Are We Educating Our Bears?


This incident got me thinking today, and there's actually another bear causing havoc in the Soapstone area as well.

Are we as hunters causing bears to invite themselves into public campgrounds scavenging for food waste by baiting during hunting season?

Increased tags, more hunters baiting, undeniable increase in humans inhabiting the mountains all summer, many of which are inexperienced and leaving food and garbage out.

Are we unintentionally chumming the bears during the "off season"?
There's One Thing you Don't Ever Wanna Under-Estimate On A Bear!

And That't Be A Bears Smeller!

And If He Finds Himself A SAMICH!

He'll Be Back Tomorrow Night For Another One!

And If You Ain't Got One Set Out For Him He'll Dig A Little Deeper & Find One!
However.....when baiting season ends, do they continue looking for these free man made handouts?
I think it's a fair question. How would the bears not be assimilated to following their noses to the smell of human food and getting a full stomach for weeks at a time and then not go to the next place looking for free food when the previous source runs out or a larger bear pushes them off?

They don't know which human food they're supposed to eat and which they're not.

I don't see much of a difference in raiding a garbage can for doughnuts and raiding a barrel of donuts with a camera over it.
The Barrel & Cam Is Gonna Cost You!

I think it's a fair question. How would the bears not be assimilated to following their noses to the smell of human food and getting a full stomach for weeks at a time and then not go to the next place looking for free food when the previous source runs out or a larger bear pushes them off?

They don't know which human food they're supposed to eat and which they're not.

I don't see much of a difference in raiding a garbage can for doughnuts and raiding a barrel of donuts with a camera over it.
Some of it is just the expansion of bear population.

Growing up here we rarely even thought about a bear, now we think about clean camps to not encourage them.

Slams idea seems not unreasonable

That is exactly what I was going to say. I NEVER saw a bear all my life until about 15 years ago. I saw 2 that year on Manti while elk hunting. Now, I dont go very often without seeing a bear or scat or tracks anymore. I see them way more often than I should. I do think the bear population pretty big.

2 years ago while helping a friend on he bear tag and baiting, we had 11 different bears come into our bait in a 2 week time. Granted, 2 of them were sows with 2 cubs each. One set was young little guys, while the other set were atleast 1 year olds. BUT that was alot of bears.
A few years Ago We Had A Bear That Got In To One Of The Campgrounds Hosts/Forest Service Run Around Truck!

He Was running Up & Down The River Looking For Groceries!!

He Opened The Door & Roughed Stuff Up A Little On That Truck!

He'd Hit Several Camp Sites For Quite Some Time!

I Set Up A Deal So He Wouldn't Knock The Door Off My Fifth Wheel!

He Hit It That The First Night!

And They Trapped Him The Next Night!

I've Had Bears Come In To Camp Numerous Times!

The Closet I've Came To Almost Having To Shoot One I Was In A Tent On A Bright Moon Lit Night And I Hear Some BS Going On Then The Shadow On The Side Of My Tent Looks As Big As A Grizzly,He's Right Next To My Tent & I Have The Trigger Half Back Knowingly I Was Probably Gonna Have To Shoot Him!

I Hollered & Hollered,That Wasn't Doing Anything!:D

I'd Holler & He'd HUFF & PUFF!:D

He Stuck His Nose Right On The Side Of My Tent Several Times & I Was Perty Sure With One SWAT He'd Be In!

He Finally Got Done FRICKIN Around & Left!

Some Of Them Are Perty Good At Knocking Doors Off Camp Trailers!

A Friend Of Mine On Elk Ridge Was Turkey Hunting Several Years Ago & Was Headed Back To His Wheeler & When He Got Back To The Main Road He Looked Down Where His Wheeler Was & Initially Thought Somebody Was Messing With His Wheeler,So He Started Running Down There & When He Got Close Enough He Could See It Was A Bear Just Ripping Things Up,Chewed The Seat Off,Chewed All His ATV Saddle Bags Up,Chewed His Bow Case Up,Done A Bunch A Damage Quick!

My Friend Said He'd Never Leave Another ButterFinger At The Wheeler Ever Again!:D
I think hunting bears helps a ton. It helps educate the bears that humans are dangerous. I wish they allowed hunting grizzlies in island park. Those bears have no fear of humans.

Glad we live in a place where they will kill a bear instead of closing the campground indefinitely. Grizzlies have likely killed more humans this year than bears killed for getting into campgrounds.. I like MrShanes's recommendation. The fewer bears the better!
If the ut "FISH" & game would pull there heads out of A$$ and double the tags people wouldn't have to wait 20 years to kill one and we wouldn't have a problem!
If the ut "FISH" & game would pull there heads out of A$$ and double the tags people wouldn't have to wait 20 years to kill one and we wouldn't have a problem!

If people would pull their heads out of their @$$ and know the “fish and game” don’t set tag numbers…

Have you contacted the RAC and Wildlife Board asking them to increase bear tags?
Hey Niller?

Would That Be Any Different Than you Wanting More Deer Tags?:D

If people would pull their heads out of their @$$ and know the “fish and game” don’t set tag numbers…

Have you contacted the RAC and Wildlife Board asking them to increase bear tags?
Hey Hossy!

I've Been CUTTIN At Least 1 Tag In 3 Longer Than You have!

And You're Still Gonna BITTCH!

You mean he got his but isn't demanding others don't?

Like when a dh hunter has his then posts for tag cuts and shorter seasons for everyone else?
It Amazes Me When Somebody Starts Screaming They Want More Tags!

Why Would Niller Want More Than An Already Guaranteed Tag?

I'd Guess He Wants To Hunt Himself Rather Than Mentoring His Tag To One Of his Kids!

Niller Could Enter Them In To The SECRET Program Tag That Hossy Sports!

So Hossy?

If You & Your Sons Are Already SPORTIN The SECRET Tags?

What's Issuing More Tags Gonna Do For You & Your Kids?
If the ut "FISH" & game would pull there heads out of A$$ and double the tags people wouldn't have to wait 20 years to kill one and we wouldn't have a problem!
Instead of doubling, the State should just sell OTC Bear tags at whatever they cost now, plus the $10 app fee added on ( That is really what they cost anyway).
The State would at least quadruple their Bear ‘income’, people could hunt Bears knowing they can hunt at least something with a rifle every year, and all our happy campers can remain happy and gore free.
It Amazes Me When Somebody Starts Screaming They Want More Tags!

Why Would Niller Want More Than An Already Guaranteed Tag?

I'd Guess He Wants To Hunt Himself Rather Than Mentoring His Tag To One Of his Kids!

Niller Could Enter Them In To The SECRET Program Tag That Hossy Sports!

So Hossy?

If You & Your Sons Are Already SPORTIN The SECRET Tags?

What's Issuing More Tags Gonna Do For You & Your Kids?

Something you’ll never be able to comprehend, but it isn’t always about me. And it damn sure ain’t all about you!

But you can’t understand that. Never have, never will.
If people would pull their heads out of their @$$ and know the “fish and game” don’t set tag numbers…

Have you contacted the RAC and Wildlife Board asking them to increase bear tags?
Sorry my mistake A$$hole.
P.s. &@%$ the rac and wildlife booard!
And Once Again..........!

You Could Sign Your Kids Into The SECRET Tag Club & Your Kids Could Be Hunting More Than You Can On Your LL!

They Get To Hunt!

You Get To Hunt!

WTF Is Your Deal?

You Don't Need More Tags Issued To Hunt!

I'm Gonna Ask You One More Time & I Expect Crickets From You & Hossy As Usual!

What Have You Done To Improve The Deer Herd That Has Improved Deer Numbers To Issue More Tags?

I'm Still Waiting For The 2 Most Intelligent Answers From The 2 MM Members That BITTCH The LOUDEST About Wanting MORE Tags Issued!


Something you’ll never be able to comprehend, but it isn’t always about me. And it damn sure ain’t all about you!

But you can’t understand that. Never have, never will.
I’ve helped reduce unsustainable buck to doe ratios!!! 😜

It’s not my job to increase mule deer in Utah Bessy. That job belongs to others. I hope they can start getting that done by listening to people that know what they are talking about and not blowhard know-it-all hunters that don’t have a clue.

But, this is about bears. Why are you distracting us from bears? Same reason you kept trying to distract us from WL?
Sorry my mistake A$$hole.
P.s. &@%$ the rac and wildlife booard!

If the shoe fits, I guess! I can’t argue that.

There are plenty of things to criticize the DWR about over the years, I just think it’s important that people know how policy is set for wildlife in Utah. The DWR catches a lot of flack for things the wildlife board does, and in some of those things the DWR even disagreed with the board’s decisions and asked them to do something different.

But otherwise, if we want changes, we need to be involved at the Board level, whether we like them or not. Or we can just complain on the internet like Bessy all the time and say we’ve gotten involved by doing so.
I've Told You to Get On The WB Many A Times!

But Again,You Don't Listen!

I've Also Told You You'd Best Be Taking 8-10 New WB Members With You!

One YOU & STATUS QUO With The Rest Of Them Will Change Nothing!

The Few Little PISSCUTTER Changes Made Have Fixed ABSO-F'N-LUTELY Nothing In How Many Years Now?




That Oughta Fix It!

I’ve helped reduce unsustainable buck to doe ratios!!! 😜

It’s not my job to increase mule deer in Utah Bessy. That job belongs to others. I hope they can start getting that done by listening to people that know what they are talking about and not blowhard know-it-all hunters that don’t have a clue.

But, this is about bears. Why are you distracting us from bears? Same reason you kept trying to distract us from WL?
If the shoe fits, I guess! I can’t argue that.

There are plenty of things to criticize the DWR about over the years, I just think it’s important that people know how policy is set for wildlife in Utah. The DWR catches a lot of flack for things the wildlife board does, and in some of those things the DWR even disagreed with the board’s decisions and asked them to do something different.

But otherwise, if we want changes, we need to be involved at the Board level, whether we like them or not. Or we can just complain on the internet like Bessy all the time and say we’ve gotten involved by doing so.
With As Few A Posts That I've Made On The WLH Thread You Look At Them As Distractions?

I'm Gonna Tell You One More F'N Time!

You Listening Niller?

I'm Not BAD-MOUTHING Wade Lemon!

He Doesn't Much Like Me & I'm OK With That!

I've Already Posted My Predictions Of What Might Happen!

You Wouldn't Make The Money Bet As Per Always!

And Then You Drag WL In To This Thread!


I’ve helped reduce unsustainable buck to doe ratios!!! 😜

It’s not my job to increase mule deer in Utah Bessy. That job belongs to others. I hope they can start getting that done by listening to people that know what they are talking about and not blowhard know-it-all hunters that don’t have a clue.

But, this is about bears. Why are you distracting us from bears? Same reason you kept trying to distract us from WL?
I've Told You to Get On The WB Many A Times!

But Again,You Don't Listen!

I've Also Told You You'd Best Be Taking 8-10 New WB Members With You!

One YOU & STATUS QUO With The Rest Of Them Will Change Nothing!

The Few Little PISSCUTTER Changes Made Have Fixed ABSO-F'N-LUTELY Nothing In How Many Years Now?




That Oughta Fix It!

I read in a post awhile back that cutting tags, and not hunting them half the year will improve herds.

Bow hunt isn't for 2 weeks. Not to late to cut YOUR tag, and sit home this year, not hunting them for 3 months.

I believe the post was Hell F'n right.
Someone should post that puppy
Says The Guy That Hasn't CUT One Of His F'N Tags Up Yet!

And He's Hunting On That SECRET Tag & Hunting 3 Months Himself!

Once Again,No Answer?

So I'll Ask Again:

So When Are You Two Gonna Do Something To Improve Deer Numbers So We Can Issue More GAWD-DAMNED Tags?

And If You & Your Sons Are All Hunting The SECRET Tag Hunts,What's The Advantage To You Wanting More Tags?

I read in a post awhile back that cutting tags, and not hunting them half the year will improve herds.

Bow hunt isn't for 2 weeks. Not to late to cut YOUR tag, and sit home this year, not hunting them for 3 months.

I believe the post was Hell F'n right.
Someone should post that puppy
Says The Guy That Hasn't CUT One Of His F'N Tags Up Yet!

And He's Hunting On That SECRET Tag & Hunting 3 Months Himself!

Once Again,No Answer?

So I'll Ask Again:

So When Are You Two Gonna Do Something To Improve Deer Numbers So We Can Issue More GAWD-DAMNED Tags?

And If You & Your Sons Are All Hunting The SECRET Tag Hunts,What's The Advantage To You Wanting More Tags?

occasion or situation that makes it possible to do something that you want to do or have to do, or the possibility of doing something:

I read Hell F'n right. I'm trying my best to get all or even ONE dude who calls for tag cuts, to cut their tag.

I'm trying g to get dudes who ***** about season length to stay home.


How about it author of the groundbreaking Hell F'n Right,


Don't go Tri on us and spin, simple yes or no question
I am planning to clear an area of rocks tomorrow for a little project. I'm going to put them all in a box and slap a name tag on it that says "Bobcatbess."

I'm going to argue with it in person instead of arguing with it's online version here. I'll report back how it goes.
Them Rocks Are Weaker!

I am planning to clear an area of rocks tomorrow for a little project. I'm going to put them all in a box and slap a name tag on it that says "Bobcatbess."

I'm going to argue with it in person instead of arguing with it's online version here. I'll report back how it goes.
Hey Niller?

When You're Done Planting Rocks?

Can You Or Somebody Dig Up A Link Or Something That Shows How Many People & Who Have Been Hit With The Lacey Act Violation Since It Started In This State?
Back in the late 80's my Dad was a logger, he was on the mountain staying in a small rounded back camp trailer, that had a larger window in the back abovethe bed. One night he could hear a bear rummaging around outside so he started yelling at it to scare it away. All the sudden the bear burst through that window and was trying to get him, only thing he had was a large butcher knife so he grabbed that and started stabing away in the darkness and screaming. He's always said he's not sure what scared the bear away, the knife, or his screams, but the bear left lol.

Needless to say he was pretty shook up by it, but he was stuck up there because we only had the one vehicle so he left the truck at home for my mom, and had just been dropped off with plans to be picked up at the end of the week.

A day or two later later he was out cutting and next thing he knows there is a shadow coming up on him from behind, it startled him and he swung the saw around thinking the bear was back only to find the woman forest attendant who had come up to check on his progress. Lol said he damn near got her with the saw. Said she never approached him from behind again after that. 😆

Anyway, I say all that to say bears will be bears, some of them will get into stuff especially once they learn what's around a camp.
So JakeH?

You Don't Sneak Up Behind Your Dad To Tap Him On The Shoulder Do You?:D

At Least Not Until You See What Kinda Weapon He Might Have In His Hand!:D

Back in the late 80's my Dad was a logger, he was on the mountain staying in a small rounded back camp trailer, that had a larger window in the back abovethe bed. One night he could hear a bear rummaging around outside so he started yelling at it to scare it away. All the sudden the bear burst through that window and was trying to get him, only thing he had was a large butcher knife so he grabbed that and started stabing away in the darkness and screaming. He's always said he's not sure what scared the bear away, the knife, or his screams, but the bear left lol.

Needless to say he was pretty shook up by it, but he was stuck up there because we only had the one vehicle so he left the truck at home for my mom, and had just been dropped off with plans to be picked up at the end of the week.

A day or two later later he was out cutting and next thing he knows there is a shadow coming up on him from behind, it startled him and he swung the saw around thinking the bear was back only to find the woman forest attendant who had come up to check on his progress. Lol said he damn near got her with the saw. Said she never approached him from behind again after that. 😆

Anyway, I say all that to say bears will be bears, some of them will get into stuff especially once they learn what's around a camp.
Another thing to factor is that we just have more bears on the landscape in general then we used to, more bears means more bear encounters, and more bad bear encounters.

I've been on bear hunts with hounds, and I have baited some bears as well, before my bait hunt I had almost decided that I most likely wouldn't be hunting bears again as I just didn't think it was all that fun, decided to do the bait hunt to use up my points I had accumulated and be done. But I actually really enjoyed the bait hunt and am looking forward to doing it again in the future. Started building points again as soon as my waiting period was over.

I also won't say it doesn't have a potentially negative effect to desensitize the bears to an extent, but the bears I hunted we're still very wild and weary of my presence.
I've taken one bear, the one in my profile picture.
Even though I spot and stalked it in Alaska, It literally gave me zero thrill it taking it.

I've also taken 4 mountain lions, all of them did nothing for me.

A coyote though, pure excitement!

I'm just really not a predator hunter.

Gimme antlers......😎
Well How Bout A HOT Brunette?

I've taken one bear, the one in my profile picture.
Even though I spot and stalked it in Alaska, It literally gave me zero thrill it taking it.

I've also taken 4 mountain lions, all of them did nothing for me.

A coyote though, pure excitement!

I'm just really not a predator hunter.

Gimme antlers......😎
And bears! Like I learned on Anchor Man, the bears can smell the menstruation!
Yes they can… A friend and I had our girlfriends out one spring looking for sheds… We came back to the wheelers and my buddies seat was destroyed by a bear…
My buddy and I thought it was weird his seat was targeted, but my bike was not.,, A couple of days later he told me his girlfriend was on her monthly cycle at the time of the seat shredding… 🤣.

We still talk about that one, and they’re still married to this day…
Yes they can… A friend and I had our girlfriends out one spring looking for sheds… We came back to the wheelers and my buddies seat was destroyed by a bear…
My buddy and I thought it was weird his seat was targeted, but my bike was not.,, A couple of days later he told me his girlfriend was on her monthly cycle at the time of the seat shredding… 🤣.

We still talk about that one, and they’re still married to this day…
TMI..... 🤦‍♂️
Yes they can… A friend and I had our girlfriends out one spring looking for sheds… We came back to the wheelers and my buddies seat was destroyed by a bear…
My buddy and I thought it was weird his seat was targeted, but my bike was not.,, A couple of days later he told me his girlfriend was on her monthly cycle at the time of the seat shredding… 🤣.

We still talk about that one, and they’re still married to this day…
But did he replace the seat or keep is as a trophy piece?
Asking for a friend, of course....
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