
Long Time Member
We've Sure Got Alot Of LOW-LIFE WANNA-BE Hunter's In This State!

The New DRATville DRAT Way Is This:

They Cut The Lock Off Of Your Lock Box!

Steal Your Trail Cam!

Put Their Cam In Your Lock Box!

And Put Their Lock On It!

Word Of Warning:

There Ain't A Lock I Can't Cut!

And It Will Happen If Need Be!
You're Not Slow!

Just More BS With The Cams!

Well that seems stupid as hell. Why steel a cam and put their cam in the place that someone will come looking for the one they just stole? It'll just get stolen back, with no gain. I must be slow or something...
Wait a minute....

Now I get it. It's the wardens- they take those cams illegally deployed, then set their own cam with internet access in the same box. When the perp comes for their cam, they get snapped.

Off to jail!
Stoning or worse!
Great use of government resources bagging those buggers!

(Think I'll go read another thread now...)

Sounds like you aren’t! 🤣

And I thought Tri was the only one who admits criminal activity on the WWW.

I know you tried to cover your tracks and say it was earlier, but nobody is buying it bessy. You aren’t waiting two weeks to post any of your rants!!!

C’mon man, we aren’t dumb.
So That's What's Going On?

And They Are Doing It During Open Season For Trail Cams to Be Up?

I'm Glad You Clued Me In On It Being The DWR!

I Knew It Was Somebody Sneaky!

Wait a minute....

Now I get it. It's the wardens- they take those cams illegally deployed, then set their own cam with internet access in the same box. When the perp comes for their cam, they get snapped.

Off to jail!
Stoning or worse!
Great use of government resources bagging those buggers!

(Think I'll go read another thread now...)
So Nilly?

You Don't Think There Are Still Some Cams Up?

You'd Best Get Out A Little More Often!

I know you tried to cover your tracks and say it was earlier, but nobody is buying it bessy. You aren’t waiting two weeks to post any of your rants!!!

C’mon man, we aren’t dumb.
Somebody cut my buddies lock off on the pavant and shut his camera off on the 28th of July funny but they didn't want him to get the last 3 days
I Guess They're Willing To Take Their Chances!

They Smartened Right Up In Just One Year!

They Get A Free Cam!

They Get A Free Card!

They Get Free Pics!

They Get A Free Lock Box!

They Think!
Oh, I know there are LOTS of cams still out. I just didn’t think Mr HELL-RIGHT was participating in the law breaking.

But I also didn’t know he had an opportunity tag all these years either…I Guess You Don't Pay Attention For How Many Years Now?
Until I see a pitcher of something, I call BS on the whole story.

I had someone steal a card out of a camera this year (or I may have forgot to put one in). I’ve had them pull the cards down in AZ. Don’t know what they did with them, but they broke one of the latches so the camera wouldn’t stay closed.

Animals have ruined way more of my cameras than people.
Hey Blue!

You Need To Set Some Up In DRATville & See What Kinda Luck You Have!

Until I see a pitcher of something, I call BS on the whole story.

I had someone steal a card out of a camera this year (or I may have forgot to put one in). I’ve had them pull the cards down in AZ. Don’t know what they did with them, but they broke one of the latches so the camera wouldn’t stay closed.

Animals have ruined way more of my cameras than people.
OK Blue!

How About This One:


Until I see a pitcher of something, I call BS on the whole story.

I had someone steal a card out of a camera this year (or I may have forgot to put one in). I’ve had them pull the cards down in AZ. Don’t know what they did with them, but they broke one of the latches so the camera wouldn’t stay closed.

Animals have ruined way more of my cameras than people.
What if you steal cameras with people's names on them and then set them back out on water holes that wardens can drive to, after the deadline, so the wardens track them down and write them tickets?
Somebody cut my buddies lock off on the pavant and shut his camera off on the 28th of July funny but they didn't want him to get the last 3 days
I had the same thing on Pahvant. They tore out all the batteries and tossed them on the ground, but left the camera on the ground. Funny guys.
I think it's funny that these dudes that pay a lot of money to have "Ultra-light" gear...haul around something that they can cut a lock off with. Pure genius!
I found three on the boulder this past weekend. Went on three different hikes and found three different cameras. I could probably hike into every water hole and wallow that I know of and find cameras still up. I think one belongs to an outfitter.

Depends on the outfitter, but yes, some do.

Which outfitter?
I’m not going to say which outfitter because I have no proof that’s him but I did hear him on a podcast describing how he puts up his trail cams and that’s it. During this summer I’ve come across at least a half dozen trail cams that look just like that one but I didn’t get close enough to them to notice if they had numbers written on them too. Also I found a few of those lock box things mounted on trees without cameras in them but they looked like someone smashed them flat with a rock.
Kinda like beating some crackheads azz for stealing your catalytic'd get in trouble.

They Are Smarter Than That!

They reach Around Because They Are Too Chicken-Sshitt To Show Their Face!
Seems like if there were some teeth to laws about having your camera out past legal time or stealing catalytic converters a man wouldn't have to low key take or destroy cameras or beat crackhead azz...
Some Of Them Pay No A-F'N-TENTION To Laws!

They Are Placing Them In More Strategic Locations & Taking Their Chances!

Kinda like beating some crackheads azz for stealing your catalytic'd get in trouble.

Seems like if there were some teeth to laws about having your camera out past legal time or stealing catalytic converters a man wouldn't have to low key take or destroy cameras or beat crackhead azz...
Seems like if there were some teeth to laws about having your camera out past legal time or stealing catalytic converters a man wouldn't have to low key take or destroy cameras or beat crackhead azz...

Theft of a catalytic converter in Utah is a felony. That’s pretty good teeth. It’s not easy to catch the losers, though.

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