Relocation of problem wolves. šŸ˜


Long Time Member

Media statement: Colorado Parks and Wildlife begins operation to capture wolves from the Copper Creek wolf pack

DENVER - Colorado Parks and Wildlife, with technical support from federal partners, and as provided for in the 10(j) experimental population rule issued by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), have begun an operation to capture and relocate wolves from the depredating Copper Creek wolf pack.

ā€œThe decision to capture and relocate the Copper Creek pack was made with the careful consideration of multiple factors and feedback from many different stakeholders,ā€ said CPW Director Jeff Davis. ā€Our options in this unique case were very limited, and this action is by no means a precedent for how CPW will resolve wolf-livestock conflict moving forward. The ultimate goal of the operation is to relocate the pack to another location while we assess our best options for them to continue to contribute to the successful restoration of wolves in Colorado.ā€

Colorado Parks and Wildlife is committed to fulfilling the will of Colorado voters to successfully restore the gray wolf population while meeting the needs of Colorado communities. As we have throughout the implementation of the Colorado Wolf Restoration and Management Plan, CPW is working with wildlife biologists, federal partners, and producers to develop solutions that will reduce the risk of additional wolf depredations.

For the safety of these animals and staff, CPW will not be sharing the location of the pack members or operation. CPW will provide more information and details at the conclusion of the operation
One year in and they are removing entire packs to new locations- due to "unique" circumstances? Imagine how many more "unique" circumstances are gonna come up in the future.

Sounds like Colorado is gonna need a new agency just to play shuffle the wolves. No worries though, I'm sure the citizenry will be happy to pass a new tax on ranchers to fund said agency. Fair is fair, right?
One year in and they are removing entire packs to new locations- due to "unique" circumstances? Imagine how many more "unique" circumstances are gonna come up in the future.

Sounds like Colorado is gonna need a new agency just to play shuffle the wolves. No worries though, I'm sure the citizenry will be happy to pass a new tax on ranchers to fund said agency. Fair is fair, right?
Donā€™t worry, theyā€™re flush. A $5 million bump right here. And who knows how much budget space the $32 million to the parks freed up.

Not sure where in their designated "northern zone" they could put them and not have the same result. certainly not south routt county. Also,will they behave like bears and return to the area they were removed from, wolves are highly mobile. What a Sh!t show!
I believe Polis is cucked by his lover? Significant other? Man friend? Bride? Groom? Whatever. But that man must do what his PETA loving spouse dictates or not get his dicktasting or Hershey kiss. This is ******* up and his social media exchange exposes this. Jerry is a queer cuck!! F-ing queer-as- folk pervert!
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Let them go wild in RMNP.

Front Range Liberals Visit RMNP:

Reginald: Look dear, there's a bunch of elkies right over there!

Casandra: OMG, isn't that baby elky so cute?

Reginald: Gosh- that's a bunch of regal wolves walking up to them. We're witnessing a, a, Lion King moment! Think the elkies will bow to that King Wolf? This is soooo cool.

Casandra: Hey, what are they doing to that cute baby elky? Chasing him around like in a playground, right?

Reginald: Holy mother of Christ- AAAAHHHHH, I can't look!!!!

Casandra: Those f'ing ranchers have cut off the food source to the poor wolves! Now they are slaughtering innocent elkies for food! I'm gonna faint!!!
Front Range Liberals Visit RMNP:

Reginald: Look dear, there's a bunch of elkies right over there!

Casandra: OMG, isn't that baby elky so cute?

Reginald: Gosh- that's a bunch of regal wolves walking up to them. We're witnessing a, a, Lion King moment! Think the elkies will bow to that King Wolf? This is soooo cool.

Casandra: Hey, what are they doing to that cute baby elky? Chasing him around like in a playground, right?

Reginald: Holy mother of Christ- AAAAHHHHH, I can't look!!!!

Casandra: Those f'ing ranchers have cut off the food source to the poor wolves! Now they are slaughtering innocent elkies for food! I'm gonna faint!!!
I would love nothing more than to see a pack of wolves, tear the guts out of a elk on the front lawn of the Stanley hotel.
Front Range Liberals Visit RMNP:

Reginald: Look dear, there's a bunch of elkies right over there!

Casandra: OMG, isn't that baby elky so cute?

Reginald: Gosh- that's a bunch of regal wolves walking up to them. We're witnessing a, a, Lion King moment! Think the elkies will bow to that King Wolf? This is soooo cool.

Casandra: Hey, what are they doing to that cute baby elky? Chasing him around like in a playground, right?

Reginald: Holy mother of Christ- AAAAHHHHH, I can't look!!!!

Casandra: Those f'ing ranchers have cut off the food source to the poor wolves! Now they are slaughtering innocent elkies for food! I'm gonna faint!!!
Speaking more to the present pending vote. Why donā€™t we have billboards of a cougar with a fawn in its mouth.
Speaking more to the present pending vote. Why donā€™t we have billboards of a cougar with a fawn in its mouth.
Hey, we can either be good at fundraising and God only knows what happens with that money or we can actually try to win this thing. We canā€™t do both.
They seem to be like the TV preacher, we can just get a few more thousand nonresident dollars to support and then next week will still be asking for a few more thousand nonresident dollars.
Hey, we can either be good at fundraising and God only knows what happens with that money or we can actually try to win this thing. We canā€™t do both.
They seem to be like the TV preacher, we can just get a few more thousand nonresident dollars to support and then next week will still be asking for a few more thousand nonresident dollars.
not sure what you are trying to say. Advertising works. Just look at the swing in the polls for Trump/Harris. Trump was ahead by a good bit, now Harris is. Why? Advertising (exposure).
The were is a certain segment of the pop that is absolutely going to vote for this thing. And also people who will absolutely vote against it. Itā€™s those ā€œblowing in the windā€ that we have to convince. I have contributed to several organizations I trust, because I canā€™t vote
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I'd say to release them in Downtown Denver but my son is there in Downtown Denver on a church mission. But, he may just start to hunt them if they did release them. He could do you all a favor.

not sure what you are trying to say. Advertising works. Just look at the swing in the polls for Trump/Harris. Trump was ahead by a good bit, now Harris is. Why? Advertising (exposure).
The were is a certain segment of the pop that is absolutely going to vote for this thing. And also people who will absolutely vote against it. Itā€™s those ā€œblowing in the windā€ that we have to convince. I have contributed to several organizations I trust, because I canā€™t vote
Where is the billboard to help get the word out?
Thatā€™s why I said find an organization you trust (research) and ā€œpay your money and take your chancesā€. Sportsmanā€™s Alliance is one I do trust. I have been burned a few times, but I also believe if you go thru life distrusting everyone you are less likely to accomplish anything. Also donated to Coloradans for Responsible Wildlife Management

How are you as a nonresident making a difference?
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Thats kinda my point. Not sure where the money being donated to fight this is going.
Not trying to tell you how to spend your money but when the news first broke on this, I joined HOWL and made a donation to Coloradans for Responsible Wildlife Management which is the group running point on this. I suspect in the coming weeks we will see ads in print and on tv - now is probably a tad early to spending money for a November vote.

Now we know why they are going to ā€œrelocateā€ them.
Iā€™d bet some of the reason is the ranchers got the green light to snuff them and use thermals on them recentlyā€¦ Marlon doesnā€™t want his precious pets getting snuffed
Iā€™d bet some of the reason is the ranchers got the green light to snuff them and use thermals on them recentlyā€¦ Marlon doesnā€™t want his precious pets getting snuffed
I donā€™t believe this is accurate. I believe it requires some kind of case-by-case approval, and I think CPW has denied the request to use lethal means.
I donā€™t believe this is accurate. I believe it requires some kind of case-by-case approval, and I think CPW has denied the request to use lethal means.
Iā€™ll try to find the article, but i believe it was green lighted a month or so back, I think ranchers are super on edge though, wouldnā€™t want to be the first one to kill a woof better have a video of it chewing on a heifer before you pull the trigger
Iā€™ll try to find the article, but i believe it was green lighted a month or so back, I think ranchers are super on edge though, wouldnā€™t want to be the first one to kill a woof better have a video of it chewing on a heifer before you pull the trigger
I inferred from this statement that the lauded decision to use lethal force has strings attached. The cattlemenā€™s associationā€™s protest is dated a couple weeks ago.

ā€œLast month, CPW denied a request submitted in May by the Middle Park Stockgrowers Association for a permit to kill wolves deemed to be chronic depredators.

In an Aug. 14 letter to CPW and Gov. Jared Polis, the Colorado Cattlemenā€™s Association and local livestock organizations criticized that decision and wrote of their ā€œdeep concerns regarding the current direction and implementation of Coloradoā€™s wolf reintroduction and management program.ā€

I inferred from this statement that the lauded decision to use lethal force has strings attached. The cattlemenā€™s associationā€™s protest is dated a couple weeks ago.

ā€œLast month, CPW denied a request submitted in May by the Middle Park Stockgrowers Association for a permit to kill wolves deemed to be chronic depredators.

In an Aug. 14 letter to CPW and Gov. Jared Polis, the Colorado Cattlemenā€™s Association and local livestock organizations criticized that decision and wrote of their ā€œdeep concerns regarding the current direction and implementation of Coloradoā€™s wolf reintroduction and management program.ā€

Yes it does, which from what I gather the criteria is pretty obtuse. This whole fiasco should get shelved because itā€™s been such a disaster, but that is our perspective Iā€™m sure Marlon and Pillow biter are thrilled and are praying to get the lion ban passed as wellā€¦

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