Seeking information for book cliffs muzzleloader deer.


My brother recently acquired a turned-back muzzleloader tag for the bookcliffs. Since there are only about two weeks before the hunt we don't have a lot of time to scout. I'm seeking any information for the unit that could help us produce a decent buck. HE doesn't have a ton of time to hunt so we are not looking at being all that picky. Anything would help. Thanks!
If you drive the roads and he is truly not "all that picky", you'll find many bucks. Shoot a little one and save the rest for people who are willing to put in the work and spend their precious points and hard-earned vacation time giving this tag the dedication it deserves.
Or you could take the next couple of weeks and spend at least a day or two on the unit.......
If you drive the roads and he is truly not "all that picky", you'll find many bucks. Shoot a little one and save the rest for people who are willing to put in the work and spend their precious points and hard-earned vacation time giving this tag the dedication it deserves.
Or you could take the next couple of weeks and spend at least a day or two on the unit.......
I guess I’m seeking information about the unit from everyone but you. He is expecting a baby around the same time and will not have that much time to hunt “hard earned vacation time” get out of here.
The deer could start migrating during your hunt. Start up top. If they are not there, work your way lower (drive) until you run into deer
I guess I’m seeking information about the unit from everyone but you. He is expecting a baby around the same time and will not have that much time to hunt “hard earned vacation time” get out of here.
Honest question... With such time constraints and a baby on the way, is there a reason why he just didn't decline the tag ? Sounds like he would have been better off with the tag another year.
People Might Turn The Baby Down!

But They Ain't Turning A Tag Down!

And I'm RAZZIN On The Baby!

There's Always Just A Small Handful Of Bucks Up High Even After The Migration Starts!

But They'll Be Almost Impossible To Locate!

It's A Migratory Herd!

And When They Start Moving,They Move Quickly!

Mid Transition/Usually Muzz Season They Drop Off In To The PJ's!

And Some STICKFLIPPERS Have Helped Get Them In To The PJ's As Well!

It Can Be Tough Hunting Once They Drop Off In To The PJ's!

Like heartshot Said!

Check High & If You Ain't Seeing Much They'll Be In The PJ's Perty Much Until The Rifle Hunt Starts!
There are a lot of roads that drop off of the divide road. If you’re not seeing a bunch take some of those roads lower. Check around PR Springs, East Canyon by the towers. Indian canyon road off of Seep Ridge road and hunt back towards the top. Should be able to find deer by taking the roads off the top and glassing. Good luck and come back and post a picture of your brothers Buck.

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