Jimmy John's NM Ram

I wonder if they planned on just roasting it over the fire and letting the whole village eat it right then and there, or just leave it in the sun to slow cook while they took 5000 pictures.

I can only assume this was in Utah...the land where nobody can do anything without 17 of their "closest friends" being there to help them share the moment. lol
Most of us sport hunters look up to Teddy Roosevelt as the man that created sport hunting (by outlawing market hunting, etc.) Not ever super rich sport hunter/sport killer will do for our lifestyles what Roosevelt did for us, but a few of them do good, for all their rich and self gratifying hunting practices.

Roosevelt too, was self gratifying however, Roosevelt inherited his generational wealth, this Jimmy John’s guy earned his wealth. Roosevelt choose to use most of his wealth to acquire power and political office, an expenditure many of use don’t see as pure and wholesome as we relate to our love and respective for the founder of modern sport hunting.

So……. as we express our disgust for the likes of JJ and others that mirror his sport hunting habits, try to remember, how much some people with money, have influence your lives for the better and try to keep from throwing them all in the same boiling blood pot of your frustration with their chosen life style.

Vanilla, at least, is being honest with us regarding this discussion.
Lots of people can and will disagree with me and think I’m a fool, but nobody will ever be able to (accurately) accuse me of not being honest about my foolery.

Like I said, I’m fine if they get rid of these tags, but while they are there, I can’t get mad at a guy that buys them and enjoys them.

The one endearing thing to me about JJ is this: he admits he’s not a great hunter but he just loves to do it. He doesn’t claim to be this hard core guy like some of the other “celebrities” out there. He is true to what he’s doing and doesn’t try to present it as anything else. I tip my hat to him.

I know of one specific hunt that is still out there on the internets where one of our celebrity hunters is doing a “backcountry” elk hunt. There is footage of his backpack tent setup and everything. The only trouble is I have “good reason” to believe that tent was set up less than 100 yards off a road, was fully guided, and he slept in a 5-star lodge each night of his “backcountry solo elk hunt.” Like I said, there is something to be said for just being who you are and enjoying life. JJ seems to be doing just that. Plus, I like his sandwiches.
Lots of people can and will disagree with me and think I’m a fool, but nobody will ever be able to (accurately) accuse me of not being honest about my foolery.

Like I said, I’m fine if they get rid of these tags, but while they are there, I can’t get mad at a guy that buys them and enjoys them.

The one endearing thing to me about JJ is this: he admits he’s not a great hunter but he just loves to do it. He doesn’t claim to be this hard core guy like some of the other “celebrities” out there. He is true to what he’s doing and doesn’t try to present it as anything else. I tip my hat to him.

I know of one specific hunt that is still out there on the internets where one of our celebrity hunters is doing a “backcountry” elk hunt. There is footage of his backpack tent setup and everything. The only trouble is I have “good reason” to believe that tent was set up less than 100 yards off a road, was fully guided, and he slept in a 5-star lodge each night of his “backcountry solo elk hunt.” Like I said, there is something to be said for just being who you are and enjoying life. JJ seems to be doing just that. Plus, I like his sandwiches.
So wisely stated V. I agree one hundred percent with you regarding “the tags”. I will never b!tch about the guys who kill yearlings, females or auction tags. Nor will I blame them for destroying our big game herds or our opportunities to hunt. They are simply and honestly doing what the “bureaucratic system” is telling them they can legally do.

It’s the misguided and incompetent State Agencies across the west that I find fault with and I don’t really find much fault with the rank and file employees that work there, it’s the cowards that run the agencies that piss me off.

Never followed the hunting adventures of JJ or any other wealthy hunter, for that matter, but from what you say, he seems to be an honest broker, just doing what he loves to do…….. not a whole lot different than the rest of us, based on the resources we have. Good for him, if that’s the case.
I've been thinking that we should all pitch in next year and buy the governors tag so that we can all give the state our own money to allow research and herd management. If we split the $600k donation between us, we can all go together. Just an idea
I've been thinking that we should all pitch in next year and buy the governors tag so that we can all give the state our own money to allow research and herd management. If we split the $600k donation between us, we can all go together. Just an idea

I’m in as long as the tag is under my name.
I've been thinking that we should all pitch in next year and buy the governors tag so that we can all give the state our own money to allow research and herd management. If we split the $600k donation between us, we can all go together. Just an idea
Let’s do it

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