Venezuelan Gangs in Aurora


Long Time Member
Looks like Coloradans are getting issues now. All kinds of criminal activities including murders. So the current administration let them in. Or they snuck in I don't know. But we already had Gangs all over the US. Trips, Bloods, Aryan Nation, MossBack ( just kidding Founder).
We sure don't need more of them. But the point is they need deported. Seems it is OK that anyone comes to our country now. Plus I imagine they are getting some free benefits too.
I wouldn't hesitate to unload a 15 round magazine of shot from my Mossberg 12 Guage if they were coming in.
Apparently, a governor lacky told the council person who trumpeted the issue that she might be breaking the law for withholding evidence. That seems like a whole lotta "shut up" threatening.

What in the hell is going on over there?:oops:
I Agree With You DM!

But the point is they need deported.

Good Luck With This Regime That Let Them In Doing Anything With Them Or Too Them!
I see today they are finally going after them and they caught the leader who goes by the name Cookie Monster
Looks like Coloradans are getting issues now. All kinds of criminal activities including murders. So the current administration let them in. Or they snuck in I don't know. But we already had Gangs all over the US. Trips, Bloods, Aryan Nation, MossBack ( just kidding Founder).
We sure don't need more of them. But the point is they need deported. Seems it is OK that anyone comes to our country now. Plus I imagine they are getting some free benefits too.
I wouldn't hesitate to unload a 15 round magazine of shot from my Mossberg 12 Guage if they were coming in.
Mossback! Good one.
I have no sympathy for the folks in Aurora. These folks continue to believe you can elect leftist politicians, with their socialist policies and expect some version of nirvana. Sooner or later you end up with anarchy and then cry for a political dictatorship to save you from your bad choices. Choices they insisted where the moral high ground.

People never learn…… until the ax falls on their head. So……. You were told, you laughed and partied on, now you cry.

Oh well, you got what you voted for.
I have no sympathy for the folks in Aurora. These folks continue to believe you can elect leftist politicians, with their socialist policies and expect some version of nirvana. Sooner or later you end up with anarchy and then cry for a political dictatorship to save you from your bad choices. Choices they insisted where the moral high ground.

People never learn…… until the ax falls on their head. So……. You were told, you laughed and partied on, now you cry.

Oh well, you got what you voted for.
Being bussed out of Aurora to a town near you… hear no ever, see no evil…
Being bussed out of Aurora to a town near you… hear no ever, see no evil…
Yup, as usual, you’re right on there Tikka.

As soon as one group has a good idea about creative equality/equity (Texas to New York busing) the other group uses it to their advantage. I hope the Republican’t learned how to stuff ballet boxes and mine voter deposites this time around. If it isn’t illegal and apparently it’s not……… Katie bar the door, as far as I’m concerned.

Trump learned how to belittle, name call, tell half truths, use sympathic judges, social media, etc, etc by mimicking the Demoists……….. I’m hoping he’s gonna use their tactics better than the do, this time around…….. They claim he’s a changed man, I hope that’s true and he can out do the Demoists at their own games, again this year.
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I have no sympathy for the folks in Aurora. These folks continue to believe you can elect leftist politicians, with their socialist policies and expect some version of nirvana. Sooner or later you end up with anarchy and then cry for a political dictatorship to save you from your bad choices. Choices they insisted where the moral high ground.

People never learn…… until the ax falls on their head. So……. You were told, you laughed and partied on, now you cry.

Oh well, you got what you voted for.
Haven’t heard an “ax in the ceiling” reference in a long time. More folks should read that fable
We have had some weird encounters in our county with who are believed to be illegals. A little note from the Sheriff's office. Now today some weirdos in Meeker.

Denver is a degenerating **** hole. With out a doubt.

Left my truck in a dia parking garage for a week and a half to take the kids fishing in ak, came back last night to an unlocked truck that had been broken into. Pry marks on the door, glove box open, parking receipt gone. $30 a day to park there.

I'm just glad the whole truck was still there. Never gonna fly out of Denver again.

Denver is a liberal **** hole for sure.
The governor said it’s fake news. Seriously.
My son lives there right now on a Mormon mission. It is true. It is a little crazy. They have to have their phones on them at all times and on, so that if there is an emergency, they can get a hold of them. The Elders in Aurora have been moved for safety concerns. He said it is absolutely crazy. The appartments that were taken over were on Halifax street. Supposedly the most dangerous street in Colorado. My son was in Aurora a few months ago. He says its an absolute DUMP there.
Denver is a degenerating **** hole. With out a doubt.

Left my truck in a dia parking garage for a week and a half to take the kids fishing in ak, came back last night to an unlocked truck that had been broken into. Pry marks on the door, glove box open, parking receipt gone. $30 a day to park there.

I'm just glad the whole truck was still there. Never gonna fly out of Denver again.

Denver is a liberal **** hole for sure.
Hell yeah, tough typing bad ass right here.
Ever been to Carbondale? We’re definitely not immune on the western slope.
Every wealthy ski town in Colorado has a nearby service town where all the workers who provide labor to the ski town live.

All the rich people living in those fancy houses need their cheap labor.

Carbondale owes its destruction to Aspen.
Every wealthy ski town in Colorado has a nearby service town where all the workers who provide labor to the ski town live.

All the rich people living in those fancy houses need their cheap labor.

Carbondale owes its destruction to Aspen.
I hear ya…….. but it’s not that cut and dried simple, is it.

In any free society, for countless reasons, there are the generational wealthy and the generational poor and people/families all along the spectrum. Personally, I’m a generational lower middle class family. I work for lower middle income wages, paid to me, for my labor, by more wealthy individuals and their families. I believe, as I consider the quality of my life, I have lived better than 95% of the world, now and in all of human existence. I have a good education, healthy children and grandchildren, all more wealthy than my wife and I. I have a well made home, it’s been paid for, for 15 years, I was given a mortgage by very wealthy bank owners and their share holders. My community taxes me and uses some of that money, to pick my trash every week, provide law offices to help protect me, keep my roads passable, I have three vehicles, all run well, I bought them all used, from more wealthy people who had used them previously, the less wealthy salesmen and service people keep them running for me, I buy my food from wealthy grocery store owners, that less wealthy people work for. I don’t live in a ski resort area, I live in a typical American community, normal and nothing special.

You get the point.

In a free enterprise system, there is a free following path up and down the wealth and the poor relationship. It’s symbolic. Everyday, in Americans are moving up and other Americans are moving down…… or staying static. We are free, and it works, the poor are grateful to have jobs and income, and we live better than 95% of humans, the wealthy are grateful for our labor and smart enough to make it possible for all of us to live better and better, due to their intelligence, risk taking, ambition, and hard work (albeit, different hard work than the truck drivers, the plumbers, the bank tillers and the cashiers at Walmart.)

We are damn lucky we have the wealthy to work for.
Every wealthy ski town in Colorado has a nearby service town where all the workers who provide labor to the ski town live.

All the rich people living in those fancy houses need their cheap labor.

Carbondale owes its destruction to Aspen.
there isn’t much cheap labor in Carbondale anymore. Everything west of new castle is where people are coming from to work.
I am all in with free enterprise! But, Meeker, Craig, and Hayden are now service towns to Steamboat and the upriver wealthy. Even little ole Rangely has workers commute to Steamboat daily. Steamboat out competes the surrounding towns by paying nearly double for services ever with 3 hour commute. We can hardly get a plumber, electrician, or general contractor in town because we can't compete with the "financially rich". I get why these contractors do it but to the folks living in these wealthy communities they have no care for cost rather they care about getting the product they want. In the mean time out smaller rural communities have a truly tough time adding new homes or upkeep to their property bringing my property values down. Mean while their property valuation increase while our community decreases hurting out schools, hospitals, recreation districts, and other taxing districts Guess it's the price we pay living in a state that is catering to the super wealthy.
I am all in with free enterprise! But, Meeker, Craig, and Hayden are now service towns to Steamboat and the upriver wealthy. Even little ole Rangely has workers commute to Steamboat daily. Steamboat out competes the surrounding towns by paying nearly double for services ever with 3 hour commute. We can hardly get a plumber, electrician, or general contractor in town because we can't compete with the "financially rich". I get why these contractors do it but to the folks living in these wealthy communities they have no care for cost rather they care about getting the product they want. In the mean time out smaller rural communities have a truly tough time adding new homes or upkeep to their property bringing my property values down. Mean while their property valuation increase while our community decreases hurting out schools, hospitals, recreation districts, and other taxing districts Guess it's the price we pay living in a state that is catering to the super wealthy.

You have brought up a good point, and I don’t doubt for a minute that it’s factual. As I said, free enterprise economics is not cut and dried simple, and you’re living proof of that.

Consider this, beyond the face value of what’s happening in your community that is providing services to the growing wealthy community:
The service workers that travel to the wealthy community for work…….. because they are paid more, thereby making services more expensive and less available to the neighboring community, bringing home more dollars than your community is willing or able to pay them.

They come home from working in the wealthy community, where the homes cost them less, their groceries cost them less, their property taxes cost them less, their clothing costs them less, etc etc. This adds to the income and raises the standard of living of your community……. top to bottom. Yes, there a chance, that you mentioned, it’s harder to hire labor and services in your community and your cost for those services increase as a result, but their not as high as your wealthy neighbors are paying. (Not many service people would drive down the road to work, if they could make the same money working in there home town.) So……. while some, in the service community, are lifted up, by the raising standard of live, some are not. The fixed income folks tend to have less spendable income but most of those are older and retired, with less expenses such as a mortgage, 3 children to feed and cloth, less interest debt, etc.

The frustration with a lack of cheap labor is real however, but in a @truly free enterprise system” there is going to be dynamics that shift and slide, as I said previously, people move up and down the wealthy/poor scale.

There are causes and effect trade offs in all economic systems, be they capitalism, socialism or communism……. each has its “gotchas”. As frustrating as capitalism is, obviously, for me, it’s by far the system I prefer and appreciate.

I was born in Canada and had my wages frozen by the government in 1974. I promise you, socialism is not what I ever want to live under….. ever again.
I am all in with free enterprise! But, Meeker, Craig, and Hayden are now service towns to Steamboat and the upriver wealthy. Even little ole Rangely has workers commute to Steamboat daily. Steamboat out competes the surrounding towns by paying nearly double for services ever with 3 hour commute. We can hardly get a plumber, electrician, or general contractor in town because we can't compete with the "financially rich". I get why these contractors do it but to the folks living in these wealthy communities they have no care for cost rather they care about getting the product they want. In the mean time out smaller rural communities have a truly tough time adding new homes or upkeep to their property bringing my property values down. Mean while their property valuation increase while our community decreases hurting out schools, hospitals, recreation districts, and other taxing districts Guess it's the price we pay living in a state that is catering to the super wealthy.
People will drive daily from Strangely to Steamboat? Now that’s strange and fun in winter.
Like most things that sound like too much to believe, it is. the residents and the cops say this is total bullchit.

Yes, there are gang members around, like in all bigger cites. but they haven't taken this building over that's a lie.
Like most things that sound like too much to believe, it is. the residents and the cops say this is total bullchit.

Yes, there are gang members around, like in all bigger cites. but they haven't taken this building over that's a lie.
Like most things that sound like too much to believe, it is. the residents and the cops say this is total bullchit.

Yes, there are gang members around, like in all bigger cites. but they haven't taken this building over that's a lie.
My son is living there right now, it is happening.
Like most things that sound like too much to believe, it is. the residents and the cops say this is total bullchit.

Yes, there are gang members around, like in all bigger cites. but they haven't taken this building over that's a lie.
Dude can tell you what's happening from four states away
We have a good number of unique occurrences happening in NW Colorado over the past several weeks including at Steamboat, Craig, Meeker, Rangely, & between Craig and Baggs. All similar circumstances. Some on the HWYs others at businesses. All with the similar descriptions and suspicious activities. To say something is not out of the ordinary in our area would be a wrong statement.
We have a good number of unique occurrences happening in NW Colorado over the past several weeks including at Steamboat, Craig, Meeker, Rangely, & between Craig and Baggs. All similar circumstances. Some on the HWYs others at businesses. All with the similar descriptions and suspicious activities. To say something is not out of the ordinary in our area would be a wrong statement.
Perspectives tc. It’s all perspectives.

We see what we want to see and disregard the rest. (Not my words, but someone’s way smarter than me.). Some see hope and change, others see chaos and loss. It’s all perspective.
So you're saying there's crime in America? now that's news you can use. just don't believe everything you hear from partisan sources in an election year.

How do I know from states away? the same way I know what's happening halfway around the world. from listening to the people involved.

What I do believe is there are gangs. some foreign, some domestic. and there should be task forces to find them and take them out with any means necessary. and that's not going to happen no matter what lying politician gets elected.
So you're saying there's crime in America? now that's news you can use. just don't believe everything you hear from partisan sources in an election year.

How do I know from states away? the same way I know what's happening halfway around the world. from listening to the people involved.

What I do believe is there are gangs. some foreign, some domestic. and there should be task forces to find them and take them out with any means necessary. and that's not going to happen no matter what lying politician gets elected.
Well then……… we’ll just have to settle for hope and no change. Thanks T, that adds clarity to the last 16 years.
How do I know from states away? the same way I know what's happening halfway around the world. from listening to the people involved.
Says the guy who got his information from the people involved and then said if you get covid and you're not vaccinated lay down in front of the hospital and die.
I do know things are hidden from the public. About 30 years ago a friend had is truck in his driveway stolen with all his construction tools. With some digging found out around 20 plus trucks of the same year(s) and make of his were previously stolen. Being a tourist town things were kept quite not to interfere with tourism.
Perspectives tc. It’s all perspectives.

We see what we want to see and disregard the rest. (Not my words, but someone’s way smarter than me.). Some see hope and change, others see chaos and loss. It’s all perspective.
I don't disagree and people are paying closer attention to the surroundings but when other communities in the same region are sharing similar experiences from people that rarely interact such as Rangely and Steamboat then there's more to it. Additionally when local law enforcement agencies are issuing warnings?
The dems will down play this since they allowed these people in and to say this is fake news? Come on. When was the last time you've have been down town Denver/Aurora metro area? Polis has to down play as does the news agencies or their political mission will back fire making them look bad. They have to put lipstick on the pig.
Says the guy who got his information from the people involved and then said if you get covid and you're not vaccinated lay down in front of the hospital and die.
Haha I remember that douche saying that too. Togwotee all of us unvaccinated are still here
They gave you the gangs and Wolves all in the last three years. That’s going to get costly. I know a lot of Hispanics in the building business,landscaping, hard working, they don’t like the new scum that has seeped into our country.
Bad Apples are in very big town/City people has to look to the LAW to run them out. Gang's are in all big cities.
You don't think those gangs wasn't here before . Good luck thinking that they wasn't around long before you was born.
Italians was before most us was alive. LOL
Bad Apples are in very big town/City people has to look to the LAW to run them out. Gang's are in all big cities.
Where you going to run them to.
The next town over!
I have a friend that is on the Salt Lake Fire department, he has been with them for over ten years. He was telling me that back in March the city mayor and council ordered the police to push the vagrants out of down town.
Kind of ironic that is the same time as Utah was courting the Arizona NHL hocky team to move to Utah.
Another firefighter that I know is part of UNIFIED Fire and he is stationed in one of the communities next to Salt Lake, and his station incidents have reason significantly, mostly due to the increase in vagrants.
You don't hear about that on the news.
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Where are you going to run them to.
The next town over!
I have a friend that is on the Salt Lake Fire department, he has been with them for over ten years. He was telling me that back in March the city mayor and council ordered the police to push the vagrants out of down town.
Kind of ironic that is the same time as Utah was courting the Arizona NHL hocky team to move to Utah.
Another firefighter that I know is part of UNIFIED Fire and he is stationed in one of the communities next to Salt Lake, and his station incidents have reason significantly, mostly due to the increase in vagrants.
You don't hear about that on the news.
It's not news any's propaganda.
Kind of like Colorado saying they are relocating the problem wolves.
Where are you going to relocate problem wolves, and do they really belive problem wolves won't continue to cause problems!
Personal I believe they went to the train station.😁
Four Venezuelan national members of the Tren de Aragua gang arrested in Colorado have been confirmed as illegal aliens, per a statement from an ICE spokesperson to Fox News.

The Venezuelan nationals, ranging in ages from 19 through 24, all crossed the southern border through Texas illegally in 2022 and 2023, under the Biden administration. All four are now in ICE custody.

The four were arrested after a shooting which occurred near Nome Street Apartments, one of the apartment buildings in Aurora which had been overtaken by armed members of Tren de Aragua.

Did we have a member here that said this whole thing was nothing but "Bullchit". I guess his crystal ball must be broken and giving him false information to parrot.
And just like that togwotee is gone. He must have assumed people don't keep receipts around here or maybe he died of COVID????
Yea send them to Cali we will see caan if they can hang with gangs we already have here. Those have been here since the 50's
Yea that will stop criminal s from having guns 🤦‍♂️
I know. I don't see why others can't figure that out. And when you do buy a gun, you should raise your right hand and solemnly swear not to break any laws. This would end poaching too.
Just stop it u guys. Anyone with half a brain knows that outlawing guns solves all problems, including world hunger, global warming, and those annoying automatic tip requests at fast food restaurants. Especially that last one- chaps my a$$.
You don't think those gangs wasn't here before . Good luck thinking that they wasn't around long before you was born.
Italians was before most us was alive. LOL
We have rapists and murders in the US too and have since the beginning so what's a few more? Everybody should be welcome. Give law enforcement something to do.

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