California governor tag buck down.


Active Member
Was given permission to post photos. CONGRATS on a FREAKIN STUD! I'll leave the hunt details up to the shooter to share if he so desires. 35" wide - 10 x 10 - scores right at 240.


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I don't see a bow in the picture.....
Ya.....but it's pretty early in the season to kill something with a rifle. Is that an A zone buck? What other zones would be open this time of year for rifle....that produce a buck like that? Most rifle seasons are after velvet is gone from my experience. Any other info on the buck? Now that I look back at the pic, def doesn't look like a broadhead hole up near it's spine, does it? I guess I was just assuming.
Ya.....but it's pretty early in the season to kill something with a rifle. Is that an A zone buck? What other zones would be open this time of year for rifle....that produce a buck like that? Most rifle seasons are after velvet is gone from my experience. Any other info on the buck? Now that I look back at the pic, def doesn't look like a broadhead hole up near it's spine, does it? I guess I was just assuming.
If it is a Govenor's tag buck, you can hunt up until the end of January, with whatever method you so desire. It's not like the Open Zone or the Golden Opportunity tags.
If it is a Govenor's tag buck, you can hunt up until the end of January, with whatever method you so desire. It's not like the Open Zone or the Golden Opportunity tags.
So, he can hunt anywhere, anytime, with whatever weapon he wants? He can hunt with a rifle in an archery only zone?
Go hunt and be proud of what you accomplish. That is not hunting!
Ya...everyone has their own views on this subject. I'll never have the $$ to buy a tag like that so it doesn't bother me that there is a Gov tag. Now, if there were 5 of these tags auctioned and they squandered ALL of the money, I'd dislike it. II am sure they squander SOME of the money on the 1 tag auctioned so it is what it is. Gov't BS....
Ya...everyone has their own views on this subject. I'll never have the $$ to buy a tag like that so it doesn't bother me that there is a Gov tag. Now, if there were 5 of these tags auctioned and they squandered ALL of the money, I'd dislike it. II am sure they squander SOME of the money on the 1 tag auctioned so it is what it is. Gov't BS....
My friend bought the State tag which you can hunt any open zone with that weapon, he bought that tag for around $8,000 , which was a bargain.
Ya...everyone has their own views on this subject. I'll never have the $$ to buy a tag like that so it doesn't bother me that there is a Gov tag. Now, if there were 5 of these tags auctioned and they squandered ALL of the money, I'd dislike it. II am sure they squander SOME of the money on the 1 tag auctioned so it is what it is.

Ya...everyone has their own views on this subject. I'll never have the $$ to buy a tag like that so it doesn't bother me that there is a Gov tag. Now, if there were 5 of these tags auctioned and they squandered ALL of the money, I'd dislike it. II am sure they squander SOME of the money on the 1 tag auctioned so it is what it is. Gov't BS....
Ya...everyone has their own views on this subject. I'll never have the $$ to buy a tag like that so it doesn't bother me that there is a Gov tag. Now, if there were 5 of these tags auctioned and they squandered ALL of the money, I'd dislike it. II am sure they squander SOME of the money on the 1 tag auctioned so it is what it is. Gov't BS....
Tags like that and paying a trespass fee should be stopped. All it does is take away from the real hunters out there that put in the work and many miles trying to make it happen. But that person has bragging rights now they paid for it even though the boots are new.
That tag is a crock of crap.... it's all about money and and nothing about the actual hunt. Go pay for a high fence ranch and leave it at that.
You are correct about one thing. It is partly about the money...however, when these tags are auctioned off... the funds generated are supposed to be used in habitat restoration, guzzlers, conservation...I could go on. Now we can all certainly argue about just how well (or poorly) these funds may have been utilized, but the next big buck you harvest may be the result of a new guzzler in the area, sagebrush replanting after a fire, old fence removal...etc. Again, it is partly about the money...but it could also be a part of YOUR next hunt! You might want to look into the Mule Deer or Rocky Mountain Elk Foundations. They raise and spend a TON of money towards the betterment of habitat and wildlife. Auction tags, raffle tags and such are just one way they raise funds.
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So, he can hunt anywhere, anytime, with whatever weapon he wants? He can hunt with a rifle in an archery only zone?
I stand corrected in that there is no Governors Tag offered in California, unlike other Western States. California's version is the Golden Opportunity Tag". The hunter had to have a Golden Opportunity tag, which allows him to hunt from July to December 31st. The hunter can hunt anywhere in the state, as long as the area allows hunting. The hunter can also hunt with any method he or she chooses. I can remember Open Zone tags going for $5000-$7,000 at various RMEF Banquets 25-30 years ago. I think they go for up to $30,000 now a days. That is a far cry from what states like Arizona, Utah, Colorado and Wyoming get for their "Governors Tag". Some of those states allow the hunter 365 days to fulfill their tag.
There was a guide. There was a finders fee. It was on private in Lassen co.Dude showed up and killed it. Not my style.Would have loved to see it without the fuzz.
I heard about this buck being killed while I was pronghorn hunting on Lassen. It was on a Golden Opportunity tag, I was told. It was shot near Susanville. From the picture, I think it’s someone I’m acquainted with. Trying to confirm that now. Story is, the buck was moving back & forth between public & private and I’m not sure which one it was shot on. A friend was trying to kill it with his bow, but didn’t have access to the private ground.
The person holding the Golden Opportunity tag can go into a zone that is open for archery season to the public and shoot a buck with a rifle? The poor guy with the archery tag gets a Golden Shower especially if they're after the same buck.
Can you imagine being one of the tagholders who scouted that buck on public lands only to see it killed by a guy with special privileges? There will be a few disappointed X5B hunters this year.

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