Sitting water


How do you guys pick what water hole might be most effective? Have 2 days to hunt a new area, but 4 different water holes that seem very similar. Any different tips to pick one over the other?
Combination of what others have said, FIRST identify if the waterhole/tank is being used. If there are fresh tracks look around the water source and locate where they are accessing the water from, find the trails in and out. Read the wind as it currently is but also what it will do in the evening and morning ( Thermals ). Last find an good concealed spot/ambush point that is close enough for a solid shot but not two close ( think 30-40 yards ) that there is no way a few cows will not bust you when they walk by. The bull will bringing up the rear most of the time. Then range some landmarks so you do not need fiddle with that at all when the time comes. Sit and watch chipmunks laugh at you.
Combination of what others have said, FIRST identify if the waterhole/tank is being used. If there are fresh tracks look around the water source and locate where they are accessing the water from, find the trails in and out. Read the wind as it currently is but also what it will do in the evening and morning ( Thermals ). Last find an good concealed spot/ambush point that is close enough for a solid shot but not two close ( think 30-40 yards ) that there is no way a few cows will not bust you when they walk by. The bull will bringing up the rear most of the time. Then range some landmarks so you do not need fiddle with that at all when the time comes. Sit and watch chipmunks laugh at you.
Actually have a cow tag for the wasatch! Didn’t know if sitting water is my best strategy, or hiking until I get into some. (Last 2 days of the hunt)
Much funner to chase them....much higher probability to fill the freezer sitting water. I hate sitting water so I'll take enjoyment in the chase personally.
I used to be a chaser on these early hunts but now I've gotten smarter I would hope and have been sitting waiting for them to come to me just can't get one big enough to show up. Yes it's boring
I used to be a chaser on these early hunts but now I've gotten smarter I would hope and have been sitting waiting for them to come to me just can't get one big enough to show up. Yes it's boring
Good thing I’m looking for a cow, so I won’t be picky haha. Just need to find the water hole they like.
I had a water hole hunt a couple years ago for elk.

I really struggle sitting that long.

Good luck.
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I had a water hole hunt a couple years ago for elk.

I really struggle sitting that long.

Good luck.

How do you guys pick what water hole might be most effective? Have 2 days to hunt a new area, but 4 different water holes that seem very similar. Any different tips to pick one over the other?
Try ambushing them in-between bedding feeding and water areas.
If you hang out in the above three areas your scent will push the elk out more often than not no matter how careful you are.
I would only consider hunting in those areas in the last day.
If you do that make sure The Good Book is conseled, hate to see a grown man cry because you weren't paying attention or flip a page and said critter saw movement. Have a great time chasing them in the woods....make memories.
I would pick the most active one and if legal hang a game cam asap. I would not pick the one with the best ambush spot (although that is tempting) the best abush spot in the world does little good if there are no elk visiting during daylight.

Fresh tracks and droppings are good sign. Heavy trails - but that could be cattle.
In AZ we sit the tanks and wallows for all types of game as some come in at first light, midday or the evening. I have found that tanks that have a draw coming into them where they have some cover are favored by animals.

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