Here's how it works Tristate


Long Time Member
We all knew what the result of our genius friend in Wyoming would be. Everyone but one, Tristate. So here you go Tri. Here's a direct law that came as a result of media attention from someone none of us agreed with but all of us got smeared by.


Here's My Question:

Who Is Gonna Enforce It?

You're Gonna Tell DRATS They Can't Do This!

Gonna Tell DRATS They Can't Kill Coyotes?

Gonna Tell DRATS They Can't Kill BIG Coyotes?

Most DRATS Won't Parade Them In To A Bar!

Here's My Question:

Who Is Gonna Enforce It?

You're Gonna Tell DRATS They Can't Do This!

Gonna Tell DRATS They Can't Kill Coyotes?

Gonna Tell DRATS They Can't Kill BIG Coyotes?

Most DRATS Won't Parade Them In To A Bar!

Every non consumptive person on the landscape in the winter.

Not every snowmobiler is pro coyote killing. Cross country skiers, sledders, ice fisherman, drone flier, plane/chopper pilot.

THIS is that dumbass attitude that brings this crap out.

There's 100x more of "them" than there are us. You aren't gonna "show them". And no matter how many "biologically necessary" facts for predator control you state, a single pic of a run over taped wolf is ALL the others need to further chip away.

Be that via legislation, or BALLOT INITIATIVE(@grizzly ), THIS IS HOW IT GOES.

So maybe, just maybe, instead of "I'll show them", or "we need to circle the wagons", WE JUST DON'T
I’m glad to see this bill. I’ve been hunting for along time and taken a lot of predators. I was one of the early ones to harvest Wolves in Idaho. I’ve seen and known guys running down Coyotes on sleds, what a bunch of chicken shits, no animal should be chased by air or sled or tortured in anyway. The Idaho Farm , Fish and game declared war on the Wolves and now we have dip shits chasing game on sleds, razors and helicopters. Look up Carl Studer and his antics that just landed him in Twin Falls Court. I have used sleds to get into the back country to hunt a lot . I just don’t get the urge to run something over and cripple it. I see this again I will put a bullet right through the engine. This will bring hunters against hunters.
Every non consumptive person on the landscape in the winter.

Unless You're running With The TOP DOGS Of Sledders You Won't Even Get Close To Them To Even See What They Are Doing!

Not every snowmobiler is pro coyote killing. Cross country skiers, sledders, ice fisherman, drone flier, plane/chopper pilot.
I Never Said They Were!

THIS is that dumbass attitude that brings this crap out.
The DUMB-ASS Is The HillBilly In Wyoming That Pulled This STUPID SShitt Off!

There's 100x more of "them" than there are us. You aren't gonna "show them". And no matter how many "biologically necessary" facts for predator control you state, a single pic of a run over taped wolf is ALL the others need to further chip away.

This Slowly Chips Away At Hunting & Guns!

Be that via legislation, or BALLOT INITIATIVE(@grizzly ), THIS IS HOW IT GOES.

So maybe, just maybe, instead of "I'll show them", or "we need to circle the wagons", WE JUST DON'T

All YOU Gotta Do Is Tell The Whole World What To Do here On MM & I'm Sure They'll ALL Obey You!

I Never Said The Wyoming JOKER Was Right Because He's Not!

But Once Again You Didn't Answer My Question!

How you Gonna Enforce it?
And One More Thing Hossy!

The JOKER In Wyoming Got Like A 275.00 Fine Or Some STUPID Shitt Citation!


AGAIN:Not Sayin He's Right,Because He's Not!

Did you See The LAW BREAKIN JOKER In The Shed Forum That Illegally Gathered Up Like 20K Worth Of Sheds In Closed Areas & Garnered A 6K Fine?


They Showed Him Too!
Keep telling yourself that, Mr. Slaughterhouse.

This one isn’t as fun as keeping Wade Lemon’s conviction and incarceration in the forefront of everyone’s minds. (You were most helpful in that, by the way!)

So I’ll let anyone bored enough to read this see the pictured post of yours and they can decide for themselves.
Keep telling yourself that, Mr. Slaughterhouse.

This one isn’t as fun as keeping Wade Lemon’s conviction and incarceration in the forefront of everyone’s minds. (You were most helpful in that, by the way!)

So I’ll let anyone bored enough to read this see the pictured post of yours and they can decide for themselves.
"Dr. Slaughterhouse ".

I didn't go through 12 years of Slaughter school and kill thousands of canines to be referred to as "Mr.".

Sounds like you realized this thread is just more of your sychophantic obsession to me.
All I did was answer your question Tri. I didn’t start the thread, just answered a question.

You should cry a little harder! Are you being keyboard bullied now too?

Unless You're running With The TOP DOGS Of Sledders You Won't Even Get Close To Them To Even See What They Are Doing!

I Never Said They Were!

The DUMB-ASS Is The HillBilly In Wyoming That Pulled This STUPID SShitt Off!


This Slowly Chips Away At Hunting & Guns!


All YOU Gotta Do Is Tell The Whole World What To Do here On MM & I'm Sure They'll ALL Obey You!

I Never Said The Wyoming JOKER Was Right Because He's Not!

But Once Again You Didn't Answer My Question!

How you Gonna Enforce it?

Ideally we would shame and ridicule idiots so much, they change their ways.

But that means we can't celebrate "drats".

98% of dudes in here get it. It's the 2%, like Tri, who not only don't, but will go out of their way to do the opposite.

This bill, like others that will come, isn't because we all are out running down wolves/coyotes then parading it around town. 1 dude did, in a country of 340 million people, and now it's used by the antis, whose goal is to end hunting. They know they can't in one swipe, so they use it as part of their death by a thousand cuts strategy.
JUDAS hawk!

I Thought I was The Only One That Offered HIGH COUNTRY TUNE-UPS!:D

I’m glad to see this bill. I’ve been hunting for along time and taken a lot of predators. I was one of the early ones to harvest Wolves in Idaho. I’ve seen and known guys running down Coyotes on sleds, what a bunch of chicken shits, no animal should be chased by air or sled or tortured in anyway. The Idaho Farm , Fish and game declared war on the Wolves and now we have dip shits chasing game on sleds, razors and helicopters. Look up Carl Studer and his antics that just landed him in Twin Falls Court. I have used sleds to get into the back country to hunt a lot . I just don’t get the urge to run something over and cripple it. I see this again I will put a bullet right through the engine. This will bring hunters against hunters.
And One More Thing Hossy!

The JOKER In Wyoming Got Like A 275.00 Fine Or Some STUPID Shitt Citation!


AGAIN:Not Sayin He's Right,Because He's Not!

Did you See The LAW BREAKIN JOKER In The Shed Forum That Illegally Gathered Up Like 20K Worth Of Sheds In Closed Areas & Garnered A 6K Fine?


They Showed Him Too!

Sad to live your life based on whether or not you get a citation
Ideally we would shame and ridicule idiots so much, they change their ways.

But that means we can't celebrate "drats".

98% of dudes in here get it. It's the 2%, like Tri, who not only don't, but will go out of their way to do the opposite.

This bill, like others that will come, isn't because we all are out running down wolves/coyotes then parading it around town. 1 dude did, in a country of 340 million people, and now it's used by the antis, whose goal is to end hunting. They know they can't in one swipe, so they use it as part of their death by a thousand cuts strategy.
And In Post # 10 You'll See Where I Said:


This Slowly Chips Away At Hunting & Guns!
"Dr. Slaughterhouse ".

I didn't go through 12 years of Slaughter school and kill thousands of canines to be referred to as "Mr.".

Sounds like you realized this thread is just more of your sychophantic obsession to me.

Because you didn't read, you missed even Texas congressmen are signing on.

No one cares you kill coyotes. What we DO care about is what your cluelessness brings the rest of us. No one in here is impressed with your wanna be badazz routine. The world outside, the majority that allows or is indifferent to our lifestyle won't suffer your stupidity any longer.

You, and you're ilk of big mouthed morons are really starting to hurt our lifestyle.
Be that via legislation, or BALLOT INITIATIVE(@grizzly ), THIS IS HOW IT GOES.
It's sad this bill is even discussed, and it wouldn't be if it weren't for a few idiots.

But, you're literally proving my point. This bill is via legislation, not initiative, and with a strong citizen right of ballot initiative, we can overturn unpopular or unnecessary legislation. If Amendment D were to pass, the legislature could pass bad legislation, the citizens could go to huge expense to overturn it, and then the legislature could veto the citizens in one midnight special session.

Whether this term or next, I'm betting Amendment D will be on the ballot someday. We can debate it further at that point, but I think it's futile right now.
And this is why you are not a leader nor do you have leadership skills.

4th grade logic isn't how the world functions. Whoever taught you that thinking shame is an "ideal" lied to you.

You have an entire thread trying to analyze "why they are angry".

Now here it is again, and again, you want to try and discuss leadership, or attitudes, or whatever.

The answer, and the point that is being made is, IT DOESNT MATTER WHAT THE REASON IS, OR THE EXCUSE IS.

The goal of the antis is to end hunting. Tgey dont care about context. They dont care about biology. They want hunting ended. We are tge minority. We exist, because the majority or the majority dont give us much thought.

Wolf dude, Dr slaughterhouse on wheels, and how you gonna enforce it guy, DRAW ATTENTION TO US.

LET A SLEEPING DOG LIE. There is zero reason to find out how the majority that dont think about us, actually thinks about what we do.
It's sad this bill is even discussed, and it wouldn't be if it weren't for a few idiots.

But, you're literally proving my point. This bill is via legislation, not initiative, and with a strong citizen right of ballot initiative, we can overturn unpopular or unnecessary legislation. If Amendment D were to pass, the legislature could pass bad legislation, the citizens could go to huge expense to overturn it, and then the legislature could veto the citizens in one midnight special session.

Whether this term or next, I'm betting Amendment D will be on the ballot someday. We can debate it further at that point, but I think it's futile right now.

Sorry man, but you WONT get the majority of Utahns to sign on an initiative to overturn an anti hunting law. It's silly to think you would.

Every bit as silly as it is fighting last decades wars.

This bill is an outlier. Anti hunting, or limiting hunting laws are NOW brought via ballot initiatives. Like it or not, rational or not, does not matter.

The goal of these groups isn't democracy, constitutionality, fairness, or whatever feel good slogan being used is.

Giving them a tool to be used against us, GUARANTEES, they will use it.
Sorry man, but you WONT get the majority of Utahns to sign on an initiative to overturn an anti hunting law. It's silly to think you would.

Every bit as silly as it is fighting last decades wars.

This bill is an outlier. Anti hunting, or limiting hunting laws are NOW brought via ballot initiatives. Like it or not, rational or not, does not matter.

The goal of these groups isn't democracy, constitutionality, fairness, or whatever feel good slogan being used is.

Giving them a tool to be used against us, GUARANTEES, they will use it.
Okay. We're just going to have to disagree on what's best.
You have an entire thread trying to analyze "why they are angry".

Now here it is again, and again, you want to try and discuss leadership, or attitudes, or whatever.

The answer, and the point that is being made is, IT DOESNT MATTER WHAT THE REASON IS, OR THE EXCUSE IS.

The goal of the antis is to end hunting. Tgey dont care about context. They dont care about biology. They want hunting ended. We are tge minority. We exist, because the majority or the majority dont give us much thought.

Wolf dude, Dr slaughterhouse on wheels, and how you gonna enforce it guy, DRAW ATTENTION TO US.

LET A SLEEPING DOG LIE. There is zero reason to find out how the majority that dont think about us, actually thinks about what we do.
Then what does that have to do with me?
I'll gladly accept proof.

I'll point to Colorado, for mine
And I can point to three passed ballot initiatives in 2018 as to proof of it's necessity (including one the LDS Church opposed, but it passed anyway). Again, we can have that debate when it's time, I just responded because I was tagged. You can have the last word 👍
The anti's have been trying to stop the use of helicopters for wolf control forever. They just got one step closer.
I hope they do. There is a lot of winter range harassment of Elk and Deer because of these flyers, then they just keep looking for trophy Elk and Deer . Like Carl Studer Killing 4 throphy Bulls out of unit 54 last year , how many trophy Bucks has this Bozo killed. He is really smart by filming a wounded Antelope thrashing around in the back of a pick up. Maybe I’m no better by posting dead animals on this sight, I’ve always enjoyed throphy pictures, but I have a hard time believing that 99. % of hunters enjoy seeing a tortured animal.
And I can point to three passed ballot initiatives in 2018 as to proof of it's necessity (including one the LDS Church opposed, but it passed anyway). Again, we can have that debate when it's time, I just responded because I was tagged. You can have the last word 👍

I'm still waiting for the ballot initiative that overturned an anti hunting bill.

Unfortunately I won't get the last word. That was stripped by a judge, now I'll get to sit by and wait for what's happened in nearly every state in the west, and Canada to come here.

Ain't hard to find 5,000 people in any county that will look at a taped wolf and not sign into an initiative to "stop that", which is just a guise.
Any Republican teaming up with the likes of the Humane Society, or a former HS leader, Center For Biological Diversity, Sierra Club et al. are clueless as to their real intentions. My opinion of Mace & Gaetz were already pretty low for their incessant political theatrics. Can't they just do what all congress critters do best and name a post office in honor of the wolf?
I hope they do. There is a lot of winter range harassment of Elk and Deer because of these flyers, then they just keep looking for trophy Elk and Deer . Like Carl Studer Killing 4 throphy Bulls out of unit 54 last year , how many trophy Bucks has this Bozo killed. He is really smart by filming a wounded Antelope thrashing around in the back of a pick up. Maybe I’m no better by posting dead animals on this sight, I’ve always enjoyed throphy pictures, but I have a hard time believing that 99. % of hunters enjoy seeing a tortured animal.

Because we kill as part of this lifestyle, we ALL understand the difference in killing and torture. That's not our problem, our problem is the 1% that think their mancard is tied to being belligerent.

The antis will come here looking for dead to try and use.

The group we care about, that won't, are the ones that these headlines get the attention of
Any Republican teaming up with the likes of the Humane Society, or a former HS leader, Center For Biological Diversity, Sierra Club et al. are clueless as to their real intentions. My opinion of Mace & Gaetz were already pretty low for their incessant political theatrics. Can't they just do what all congress critters do best and name a post office in honor of the wolf?

100% correct.

But does it matter? Nope. Enough of their constituents cared, and here we are.

And, id sign that bill.

Its the next ones that are the worry. Tgey arent trying to end hunting in one swipe, they just chip at the edges.

That slope just gets more slippery every time
And I can point to three passed ballot initiatives in 2018 as to proof of it's necessity (including one the LDS Church opposed, but it passed anyway). Again, we can have that debate when it's time, I just responded because I was tagged. You can have the last word 👍

Article I, Section 30. [Right to hunt and fish.]
(1)The individual right of the people to hunt and to fish is a valued part of the State's heritage and shall be forever preserved for the public good.
(2)The right under Subsection [COLOR=var(--link-color)](1),_Section_30.html#Article I, Section 30(1) includes the right to use traditional methods to hunt and to fish, subject only to statute, and rules and regulations adopted as provided by statute, to:
(a)promote wildlife conservation and management;
(b)provide reasonable regulation of hunting and fishing activities; and
(c)preserve the future of hunting and fishing.
(3)Public hunting and fishing shall be the preferred means of managing and controlling wildlife.

(4)This section does not affect:
(a)the law relating to trespass or property rights;
(b)the State's sovereign authority over the State's natural resources; or
(c)the State's obligation to manage lands granted to the State under the Enabling Act.

I hope they do. There is a lot of winter range harassment of Elk and Deer because of these flyers, then they just keep looking for trophy Elk and Deer . Like Carl Studer Killing 4 throphy Bulls out of unit 54 last year , how many trophy Bucks has this Bozo killed. He is really smart by filming a wounded Antelope thrashing around in the back of a pick up. Maybe I’m no better by posting dead animals on this sight, I’ve always enjoyed throphy pictures, but I have a hard time believing that 99. % of hunters enjoy seeing a tortured animal.
I was talking about the legitimate use of helicopters for wolf control used by Alaska F&G and Idaho F&G. I whole heartily agree with what you refer to.
The false belief that prop 5 saved you from ballot initiatives aimed at ending hunting is childish and naive. It gives us some advantages, but its not a savior.

For the vast majority, this is our birthright, heritage and lifestyle. We arent keen on gambling it to the ethics and morals of of those who we know play dirty, lie, cheat, steal.

We arent going to have a meeting of the minds. We arent going to negotiate. Roberts rules of order wont be followed.
Giving them the biggest tool in their shed to use over and over and over again, isnt a matter of disagreement, its sanctioned suicide.

Utah is rapidly changing. We wont always have the blessing of a conservative majority. While we do, protections of this way of life, require taking advantage of our majority.

I promuse my kuds wont look back and say "boy im sure glad 30 years ago we checked Mike Shultz and Stewart Adams". But i promise they will look back and wonder why we didnt protect for them and their kids this lifestyle.
But, you're literally proving my point. This bill is via legislation, not initiative, and with a strong citizen right of ballot initiative..

You do know what the word “or” means, right?

We can debate it further at that point, but I think it's futile right now.

Hopefully by then you’ll either actually understand what it does OR be honest in the debate. Either/or, depending which fits. You still haven’t answered.

And I can point to three passed ballot initiatives in 2018 as to proof of it's necessity (including one the LDS Church opposed, but it passed anyway). Again, we can have that debate when it's time, I just responded because I was tagged. You can have the last word 👍

More misunderstanding or lies, not sure which one. The Utah Medical Cannabis Act passed ONLY because the church switched from opposed publicly to publicly neutral. It barely passed even at that. And coincidentally enough, was not only misleading in how it was put to voters but also the legislature has amended it many times, in some cases significantly, to go against the restrictions agreed upon that got “the church” to go to neutral.

I’ve actually been hoping you’d bring that topic up, waiting patiently as I was certain you didn’t understand that one either and would misrepresent it out of either ignorance or dishonesty. I was correct. Not sure which one, I’ll let you pick.

And don’t keyboard bully me here! I’ll tell mommy.
Hey, while we’re doing Tri’s greatest hits, keep an eye out for the post where he kills the mommy coyotes in front of the pups to teach them how to behave. :rolleyes:

He might have less self awareness than the pups.
Keep your lies straight boy.

I killed the pup first then the "mommy" and it wasn't about teaching anything. They all died.
Because you didn't read, you missed even Texas congressmen are signing on.

No one cares you kill coyotes. What we DO care about is what your cluelessness brings the rest of us. No one in here is impressed with your wanna be badazz routine. The world outside, the majority that allows or is indifferent to our lifestyle won't suffer your stupidity any longer.

You, and you're ilk of big mouthed morons are really starting to hurt our lifestyle.

What lifestyle?

The one where you don't hunt and ***** about hunters on your googler all day. Hellavu lifestyle.
You do know what the word “or” means, right?

Hopefully by then you’ll either actually understand what it does OR be honest in the debate. Either/or, depending which fits. You still haven’t answered.

More misunderstanding or lies, not sure which one. The Utah Medical Cannabis Act passed ONLY because the church switched from opposed publicly to publicly neutral. It barely passed even at that. And coincidentally enough, was not only misleading in how it was put to voters but also the legislature has amended it many times, in some cases significantly, to go against the restrictions agreed upon that got “the church” to go to neutral.

I’ve actually been hoping you’d bring that topic up, waiting patiently as I was certain you didn’t understand that one either and would misrepresent it out of either ignorance or dishonesty. I was correct. Not sure which one, I’ll let you pick.

And don’t keyboard bully me here! I’ll tell mommy.
Hahaha, you couldn't even make it 24 hours! 😂 ROFL

Screenshot_20240913_090732_Samsung Internet.jpg

I called it perfectly, you're so freaking predictable. Exactly what I knew you'd do after you were embarrassed on a public forum in your own profession.

Have you considered demanding a refund from your law school? I'd be happy to write you a supporting letter.

This is where I put you on Ignore, you're useless. 🎤
Hahaha, you couldn't even make it 24 hours! 😂 ROFL

View attachment 157774

I called it perfectly, you're so freaking predictable. Exactly what I knew you'd do after you were embarrassed on a public forum in your own profession.

Have you considered demanding a refund from your law school? I'd be happy to write you a supporting letter.

This is where I put you on Ignore, you're useless. 🎤

And there we go! Bingo card is blacked out.

For the record, he still never answered my very simple yes or no question. Why? Because it would expose his open lies, and he couldn’t possibly have that. But I didn’t need to tell anyone but Grizzly that.

Poor guy got keyboard bullied! But you’ll notice how he could not counter any of the facts posted. Poor fella. I hope he’s okay curled up in the corner.

What lifestyle?

The one where you don't hunt and ***** about hunters on your googler all day. Hellavu lifestyle.

Did you get your dove hunt booked for the weekend?

Neither did I, but I don't live in Houston so I'll just have to hunt all weekend, yet again
And there we go! Bingo card is blacked out.

For the record, he still never answered my very simple yes or no question. Why? Because it would expose his open lies, and he couldn’t possibly have that. But I didn’t need to tell anyone but Grizzly that.

Poor guy got keyboard bullied! But you’ll notice how he could not counter any of the facts posted. Poor fella. I hope he’s okay curled up in the corner.

Told ya telling him pretty and buying a blouse wasnt gonna work.

And now hes(supposedly) run off to mommies house but not before letting the whole jr high know he is no longer talking to you.

Hope you get your friendship ring back🙄

Here's another great one. Not a cute cuddly puppy but just a good ol decapitated hood ornament.


Maybe we'll get a new law proposed called the "Tristate's No Fuqs to Give" law.
Told ya telling him pretty and buying a blouse wasnt gonna work.

And now hes(supposedly) run off to mommies house but not before letting the whole jr high know he is no longer talking to you.

Hope you get your friendship ring back🙄

He said he’s going to return when he’s done sucking his thumb in the fetal position.

TBD how many months that will last.
View attachment 157813

Here's another great one. Not a cute cuddly puppy but just a good ol decapitated hood ornament.


Maybe we'll get a new law proposed called the "Tristate's No Fuqs to Give" law.

This was actually kind of funny. You made me laugh, and not as in laughing AT you like normal. That legitimately made me chuckle. Well done Tri!
Seems like a good was you get hurt yourself wrecking a sled. Rather just shoot them. Am I the only one who does not like beating up on expensive toys I worked hard for?
I'm going to ask you nicely to be a gentleman and remove your post.

i am and always have been a responsible father above all else and that is sacred to my culture.
I used to chase coyotes in the winter on a snowmobile..didn't run over them...busted them with a sawed-off shotgun...

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