Missing Wildlife Board Member

Some satire "meme" and info to ask for the beef! Where is the beef!

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Better yet why don't they release the un-redacted 62 pages. Let's see all the collected facts probable or not. Who they protecting his sister that works at the dwr?? Even better show us all the complaints and investigations clear back to 2000ish. When this crap first started.
Not selling you anything…….. BnD wants me to read it, (not really but that what he said) I can’t find it or I would, so direct your response to the gentleman that posted the need to read.

Sounds like there’s a a slop-pail full of history between you and the Heaton’s. All the best in your quest.

As I said, Wade Heaton means nothing more to me than you or any other stranger does. With one exception, Heaton was pleasant…………
Not selling you anything…….. BnD wants me to read it, (not really but that what he said) I can’t find it or I would, so direct your response to the gentleman that posted the need to read.

Sounds like there’s a a slop-pail full of history between you and the Heaton’s. All the best in your quest.

As I said, Wade Heaton means nothing more to me than you or any other stranger does. With one exception, Heaton was pleasant…………
Well put aside my differences. It should mean a lot to you and any other hunter in Utah that loves to hunt. They legit are changing migration patterns and deer habitat areas. I have seen this for the last 20 years whether I was bow hunting, rifle or blk powder on the zions or cedar units. Just facts, when you could turn down 2 3 small 4's and try to get a impressive deer without using bait or cameras thru the years it slowly dwindled. Not going to caulk that up to strictly feed and grazing areas.
Well put aside my differences. It should mean a lot to you and any other hunter in Utah that loves to hunt. They legit are changing migration patterns and deer habitat areas. I have seen this for the last 20 years whether I was bow hunting, rifle or blk powder on the zions or cedar units. Just facts, when you could turn down 2 3 small 4's and try to get an impressive deer without using bait or cameras thru the years it slowly dwindled. Not going to caulk that up to strictly feed and grazing areas.
All the best in your quest.
Better yet why don't they release the un-redacted 62 pages. Let's see all the collected facts probable or not. Who they protecting his sister that works at the dwr?? Even better show us all the complaints and investigations clear back to 2000ish. When this crap first started.

GRAMA request all of that. See what you get.
GRAMA request all of that. See what you get.
I actually was thinking of doing that! Lol he is already in a lawsuit fir replacing the fire chief on cedar mtn with one of the indicted guides. Their is just waaay to many COI that follow him on all his positions even if u ignore the wildlife charges.
Read it in its entirety and get back to us on your question
As I said, I couldn’t locate it on the Internet but another MM member sent me what I believe is as much as is available regarding the “probable cause statement”.

The sender said: “This is all public record, but it's not easy to find in the public sphere.”

Based on my reading of it, in its entirety, as you suggested…….6 I will say, the Wade Heaton probably cause statement is not a statement of guilt. Maybe best said….. it’s a legal “allegation” (not my term, but the term used by one more knowledgeable in the law than I.) The likely meaning of the term allegation might be as follows:

An allegation is a claim that you have done something wrong. It is a claim that is yet to be proven. A charge does not indicate you are guilty.

Therefore, we should wait to see if the allegation is proven before we claim Heaton is guilty.

I’m having déjà vu BnD, seems like we’re right where we stated from, hours ago.
As I said, I couldn’t locate it on the Internet but another MM member sent me what I believe is as much as is available regarding the “probable cause statement”.

The sender said: “This is all public record, but it's not easy to find in the public sphere.”

Based on my reading of it, in its entirety, as you suggested…….6 I will say, the Wade Heaton probably cause statement is not a statement of guilt. Maybe best said….. it’s a legal “allegation” (not my term, but the term used by one more knowledgeable in the law than I.) The likely meaning of the term allegation might be as follows:

An allegation is a claim that you have done something wrong. It is a claim that is yet to be proven. A charge does not indicate you are guilty.

Therefore, we should wait to see if the allegation is proven before we claim Heaton is guilty.

I’m having déjà vu BnD, seems like we’re right where we stated from, hours ago.

Pretty hard to disprove the text messages
I Think It Was Mentioned In The Other Wade Thread?

Somebody Said Jared Steele(The Antler Buyer!) Was Mad Because They Had Him Mixed Up With A Different Jared Steele?

The SLT Isn't Always Right,We All Know That!

But I Was Reading Through This & They Have Jared Steele The Antler Buyer As One Of The Bunch?

I Don't Know That It's True?

Just Wondering If Somebody Knows The Truth?

That's What I Thought Niller!

But Then They Make The Same Mistake Again On August 28 And This Time They Post And I Quote: Jared Steele of Santaquin, 37, owner of Great Basin Antler Buyers

I Can See Them Making The Mistake Once,Well Kinda!

But FRICKEN Twice?


The trib is RARELY right, and that tracks in this situation. They ID'd the wrong guy.

Wrong Jared Steele.
I Think It Was Mentioned In The Other Wade Thread?

Somebody Said Jared Steele(The Antler Buyer!) Was Mad Because They Had Him Mixed Up With A Different Jared Steele?

The SLT Isn't Always Right,We All Know That!

But I Was Reading Through This & They Have Jared Steele The Antler Buyer As One Of The Bunch?

I Don't Know That It's True?

Just Wondering If Somebody Knows The Truth?

SLT has it wrong, it's NOT the antler buyer Steele, and he's about to throw some defamation lawsuits around for the damage this is causing his business.
That's What I Thought Niller!

But Then They Make The Same Mistake Again On August 28 And This Time They Post And I Quote: Jared Steele of Santaquin, 37, owner of Great Basin Antler Buyers

I Can See Them Making The Mistake Once,Well Kinda!

But FRICKEN Twice?

100% wrong steel it's east to track the right one. Go to cco facebook or bragging rights who was also part of this they are tagging each other left n right. I 1000% know they have a phone of the other guy not Wades and I am guessing... wink wink he is turning judas... as fast as he can. We'll purely speculation... cough. Cough.... hmmm.
Not all mistakes require payments. Many they don’t even need to retract what they say, they simply move on to their next crap story and everyone forgets how crap their last one was.

But…I suspect this one is going to cost them.
Yes. I also belive they ran the names before print and the minute they found massive deer accounts associated to names they said we'll that's them... they could have looked up Wades cco facebook and found the Christmas party at the cabin and seen all the guides and owner..
Have you seen the cost of bait lately, I mean feed. The main reason we wouldn't be able to bait everywhere like they claim. Let alone fuel cost to get in and off the pauns.

I Want everyone to know the rumors are not true about COI. I have no COI I was simply helping the F&G improve wildlife habitat. Helping family get a job on the dwr was simply a non-COI incident. I only want to help stop poaching especially on the pauns.

I'm all for calling out Wade for this BS he has ochestrated, but I don't think it's fair to implicate other family members in other positions without some sort of evidence to do so.

Just my opinion. Keep in mind, a spokesperson does not control their message. A company's or person's spokesperson says the things the company/person tell them to say. So I think it's fair to question why the DWR and the Wildlife Board remain silent on this topic, I'm not ready to implicate others without some sort of information.
I'm all for calling out Wade for this BS he has ochestrated, but I don't think it's fair to implicate other family members in other positions without some sort of evidence to do so.

Just my opinion. Keep in mind, a spokesperson does not control their message. A company's or person's spokesperson says the things the company/person tell them to say. So I think it's fair to question why the DWR and the Wildlife Board remain silent on this topic, I'm not ready to implicate others without some sort of information.
No doubt this puts her in a very tough position either way.
I'm all for calling out Wade for this BS he has ochestrated, but I don't think it's fair to implicate other family members in other positions without some sort of evidence to do so.

Just my opinion. Keep in mind, a spokesperson does not control their message. A company's or person's spokesperson says the things the company/person tell them to say. So I think it's fair to question why the DWR and the Wildlife Board remain silent on this topic, I'm not ready to implicate others without some sort of information.

"Her views are her own"

With that, she is free to comment, I'm guessing she has on toms of other things.
I'm all for calling out Wade for this BS he has ochestrated, but I don't think it's fair to implicate other family members in other positions without some sort of evidence to do so.

Just my opinion. Keep in mind, a spokesperson does not control their message. A company's or person's spokesperson says the things the company/person tell them to say. So I think it's fair to question why the DWR and the Wildlife Board remain silent on this topic, I'm not ready to implicate others without some sort of information.
On TV the government employees aways say, “I can’t talk about that, it’s under investigation”. But that don’t work for me, I never stop talk’en.
Perhaps I'm not informed.

But how does a guy charged with that many crime, not at least get suspended from rge county commision?
Could it be……… because he hasn’t been convicted yet……….?

Also, it’s an elected…. not an appointed position…….. however I’m not entirely sure how a conviction effects an elected official but it might limit their ability to attend their public meetings.
I'm all for calling out Wade for this BS he has ochestrated, but I don't think it's fair to implicate other family members in other positions without some sort of evidence to do so.

Just my opinion. Keep in mind, a spokesperson does not control their message. A company's or person's spokesperson says the things the company/person tell them to say. So I think it's fair to question why the DWR and the Wildlife Board remain silent on this topic, I'm not ready to implicate others without some sort of information.
I agree on alot of yout points.... I would like to know hire dates etc.. for them both onto the dwr. I mean coi or not is their??
Independent of the criminal allegations against CCO, I don’t see the COI for Wade to be on the wildlife board and a relative to be hired by the DWR.

I don’t know which happened first, but I don’t think it matters much. Could one use their influence and connection to help a family member of friend get hired? ABSOLUTELY! There is an old saying that it is not what you know, but who you know. It only becomes a problem when there is actual nepotism in place. Wade was not the boss of any DWR employee or in charge of hiring decisions at the DWR as a WB member. I think people misunderstand how that works pretty regularly. The WB is separate. They are not hired by the DWR, they are appointed by the governor and confirmed by the senate. They also are not the DWR’s boss and not in the chain of command.

What is fishy is why the DWR and WB have remained silent on this. It does not seem fishy to me that someone with a Heaton name is employed by the division.

Now, if there is evidence of a family cover up, spill it! But I’m not going to assume there is a cover up without some basis for doing so. That’s just me.
Could it be……… because he hasn’t been convicted yet……….?

Also, it’s an elected…. not an appointed position…….. however I’m not entirely sure how a conviction effects an elected official but it might limit their ability to attend their public meetings.
They say he can wear hunter orange not to be confused with TBD supposed hearsay pending convict orange!

Pending trial evidence 62 page un-redacted docs. Not officially convicted.
Perhaps I'm not informed.

But how does a guy charged with that many crime, not at least get suspended from rge county commision?
Yup they finally removed him from the cedar mtn fire board fiasco.. where he helped a guide that is indicted with them on the new hunting case get the president job there.. this case is still pending I think the ex president will prob get a decent payout.

You know I don't care keeping silent any longer what are we leaving to or kids, grandkids... a bunch of good ole boy systems that reward buddies or relatives of buddies... no I am done fix the hunts drain the dwr swamps and let's get back to decent hunting with family.
I know this is older, it is just hilarious to read all these old posts. I was attending a wedding at the ole rock church in Mt Carmel a few towns over from Alton when all the debating about the master of bating was going on! they had just passed the no bait. I asked one of his current included indicated fellow guides what they were going to do now their main go to will be breaking the law... He looked at me and laughed. You really think we wont bait anymore. Wade is going to continue, they will have a heck of a time catching him because all the locked gates and different areas we move in and out of on the their property on the puans. Going to look thru wedding pics to see exact year and month.
This is a bunch of bullchit! He is not the MASTER OF BAITING and I can prove it. Anyone who was here in the last 10-22 or so approximate years will remember me as the original Master baiter and there can only be one master baiter. Back then my name was "MR. BAIT N FISH" so that proves it. I guess unless you are only referring to four legged animals then he may very well be the Master baiter in that category. I never mastered the baiting of them. Deer and Elk are just too big and I never was very good with a rope. I'll stick to the fish and I mostly like to use powerbait, it lasts longer. 😁
Could it be……… because he hasn’t been convicted yet……….?

Also, it’s an elected…. not an appointed position…….. however I’m not entirely sure how a conviction effects an elected official but it might limit their ability to attend their public meetings.

School board folks, city councils, etc are often suspended pending investigation.
This is a bunch of bullchit! He is not the MASTER OF BAITING and I can prove it. Anyone who was here in the last 10-22 or so approximate years will remember me as the original Master baiter and there can only be one master baiter. Back then my name was "MR. BAIT N FISH" so that proves it. I guess unless you are only referring to four legged animals then he may very well be the Master baiter in that category. I never mastered the baiting of them. Deer and Elk are just too big and I never was very good with a rope. I'll stick to the fish and I mostly like to use powerbait, it lasts longer. 😁

Kenworth or Peterbilt are pretty specialized requirements requirements for deer/elk
... fix the hunts drain the dwr swamps and let's get back to decent hunting with family.

LOL……… if that’s all you want, you probably better buy yourself a respirator.

If you’re still packing a pocketful of rocks over the loss of your annual family deer hunt, there’s damn little the courts are gonna do for you.
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Could it be……… because he hasn’t been convicted yet……….?

Also, it’s an elected…. not an appointed position…….. however I’m not entirely sure how a conviction effects an elected official but it might limit their ability to attend their public meetings.
Article IVElections and Right of Suffrage
Article IV, Section 6[Mentally incompetent persons, convicted felons, and certain criminals ineligible to vote.]

Agreed! Until he (wadeH) is convicted or let off released from responsibility... he can hold office.

Utah Constitution

Article IV, Section 6.

[Mentally incompetent persons, convicted felons, and certain criminals ineligible to vote.]

[Any mentally incompetent person, any person convicted of a felony, or any person convicted of treason or a crime against the elective franchise, may not be permitted to vote at any election or be eligible to HOLD OFFICE IN this State until the right to vote or hold elective office is restored as provided by statute.]
LOL……… if that’s all you want, you probably better buy yourself a respirator.

If you’re still packing a pocketful of rocks over the lose of your annual family deer hunt, there’s damn little the courts are gonna do for you.
lol back I can't say everything thru the years that went down..... Their of course is way more than that.. it's all good, I have a great life! I keep buying land thru kane county and on the pauns. Utah is awesome! A lot of scenery and wildlife. We truly are extremely blessed even to live here let alone own hundreds of acres in utah!!

you would think I am some old wanker just hammering this thru disgruntled and crying..... no... I wouldn't even "TRI" to be that guy. I do really well! actually extremely well!! And I am very optimistic on the day to day.. --the jokes and memes--- lol Let's just "TRI" to not let people deny things about poaching etc... Not casting a stone to sink a ship per say. Like I said I did have a old account in the day commented alot etc. now I just open MM around hunting season to see the cool animals! This crap just hits to close to home.. .. how many whispers allegations etc... can go on year after year after year.... even with wlh or wrh... sometimes where their is smoke their is actually fire..
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Hey Niller?

How Many Times Previously Did I Mention The COI?

Or Should I Say COI's?

I'm all for calling out Wade for this BS he has ochestrated, but I don't think it's fair to implicate other family members in other positions without some sort of evidence to do so.

Just my opinion. Keep in mind, a spokesperson does not control their message. A company's or person's spokesperson says the things the company/person tell them to say. So I think it's fair to question why the DWR and the Wildlife Board remain silent on this topic, I'm not ready to implicate others without some sort of information.
Their of course is way more than that.. it's all good, I have a great life! I keep buying land thru kane county and on the pauns. Utah is awesome! A lot of scenery and wildlife. We truly are extremely blessed even to live here let alone own hundreds of acres in utah!!
You got family in Wyoming an Oregon, cuz your starting to demonstrate a common gene pool with a couple of folks from there.

It’s like I keep saying, don’t settle here folks, Utah sucks, even for those who are extremely blessed and own hundred of acres in paradise. Seriously……. take the Dr. at his word, it’s corrupt, top to bottom, you can’t trust the neighbors, in the cities, nor the tiny rural villages. Rotten to the “apple’s” core.

I hear Colorado treats their new comers much much better.
You got family in Wyoming an Oregon, cuz your starting to demonstrate a common gene pool with a couple of folks from there.

It’s like I keep saying, don’t settle here folks, Utah sucks, even for those who are extremely blessed and own hundred of acres in paradise. Seriously……. take the Dr. at his word, it’s corrupt, top to bottom, you can’t trust the neighbors, in the cities, nor the tiny rural villages. Rotten to the “apple’s” core.

I hear Colorado treats their new comers much much better.
Lol somewhere up thay way close to the boarder moved up awhile back.... you can find sunshine in any state or hold your lip out waiting for a bird to **** in it. Just annoyed they keep letting wade l off until lately and wade h every time he gets a pass.... idk it's just horse crap...

See it all the time... move ins or even live ins complaining about their previous state... then they have issues here.... well duh... maybe they got in the car and moved here with ya??
So your saying you approve don't talk about it and look the other way....
We have family tags we give them away.

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