Weed Killer


Active Member
I need to spray some herbicide (Plant killer) around my place. I have some weeds that are thorny/prickly and they grow pretty darn quick and they are spreading.

I have a friend that says Roundup is safe, if you wear a mask, gloves, and don't spray into the wind (duh) and that Roundup will kill it.

I dunno. I was at the Hardware store, and nothing there had Glyphosphate (the main component in Roundup) in it.

Is Roundup safe (I've seen the commercials and heard that it is bad stuff). If it is not safe, what works?

I watched videos on Youtube....and what they claim will kill weeds naturally Vinegar and Salt, and Baking Soda doesn't do a dern thing.

What works and doesn't kill you?
Fire. This year I used the highest BTU weed burner I could find. One pass early spring and one pass early summer. No weeds in my backyard orchard.

I also used this in a sprayer to kill the ground in front of my workshop.


I typically mix 3 ounces per gallon for stuff around the house. But 5 ounces per gallon will kill ANYTHING.
Roundup is safe, there is no proof whatsoever it's not. the lawsuits claim Roundup " MAY " cause cancer they don't say it does. it's simply a case of money being awarded over a might verdict.

I have literally sprayed truckloads of Roundup over the last 40 years in my farming operation. if it's going to harm me it better hurry up .

The problem with Roundup like most chemicals this time of year is once weeds drought stress and harden off it's not very effective. putting some 24D or something in with it helps.
You USE-TA-COULD Mix Them!

The Problem With Mixing Them Now Days Is They'll GEL Up Making It A Real PIA!

I Don't Know What Changed?

But Something Did?

Not Saying All Brands Will Turn To Jelly,But Some Do & Will!

Roundup is safe, there is no proof whatsoever it's not. the lawsuits claim Roundup " MAY " cause cancer they don't say it does. it's simply a case of money being awarded over a might verdict.

I have literally sprayed truckloads of Roundup over the last 40 years in my farming operation. if it's going to harm me it better hurry up .

The problem with Roundup like most chemicals this time of year is once weeds drought stress and harden off it's not very effective. putting some 24D or something in with it helps.
After listening RFK Jr. the other day, every thing we eat, that’s put through a “process” is poison. Everything we pick and eat, is poisoned from some kind of chemical spray.

A weed spray?

Naw, nothing to worry about with that stuff.

To hell with it, I use Roundup and that explains a lot….. I bet BuzzH does too.😁
If you don’t use herbicides often it might be safer and better to buy a premixed one-and-done sprayer rather than leaving a relatively large amount of concentrated chemical sit out in your garage for the next 30 years. I think it is perfectly safe to use as directed, with common sense, but it is a toxic chemical.
Actually, the LDA on salt is less than Roundup.

I wouldn't say Roundup isn't hazardous to some degree, but the lawyers, politicians and media are the only ones who've found it to be exceedingly dangerous. but who doesn't like to see some poor sap with cancer stick it to the evil chemical corporation right? and some law firm gets half so that's why Roundup is bad m'kay.
When I was in college the microbiology department head was talking about tests done on mice with artificial sweeteners causing cancer.

I remember him pointing out that yes, if you dump 10 dumptruck loads on them there was an increased risk.

His point was

1 Never read California warnings.

2 always read the small print.

A yard sprayer with Roundup isn't causing your cancer
I would agree with everything that has been said, but one of my concerns with chemicals like this is when people purchase way more than they are going to use and then it becomes a disposal issue. A little bit of concentrate goes a long ways. Someone gets tired of looking at it sitting in the garage and it ends up getting dumped in the sewer system or something stupid like that. Buy only what you will use over the foreseeable future, store and use as directed, and follow proper procedures for disposal if that becomes necessary.
Round Up is my friend, if I have a certain weed that pisses me off I let it have it with Mineral Sprit (Solvent) problem resolved...
Them freakin kochia weeds are brutal. roundup doesnt seem to phase them much. I recently started using Range Star from the local weed and pest. Worked great and much cheaper than round-up.

The sugar beets grown locally are round-up ready and its to the point weeds are taking over again. Which means another GMO modification will come soon with the beets
To get the maximum benefit from Roundup you need to spray in the Spring time when the weeds first appear and they are actively growing. Pick a warm calm day to spray.

It also works well if your neighbors dog barks nonstop. Sneak over at night and spray f--- y-- on his lawn and in a couple weeks he can read the message.
What about thistle specifically? Seems like we spray the hell out of it and it comes back bigger and stronger the next year! Diesel?
What about thistle specifically? Seems like we spray the hell out of it and it comes back bigger and stronger the next year! Diesel?
there is a natural remedy for thistle that many counties are now using. Its like a mold or something and it kicks thistles butt. Moffat County Colorado has had great success and Rio Blanco County is using too.
But Does It Kill Snakes,Mice & Other Critters?

there is a natural remedy for thistle that many counties are now using. Its like a mold or something and it kicks thistles butt. Moffat County Colorado has had great success and Rio Blanco County is using too.
kochia is a real PITA but easy to kill. used something with Starane in it. and like eel says nothing works great on droughted weeds. perennial composites like most thistles are best taken out with Stinger or an SU.

there's no need for diesel in roundup, any non ionic sticker will work and it also works as a PH buffer for the roundup. but you don't have to use either if your rate is high enough.

If you want fast definite results add in some AIM . some of the good stuff requires a license to buy but there are plenty of things anyone can get your local field rep can set you on the right track.
I'm not sure what you're able to buy in your state, but I'd go Round-up, 2 4 D, and crop oil. also add a "nitrogen" product like TRN before you mix those so it won't gel.
The thistles really mess up our goose hunting fields on the ranch I hunt. It's just pasture land for cattle. I'm going to mention this to the landowner. He doesn't hunt so he may not care.
It also works well if your neighbors dog barks nonstop. Sneak over at night and spray f--- y-- on his lawn and in a couple weeks he can read the message.

That's mean.

I had a dckhead neighbor dump his old sod behind my commercial bldg one day. Called the cops and waited 3 hours for her to show up and confront him at his house party. He made his wife haul it off the next day sooo, real early one morning as a friend and I left town for a WY hunt, I stopped by and dumped a gallon of vegetation killer on his new sod.

That's mean.

I had a dckhead neighbor dump his old sod behind my commercial bldg one day. Called the cops and waited 3 hours for her to show up and confront him at his house party. He made his wife haul it off the next day sooo, real early one morning as a friend and I left town for a WY hunt, I stopped by and dumped a gallon of vegetation killer on his new sod.
That's mean.

I had a dckhead neighbor dump his old sod behind my commercial bldg one day. Called the cops and waited 3 hours for her to show up and confront him at his house party. He made his wife haul it off the next day sooo, real early one morning as a friend and I left town for a WY hunt, I stopped by and dumped a gallon of vegetation killer on his new sod.
Wow. You should be proud of yourself. Teach your kids that **** too?. mtmuley
If you are spraying weeds with diesel.....don't waste money adding anything to it.......the diesel will desiccate it day one and the systemics will be wasted.....Glyphosinate and MSO will get most things Round up won't get. 2,4,d and dicamba will get most everything except grasses....
You Can Legally Dump Diesel On The Ground In KALI?

If you are spraying weeds with diesel.....don't waste money adding anything to it.......the diesel will desiccate it day one and the systemics will be wasted.....Glyphosinate and MSO will get most things Round up won't get. 2,4,d and dicamba will get most everything except grasses....
Fire. This year I used the highest BTU weed burner I could find. One pass early spring and one pass early summer. No weeds in my backyard orchard.

I also used this in a sprayer to kill the ground in front of my workshop.

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The trick with this is to make and use what you need. Always start with a fresh batch. Once it sits and especially if the sun hits the tank you lose potency quick.
Don't but the pre mix Roundup. I used Roundup for years in my Pest Business. When I first started out I used a Backpack Sprayer and walked backwards to stay out of the Chemical. Everything died, and quickly. I don't own a business now, and so I bought some Premix this spring. It took two sprays to kill weeds next to the gutter.
I made quite a bit of money using the Backpack sprayer and started buying my commercial equipment. I had thyroid cancer but that wasn't caused by Roundup.
I always added a surfactant until they came out with Roundup Plus which has it mixed in. A small amount of dish soap makes a good surfactant.
As someone that owns a noxious weed spraying business; this thread is a good reminder to never believe what is said on the internet lol

Just a few quick points.
Roundup (glyphosate) only has a residual of 8 days. There is a reason the general public can buy it.

2,4D is just an acid that controls many annuals and basic broadleaves.
For general use 24D Amine is best. it's less volatile than ester.

For someone wanting a single product in one jug to kill their weeds Landmaster might be your best bet.

If you live anywhere near ag production you'll have a local fertilizer and chemical dealer like Helena, McGregor or whatever. they only carry real products and generally their prices are better.

On a related subject, if you want the best insecticide for home use ever made get some TEMPO. it's a safe easy to use synthetic pyrethrin that kills almost any bug and has an incredible residual. it's so safe it's labeled for schools and cafeterias and it has no smell. of all the chemicals I've ever used this one impresses me the most.
For general use 24D Amine is best. it's less volatile than ester.

For someone wanting a single product in one jug to kill their weeds Landmaster might be your best bet.

If you live anywhere near ag production you'll have a local fertilizer and chemical dealer like Helena, McGregor or whatever. they only carry real products and generally their prices are better.

On a related subject, if you want the best insecticide for home use ever made get some TEMPO. it's a safe easy to use synthetic pyrethrin that kills almost any bug and has an incredible residual. it's so safe it's labeled for schools and cafeterias and it has no smell. of all the chemicals I've ever used this one impresses me the most.
That little jem just made all this worthwhile. Tks Tog.
As someone that owns a noxious weed spraying business; this thread is a good reminder to never believe what is said on the internet lol

Just a few quick points.
Roundup (glyphosate) only has a residual of 8 days. There is a reason the general public can buy it.

2,4D is just an acid that controls many annuals and basic broadleaves.
any good stuff that's not poisonous to animals?
The recipe I have to nuke these Nevada weeds works pretty good. need to reapply every couple of months, but it works good.

Per 1 gallon of water:

1 oz of ACCEL Herbicide enhancer
2 oz of 2-4-D Broadleaf Weed Killer
3 oz of Killzall Weed and Grass Killer (shake this one up before mixing.

I use a 2 gallon sprayer so double it up obviously.

When I was working, we used pramitol. It is a ground sterilizer. Expensive but it kept navigation counterpoises cleaned off pretty good for a year or two.
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The recipe I have to nuke these Nevada weeds works pretty good. need to reapply every couple of months, but it works good.

Per 1 gallon of water:

1 oz of ACCEL Herbicide enhancer
2 oz of 2-4-D Broadleaf Weed Killer
3 oz of Killzall Weed and Grass Killer (shake this one up before mixing.

I use a 2 gallon sprayer so double it up obviously.

When I was working, we used pramitol. It is a ground sterilizer. Expensive but it kept navigation counterpoises cleaned off pretty good for a year or two.
Killzall is an expensive way to buy your Glyphosate and make your own LandMaster
Hey Stink, if you are still in Whitewater you can come by Palisade and I’ll give you what you need assuming it’s not a huge acreage.

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