Biden's DOD.....

Classic Marxism
It's why they sit idle while our statues & monuments are removed, defaced & defiled. The most effective way to destroy a people & its culture is to deny & obliterate their own understanding of history. Orwell warned us... they use it as a roadmap.
"Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and building has been renamed & every date has been altered"

How many military bases have been renamed, how many musicians/bands have done the same, etc. etc. etc.
The blue print was created centuries ago and constantly refined since its inception. It’s always been readily available for those who wish to study it. Everyone should have it committed to memory, in order to recognize that phase they’re living in.

It’s not too late to get caught up, if you’re behind on your research.
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You're SLOWLY coming around...
You never will come around because you do not have skin in the game. You will die clutching your 401k and yelling at some kids for walking on your yard. Alone and miserable.
Winning is having a family and being in the top 2%.
You lose on both.
You never will come around because you do not have skin in the game. You will die clutching your 401k and yelling at some kids for walking on your yard. Alone and miserable.
Winning is having a family and being in the top 2%.
You lose on both.
Keep trying, and no, I won't die clutching a 401k, antlers of elk, deer, pronghorn, sheep, moose, caribou, etc. etc. most likely.

I'll try my best to make sure the check to the funeral home bounces.

You're also sort of correct, I've surpassed the top 2% and hoping trump will make sure I do even better.

Why he's getting my vote.
You never will come around because you do not have skin in the game. You will die clutching your 401k and yelling at some kids for walking on your yard. Alone and miserable.
Winning is having a family and being in the top 2%.
You lose on both.
Be glad god broke the mold with Buzz… Could you imagine what complete and utter brats he’d raise… 😳
Be glad god broke the mold with Buzz… Could you imagine what complete and utter brats he’d raise… 😳
Nature helped us out on that. Not even a blue pill for the dwarf blue midget could get it done.
Mother Nature realized her mistake and made sure it would not happen again. Poor sad impotent blue Buzz. No wonder he is angry at the world?
Nature helped us out on that. Not even a blue pill for the dwarf blue midget could get it done.
Mother Nature realized her mistake and made sure it would not happen again. Poor sad impotent blue Buzz. No wonder he is angry at the world?
Happiest person I know is me...and I won't apologize for that.

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