Buying ammo in California


Active Member
I have not hunting in California since they went to the non-lead ammo.
I am in the process of trying to purchase non-lead ammo.
I have not purchased a gun of any sort in over 20 years.
I was told that I needed to register a gun with CFARs.
Yesterday, I did so. Paid the $19.

What happens next?
Do I just have to wait for my background check?
Will registering a gun get my background check going?
Do I go to an ammo dealer and start another form?
How does this all work?

The CFARs website is not specific and is in pretty much legalize. I can read it, but it does not address the question of what needs to get done in what order. Any help out there?
I wish I could offer some legit advice. I'm kind of blown away by your experience though. A person has to register a firearm with the state prior to purchasing ammo if they have no recent firearm purchase history? I've bought a gun or two in California over the past few years, so I'm not familiar with this requirement. Sounds like another way to chip away at our freedoms and get a little revenue at the same time.

CFARS is a joke. Make sure your DL matches exactly what CFARS has on file or you will be denied when purchasing ammunition.
I have not hunting in California since they went to the non-lead ammo.
I am in the process of trying to purchase non-lead ammo.
I have not purchased a gun of any sort in over 20 years.
I was told that I needed to register a gun with CFARs.
Yesterday, I did so. Paid the $19.

What happens next?
Do I just have to wait for my background check?
Will registering a gun get my background check going?
Do I go to an ammo dealer and start another form?
How does this all work?

The CFARs website is not specific and is in pretty much legalize. I can read it, but it does not address the question of what needs to get done in what order. Any help out there?
It was hell for me a few years ago.
I was in the same situation I just bought the cheapest gun the store had for sale, so that I didn’t have to register anything with anyone.
I was in the same situation I just bought the cheapest gun the store had for sale, so that I didn’t have to register anything with anyone.
Yeah the easiest/fastest way when I ran into that same situation was to buy a new rifle since I didn’t have any recent gun purchases.

Seems kind of like an unintended consequence of what the politicians are trying to achieve with all these new laws they keep imposing on law abiding citizens…

you do not have to buy a new gun what buying a new gun or registering one does is give you a longer window of time to not have to pay the 19 bucks otherwise you pay the 19 bucks each purchase and you wait a couple of days then go get your shells at least that's what i had to do isn't it a hoot that the very people that do not want you to have a gun are actually encouraging you to buy a gun?
bought my stuff at sportsman warehouse
I was in the same situation I just bought the cheapest gun the store had for sale, so that I didn’t have to register anything with anyone.
Uh….you registered that saturday night special with the state of CA….
Thanks for the input everyone.
It is crazy. I was told by a dealer that I needed to register a gun with DOJ.
Then, I had another dealer tell me to do what Spaceman33 did......go purchase the cheapest little rimfire gun and in 10 days I would be able to purchase ammo. Also told, that it took 7 months for DOJ to register a gun.
I used to reload. Have all the equipment.
Made a day of it and hit about 6 sporting goods places to try and find the parts I needed. Found some primers at one place. Found some powder at another. Nothing usable at a few places. Bullets came in the mail. I rounded up all my reloading stuff and just made my own. All day and 250 miles. Went to the range and shot the other day. Things are looking up. Came home from the range with two guns now ready to take on my California deer hunt.

The idea of wasting money on a gun that I do not want or need is just dumb. All I am after is ammo to go on a deer hunt. Hopefully only need one shot of non-lead ammo. But, I reloaded spares.
Have not reloaded for about 20 years ( I had enough ammo to make it through that time frame). But, found that I enjoy reloading. Too bad it is so hard to find a place to go punch holes in paper.
So, problem is solved.
Thanks for the input everyone.
It is crazy. I was told by a dealer that I needed to register a gun with DOJ.
Then, I had another dealer tell me to do what Spaceman33 did......go purchase the cheapest little rimfire gun and in 10 days I would be able to purchase ammo. Also told, that it took 7 months for DOJ to register a gun.
I used to reload. Have all the equipment.
Made a day of it and hit about 6 sporting goods places to try and find the parts I needed. Found some primers at one place. Found some powder at another. Nothing usable at a few places. Bullets came in the mail. I rounded up all my reloading stuff and just made my own. All day and 250 miles. Went to the range and shot the other day. Things are looking up. Came home from the range with two guns now ready to take on my California deer hunt.

The idea of wasting money on a gun that I do not want or need is just dumb. All I am after is ammo to go on a deer hunt. Hopefully only need one shot of non-lead ammo. But, I reloaded spares.
Have not reloaded for about 20 years ( I had enough ammo to make it through that time frame). But, found that I enjoy reloading. Too bad it is so hard to find a place to go punch holes in paper.
So, problem is solved.
You arrived at the best solution. Buy your primers in bricks, your powder in kegs, and a barrel’s worth of brass and bullets. Nothing sucks worse than coming up with a great load, and then having to start all over again when you can’t find components.
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You arrived at the best solution. Buy your primers in bricks, your powder in kegs, and a barrel’s worth of brass and bullets. Nothing sucks worse than coming up with a great load, and then having to start all over again when you can’t find components.
I've been saving all my brass for 35 years just in case and have been stockpiling components for the last couple. New in the reloading game but that's my game plan going forward. A lot to learn and I've only produced 5 rounds in 6.5 CM thus far but they did go bang!


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