
Long Time Member
I See Where This Sshitt Is Killing Alot Of People!


Somebody Here Must Of Tried One?

Just Curious As To What This Does For A Person?

And what's The Real/Proper Use Of Them?

They Gettin HIGH On This Stuff Or What?
Dealt with plenty of this sht in the past. Seen many guys die from fent that was equal to half a grain of rice in size. Potent man killing stuff.

My first death call was cpr assist on a guy I talked to not 5 hours prior. Good guy, just had bad habits. Guy we all knew gave him something laced and it was lights out.
I'd never touch that stuff. But I can tell you that when bad choices are made, it impacts the whole family. My wife and I are now taking care of our grandchildren because our daughter chose to use fentanyl. Check out Kingston Ave on YouTube to see what it does to its users. If you don't think the same thing is happening behind closed doors near you, you're mistaken.
Not at all. Never had the desire. Same with pot; I'm not against anyone doing stuff in their home (assuming the influence of such remains in the home), but, pot has bever appealed to me either.
Gave me some when they were doing a heart procedure. Totally sucked, I was so high I thought they were turning the operating table in circles. Never would take that crap again. Guess I wouldn’t make a good drug addict
Fent is scary stuff. Ask almost any lab tech that distributes the stuff or works with it in a professional field. The crap is regulated so so strictly. And even they hate working with the stuff
A dumbass girl I went out with once said " I want to try heroin- I don't want to judge people without knowing about it" .... something to that affect... I said " let me get the f*$#! out of your life before u start experimenting with that." People are dumb.

But i believe the fentynal is what is being cut into other drugs. Don't know how many folks are knowingly taking it. But yeah I think any "casual" drug experimentor should be wary of EVERY pill or powder nowadays. End up dead real quick.
Just to be sure, I don't do weed or anything. But I encourage anyone who does to know your grower or grow your own. It's pretty easy to grow. A lot of unscrupulous growers out there who spray all kinds of chemicals.

I know nothing about fentanyl but if Kamala becomes President, I'm leaving my options open.
Just to be sure, I don't do weed or anything. But I encourage anyone who does to know your grower or grow your own Hey eel?I Think SMACKDADDY Took Your Advice Many Years Ago!:D

It's pretty easy to grow. A lot of unscrupulous growers out there who spray all kinds of chemicals.

I know nothing about fentanyl but if Kamala becomes President, I'm leaving my options open.
OK, I know someone who did. They overdosed and had three Narcan shots that didn't work. Then they had a person perform CPR until Medics arrived. More Narcan and they were intubated while CPR performed and to the ER. Now he doesn't have short term memory as too much time without oxygen and that part of the brain was damaged. Sad as f about it. He will never be able to remember short term well again. I wish we could search and destroy the Cartels. Yes, drug addicts make choices and are responsible, but they are putting it with other things such as weed. We lose officers and others that get second hand exposure so there's another casualty.
I See Where This Sshitt Is Killing Alot Of People!


Somebody Here Must Of Tried One?

Just Curious As To What This Does For A Person?

And what's The Real/Proper Use Of Them?

They Gettin HIGH On This Stuff Or What?
You don’t ingest the pill, it’s smoked. Swallowing it will be the fastest way to end up dead. And yes people get incredibly high but it only lasts for maybe 15 minutes. People smoke upwards of 100 pills a day and yes they OD all of the time. Narcan is handed out like candy in some areas to bring them back to life.
Shows you How Much I Know About Drugs!

I Thought They Were Pills You Popped!

Thanks For The Info!

You don’t ingest the pill, it’s smoked. Swallowing it will be the fastest way to end up dead. And yes people get incredibly high but it only lasts for maybe 15 minutes. People smoke upwards of 100 pills a day and yes they OD all of the time. Narcan is handed out like candy in some areas to bring them back to life.
You don’t ingest the pill, it’s smoked. Swallowing it will be the fastest way to end up dead. And yes people get incredibly high but it only lasts for maybe 15 minutes. People smoke upwards of 100 pills a day and yes they OD all of the time. Narcan is handed out like candy in some areas to bring them back to life.
I carry a couple hits of narcan in my go bag, right next to my defibrillator.
I See Where This Sshitt Is Killing Alot Of People!


Somebody Here Must Of Tried One?

Just Curious As To What This Does For A Person?

And what's The Real/Proper Use Of Them?

They Gettin HIGH On This Stuff Or What?
You got a thread in the Utah threads wanting to know if anyone knew Kouri Richins, a lady that killed her husband with fentanyl, and now you have this thread trying to find out info about fentanyl.
What kind of fetish do you have going on elkassassin?
What's up elkster, tell us about your fantasy?
Last edited:
LMAO notdon!

My Fantasy Is To Not Take A Drink Or A Samich!

Not Even From A BRUNE!:D

You got a thread in the Utah threads wanting to know if anyone new Kouri Richins, a lady that killed her husband with fentanyl, and now you have this thread trying to find out info about fentanyl.
What kind of fetish do you have going on elkassassin?
What's up elkster, tell us about your fantasy?
You got a thread in the Utah threads wanting to know if anyone new Kouri Richins, a lady that killed her husband with fentanyl, and now you have this thread trying to find out info about fentanyl.
What kind of fetish do you have going on elkassassin?
What's up elkster, tell us about your fantasy?

His fantasy? Or his conspiracy?

You’re now on a watch list Bessy!
Work in ole Denver, we have loads of drug fiends about, seen about 25-35 fentanyl OD’s in 6 years, most were 16-40 year olds it’s nasty stuff. Basically suppresses your respiratory system and you stop breathing
What I don't understand is these idiot drug dealers who lace everything they sale with fentanyl, you're literally killing your clients not a very good way to run a business lol

Well you lace it in hopes someone overdoses then addicts see that and go that must be good stuff so I want it and can handle it. Lace a batch here and there
Well you lace it in hopes someone overdoses then addicts see that and go that must be good stuff so I want it and can handle it. Lace a batch here and there
Never thought of it that way, guess that's why I'm not a drug dealer lol
My niece died from fentanyl poisoning. She was 18. She wasn't a druggie. She and some friends took what they thought was a pain relief pill. Washed it down with a couple beers to get a buzz. Hers had the fentanyl in it. EMT revived her. She was on life support. Agonizing for her parents and our family. mtmuley
As far as I'm concerned, the cops should put spinners on the back of their cars and spread it for the tweakers to OD on. they're parasites leaching of working taxpayers if they want to cull themselves out then be my guest.

I have zero sympathy for the bums. life is hard, it's even harder if you're stupid.
As far as I'm concerned, the cops should put spinners on the back of their cars and spread it for the tweakers to OD on. they're parasites leaching of working taxpayers if they want to cull themselves out then be my guest.

I have zero sympathy for the bums. life is hard, it's even harder if you're stupid.
Hey dumphuk, it isn't just tweakers dying. mtmuley
Yep. And a lot of kids are dying. It isn't a drug user problem. Thanks eel. mtmuley
I screen captured your post to show my girls. Horrible, my sincere condolences. But if anything good can come from bad, you may have to bear the pain of telling that story again and again to any parent or kid who will listen.
My niece died from fentanyl poisoning. She was 18. She wasn't a druggie. She and some friends took what they thought was a pain relief pill. Washed it down with a couple beers to get a buzz. Hers had the fentanyl in it. EMT revived her. She was on life support. Agonizing for her parents and our family. mtmuley
So so very sorry for your family
My niece died from fentanyl poisoning. She was 18. She wasn't a druggie. She and some friends took what they thought was a pain relief pill. Washed it down with a couple beers to get a buzz. Hers had the fentanyl in it. EMT revived her. She was on life support. Agonizing for her parents and our family. mtmuley
Pills are drugs, she took drugs outside of a doctors prescription. That's the definition of a druggie.
Hey dumphuk, it isn't just tweakers dying. mtmuley

You think I give a FF what your opinion is? the subject is popping pills, anyone that willingly takes this chit gets no sympathy from me snowflake. I don't care their age or circumstances we all make choices and bad ones come with consequences.

Making excuses is how we got here. oh but poor Johnny didn't want to become a worthless thieving bum, he's really a good guy it's the drugs' fault, it's the cop's fault, it's the China's fault, its society's fault, it's politicians fault, it's his mom's fault, NO, it's Johnny's fault.
Not really. illegal drugs can kill you the first time you do them. and alcohol is legal.

Stop making excuses.
Man I didn't know it was an illegal drug? Maybe it was Tylenol??? You don't know do you? Realize even you lube you use for your evening play time with yourself can be legal yet laced. So don't go about spitting stuff you know nothing about. She could have taken a legal pain med that was just laced.

Stop being a tool
You think I give a FF what your opinion is? the subject is popping pills, anyone that willingly takes this chit gets no sympathy from me snowflake. I don't care their age or circumstances we all make choices and bad ones come with consequences.

Making excuses is how we got here. oh but poor Johnny didn't want to become a worthless thieving bum, he's really a good guy it's the drugs' fault, it's the cop's fault, it's the China's fault, its society's fault, it's politicians fault, it's his mom's fault, NO, it's Johnny's fault.
What a FKN IDIOT!!!
The subject is popping fentanyl. I don't know who she is or what that has to do with it.

And yes, I know something about it. my worthless tweaker cousin died from it AFTER his wife almost died from the SAME pills. I suppose I should be sympathetic. why?

If someone gets it unintentionally that's an entirely different matter ,and I in no way have implied otherwise.
The subject is popping fentanyl. I don't know who she is or what that has to do with it.

And yes, I know something about it. my worthless tweaker cousin died from it AFTER his wife almost died from the SAME pills. I suppose I should be sympathetic. why?

If someone gets it unintentionally that's an entirely different matter ,and I in no way have implied otherwise.
SHE GOT IT UNINTENTIONALLY YOU FOOL!!! IT WAS LACED!! Are you a druggie and your brain just refuses to read?
What a FKN IDIOT!!!
So Explain, tweaker intentionally takes illegal drug of unknown origin, things don't work out well. I should feel bad? why?

We've spent billions educating people about the dangers of illegal drugs, everyone knows. if personal responsibility doesn't apply to drugs then it applies to nothing. forgive me for not being politically correct enough on the one subject that's taboo.
I think pretty much every argument on this site is from somebody who thinks the world is black and white. It's not, there's a whole **** ton of gray. In fact, the older I get the more I realize there's almost zero black and white and everything is a shade of gray. I think that's what the old guys mean when they say, "The more I learn, the less I know."

Not everybody who dies from an accidental overdose is a "tweaker."

Not everybody who has tried a drug is a druggie.

Not everybody who drinks is an alcoholic.

Hell, not even everybody who has killed somebody is a murderer.

Details matter. Labels do not.
SHE GOT IT UNINTENTIONALLY YOU FOOL!!! IT WAS LACED!! Are you a druggie and your brain just refuses to read?
Who the hell is she? I am responding to bobcat's post that's the subject. popping pills, follow?

And if whoever she is got a drug laced with another drug that's unfortunate, but who's fault was it? can we establish that? if you willingly take an illegal drug what are your rights ? and what is my obligation to said drug user? I think the attitude of the enablers might be more the reason drugs are so tolerated than my less than supportive redneck attitude is.

We could end the drug crisis in America in less than a year, but the will is not there as we can see in this forum. there are no victims, just users and dealers. we've tried the sissy way and it's not working.
Who the hell is she? I am responding to bobcat's post that's the subject. popping pills, follow?

And if whoever she is got a drug laced with another drug that's unfortunate, but who's fault was it? can we establish that? if you willingly take an illegal drug what are your rights ? and what is my obligation to said drug user? I think the attitude of the enablers might be more the reason drugs are so tolerated than my less than supportive redneck attitude is.

We could end the drug crisis in America in less than a year, but the will is not there as we can see in this forum. there are no victims, just users and dealers. we've tried the sissy way and it's not working.
Actually the taxpayers are the victim. The poison comes with tremendous unnecessary costs to society and it’s institutions.

Sure miss the old days when guys were just torching themselves with crack pipes.
As far as I'm concerned, the cops should put spinners on the back of their cars and spread it for the tweakers to OD on. they're parasites leaching of working taxpayers if they want to cull themselves out then be my guest.

I have zero sympathy for the bums. life is hard, it's even harder if you're stupid.
That’s to bad you feel that way Mr. Tog. Lost my daughter to addiction. Watched her try and fight it with all her strength and couldn’t get it done. God bless all the people trying to recover.
Like grizzly says, it's not always black and white. People have different personalities and genetic makeup. "Just say no" works for some but not all. Some people feel trapped and in pain, psychological or physical, and will take any relief they can find, legal or not. I don't think anybody starts out thinking they want to be a homeless drug addict as a life choice but at some point it becomes their best option. The drug owns you at that point.
That’s to bad you feel that way Mr. Tog. Lost my daughter to addiction. Watched her try and fight it with all her strength and couldn’t get it done. God bless all the people trying
Sorry for your loss. 🙏 the grace of God, I am working on year 12 drug and alcohol free. Some people just don't get it that make these comments. Nobody starts out to be an addict. I know it can be frustrating and irritating at times to deal with but we, as human beings, need to show compassion and understanding. I catch myself doing it sometimes and I have to stop and remember what God pulled me out of. Life is good today. Thank you Jesus!!!
Like grizzly says, it's not always black and white. People have different personalities and genetic makeup. "Just say no" works for some but not all. Some people feel trapped and in pain, psychological or physical, and will take any relief they can find, legal or not. I don't think anybody starts out thinking they want to be a homeless drug addict as a life choice but at some point it becomes their best option. The drug owns you at that point.
Agreed 100%!!
So Explain, tweaker intentionally takes illegal drug of unknown origin, things don't work out well. I should feel bad? why?

We've spent billions educating people about the dangers of illegal drugs, everyone knows. if personal responsibility doesn't apply to drugs then it applies to nothing. forgive me for not being politically correct enough on the one subject that's taboo.
You don't know **** azzhat.
The government is also an enabler. The welfare system which is actually a very good system for those truly in need, is terribly abused. A person hooked on drugs gets to the point they can't function, loses their income and can't work, gets kicked out of their housing, so they get on public assistance. At that point they have 2 choices; get off drugs and start to improve their situation, or camp out somewhere, eat at the chow line, and buy drugs with their welfare money, and/or they resort to other illegal activities. There are not many consequences for the second option. They take the easy way out. It makes being homeless a walk in the park compared to doing what most of us do. It's gone on for so long it's now a national problem.
I See Where This Sshitt Is Killing Alot Of People!


Somebody Here Must Of Tried One?

Just Curious As To What This Does For A Person?

And what's The Real/Proper Use Of Them?

They Gettin HIGH On This Stuff Or What?
Killing an average of 30-50 people a month in San Francisco the problem with this s--t is that every pill is different in potency Not good worst drug to hit America since Cocaine was popular
I wuz lucky. I have an addictive tendency. My addictions are Tobacco and Womanizing. I know I could get addicted to other things like Mature pornography maybe and food. Never did any hard drugs and I had them pushed real hard on me a few times. I passed every time, not because I’m a tough person, I just knew not to do it. I have seen a few of my friends get hooked on junk, no fentanyl, but meth or heroin and some were able to kick it. The heroin guys were real straight arrows before but had an accident or surgery and got hooked on pain killers. It sucked to see that. I’ve had pain medicine prescribed to me several times and I always avoid them or use only one out of the bunch because of those guys. I guess they kind of taught me something. Some were so bad they went around offering themselves up for pleasure for a little bit of drugs.
How many on this thread struggle with coffee or nicotine addiction. Most people who drink are alcoholics. They can’t imagine doing anything without being able to drink. How many eat too much? I do.. At least drug users get high from their addiction. All the nicotine and caffeine fiends get nothing but super high anxiety if they don’t have it… It’s easy to say the cure or mention the fix. It isn’t that simple to fix. How many can’t quit chewing even though deep down they know there is a pretty good chance chew might kill them? Addiction is a natural human tendency. Some people are good about controlling it, some aren’t.

Fent don’t care who you are….

I personally can’t understand why anyone would think “I’m only going to smoke this one hit of meth just to see how it feels” and then be able to think to themselves that nothing wrong or negative could come from that decision. Same with popping pills. I am overweight though and I personally have a very difficult time with that when the simple answer is I need to quit eating tacos.

It has been proven that a little sympathy, a bit of caring and some will to help your fellow man goes one hell of a lot further with actually helping them though than rather the tough guy “tough chit” approach. I’m not saying that anyone should enable. Giving them money is NEVER the answer, but rarely does a judgmental lecture help either.

Im the first to admit that people have to want to help themselves first, but by God, if someone asks you for help, help them…. You can be a sponsor. Attend that meeting with them. Hold their hand when they have withdrawal shakes. Take them camping and be selfless enough to leave your booze at home…. There is a good chance if fent or meth is involved you will have nothing but heartache at the end of that road… but at least you tried. If you like the “FU” approach you may as well purchase their next overdose.

Tog is a waste of skin. Odd to feel that way about a total stranger, but I bet money we wouldn't get along. mtmuley
That story I shared is my Son. And Tog has no idea what he went through as a child after my Wife remarried. Self medication happens and some times it keeps them from suicide. Counseling can help if you find one that is worth going to, you can afford, and if the pupil is ready.
I think pretty much every argument on this site is from somebody who thinks the world is black and white. It's not, there's a whole **** ton of gray. In fact, the older I get the more I realize there's almost zero black and white and everything is a shade of gray. I think that's what the old guys mean when they say, "The more I learn, the less I know."

Not everybody who dies from an accidental overdose is a "tweaker."

Not everybody who has tried a drug is a druggie.

Not everybody who drinks is an alcoholic.

Hell, not even everybody who has killed somebody is a murderer.

Details matter. Labels do not.
True, out of all the deaths I’ve been on two young kids one 16 one 18 that were just trying to party it up some. Those stick with me. The other few dozen were those living the life on the street or in a shelter. I’ll admit I’ve become pretty calloused to it all. Probably a coping mechanism. But a lot of those people were sons, daughters, sisters and brothers before they got caught up and consumed by it. They city puts them up but lets them continue to act out which usually leads to the funeral home… killing them with kindness if you will. No easy answers for how to fix it that’s for sure, broken people doing broken things to numb the pain. For the number dead I have probably narcan’Ed twice as many
About 10yrs ago I was building a clean room at a pharmaceutical facility that made generic drugs… They came to me one afternoon said they had a leaking skylight in one of their mixing rooms asked if I would take a look… I agreed to take a look, they said okay give us an hour we’ll get two more security guards and come back to escort you back there…

I thought that was odd, I had been all over that campus with only one security guard escort…

Two hours later they returned, we get to the entrance of the mixing room and they give me the rundown of what what not to do while in this room… They proceeded to tell me to not touch anything , and we mean, don’t touch anything walls, counter's, chairs, flooring nothing…

I then ask, what do you make in this room? They replied generic fentanyl… I replied I’ve never heard of it, what is this drug? Their response was it’s a synthetic pain killer and in its purest form, an amount as small as a writing pen ball point can kill you… That is why you can not touch anything…

We proceed into this room, more cameras mounted in that room than the west wing of the whitehouse… I’m looking up at the skylights that have #6 rebar welded at 4”centers, the skylights are about 12’ up and I’m thinking, they probably don’t get cleaned that often…

I turned to the facilities manager and said, sorry but I’m going to pass on this… I don’t want to put our trade partners in harms way… The guy says no worries we understand and that is what previous contractors have said…
Long read sorry, but that was the first time I heard of fentanyl..,
Another drug story. When I worked in the woods one of the log truck drivers took a pill and I asked him what it was. He said it was a bennie. He said to helped him stay alert while driving. I never heard of it. He asked me if I wanted one. Sure, why not? I took it and wow! That's pretty sweet.

The next time he came in to get a load he offered me another one. He said they were like a diet pill, so I said sure.

That went on for a couple weeks. Then one day he said here, take two. Alright! I was still completely in the dark. Then I started buying them from him. Man, you talk about getting through the workday! Then I was hooked and didn't even know I was doing anything wrong. At the peak of my addiction, all I could do was work, and drink, and eat very little. My wife knew something was wrong but had no clue.

Then one day about quitting time that same truck driver was hauling ass to get to the landing to get another load. He came around a sharp turn on the wrong side of the road and met a loaded truck coming down and they hit head on. The top log on the loaded truck came loose and went through the cab of my buddy's truck. I could barely recognize him when we came along a few minutes later.

I was hooked on drugs by then and lost my connection. Then a few days later it started raining. The company said we were laid off for the winter. Due to the rain and the love of a good woman I never took another "diet pill" again but that's how easy it can happen to the ignorant or unsuspecting.
It’s easier to get hooked than people think. I can understand someone I know offering me some pills that promote growth to a certain part of the male body. Of course I’m down for that. Shortly after I see real results, I would probably overdose on them. It starts out as a way to stop peeing on my testicles and then quickly gets out of hand.
Another drug story. When I worked in the woods one of the log truck drivers took a pill and I asked him what it was. He said it was a bennie. He said to helped him stay alert while driving. I never heard of it. He asked me if I wanted one. Sure, why not? I took it and wow! That's pretty sweet.

The next time he came in to get a load he offered me another one. He said they were like a diet pill, so I said sure.

That went on for a couple weeks. Then one day he said here, take two. Alright! I was still completely in the dark. Then I started buying them from him. Man, you talk about getting through the workday! Then I was hooked and didn't even know I was doing anything wrong. At the peak of my addiction, all I could do was work, and drink, and eat very little. My wife knew something was wrong but had no clue.

Then one day about quitting time that same truck driver was hauling ass to get to the landing to get another load. He came around a sharp turn on the wrong side of the road and met a loaded truck coming down and they hit head on. The top log on the loaded truck came loose and went through the cab of my buddy's truck. I could barely recognize him when we came along a few minutes later.

I was hooked on drugs by then and lost my connection. Then a few days later it started raining. The company said we were laid off for the winter. Due to the rain and the love of a good woman I never took another "diet pill" again but that's how easy it can happen to the ignorant or unsuspecting.
eel, when I worked for the Sundowners that was their go to drug.., They called them crosstops and benners…
I worked as a yardbird for a trucking company when I was in HS in the ‘70’s.

Those truckdrivers had all kinds of different speed……bennies, black beauties, screaming yellow zonkers, and side-hill gollywompers for all I know. Oh, and then there was the porn in the glove boxes. :oops:
Oh, and then there was the porn in the glove boxes. :oops:
I remember finding porn behind a truckstop lot when I was younger. That was some freaky sh!t

So Blue?

After That First Find!

Did You Check All The Glove Boxes?

I worked as a yardbird for a trucking company when I was in HS in the ‘70’s.

Those truckdrivers had all kinds of different speed……bennies, black beauties, screaming yellow zonkers, and side-hill gollywompers for all I know. Oh, and then there was the porn in the glove boxes. :oops:
Hey Tikka?

Did You Tell Them You Didn't Think It Was Leaking Bad Enough?

I've Seen Houses That Woulda Took A Hell Of Alot Bigger Leak Than They Had To Clean The NASTY BASTY's Out!

About 10yrs ago I was building a clean room at a pharmaceutical facility that made generic drugs… They came to me one afternoon said they had a leaking skylight in one of their mixing rooms asked if I would take a look… I agreed to take a look, they said okay give us an hour we’ll get two more security guards and come back to escort you back there…

I thought that was odd, I had been all over that campus with only one security guard escort…

Two hours later they returned, we get to the entrance of the mixing room and they give me the rundown of what what not to do while in this room… They proceeded to tell me to not touch anything , and we mean, don’t touch anything walls, counter's, chairs, flooring nothing…

I then ask, what do you make in this room? They replied generic fentanyl… I replied I’ve never heard of it, what is this drug? Their response was it’s a synthetic pain killer and in its purest form, an amount as small as a writing pen ball point can kill you… That is why you can not touch anything…

We proceed into this room, more cameras mounted in that room than the west wing of the whitehouse… I’m looking up at the skylights that have #6 rebar welded at 4”centers, the skylights are about 12’ up and I’m thinking, they probably don’t get cleaned that often…

I turned to the facilities manager and said, sorry but I’m going to pass on this… I don’t want to put our trade partners in harms way… The guy says no worries we understand and that is what previous contractors have said…
Long read sorry, but that was the first time I heard of fentanyl..,
Well mt!

I Hope You Noticed I Haven't Got SMART With You!

That's Not Why I Started The Thread!

Some Of Us Guys Are Kinda Secluded From The CRAP!

I Had No Idea They Were Smoking It Like What Was Posted Up Above!

It Ain't A PERFECT World mt!

I Never Started The Thread To Hurt Anybody!

If Somebody Can Learn Something From This Thread Or Maybe Save Somebody From Trying This Crap Or Maybe Save Just One Life Then I Think It's Worth Learning Something That Some Of Us Don't Know!

If It Bothers You That Bad mt,I Guess You Can ALERT Founder & Maybe Have Him TOAST The Thread!

A Very Good Friend Of Mine That Posted Above Lost His Daughter,I'm Not Saying It Was This Drug,I'm Telling You He Done More For His Daughter Than Most Of Us Could Have Done & I Can't Even Imagine The Pain He Deals With Every Day Of His Life,I'll Bet There Ain't An Hour/Minute Of His Life Since It Happened That He Isn't Thinking About His Daughter!

Hey bess, people here have lost family to this stuff. Stupid thread. mtmuley
If you guys need to watch a movie I suggest Dopesick. Really shows how some get hooked and what families go through
I think pretty much every argument on this site is from somebody who thinks the world is black and white. It's not, there's a whole **** ton of gray. In fact, the older I get the more I realize there's almost zero black and white and everything is a shade of gray. I think that's what the old guys mean when they say, "The more I learn, the less I know."

Not everybody who dies from an accidental overdose is a "tweaker."

Not everybody who has tried a drug is a druggie.

Not everybody who drinks is an alcoholic.

Hell, not even everybody who has killed somebody is a murderer.

Details matter. Labels do not.
Somebody smack me, I am in agreement with Grizz. The pain of losing someone is the same regardless of the cause.
So Blue?

After That First Find!

Did You Check All The Glove Boxes?
Me and my buddy who worked there had quite a collection. What were the drivers going to do, file a loss report?

Besides, we controlled the washrack. The quality of your ride depended on us unless you wanted to do it yourself. We made more on tips than the barmaid at the Country Club.

This was creepy stuff. Neither of us dared keep it at our houses so my buddy hid the box in his grandpa’s barn. I wonder if it’s still there :ROFLMAO:

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