Unit 7/8 Cow Moose 2024


Active Member

Well, I got a lucky email sent to me yesterday. Looks like someone turned back in a Cow Moose tag for unit 7/8/191, and I was the next one on the list. :) Super excited to be able to hunt Moose for the first time!

With less than 2 months to go before the season, I'm looking for any pointers anyone is willing to give. I'm from NM and never been in the area. Hoping to get a scouting trip in but would appreciate any areas people are willing to share. Feel free to do via PM.

Based on my internet browsing and looking at harvest reports, looks like Unit 8 is probably the best?

Thanks in advance!

Lots of moose.
I live nearby and don't spot burn. You'll see alot of recreational and hunter pressure. But let's just say the moose don't mind. Get off the trails and FS roads. Cover ground and focus on good habitat. Remember, our Rocky Mtn. moose are not always around swamps, creeks and willows, etc. They are mobile and can also be up high early season and in between. If you're hunting during the rut you'll see them mid-day quite often. If you are new to the area try to get out a few days early and get familiar with roads and access points.

Hope you have a good meat hauler backpack and help with strong backs. You'll needed. A good size cow is like shooting a horse. Get that animal broken down, hide off, cooled down ASAP! Have a plan to have the animal processed at the risk of loosing some excellent meat.
Also don't be afraid to talk with other hunters. Realize that most understand the rarity of the tag and most love to give info and spill the beans.
I live nearby and don't spot burn. You'll see alot of recreational and hunter pressure. But let's just say the moose don't mind. Get off the trails and FS roads. Cover ground and focus on good habitat. Remember, our Rocky Mtn. moose are not always around swamps, creeks and willows, etc. They are mobile and can also be up high early season and in between. If you're hunting during the rut you'll see them mid-day quite often. If you are new to the area try to get out a few days early and get familiar with roads and access points.

Hope you have a good meat hauler backpack and help with strong backs. You'll needed. A good size cow is like shooting a horse. Get that animal broken down, hide off, cooled down ASAP! Have a plan to have the animal processed at the risk of loosing some excellent meat.
its not any bigger than a bull elk, plenty of moose around that area just about anywhere you go. I killed a cow in 7 in 2021 ill shoot you a pm

They’re anywhere from the creek bottoms to 12k foot saddles. You’ll get your cow

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