in that they are.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
Thanks Wade, for the very nice words.

Hoss, I think you are comparing apples to oranges here. As I don't disagree with much, if not all you said. And you said it well. If you had posted your comments and called me names because I said or believed something, and then did it again and again, how do you think my opinion, and or my agenda would change? Thats what my original post was meant to convey.

As for your last paragraph, I agree. Every businessman, no matter what industry, tries to get things in their favor, to increase their revenue. In this matter, wildlife is the product, and the state claims ownership of all wildlife. A rancher whose income is dependant on cattle, has limited ways to increase income. Now if he can include wildlife as a source of income, why wouldn't he try to get things in his favor for his benefit. What ever he does, its gonna make someone else mad.

Its what the DWR has done, in a sense, turning ownership of some wildlife over to SFW, that has made most people angry. And I see nothing wrong with people voicing their opinions to get changes made. Including on this and other sites. But its meeting like you had, where changes are made. Not berating people on here.

Haven't been out much, but looking forward to seeing you out there.

I have to agree with every word Wade wrote. I'm proud to call you a friend because of what you stand for and who you are. It's sad that there are not more posts like Wade's, talking about what is POSITIVE in this hunting world.

I used to frequent this site and it used to be fun but I rarely look in anymore for that reason.......... all the same people spewing the same hate for the same people. Who needs that.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-04-13 AT 11:48AM (MST)[p]Founder, Mods, When I'm called a "smart ass" for challenging a poster's remark by posing a question that makes him explain the remark, I think it might be time to review the forum rules! Words like "smart ass" would be best left out of any of the conversations, let alone one that should be focused on a verifiable issue.

I personally appreciate hearing other opinions on the issues and have been known to change mine when confronted with different facts, but the namecalling tells me several things, ie; (1)the name caller has a weak argument,(2)the name caller has a weak vocabulary,(3)the name caller isn't teachable,(4)the name caller runs primarily on emotions and (5)any further discussions will likely develop into a shouting/swearing match.

I'm hoping that this thread isn't interpreted by any to mean we shouldn't ever disagree on the issues and/or proposals that affect the way we can or cannot hunt, fish, trap, camp, etc., but we need to stick to the message/point/issue and not take any differences as a personal attack. And, for everyone's sake, stop the namecalling, insults, snide remarks, etc.
His writing speaks mounds of sincerity! Reads like a good man, like a friend you would drag 3000 miles to bury in lonesome dove Texas!

-A man who wouldn't walk further than a mile for a big deer don't want one bad enough

-What's good for cattle may not be good for the deer herd

-They don't know it, but the wrath of the DWR is about to descend on 'em

-2lumpy darlin', life in Colorado, you see, is still just life

-The only healthy way to live life is to hunt every free minute like all the little everyday things don't matter
God bless you Larry!! My hat is off to you my friend, you are 100% correct. Very well said man! People, this is a man's man, this is what a real man sounds like. He really gets it; he gets what is most important and he has the guts to say it. This is a man with real integrity and courage! He understands that people and the treatment of others is more important than all the big deer and all the wildlife projects and all the landowner tags and the crap that is involved in this sport. He is able to look past and forgive all the bitterness and jealousy and meanspiritedness and right/wrong and he focuses on what really makes a difference in the long run! God bless you Larry!! You have my vote for post of the decade!

Wade Heaton
Good old Wade Heaton.

But I agree with Yelum gone we lost someone who handled himself and always took the high road. I know I have lost my way at times with the negative banter.
Good post. It is not lost upon me that his point is much larger than the topic of poaching. It is frightening how many Americans preach the Gospel, yet viscerally hate their fellow man--and often because of falsehoods that have been spread about them. This was not the way of Christ, and to continue down that path makes a mockery of Christianity.
Good post. It is not lost upon me that his point is much larger than the topic of poaching. It is frightening how many Americans preach the Gospel, yet viscerally hate their fellow man--and often because of falsehoods that have been spread about them. This was not the way of Christ, and to continue down that path makes a mockery of Christianity.
Wade? Is this you? You back? Nice! No we are getting somewhere! 🫎
His writing speaks mounds of sincerity! Reads like a good man, like a friend you would drag 3000 miles to bury in lonesome dove Texas!

-A man who wouldn't walk further than a mile for a big deer don't want one bad enough

-What's good for cattle may not be good for the deer herd

-They don't know it, but the wrath of the DWR is about to descend on 'em

-2lumpy darlin', life in Colorado, you see, is still just life

-The only healthy way to live life is to hunt every free minute like all the little everyday things don't matter
I have been know to make posts that make no sense to anyone. I been known to make posts don’t make sense to anyone but a few, that know the back story, and they understand, barely. I’ve made posts hoping to provoke someone into thinking beyond what seems to be cut and dried. Hell, I’ve made posts I’ve gone back read later and said to myself, what in hell does this mean?

Welcome to my world, it’s a quirky place, with quirky people.
I never met him but Deerking shared a lot of great photos of deer and his "end of the year" reports were classic. I still use my Panasonic Lumix DMC FZ20 camera that he said he used. It has a 20X zoom. I hope he's doing well, and we all miss Yelum, of course.
I never met him but Deerking shared a lot of great photos of deer and his "end of the year" reports were classic. I still use my Panasonic Lumix DMC FZ20 camera that he said he used. It has a 20X zoom. I hope he's doing well, and we all miss Yelum, of course.
We have lost quite a number of good old boys from our ranks, the last 10-15 years. A lot of guys that cashed in, provided a lot of content and humor to the Forum.

We should start a list, everyone can contribute to it, because there a many some of us never knew or passed before we signed on. Founder could start a Memorial category, where these names and some memories could remain there and be added to, as a way keep their memories alive.

Here is a very short list that come to mind for me. There are more but I can’t think of them now.

Sage Advice

Let’s see some more gentlemen.
Last edited:
We have lots quite a number of good old boys from our ranks, the last 10-15 years. A lot of guys that cashed in, provided a lot of content and humor to the Forum.

We should start list, everyone can contribute to it, because there a many some of us never knew or passed before we signed on. Founder could start a Memorial category, where these names and some memories could remain there and be added to, as way keep their memories alive.

Here is a very short list that come to mind for me. There are more but I can’t think of them now.

Sage Advice

Let’s see some more gentlemen.
You should start a thread and we could add on there. I wasn’t around when any of these legends were around but it seems like they were cool guys. Yelum was a legend for sure.
I have nothing in common with Jesus since I'm an atheist, but my role model has always been Teddy Roosevelt.

go for it bobcat.
Hey 440?

Last time We Had The Discussion You Couldn't Decide Rather The STORK Delivered You?


I have nothing in common with Jesus since I'm an atheist, but my role model has always been Teddy Roosevelt.

go for it bobcat.

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