2024 Elk Unit 100-1


Active Member
I can’t believe I finally drew unit 100!!! I had max points, so the odds were improving.

My wife and I drove around the unit a little last May on our anniversary…I know I am a romantic😂😂😂, but would appreciate any advice from folks who have hunted the unit in the past. I have studied maps, stats, seen the Desert Giant. Video from Eastmans, but there is nothing like being there during the hunt…which I have not been. I am mostly a rifle hunter, but occasionally go archery.

I have a contact from Green River who is willing to give me some spots and even do some scouting, but the unit is giant. It’s bigger than Yellowstone Park.

Thanks in advance for any advice you are willing to pass along!
Congrats on the draw! The Red Desert is a magical place!! Don't worry too much about scouting animals, as these elk are highly mobile. It's nothing for them to take off, and be 10 to 15 miles away from where they spent the morning. Use your scouting time to become familiar with the road systems. Don't get hung up on scores, as the majority of mature bulls out there are less than 320". The past few years the weather during hunting season has been dry enough not to mess up the roads, but with a slug of heavy rain or snow many of the roads out there become impassible due to the mud (chains for your tires are a must in your toolbox).
You'll see some incredible sights out there. Two years ago I watched a badger chase two coyotes for about a mile across the sand dunes. You'll find some Booner antelope, too many horses, and the occasional huge muley. The sunrises are spectacular! Oh, and the elk will be seen as singles all the way to herds of several hundred.
Once the Wyo resident draw results are released I'll send you a PM. My family and I have hunted 100 nearly every year since 2009 (mostly cow tags).
Congrats on the draw! The Red Desert is a magical place!! Don't worry too much about scouting animals, as these elk are highly mobile. It's nothing for them to take off, and be 10 to 15 miles away from where they spent the morning. Use your scouting time to become familiar with the road systems. Don't get hung up on scores, as the majority of mature bulls out there are less than 320". The past few years the weather during hunting season has been dry enough not to mess up the roads, but with a slug of heavy rain or snow many of the roads out there become impassible due to the mud (chains for your tires are a must in your toolbox).
You'll see some incredible sights out there. Two years ago I watched a badger chase two coyotes for about a mile across the sand dunes. You'll find some Booner antelope, too many horses, and the occasional huge muley. The sunrises are spectacular! Oh, and the elk will be seen as singles all the way to herds of several hundred.
Once the Wyo resident draw results are released I'll send you a PM. My family and I have hunted 100 nearly every year since 2009 (mostly cow tags).
Also.....you may on occasion find grown men with jewels on their pants, driving Toyota trucks, wearing flat brim hats with their ears tucked in filming videos for their YouTube channels or podcast. These grown men usually ***** and moan about Wyoming yet still show up here every year. It's the only fall migration we here in Wyoming dread. Best of luck, you have a good tag!!
Congrats on the draw! The Red Desert is a magical place!! Don't worry too much about scouting animals, as these elk are highly mobile. It's nothing for them to take off, and be 10 to 15 miles away from where they spent the morning. Use your scouting time to become familiar with the road systems. Don't get hung up on scores, as the majority of mature bulls out there are less than 320". The past few years the weather during hunting season has been dry enough not to mess up the roads, but with a slug of heavy rain or snow many of the roads out there become impassible due to the mud (chains for your tires are a must in your toolbox).
You'll see some incredible sights out there. Two years ago I watched a badger chase two coyotes for about a mile across the sand dunes. You'll find some Booner antelope, too many horses, and the occasional huge muley. The sunrises are spectacular! Oh, and the elk will be seen as singles all the way to herds of several hundred.
Once the Wyo resident draw results are released I'll send you a PM. My family and I have hunted 100 nearly every year since 2009 (mostly cow tags).
Put in the time, and you should do good. Plenty of elk, plenty of country to explore. One of my favorite places.
I can’t believe I finally drew unit 100!!! I had max points, so the odds were improving.

My wife and I drove around the unit a little last May on our anniversary…I know I am a romantic😂😂😂, but would appreciate any advice from folks who have hunted the unit in the past. I have studied maps, stats, seen the Desert Giant. Video from Eastmans, but there is nothing like being there during the hunt…which I have not been. I am mostly a rifle hunter, but occasionally go archery.

I have a contact from Green River who is willing to give me some spots and even do some scouting, but the unit is giant. It’s bigger than Yellowstone Park.

Thanks in advance for any advice you are willing to pass along!
You should well with the rifle. Just like shooting fish in a barrel, just kidding. Prepare well and maximize your enjoyment in filling the tag.
Let's see a picture of the 50 LOL

Yep yards. This one might score 50?
I just got back from a scouting trip this last weekend. We have two type 1 tags. I learned a few things. The area is HUGE, there are literally roads everywhere and the elk can hide better than I thought they could in that open country. And, last but not least a stop at the Farson merc for an Ice cream cone is a must.
We did see some elk, but not near as many as I hoped I would.





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My son and daughter should both draw 100-2 next year. Looking forward to how you do this year.
He just killed one this morning (opening morning). The way it was described to me, it was a **** show. Tons of people flying around in trucks and utvs. Shooting into herds with a lot of wounded elk. I guess the game warden is pulling his hair out. I would avoid the September season and just hunt smaller bulls later in August.
He just killed one this morning (opening morning). The way it was described to me, it was a **** show. Tons of people flying around in trucks and utvs. Shooting into herds with a lot of wounded elk. I guess the game warden is pulling his hair out. I would avoid the September season and just hunt smaller bulls later in August.
Funny you mention that. I drove through the area on 191 today and wondered what the hell was going on.
It is crazy. Everyone I. way is an archery hunter the first weekend especially since they can is cross guns and don’t really need to practice. It is also amazing how many people take the holiday weekend and go into the middle of no where for the last vacation. Hot dry dusty sage and snakes is not much of a vacation. I would figure more wuld go to mountains or atleast someplace where you can fish lol.

Anymore the quality tags are a bummer because while there is only 100 tags every tag holder has 10 people driving around to help.
It is crazy. Everyone I. way is an archery hunter the first weekend especially since they can is cross guns and don’t really need to practice. It is also amazing how many people take the holiday weekend and go into the middle of no where for the last vacation. Hot dry dusty sage and snakes is not much of a vacation. I would figure more wuld go to mountains or atleast someplace where you can fish lol.

Anymore the quality tags are a bummer because while there is only 100 tags every tag holder has 10 people driving around to help.
Nobody is forced to put in for LQ tags, go general if it bothers you.
It is crazy. Everyone I. way is an archery hunter the first weekend especially since they can is cross guns and don’t really need to practice. It is also amazing how many people take the holiday weekend and go into the middle of no where for the last vacation. Hot dry dusty sage and snakes is not much of a vacation. I would figure more wuld go to mountains or atleast someplace where you can fish lol.

Anymore the quality tags are a bummer because while there is only 100 tags every tag holder has 10 people driving around to help.
Since "cross guns" are so much better, maybe it will cut down on the horrendous archery wounding rate from the vertical guys. 🤷‍♂️
I do not see the fascination with the desert units other than it's easy to find elk. If everyone wasn't worried about having the easiest hunt possible it probably wouldn't be $hitshow I have an idea how about we make area 100 for disabled people and first time youth hunters.
I do not see the fascination with the desert units other than it's easy to find elk. If everyone wasn't worried about having the easiest hunt possible it probably wouldn't be $hitshow I have an idea how about we make area 100 for disabled people and first time youth hunters.
You make some good points. My dad drew the tag and I’m sure we will be dealing with a lot of people. However, at 75 years old and not being able to walk like he used to, this unit was an easy choice.

Fortunately, we are going in with the mindset of not really caring what the bull scores. We are just looking to enjoy the hunt.

Looking at past success rates, and the average age of the bulls taken, I’m sure he’s going to be happy with experience. Time will tell..
I do not see the fascination with the desert units other than it's easy to find elk. If everyone wasn't worried about having the easiest hunt possible it probably wouldn't be $hitshow I have an idea how about we make area 100 for disabled people and first time youth hunters.
That's really the reason I've put in for 100. Probably the easiest chance at a big bull. Which I haven't and probably won't ever draw so I'll end up 5 miles in with a dinky raghorn 😂😂
100 is a strangely beautiful place to hunt elk. I've always said I wished antelope were as big as elk. well, in 100 the elk are more like antelope than they are elk.
We saw lots of elk and several really nice bulls. we were able to make a few stalks that almost worked out and actually called in a shooter bull across a big sage draw but as he was closing the distance some cow elk came over the hill to our north about 200 yards away and he went to them. If those cows wouldn't have showed up at the worst possible moment, I'm fairly certain my daughter would have gotten a shot at him. He was a 330ish 6 point.





Those bulls going to start to separate from the herds? Or will those elk stay in those big herds all season?
Those bulls going to start to separate from the herds? Or will those elk stay in those big herds all season?
The cows will stay in pretty big groups all season. It gets crazy trying to get a herd bull as they will have a group of cows. There will be 2-3 good bulls and a 1/2 dozen rag horns.

Every once in a while you will find a big bull cruising look g for ones and you might a small group of 5-6 cows and bull. But they usually stay grouped up.
My boys and I were able to get it done last Wednesday. It was even a 2 for 1 deal after we got permission to go back and get the deadhead they had found earlier in the week. Such a fascinating hunt in the sage and dunes, areas I wouldn't have thought to find elk before the scouting trips and tips from locals (thanks Ben C.). After driving my boys crazy by passing on this bull,

our patience was rewarded when this bull and his cows closed to within 30 yards of us. It was a pass through double lung shot and he didn't make it far.



It was an unforgettable experience and adventure with the boys in a surprisingly beautiful place. Hopefully I will get around to telling the full story in a separate thread, sorry if I hijacked this one.


tracks in sand.jpg

Nice bull. Seems like he has a rather small body which is interesting wonder if it's a trait in that area
My boys and I were able to get it done last Wednesday. It was even a 2 for 1 deal after we got permission to go back and get the deadhead they had found earlier in the week. Such a fascinating hunt in the sage and dunes, areas I wouldn't have thought to find elk before the scouting trips and tips from locals (thanks Ben C.). After driving my boys crazy by passing on this bull,
View attachment 157461
our patience was rewarded when this bull and his cows closed to within 30 yards of us. It was a pass through double lung shot and he didn't make it far.View attachment 157462
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It was an unforgettable experience and adventure with the boys in a surprisingly beautiful place. Hopefully I will get around to telling the full story in a separate thread, sorry if I hijacked this one.

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Great bull!!
Those kids will enjoy those memories for years to come.
We were out in 100 last week. Averaged 350 miles per day on the truck. Saw lots of bulls, most were in the 270-310 class. Saw three better bulls (330+).

It’s like hunting the face of the moon with skittish animals. At 550 yards, the lead cow would take off and everything else with her. I will be heading back on 10/24 with a rifle. It looks easy to kill a six point, but a better bull is going to take some work and a little luck.
We were out in 100 last week. Averaged 350 miles per day on the truck. Saw lots of bulls, most were in the 270-310 class. Saw three better bulls (330+).

It’s like hunting the face of the moon with skittish animals. At 550 yards, the lead cow would take off and everything else with her. I will be heading back on 10/24 with a rifle. It looks easy to kill a six point, but a better bull is going to take some work and a little luck.
Good luck on the rifle hunt. It might help to slow down a little and glass. Those bulls can disappear in the sage brush. 🤷‍♂️
We are headed up next week. Do any of you have recommendations of a decent camping area? I realize there is all kinds of public access. However, somewhere in the center of the unit away from the crossfire would be great 😂
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Bar X Road....fuel at Farson
Bar X road is by Table Rock on the SE side of the unit and Farson is on the NW side of the unit. Is there another Bar X road? Otherwise your right, you will need gas by the time you get to Farson.

There is a good camp spot off the 17 road by the Killpecker Sand Dunes Open Rec Area and another one to the East, but still central on 17 called North Table Rock Camp Ground.
Ok, you got me while driving - Tri-territory road NW of Farson - goes around all through there - go in a ways, and camp - good hunting both sides of road.

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