Bighorn Gorge hunt

Hello All, I hit the lottery and drew bighorn ram tag at the Gorge in September. We’ve scouted a bit and have found them mostly on the westside between Pilar and the Gorge bridge. Has anyone hunted them further north? I hear the John Dunn bridge holds some rams but we haven’t seen many in that area. We are planning to go scouting one more time before the hunt and wondering if anyone has seen any further north…It’s pretty much all I’ve thought about since the results came out but that Jemez Ram sure didn’t help.😁


We hunted the top. Shot it less than 1/4 mile away from the rim on the west side of the gorge. About a 75 yd shot.

We camped close to where we hunted.
Congrats on what will be an amazing experience, I am sure!! I hope you will keep us updated with stories and pictures of your adventure.

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