Obama's brother loves Trump

When it's some random dude who has been rejected from office in Kenya three times, but supports Trump, it's newsworthy and viable. But when it's a former VP and a former US Representative who is critical, it's met with

F#ck Dick Cheney and his kunt daughter Liz. Just another couple liberal Wyoming democrats from Laramie

RINO's don't count. Funny a politician being a politician... Liz Cheney hates Trump because he pushed her out of office. Dick has mental issues.
Plus he is the only VP to have shot someone and got away with it. Very Democrat of him. Plus both are irrelevant due to them being washed up has been losers from Wyoming. Them 2 and Buzz will be the only Harris voters in Wyoming......No big loss.... they are not from Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, NC, Georgia, Arizona or Nevada.
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RINO's don't count. Funny a politician being a politician... Liz Cheney hates Trump because he pushed her out of office. Dick has mental issues.
Plus he is the only VP to have shot someone and got away with it. Very Democrat of him. Plus both are irrelevant due to them being washed up has been losers from Wyoming. Them 2 and Buzz will be the only Harris voters in Wyoming......No big loss.... they are not from Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, NC, Georgia, Arizona or Nevada.
He also started a couple of wars.
I and about a dozen other folks were invited to meet and visit with Dick Cheney sometime back in 2018 while he was visiting Salt Lake. We had a round table conversation for around 90 minutes.

At that time I was of the opinion Cheney was the only reason George W Bush got elected as President and was the only reason President Bush wasn’t a dismal failure in office.

Trump went after Bush and Cheney’s for a number of reasons and completely changed my opinion of Cheney. Liz. Cheney, since Trump went after Bush and Cheney seemed to have completely lost her mind.

I’ve come to believe the ego’s of all politicians far very too fragile to govern objectively. Even though I am all in for Trump and his political platform, he is no more and certainly no less guilty of “ego overload”. The Cheney’s, father and daughter, clearly suffer from a acute chronic case of ego over load.
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I and about a dozen other folks were invited to meet and visit with Dick Cheney sometime back in 2018 while he was visiting Salt Lake. We had a round table conversation for around 90 minutes.

At that time I was of the opinion Cheney was the only reason George W Bush got elected as President and was the only reason President Bush wasn’t a dismal failure in office.

Trump went after Bush and Cheney’s for a number of reasons and completely changed my opinion of Cheney. Liz. Cheney, since Trump went after Bush and Cheney seemed to have completely lost her mind.

I’ve come to believe the ego’s of all politicians far very too fragile to govern objectively. Even though I am all in for Trump and his political platform, he is no more and certainly no less guilty of “ego overload”. The Cheney’s, father and daughter, clearly suffer from a acute chronic case of ego over load.
Those two suffer from gout, ugliness, stupidity, and most of all--TDS!
When it's some random dude who has been rejected from office in Kenya three times, but supports Trump, it's newsworthy and viable. But when it's a former VP and a former US Representative who is critical, it's met with


Yeah. When some oddball family member with an axe to grind comes out, they shouldn't be taken seriously by the other side.

Think Mary Trump will give her MSNBC dressing room back anytime soon?

One should of course have the distain the left has for these family squabbles.

Yeah. When some oddball family member with an axe to grind comes out, they shouldn't be taken seriously by the other side.

Think Mary Trump will give her MSNBC dressing room back anytime soon?
Nope. Notice how I'm not running to MM to post about it as if it carries weight?

Or even worse, acting like she's enlightened while personally attacking family members from the other side of the aisle. That's treeds game.

I treat both sides equally, with disinterest.
Nope. Notice how I'm not running to MM to post about it as if it carries weight?

Or even worse, acting like she's enlightened while personally attacking family members from the other side of the aisle. That's treeds game.

I treat both sides equally, with disinterest.

He'd been better posting Waltz family with Trump shirts.

I'm a follow the money guy.

There's a reason Cheneys are concerned. Same as Romney, McCains, etc.

Liz Cheney is Hunter Biden without a crack habit. Trump winning means her access, as well as the Romney McCain, etc access to power is gone. Pretty tough to have to get a real job at her age.
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Liz Cheney and Nancy Pelosi are both vindictive b!tches that do not want to give up the power and money making as a politician.
I forgot, you can add Hillary Clinton to the above.
And……. For these kind people, there will never be enough money and never enough power.

Liz Cheney is estimated at approx. 20 millions, Dick’s is well over $100 million with other estimates at $300 million. Pelosi’s is estimated at over $200 million.

Cheney was VP and Pelosi was Speaker the House, yet, still not enough power and not enough money.

I’m not opposed to wealth and I’m not opposed to servicing fellow American in elected positions. Destructive behavior when it comes to wealth or power, I despise , from anyone or any ideology.
And……. For these kind people, there will never be enough money and never enough power.

Liz Cheney is estimated at approx. 20 millions, Dick’s is well over $100 million with other estimates at $300 million. Pelosi’s is estimated at over $200 million.

Cheney was VP and Pelosi was Speaker the House, yet, still not enough power and not enough money.

I’m not opposed to wealth and I’m not opposed to servicing fellow American in elected positions. Destructive behavior when it comes to wealth or power, I despise , from anyone or any ideology.
It’s also not that they have that much but the way in which they acquired it. Public servants getting that rich only happens one way, and it’s not by working hard.
Nope. Notice how I'm not running to MM to post about it as if it carries weight?

Or even worse, acting like she's enlightened while personally attacking family members from the other side of the aisle. That's treeds game.

I treat both sides equally, with disinterest.
Fair question. If you have such a disinterest with the election/candidates why are you actively throwing out an opinion? 1st amendment rights for sure, but why bother? You add nothing to the conversation.
You have already stated you will vote 3rd party?
Nope. Notice how I'm not running to MM to post about it as if it carries weight?

Or even worse, acting like she's enlightened while personally attacking family members from the other side of the aisle. That's treeds game.

I treat both sides equally, with disinterest.
Like both end of a rat turd.
Fair question. If you have such a disinterest with the election/candidates why are you actively throwing out an opinion? 1st amendment rights for sure, but why bother? You add nothing to the conversation.
You have already stated you will vote 3rd party?
Haha, I never said I had disinterest in politics, I have disinterest in the opinions of some random third party person with no bona fides whatsoever. Especially if I only were to think they were valid or informed only if they shared my opinion while disregarding opinions of people who thought differently than me.

Just like with your rearview mirror retort, your responses are missing the point lately.

PS. I'm one of few people actually adding to the conversation with a differing viewpoint and information other than just parroting random idiot's Twatter posts as if they're true or newsworthy.
Just like with your rearview mirror retort, your responses are missing the point lately.
Rearview mirror? Not me. I try not to look in the "rearview" of the last 3.5 yrs of utter destruction with Bidenomics, sky high inflation, surging fuel costs, completely open borders with migrants killing Americans, 2 new wars, pretty much the democrats war machine pushing us closer to WW3.
My view thru the front windshield is a return to the 4yrs of Trump. Secure border, low inflation with a thriving economy, fuel independence. World peace. I want to be able to buy my $2 diesel, a big Mac meal without having to take a loan out. No WW3....is that 2 much to ask?
I want to see dirty politicians jailed. A stop to lawfare. I don't care who it is, Trump, Biden, Clinton, Pelosi. And I am not talking the BS charges against Trump. Biden is rotten to the core.

Look how long it took to get Menendez out? Or Santos? Ridiculous to say the least. Pelosi stock deals

The above is a Newsweek link not Twatter.
Rearview mirror? Not me.
Yes it was. Post #4 on the Taylorsville thread. Homer had to point out to you I was talking about the rearview mirror.

I started to write a reply to the rest of your post but decided that we're each adults and neither of us is going to change the other's opinion. So let's just disagree with class. Have a good rest of your day.
Yes it was. Post #4 on the Taylorsville thread. Homer had to point out to you I was talking about the rearview mirror.

I started to write a reply to the rest of your post but decided that we're each adults and neither of us is going to change the other's opinion. So let's just disagree with class. Have a good rest of your day.
That was a different post. So last couple weeks. Alot has changed since then.

Agreed no changing minds with vastly different opinions.

Let's just let common sense prevail.
And……. For these kind people, there will never be enough money and never enough power.

Liz Cheney is estimated at approx. 20 millions, Dick’s is well over $100 million with other estimates at $300 million. Pelosi’s is estimated at over $200 million.

Cheney was VP and Pelosi was Speaker the House, yet, still not enough power and not enough money.

I’m not opposed to wealth and I’m not opposed to servicing fellow American in elected positions. Destructive behavior when it comes to wealth or power, I despise , from anyone or any ideology.
Cheney is probably still getting his cut of every happy meal Halliburton supply's our troops in war zones.....
Rearview mirror? Not me. I try not to look in the "rearview" of the last 3.5 yrs of utter destruction with Bidenomics, sky high inflation, surging fuel costs, completely open borders with migrants killing Americans, 2 new wars, pretty much the democrats war machine pushing us closer to WW3.
My view thru the front windshield is a return to the 4yrs of Trump. Secure border, low inflation with a thriving economy, fuel independence. World peace. I want to be able to buy my $2 diesel, a big Mac meal without having to take a loan out. No WW3....is that 2 much to ask?
I want to see dirty politicians jailed. A stop to lawfare. I don't care who it is, Trump, Biden, Clinton, Pelosi. And I am not talking the BS charges against Trump. Biden is rotten to the core.

Look how long it took to get Menendez out? Or Santos? Ridiculous to say the least. Pelosi stock deals

The above is a Newsweek link not Twatter.
Sounds like you need a better job if you can't afford diesel and a big mac.

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