
Long Time Member
Do You Remember Where You Were At The Morning of 9-11-2001?

I Haven't Forgot & Never Will!

Had Been On Te Job-site For About An Hour When My Wife Calls & Tells Me The NEWS Of A Plane Hitting The Tower!

Open the Doors On My Truck & Turn The Volume Up!

Was The QUIETEST Day I've Ever Heard In My Life!

Some If Not All Them BASTARDS Were Trained Right Here In The USA!

No,I Haven't Forgot!

I was at my grandpa's house, we was getting ready to go get dad from the hospital after his hunting accident. At the time I really didn't know what was going on.
I was at NAS Pax River, MD for conferences on USN stuff. At 2pm I planned to meet a young fella who used to work with me who had become a USN intelligence Officer at the Pentagon, 53 miles away.

He made it out and is now #2 at a 3 letter agency. Good kid.

A security guard at the entrance alerted us to what had happened. We broke from the class just in time to watch the second plane hit.
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Just tied one boot getting ready for work. Didn't tie the other for at least an hour staring at tv.

Every house being worked on in that subdivision had their radios on KSL all day.
My crew was washing bins getting ready for grape harvest. I was in and out of the house. Ill never forget.
Had been at work for an hour or so and we were all shocked with our lower jaws almost hitting the floor.
I wish all media was required to loop that footage all day today.
So that NOBODY forgets!
I feel that the media, government, whatever, is almost embarrased to play it?
Those that died in those buildings that day deserve to have the world see who murdered them!!
I was driving south on 666 from Cortez to Shiprock and was right next to Chimney Rock. We had 3 airplanes in the air when the order came to ground all aircraft immediately. We had airplanes on obscure strips all over the place for a couple days.

In a weird twist of fate, our company was acquired by a large multi-national HQ’d in NYC. One of our subsidiaries did the steel erection for the original Towers. Later, our company was contracted to help with the demolition and cleanup. And finally, they also constructed a number of the new features including the PATH station and the ridiculously complicated “Oculus”.

I was fortunate to visit all of these post-9/11 projects. I have also been on the 110th floor of the old Towers. Lucky guy.
So sad. I was crossing into Canada for a meeting in Toronto. Told the border guards what was happening; they had not heard yet. Stupid young me kept going and did not turn around immediately. Got back to the Blue Water Bridge just before they closed it in the afternoon. Spent a couple hours 2 vehicles from getting across. Every vehicle was searched with dogs as we came back into the US. Cell calls were TOUGH to get thru in 2001 in general much harder in crisis. Had a buddy working in the WTC and was pretty worried for him.
Was putting in a metal gate in the Horse Corral and the wife hollared breakfast was ready..came in and she said a plane hit one of the twin towers , turned on the T.v. and the second plane hit...I knew right then we were at war with somebody..went and put my .45 govt shoulder holster on...
I was in my RV at Florence, Oregon getting ready to go out the door and go fishing. Watched the second plane hit the tower on the T.V. and told my fishing partner, " we are going to war".
Definitely a turning point in the way we feel safe in our own country.

I don't know how secure the border was then, but these dudes were here legal? Makes you wonder how bad it could be with our open borders now?

I think our intelligence agencies are doing a good job pushing back on the threats.
I have had several events in my life that when I think about any of them, that particular day is clear as a bell. 9/11 is definitely one of them.
I was 18 years old working my first job out of high school running a forklift loading pallets on a truck when I heard the news, that was a slow day at work everyone was glued to the TV, will never forget.
Was at the old Golds Gym/lifestyles 2000 on Van Winkle. Lotta strangers gathering around the tvs. Plenty of open benches/Squat racks that morning and not a flatty or 🥦 👦 broccoli head in sight
Setting on the tundra next to the Arctic Circle, with a half dozen other caribou hunters, in NWT Canada, waiting, and waiting, and waiting l on a float plane to take us back to Yellowknife.

The plane never showed up, for one, two, three days. We were down to eating our caribou meat. We had only small bits and pieces of what was going on back home. Ended up having to drive from Edmonton back to Utah in 2 compact car rentals because the airspace over the U.S. was still closed.

Yup…….. I remember the anxiety.
Wow Lump, that's intense! Crazy story to be told on a beyond crazy day.
It definitely was crazy V. I in no way can or would compare it to the horrific terror in the hearts of the people in New York and the east coast. My heart still goes out to those poor folks.

George Bush said, “the world will never be the same”. At that time, I had not appreciation of just how prophetic he was.
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I was in the Book Cliffs with a buddy trying to help him punch his archery elk tag. We didn't even know about 9/11 until 9/12. I do remember watching about 7 or 8 fighter jets screaming north on 9/11 while we were stalking a bull and thought "wow that is cool" and thought nothing else. It wasn't until we returned to camp and my buddy turned the radio on did we fight out what was going on. We decided to forgo hunting that afternoon and drove down to Fruita, CO and watched the aftermath on a tv in a truck stop. My wife was pretty freaked out. The television station I was working at was basically turned over to national news for two weeks. It was a crazy time in our lives.
I joined the Navy 8/8/2001. My dad and I had our best striper fishing morning at Lake Powell on 9/11. They were boiling everywhere. We pulled the boat in and my mom was screaming at us to get out and go to the neighbors trailer to see what happened because they had satellite. Reality set in pretty quick, I called and my recruiter said boot camp had moved up from late Nov to Oct 2nd. I graduated on Pearl Harbor Day (12/7). I doubt anyone has ever seen more Admirals in the same place at one time since that day. I doubt patriotism has ever been that high since that day either. We were all ready for payback for the 2 biggest attacks on US soil in history. RIP to all those who perished. They didn't have a chance to defend themselves.
Setting on the tundra next to the Arctic Circle, with a half dozen other caribou hunters, in NWT Canada, waiting, and waiting, and waiting l on a float plane to take us back to Yellowknife.

The plane never showed up, for one, two, three days. We were down to eating our caribou meat. We had only small bits and pieces of what was going on back home. Ended up having to drive from Edmonton back to Utah in 2 compact car rentals because the airspace over the U.S. was still closed.

Yup…….. I remember the anxiety.

We were aboard a Navy base going back to another Navy base. Military flights were grounded for about 3 days.

I flew home next to 10,000 gallons of jet fuel.
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My poor CO at the time was a full bird USMC. He had driven by my house to inform my wife that I was ok and might be a few days coming home.

She heard a knock at the door (knowing of my plans to visit the Pentagon) and saw him and thought the worst.

Our base was primarily for weapons testing and development so we were used to tight security.
I was about to leave for high school in Oregon when the first plane hit. When I got to school we were all glued to a TV that was rolled into the classroom. 2 days later I called all the colleges that were offering me scholarships and let the recruiters know that I wasn't going to go to college. I went down to the armed forces recruiter with my parents and had them sign the paperwork to leave for the Air Force cause I was only 17. Left for basic October 10th. I've had 10 reconstructive leg surgeries and 15 all together since getting home. I will never forget the feeling I had that day watching everything unfold.
If you've never heard about Rick Rescorla's selfless heroic efforts on 911 this is well worth the read. He was also a stud in Vietnam that served under Lt. Gen. Hal Moore. He is pictured on the cover of Hal's book that was later made into a movie starring Mel Gibson. Amazing life! RIP Rick

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I was mowing the back lot at our shop. Boss came out to tell me what had happened. He was young and got all emotional, sent the crew home for the day.
We started work at 5:30am and I was stuck in the saw filing room with a very talented filer who is Polish but spoke very little English. I heard it on the radio. When I figured out what had happened, I drew him a picture of two tall buildings with airplanes crashing into them. His limited English allowed him to say, "No good!"
We started work at 5:30am and I was stuck in the saw filing room with a very talented filer who is Polish but spoke very little English. I heard it on the radio. When I figured out what had happened, I drew him a picture of two tall buildings with airplanes crashing into them. His limited English allowed him to say, "No good!"
Enough said.
Working in Tampa, FL.
Had just locked my keys in my work truck with it running.
Went to a random door to ask to use their phone.
Lady asks me if i was a terrorist?
I was like whaaa?
Stood in that woman's living room and we watched the
plane fly into the 2nd tower. Then watched them both
crumble. After I got my truck open I went and found a
pay phone and called my mom.
Seems life hasnt been the same since, somehow.
I was in a meeting at work, when our secretary came in and fearfully tried to tell our boss about some kind of attack… I couldn’t hear everything she said, but we all understood something bad was happening. The meeting was immediately adjourned and we were all dismissed from work to be with our families by an email from the U.S. President or something like that.

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