Crap! I sprained both ankles hiking last night.


Long Time Member
Darn it, I sprained both ankles on a hike last night. This is going to screw up early September activities.
That Ankle Looks Like My Knee's!

Hang In There Beaner!

I'd Say That It Looks Like It Hurts,And It Does,But Both Of Them?

Wasn’t one enough? 🤬 You just had to keep pushing and pushing?

How in the world do you sprain both ankles on one hike, HasBean?

You forgot your HasBean!
I was walking down a steep sandstone sidehill that I’ve hiked a bunch of times. Usually I wear my higher top hiking boots but I had tennis shoes this time. I broke traction and had to take a couple of big steps and rolled the right ankle which put all my weight on the left ankle which also rolled. Then I tumbled about ten feet. The worst part was the 1.5 mile walk back to the trailhead on uneven terrain.
I was walking down a steep sandstone sidehill that I’ve hiked a bunch of times. Usually I wear my higher top hiking boots but I had tennis shoes this time. I broke traction and had to take a couple of big steps and rolled the right ankle which put all my weight on the left ankle which also rolled. Then I tumbled about ten feet. The worst part was the 1.5 mile walk back to the trailhead on uneven terrain.
It looks like a typical inversion ankle sprain. If you do choose to wear a brace, make sure it is designed for such a sprain and NOT for an eversion ankle sprain.
I know it's old school.

But back when I played ball with my crooked ankle it rolled all the time.

5 gal bucket, half water, half ice. Keep it there until hyperthermia sets in(old school coach).

But generally after couple day the swelling was gone. Then tape it up.

Sucks man, good luck
Well……. I wish you a rapid and full recover. This ain’t the time of year to be home bound. All the best.
Dang Fred that is tuff. One is bad enough, but both is down right ugly and especially at this time of the year. Hope they heal quickly
Ouch! I hope you are back in the hills soon! If you do hike, take off your boots and set them in the cold creek for a while. I’ve been scouting solid rock the past few weeks in mtn goat country and you wouldn’t believe how cold water on the feet and ankles helps. Ice and cold packs may also be your best friend.

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