Logan Utah help


Active Member
I might be moving from western Co. to Logan and need help. I just landed a job there and would like to hunt it. It looks like I will be there for the next ten months and want to archery hunt the area this year.

Is the general archery deer tag good for the Wasatch-Cache National Forest? From what I can tell from the regs it is. But I just want to make sure.

The drawing is over so is it still even possible to get a tag?

Is there a general archery elk tag for that area that i can still get?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

LAST EDITED ON Jun-15-10 AT 02:25PM (MST)[p]You will be greatly disappointed in the quality and quantity of deer in the Cache Valley area. They do have a good archery club and do a bunch of different shoots, have a fun course up the canyon.

Getting a deer tag is too late, sold out but you can still go chase spike elk and cow elk with your bow with all the other 10 thousand people.

Where are you taking the job?

Todd Black
I live in Logan and would be happy to help. If the general archery tag is available, you can hunt deer with it in Northern Utah. The area around Logan is mostly Spike Only for elk (which is a different tag than the Any Bull areas). You can hunt spikes with a bow as well.

If you want some ideas on places to start, then pm me.

Also, you don't happen to know anything about Colorado Unit 70 archery deer, do you? I am headed that way in September.

I live in Logan and elk hunting is way better than deer hunting. I have an archery deer tag and may get an archery elk tag. There are tons of spike elk just east of Logan and if you try you can take one of those.

Sorry I cant help much with info. But I would kill to be able to live in the Logan area. Even if the hunting nearby isn't the best, there are many potential great areas within a days drive.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-17-10 AT 09:32AM (MST)[p]Thanks for the help. I think I might try and get a Muzzy tag. Do they sell out pretty quick? I wont be able to get one till tonight.

huntfishall1, are there some good OTC oppertunities where your talking about? I not affraid to drive. I would like to hunt archery elk also but dont want a spike or cow tag.

You can hunt archery elk in unit 75 in Idaho. Only 30 minutes from Logan. Can be some good bulls there, especially Utah bulls that cross the border.

Just south of Logan is an Any Bull area.


You wanna bet. Idaho Unit 75 for elk includes units 75, 77, 78. Units 77 and 78 border Utah.

There is still the 2nd draw, which will almost certainly have some Unit 75 elk tags available.

Or he could hunt 77 and 78 OTC.

About the only good thing that can be said for deer hunting around Logan Utah is that it's close to both Idaho and Wyoming.

Coming from western Colorado you're in for a rude awakening.

Logan Canyon is probably one of the prettiest in the west though.
If you are serious about big game hunting, my best avdice to you would be to buy a house in Franklin, Idaho just across the border and get Idaho residency. You will have a 20 minute commute to work, but you can buy an Idaho Sportsmans Package for $117 and have so much more opportunity to hunt (includes deer, elk, turkey, bear, mtn. lion tags, and your stamps for archery, muzzleloader and salmon and steelhead). Pretty good elk hunting with a bow right there in the Bear River range, or drive over the hill and hunt archery elk in Diamond Creek zone. Deer hunting in Idaho isn't as good as it used to be, but still probably better than on the Utah side of the line. Good luck, and seriously think Idaho.

I live in Logan and would be happy to help. If the general archery tag is available, you can hunt deer with it in Northern Utah. The area around Logan is mostly Spike Only for elk (which is a different tag than the Any Bull areas). You can hunt spikes with a bow as well.

If you want some ideas on places to start, then pm me.

Also, you don't happen to know anything about Colorado Unit 70 archery deer, do you? I am headed that way in September.

Hey Grizzly, I just moved up here last year. I don't know any hunters here so I went solo which isn't my preferred way to go but you do what you have to do right. I know nothing of the area but i did find some elk up Franklin Basin but they are heavily hunted. I was wondering if you would be willing to help a guy out with some suggestions on where to go?
Hey Grizzly, I just moved up here last year. I don't know any hunters here so I went solo which isn't my preferred way to go but you do what you have to do right. I know nothing of the area but i did find some elk up Franklin Basin but they are heavily hunted. I was wondering if you would be willing to help a guy out with some suggestions on where to go?
Check your pm
I hunted in Franklin basin for years up and around Hodge Nibley and White Canyon , killed some nice animals there , I know the area like the back of my hand, shoot me a Pm

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