Kamala 2024

I don't attend any Klan rallies. That's a new a comment that I haven't heard before. šŸ¤£

It seems like comprehension is not your strong suit. Your intention is to vote for Trump because you believe he will ensure the safety of your stocks, investments, and other assets. Your such a hypocrite. What your really saying is your a closet Liberal that wll vote for Trump. How can any real man vote for the Democrat party, knowingly that Democrats supports grown men going into girls bathroons, supports sex change surgeries without their parents consent, want to take God out of our childrens lives, etc?

Only someone who is weak and cowardly, or someone who is insane and foolish, would vote for the Democrats knowing the truth about my previous sentences.
I acknowledge your choice to vote for Trump, but Iā€™m concluding our discussion on this matter. You defend the Democrats with the fervor of an unhinged keyboard warrior.

Certain Democrats that I know in Utah and Arizona oppose Trump but will strategically vote to safeguard their investments.
You continue to display how easily you're distracted while the politicians continue to do what they do best, look out for their bottom lines.

They don't care about any of the things in your bonded text, they truly don't. They've brain washed you and distract you with the shiny objects that resonate with your agenda.

They don't care about your agenda, what they care about is money, corporations, and the top 2%.

If that's THEIR agenda, then I'm most certainly going to make it mine as well. I'll greedily take with both hands and make all I can from their agenda.

Only a fool would leave money on the table. Best of all, I don't risk anything, don't have to work for it, and I can't lose no matter what party holds the Presidency, House, or Senate.

I'm holding the winning hand either way...it's actually beautiful once you break into the top 2% and quite comforting.
Politicians don't care about the Top 2%.

They care about the Top 0.1%

The rest of us just get to ride the coattails.
Sort of, they do care a lot about the top 2%. They may just care even more about the top .1%.

Still beats the chit out of being in the bottom 98% they couldn't care less about.

Just sayin'.

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