McCain at Arlington

Thank you John McCain for your service.

Hate you for pushing the fake Russian hoax dossier.

What does John’s son say about the political add John filmed at Arlington?

Another time and place, before every move on both sides is under a microscope.

Funny that when Biden did it, that was ok. A few short years later? Outrage?
CNN, MSDNC and the 3 major stations along with the Democrats machine have moved this country so far left it is crazy.

Used to be a Democrat and Republican was not that far apart. Minor differences that could be debated. Now it is full on party line votes.
As rotten, despicable and threatening to democracy he is….. and this is the best they got on Trump.

If you need to use the Arlington visit as anti-Trump propaganda…………. you’re in the middle of a terror nightmare.

Wake up, honey!
John McCain didn't have the excuse of bone spurs and big daddy to hide behind.
Bone spurs...interesting comment.

I have sat on USN medical boards which decided things such as being physically fit for duty. We made the distinction between NCD (Not Considered Disqualifying) and CD (Considered Disqualifying) for entry into the Navy/USMC and, more often, whether or not a person would be fit for entry into specialty fields, such as aviation. BUDs, electronics, etc.

The pre-existing conditions would sometimes exclude someone from entry into any branch of the service. Some of those conditions could be safety concerns, some could be training concerns (could they be expected to complete training) and how much would expected treatment cost over a lifetime.

Oddly enough, if those conditions were discovered after entry into the Armed Forces, they may not always be CD.

As an example, being color blind would exclude entry into aviation and electronics simply due to safety concerns.

Sometimes certain anthropometric measurements would be used to determine which, if any, aircraft could be safely piloted by folks with anthro measurements out of spec for a given platform. As an example, dudes/dudettes who wanted to fly ejection seat equipped aircraft had to have a heel to knee measurement within standards. This was mainly due to the rapid acceleration of the seat....if the lower leg bone was too long, 'seat slap' would happen, with the likely end result of a broken femur. Most of the too tall folks about to enter aviation would mostly end up in multi engine or rotary wing aircraft.

With respect to bone spurs and flat feet, for example, ENTRY into the Armed Forces was routinely denied (most likely due to $$$ amount of continued treatment) and the applicant had no choice.
Bone spurs...interesting comment.

I have sat on USN medical boards which decided things such as being physically fit for duty. We made the distinction between NCD (Not Considered Disqualifying) and CD (Considered Disqualifying) for entry into the Navy/USMC and, more often, whether or not a person would be fit for entry into specialty fields, such as aviation. BUDs, electronics, etc.

The pre-existing conditions would sometimes exclude someone from entry into any branch of the service. Some of those conditions could be safety concerns, some could be training concerns (could they be expected to complete training) and how much would expected treatment cost over a lifetime.

Oddly enough, if those conditions were discovered after entry into the Armed Forces, they may not always be CD.

As an example, being color blind would exclude entry into aviation and electronics simply due to safety concerns.

Sometimes certain anthropometric measurements would be used to determine which, if any, aircraft could be safely piloted by folks with anthro measurements out of spec for a given platform. As an example, dudes/dudettes who wanted to fly ejection seat equipped aircraft had to have a heel to knee measurement within standards. This was mainly due to the rapid acceleration of the seat....if the lower leg bone was too long, 'seat slap' would happen, with the likely end result of a broken femur. Most of the too tall folks about to enter aviation would mostly end up in multi engine or rotary wing aircraft.

With respect to bone spurs and flat feet, for example, ENTRY into the Armed Forces was routinely denied (most likely due to $$$ amount of continued treatment) and the applicant had no choice.
Your and trump's excuse, make it as big as you want.
Bone spurs...interesting comment.

I have sat on USN medical boards which decided things such as being physically fit for duty. We made the distinction between NCD (Not Considered Disqualifying) and CD (Considered Disqualifying) for entry into the Navy/USMC and, more often, whether or not a person would be fit for entry into specialty fields, such as aviation. BUDs, electronics, etc.

The pre-existing conditions would sometimes exclude someone from entry into any branch of the service. Some of those conditions could be safety concerns, some could be training concerns (could they be expected to complete training) and how much would expected treatment cost over a lifetime.

Oddly enough, if those conditions were discovered after entry into the Armed Forces, they may not always be CD.

As an example, being color blind would exclude entry into aviation and electronics simply due to safety concerns.

Sometimes certain anthropometric measurements would be used to determine which, if any, aircraft could be safely piloted by folks with anthro measurements out of spec for a given platform. As an example, dudes/dudettes who wanted to fly ejection seat equipped aircraft had to have a heel to knee measurement within standards. This was mainly due to the rapid acceleration of the seat....if the lower leg bone was too long, 'seat slap' would happen, with the likely end result of a broken femur. Most of the too tall folks about to enter aviation would mostly end up in multi engine or rotary wing aircraft.

With respect to bone spurs and flat feet, for example, ENTRY into the Armed Forces was routinely denied (most likely due to $$$ amount of continued treatment) and the applicant had no choice.
But now days the military will not only allow you to have a sex change they will pay for it, and any complications that might arrive later in life.

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