Missing Wildlife Board Member


Very Active Member
I was looking at the DWR site where it lists the wildlife board members and noticed that we are down a board member--notably, Wade Heaton.

Did he resign or what happened? When are they going to replace him and will they open up the applications like they usually do?

Anybody know what's going on?

Amy, does the DWR have any official statement?
You Guys Need To Pay More Attention!

There's A New Southern Region WB Member!

Hossy Refers To Her As 'MY GIRL',Meaning MY GIRL,Not His!

I Don't Know Wade Heaton Other Than Who He Is!

Always Looked Like A COI To Me?
You Guys Need To Pay More Attention!

There's A New Southern Region WB Member!

Hossy Refers To Her As 'MY GIRL',Meaning MY GIRL,Not His!

I Don't Know Wade Heaton Other Than Who He Is!

Always Looked Like A COI To Me?
I would also like to see you on that board, I love your passion you have for the herd.
Wades probably busy with the New spin off from “Night Court” where he assumes the role of bailiff for Kane County/Garfield County After hours Judiciary needs.
Thanks for your unbiased service on the board Wade.

I was looking at the DWR site where it lists the wildlife board members and noticed that we are down a board member--notably, Wade Heaton.

Did he resign or what happened? When are they going to replace him and will they open up the applications like they usually do?

Anybody know what's going on?

Amy, does the DWR have any official statement?

Thanks for the question, SureShot.

Yes, Wade Heaton submitted a resignation letter, stating that he was too busy to continue serving on the board. Because we are within six months of the last Wildlife Board recruitment period, the governor can pick someone from that pool of candidates to fill the remaining 22 months of Wade's term on the board. The Utah Senate must then confirm the nominee. We anticipate having more details about this before the Nov. 28 board meeting.
Thanks for the question, SureShot.

Yes, Wade Heaton submitted a resignation letter, stating that he was too busy to continue serving on the board. Because we are within six months of the last Wildlife Board recruitment period, the governor can pick someone from that pool of candidates to fill the remaining 22 months of Wade's term on the board. The Utah Senate must then confirm the nominee. We anticipate having more details about this before the Nov. 28 board meeting.
oh come on, Tell the truth about why he’s not on the board.
Thanks for the question, SureShot.

Yes, Wade Heaton submitted a resignation letter, stating that he was too busy to continue serving on the board. Because we are within six months of the last Wildlife Board recruitment period, the governor can pick someone from that pool of candidates to fill the remaining 22 months of Wade's term on the board. The Utah Senate must then confirm the nominee. We anticipate having more details about this before the Nov. 28 board meeting.
Are you sure that’s the real reason……? Rumor has it there’s another reason…? ??
Must be real busy as a Kane county commissioner.

Just ask him, he doesn't make any money outfitting?
@Amy not responding pretty much confirms the rumor. I know some people have contacted DWR and asked them
If the rumor was true… seems they’ve been given a gag order because no one will say anything other than he resigned. Shameful that the DWR won’t tell the public the real truth. But not surprising. They show their corruptness yearly.

Allegedly, he was participating in some less than legal hunting practices on his ranch. That’s all I’m going to say. For now.
@Amy not responding pretty much confirms the rumor. I know some people have contacted DWR and asked them
If the rumor was true… seems they’ve been given a gag order because no one will say anything other than he resigned. Shameful that the DWR won’t tell the public the real truth. But not surprising. They show their corruptness yearly.

Allegedly, he was participating in some less than legal hunting practices on his ranch. That’s all I’m going to say. For now.
Her not responding does not confirm anything. That’s ridiculous! Maybe she has other things to do or maybe she doesn’t know anything about it.
Or maybe she knows everything and isn’t at liberty to say anything on a public social media forum?

Or maybe there isn’t anything to tell?

There are lots of possibilities, even way more than we’ve listed, no doubt.

Hopefully there isn’t anything to the rumors, that would be a HUGE black eye to Utah wildlife management. I have not been a fan of Mr Heaton’s positions on the Board, but I wish him no ill will and hope things are just that he was too busy with life. But time will tell.
Her not responding does not confirm anything. That’s ridiculous! Maybe she has other things to do or maybe she doesn’t know anything about it.
You know as well as I do, that she watches these boards like a hawk. Social media and outreach is kind of her job. Her silence is par for course. And says all there is to say about the matter.
He was the only one on the Wildlife Board who would answer me when E-Mailed . Sometime he agreed with me and sometimes he didn't, but he at least answered and gave his reasoning. Good job Heaton.
Don’t you have to be a hunter to be on the board?
Nope! The criteria for board membership is the same as the RAC's and committees. And each of the board members represents a certain group of Utah citizens, the same as the RAC's and committees. This idea is based off the 5 criteria needed to pass a wildlife law/rule:
1- Is it biologically sound?
2- Is it legal?
3- Is it financially sound?
4- Is it logistically feasible?
5- Is it socially acceptable?
So, we've had lawyers, college biology professors, biologists, businessmen, hunters, fishermen, bird watchers, guides, leaders/members of wildlife organizations, elected officials, BLM/NFS employees, Native Americans, trappers, houndsmen, and a few neer-do-wells on these committees, RAC's and boards.

In other words, Bess, you're still good to go! Yahoo!
Hey efa!

You Forgot About GREENIES!

We Had One Of Them On A RAC!


Nope! The criteria for board membership is the same as the RAC's and committees. And each of the board members represents a certain group of Utah citizens, the same as the RAC's and committees. This idea is based off the 5 criteria needed to pass a wildlife law/rule:
1- Is it biologically sound?
2- Is it legal?
3- Is it financially sound?
4- Is it logistically feasible?
5- Is it socially acceptable?
So, we've had lawyers, college biology professors, biologists, businessmen, hunters, fishermen, bird watchers, guides, leaders/members of wildlife organizations, elected officials, BLM/NFS employees, Native Americans, trappers, houndsmen, and a few neer-do-wells on these committees, RAC's and boards.

In other words, Bess, you're still good to go! Yahoo!
Hey efa!

You Forgot About GREENIES!

We Had One Of Them On A RAC!

We can list them under ne'er(never)-do-wells! Animal rights, anti-guns, wilderness, greenies, anti-hunting, vegetarians and real estate/ski resort developers are some of the people who tend to oppose or restrict hunting, fishing and trapping. Sometimes their points are obvious and sometimes they are subtle, but they are there.
And The GREENIE I Speak Of Would Ask Some Of The GAWD-DAMNED-DUMBEST Questions Ever Asked!
Far too often, the members of these boards, committees, RAC's are placed there by some organization to speak for them and they only repeat what they hear from that organization's leaders and they don't do much homework on their own.

Edited to include all organizations, not just the one. They all do it!
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Far too often, the members of these boards, committees, RAC's are placed there by some organization to speak for them and they only repeat what they hear from that organization's leaders and they don't do much homework on their own.

Edited to include all organizations, not just the one. They all do it!
Not true, not from my experience anyway.
Yes I am part of MDF but I as a committee member am most certainly not their voice.
Yes I was invited because of my involvement, but not as a voice.
Far too often, the members of these boards, committees, RAC's are placed there by some organization to speak for them and they only repeat what they hear from that organization's leaders and they don't do much homework on their own.

Edited to include all organizations, not just the one. They all do it!

I think one would only have to look at the "coincidence" of the amount of $fw members that have sat on the WB to see that's true.

The RAC I think lesser so, but agendas do exist.

The committee in my opinion are the worst of the three. You have to donate a ton of time, put up with a ton of abuse, to make recommendations that even after all that, might not see the light if day because of agendas in the RAC and WB. The doxing of the tech committee showed how just how shitty being on a committee is
Not true, not from my experience anyway.
Yes I am part of MDF but I as a committee member am most certainly not their voice.
Yes I was invited because of my involvement, but not as a voice.
I beg your pardon, but I think you're being naive. You were invited because of your involvement with MDF and because they expected to hear MDF's views. And whether or not you think you're independent of MDF on this committee, your mindset will show otherwise. I don't know you, but I suspect you've been hearing their views long enough to have much of them implanted in your thinking. That's why you're still with them!

While I was president of UWC, I was invited to be a member of the 2014 Mule Deer Committee, but since UWC no longer exists, I'm no longer invited to committees. They wanted to hear UWC's views, but not Lee Tracy's views, even though they were and are still the same.
Nope, absolutely not.
MDF doesn't have a stance in the hunting world.
They are Conservation and Habitat only.

It was made very clear to me from my peirs at MDF from the beginning that my voice was totally independent, and it was also made clear on the 1st meeting during my introduction.
Not true, not from my experience anyway.
Yes I am part of MDF but I as a committee member am most certainly not their voice.
Yes I was invited because of my involvement, but not as a voice.
If MDF had nothing to do with you, it shouldn’t have been listed by your name on the committee member list
If MDF had nothing to do with you, it shouldn’t have been listed by your name on the committee member list
Ridicules……… it’s an association that demonstrates an understanding of the issues to be discussed by a committee. It’s a normal request made by anyone responsible for appointing committee members, from all walks of industry, private or public and your bright enough to know that.
Ridicules……… it’s an association that demonstrates an understanding of the issues to be discussed by a committee. It’s a normal request made by anyone responsible for appointing committee members, from all walks of industry, private or public and your bright enough to know that.
He's obviously not....
He blamed me for losing his right to put a high power scope on a muzzleloader even after I made it clear multiple times that I was the only member who voted "No".
Somehow I missed out on my magical power to overturn a majority vote 🤷‍♂️
Nope, absolutely not.
MDF doesn't have a stance in the hunting world.
They are Conservation and Habitat only.

It was made very clear to me from my peirs at MDF from the beginning that my voice was totally independent, and it was also made clear on the 1st meeting during my introduction.
Thanks! I'll accept that explanation. You were wise to make it clear to MDF and the committee. And, after all, I said that happens much too often, I didn't say it happens all of the time.
He's obviously not....
He blamed me for losing his right to put a high power scope on a muzzleloader even after I made it clear multiple times that I was the only member who voted "No".
Somehow I missed out on my magical power to overturn a majority vote 🤷‍♂️
Hahahaha I didn’t blame you. Have you forgotten I was in favor in the removal of scopes? Do you always play the victim in life or just on here?

It is no coincidence they just picked you at random. Certainly your association with MDF had part in their very specific, carefully hand selected participants.

Your story changes every time you tell it. I thought you voted yes on restrictions, but not the entire loss of magnified scopes? I believe you were in favor of a 4x max. Or at least that’s what you stated in one of your versions of the great committee stories you told.
As far as I know, there would be two possibilities, either the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources or Governor Cox’s Office.

DWR will turn you down. At least they did at the beginning of the process of the tech committee. They said that is private information that they would not share.

Turns out it was probably a good idea after seeing how some people acted. It’s wild to me how crazy we’ve become as a society.

Lump…you and I have had some pretty good disputes over the years, but I wish no ill-will on you. In fact, I’d be happy to sit down and have a burger with you and I’m quite confident I’d enjoy my time, even if we continued to disagree. People just seem to have lost their darn minds and go to such extremes anymore against people they disagree with. It’s kind of sad. But oh well…it’s the space where we are living these days!
Yep, I would be more than happy to meet and have lunch. We could create some napkin solutions and leave them for the waitress when we leave. 😁 Like wise, no ill will.

I’ll be the first to admit I’m a contrary old sob but I do have a funky sense of humor on occasion.

Folks are awfully edgy now days, and it doesn’t make for a healthy environment.

Should you find yourself in Sevier Valley I would be more than happy to entertain you over a burger and fries. I’m easy to find.
How many times does this stuff need to be posted?
To be fair, this info used to be easy to find on the DWR website with a link that was labeled "Wildlife Board and RAC Members". Now it's semi-hidden behind a header that doesn't look like a link, but it is.

Screenshot 2024-01-20 095921.png
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Like previously stated… MDF next to your name. But you don’t represent them? Odd, because everyone else on that list represented the group next to their name. You’re the only one who was independent from the group they were selected from? 🙄
Your mentality must be painful to live in, seriously.
Says "social media" next to shed crazy.

So he represents the entire internet, and speaks for it?

No, He represents the Douche Army (influencers) that is Wholey what is wrong with hunting these days and is leading it down an unsustainable path. That the DWR would include someone like that is just mind boggling. I'm surprised they didn't ask the Ginger poacher to sit on the committee as well.
No, He represents the Douche Army (influencers) that is Wholey what is wrong with hunting these days and is leading it down an unsustainable path. That the DWR would include someone like that is just mind boggling. I'm surprised they didn't ask the Ginger poacher to sit on the committee as well.
In all fairness (and I completely dislike the SM crap as well), "he" was asked to be a committee member because of the need for a more rounded assembly of views and input from all aspects of the hunting community as a whole.
I'm sure but not a quote, that he was invited because so many people know and follow him.

Personally I feel the committee is pretty well rounded and represents a very wide array of aspects, views and opinions from a WB member, various Law Enforcement, Special Interest, Social Media, Outfitters, CWMU operator, and right down to an average no affiliation young hunter.
@Amy not responding pretty much confirms the rumor. I know some people have contacted DWR and asked them
If the rumor was true… seems they’ve been given a gag order because no one will say anything other than he resigned. Shameful that the DWR won’t tell the public the real truth. But not surprising. They show their corruptness yearly.

Allegedly, he was participating in some less than legal hunting practices on his ranch. That’s all I’m going to say. For now.
I know this is older, it is just hilarious to read all these old posts. I was attending a wedding at the ole rock church in Mt Carmel a few towns over from Alton when all the debating about the master of bating was going on! they had just passed the no bait. I asked one of his current included indicated fellow guides what they were going to do now their main go to will be breaking the law... He looked at me and laughed. You really think we wont bait anymore. Wade is going to continue, they will have a heck of a time catching him because all the locked gates and different areas we move in and out of on the their property on the puans. Going to look thru wedding pics to see exact year and month.
I don’t recall anyone claiming or arguing Heaton wasn’t guilty……. back then or today.

He’s still not guilty, is he?

Will he get a trial?

What’s the rush to judgement?

Self importance gratification of making a prophetic prediction of a pending outcome?

What if Heaton is planning to test a regulation in a Court?

Same as any other person charged with a crime, what don’t we allow the courts to do their job before we punish the accused?

Not asking for a friend, just asking BnD.
I don’t recall anyone claiming or arguing Heaton wasn’t guilty……. back then or today.

He’s still not guilty, is he?

Will he get a trial?

What’s the rush to judgement?

Self importance gratification of making a prophetic prediction of a pending outcome?

What if Heaton is planning to test a regulation in a Court?

Same as any other person charged with a crime, what don’t we allow the courts to do their job before we punish the accused?

Not asking for a friend, just asking BnD.
Read the probable cause statement. It’s pretty disgusting how blatantly he violated laws he voted to put in place.
Read it in its entirety and get back to us on your question
I’m not smart enough to find the “probable cause statement”.

I tried:

I found lots an articles quoting other news articles claiming it would go to trial in October 2024.

“Probable” means “probable”, not a conviction? yes or no?

Show me a conviction and I’ll shut up. If he’s guilty he’ll be charged and he should be.

In the mean time, if you want me to comment on the probable cause statement, post a link to it and I’ll read it, in its entirety and respond.

I have met a spoken to Wade Heaton on a couple of occasions, I found him to be pleasant, beyond that he is just another guy on the street to me, no more, no less. The only reason I’m inquiring is because it’s an issue regarding sport hunting in Utah, but……… I would ask the same questions regarding someone charged with murder or petty theft, why the rush to judgement, why not let the court do its job?

I would ask the same for you and I don’t know you beyond your MM comments.

Send the link if you really give a sh!t if I read it.
I’m not smart enough to find the “probable cause statement”.

I tried:

I found lots an articles quoting other news articles claiming it would go to trial in October 2024.

“Probable” means “probable”, not a conviction? yes or no?

Show me a conviction and I’ll shut up. If he’s guilty he’ll be charged and he should be.

In the mean time, if you want me to comment on the probable cause statement, post a link to it and I’ll read it, in its entirety and respond.

I have met a spoken to Wade Heaton on a couple of occasions, I found him to be pleasant, beyond that he is just another guy on the street to me, no more, no less. The only reason I’m inquiring is because it’s an issue regarding sport hunting in Utah, but……… I would ask the same questions regarding someone charged with murder or petty theft, why the rush to judgement, why not let the court do its job?

I would ask the same for you and I don’t know you beyond your MM comments.

Send the link if you really give a sh!t if I read it.

O heck na don't sell me probable bullarky. He had sufficient time to vote and pass all the different laws he broke as a sitting government appointed wildlife board member... they only got him on the poaching violations and texts from their what's app group they have hard evidence on. He violated massive amounts of other poaching schemes thru the years they could not nab him on hearsay or not... definitely not.. not hearsay I actually have to many friends that helped then quit thru the years that for sure know..

Wade Raymond Heaton, 51, knowingly broke the law by using corn feed to lure animals toward paying clients waiting in deer blinds, according to court documents filed in Kane County this week. Heaton, also a Kane County commissioner, joined the Utah Wildlife Board in 2019 and served until his resignation in October 2023 — 2 months after wildlife officials began investigating reports of illegal baiting.

Prosecutors charged Heaton with a pattern of unlawful activity, a second-degree felony. Heaton also faces six counts of wanton destruction of protected wildlife, three counts of conspiracy, and one charge of taking, transporting, selling, or purchasing protected wildlife.



Better yet why don't they release the un-redacted 62 pages. Let's see all the collected facts probable or not. Who they protecting his sister that works at the dwr?? Even better show us all the complaints and investigations clear back to 2000ish. When this crap first started.
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