Racial unrest, Black people, and pinning it on the Republicans.


Kamala Harris and the Democrats now have an evil fresh strategy guide at their disposal. Racial unrest and lets attack Black people and pin it on the Republicans. They are going to call the Iron Triangle up. The iron triangle consists of most black civic organizers, most black preachers, and most of black politicians in large blue Democrat run violent cities. Mind you, there are a few good black preachers, black politicans, and black civic organizers. It will always be a failed Socialist system as long as the Dems. are in charge. The Dems are always crying victim and pulling the race and gender card.They are going to call up Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Eric Crump, the NAACP, BLM, and or Antifa.

The Dems are sitting by the phone right now. They are going to drive a truck load of money up to the people living in the hood, tell them to scour the black ghetto cities of America. The Dems will find some black person, maybe a Jesses Smollett or something. The Democrats may accuse Trump of sexual assaulting a black woman, or claim that a person wearing a MAGA hat raped a black woman, and then find a young black child and allege that a MAGA supporter stole his ice cream cone. The Dems will say MAGA fired a gay black employee who worked for Trump, and he plans to claim he was terminated due to his race, appearing on CNN, ABC, MSNBC in tears. You guys get the point. They will say Donald Trump is a racist, an Uncle Tom, and anyone that votes for Trump is racist. I'm sure this thread won't be very popular, but I'm just telling yall the truth. This last paragraph is my honest opinion God Bless America, and vote for Trump 2024!!.
Do you guys remember when Barrack Obama got on the news and said" If I had a son, he would look just like Trayvon Martin." He used Trayvon Martin to beat Mitt Romney. Mitt didn't know what to do. He didn't know how to deal with it. Mitt didn't know how to talk about it, nothing. Obama rolled in on the back of Trayvon Martin and all that racial hatred. IMO
Do you guys remember when Barrack Obama got on the news and said" If I had a son, he would look just like Trayvon Martin." He used Trayvon Martin to beat Mitt Romney. Mitt didn't know what to do. He didn't know how to deal with it. Mitt didn't know how to talk about it, nothing. Obama rolled in on the back of Trayvon Martin and all that racial hatred. IMO
Not sure we would have been better off with Romney, just another lieing RHINO
The liberal mantra in Colorado is divide and conquer via thy-will-be-done while stating equity and equality for all. Last week I had a long conversation with a long established west slope government agency who shared how the State is discriminating against them. I can confidently state and demonstrate the same to my world. Huh, who dah thought a liberal government under the leadership of a radical governor would ever do that to anyone outside their click. Oh and if you didn't know, ole Polis is being considered as VP candidate.
Do you guys remember when Barrack Obama got on the news and said" If I had a son, he would look just like Trayvon Martin." He used Trayvon Martin to beat Mitt Romney. Mitt didn't know what to do. He didn't know how to deal with it. Mitt didn't know how to talk about it, nothing. Obama rolled in on the back of Trayvon Martin and all that racial hatred. IMO
Barry Goldwater gave a speech at the 1964 Republican convention where, that same year, the Supreme Court voted to take prayer out of schools. Goldwater expressed, “we can’t remove almighty God from America because then what are we as a country?” End quote. When Goldwater did that, Mitt Romney’s father, George Romney who was then Governor of Michigan, spoke out against Goldwater like “no we are supposed to be an inclusive party.” I never really liked Mitt Romney and his father. In my opinion.
Kamala Harris and the Democrats now have an evil fresh strategy guide at their disposal. Racial unrest and lets attack Black people and pin it on the Republicans. They are going to call the Iron Triangle up. The iron triangle consists of most black civic organizers, most black preachers, and most of black politicians in large blue Democrat run violent cities. Mind you, there are a few good black preachers, black politicans, and black civic organizers. It will always be a failed Socialist system as long as the Dems. are in charge. The Dems are always crying victim and pulling the race and gender card.They are going to call up Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Eric Crump, the NAACP, BLM, and or Antifa.

The Dems are sitting by the phone right now. They are going to drive a truck load of money up to the people living in the hood, tell them to scour the black ghetto cities of America. The Dems will find some black person, maybe a Jesses Smollett or something. The Democrats may accuse Trump of sexual assaulting a black woman, or claim that a person wearing a MAGA hat raped a black woman, and then find a young black child and allege that a MAGA supporter stole his ice cream cone. The Dems will say MAGA fired a gay black employee who worked for Trump, and he plans to claim he was terminated due to his race, appearing on CNN, ABC, MSNBC in tears. You guys get the point. They will say Donald Trump is a racist, an Uncle Tom, and anyone that votes for Trump is racist. I'm sure this thread won't be very popular, but I'm just telling yall the truth. This last paragraph is my honest opinion God Bless America, and vote for Trump 2024!!.
That's a move right out of the Nazi playbook. As an excuse to invade Poland, Hitler had some Germans dress up as Poles and attack a German position. Of course, Germany had to defend itself and invade Poland.
Black people are probably the dems greatest weapon. They have low control over their emotions and are easily triggered into violent acts. Looting, burning, etc. Some studies note they are 13% of the population that cause 60+% of violent crimes. They are now in 90% of the commercials we see on TV. Hollywood (figuratively speaking) is bowing down to their incessant barking and throwing of race cards, which seem to be in endless supply. They are at the lefts beck and call; easily manipulated and more than willing to be called up from the plantation of their own making to strike back at whitey.

Kudos to the Ben Carsons and Candace Owens of the world for calling their own to task. I'd vote for either one of them.

Call me a racist if you want, but I call it as I see it and as we've seen, their is no low the left won't go to stay in power.

If Brian cans this post or me, it's his site and rules and I get it. I am just fed up the DNC and their petting and stroking of a particular race and culture and no one calls them on it.
Black people are probably the dems greatest weapon. They have low control over their emotions and are easily triggered into violent acts. Looting, burning, etc. Some studies note they are 13% of the population that cause 60+% of violent crimes. They are now in 90% of the commercials we see on TV. Hollywood (figuratively speaking) is bowing down to their incessant barking and throwing of race cards, which seem to be in endless supply. They are at the lefts beck and call; easily manipulated and more than willing to be called up from the plantation of their own making to strike back at whitey.

Kudos to the Ben Carsons and Candace Owens of the world for calling their own to task. I'd vote for either one of them.

Call me a racist if you want, but I call it as I see it and as we've seen, their is no low the left won't go to stay in power.

If Brian cans this post or me, it's his site and rules and I get it. I am just fed up the DNC and their petting and stroking of a particular race and culture and no one calls them on it.
All true but I will say more and more black (minorities in general) are opening their eyes to how they have been treated.

Ironically, it’s was the open border and the coddling of the illegals which took services away from these communities that brought it front and center.
Here is a great article by Thomas Sowell, a black conservative columnist whom I greatly admire, addressing many of the same issues raised in Upshots post.

I recommend reading this book
"Black rednecks and white liberals"by
Thomas Sowell (archive)

May 5, 2005

Black identity has become a hot item in the movies, on television, and in the schools and colleges. But few people are aware of how much of what passes as black identity today, including “black English,” has its roots in the history of those whites who were called “rednecks” and “crackers” centuries ago in Britain, before they ever crossed the Atlantic and settled in the South.

Saying “acrost” for “across” or “ax” for “ask” are today considered to be part of black English. But this way of talking was common centuries ago in those regions of Britain from which white Southerners came. They brought with them more than their own dialect. They brought a whole way of life that made antebellum white Southerners very different from white Northerners.

Violence was far more common in the South -- and in those parts of Britain from which Southerners came. So was illegitimacy, lively music and dance, and a style of religious oratory marked by strident rhetoric, unbridled emotions, and flamboyant imagery. All of this would become part of the cultural legacy of blacks, who lived for centuries in the midst of the redneck culture of the South.

That culture was as notable for what it did not have as for what it had. It did not emphasize education, for example, or intellectual interests in general.

Illiteracy was far more common among whites in the antebellum South than among whites in the North, and of course the blacks held in bondage in the South were virtually all illiterate. On into the early 20th century, Southern whites scored lower on mental tests than whites in other parts of the country, as blacks continued to do.

Many aspects of Southern life that some observers have attributed to race or racism, or to slavery, were common to Southern blacks and whites alike -- and were common in those parts of Britain from which Southern whites came, where there were no slaves and where most people had never seen anyone black.

Most Southern blacks and whites moved away from that redneck culture over the generations, as its consequences proved to be counterproductive or even disastrous. But it survives today among the poorest and least educated ghetto blacks.

This is a much bigger story than can fit into a newspaper column, which is why I wrote my latest book, “Black Rednecks and White Liberals.”

White liberals come into this story because, since the 1960s, they have been aiding and abetting a counterproductive ghetto lifestyle that is essentially a remnant of the redneck culture which handicapped Southern whites and blacks alike for generations.

Many among the intelligentsia portray the black redneck culture today as the only “authentic” black culture and even glamorize it. They denounce any criticism of the ghetto lifestyle or any attempt to change it.

Teachers are not supposed to correct black youngsters who speak “black English” and no one is supposed to be judgmental about the whole lifestyle of black rednecks. In that culture, belligerence is considered being manly and crudity is considered cool, while being civilized is regarded as “acting white.”

These are devastating, self-imposed handicaps that prevent many young ghetto blacks from getting a decent education or an opportunity to rise to higher levels.

Multiculturalism today celebrates all cultures but it is the poor who ultimately pay the price of that celebration in stunted development, missed opportunities and blighted lives.

No one today would dare to do what Northern missionaries did after the Civil War, set up schools for newly freed black children in the South with the explicit purpose of removing them from the redneck culture that was holding back both races there.

A wholly disproportionate number of future black leaders and pioneers in many fields came out of the relatively few and small enclaves of Northern culture deliberately planted in the post-Civil War South. What they did worked and what the multiculturalists are doing today repeatedly fails.

But results are no longer the test. The test is whether what you say makes you feel good as someone who is a “friend” of blacks. But friends like that can do more damage than enemies.
Black people are probably the dems greatest weapon. They have low control over their emotions and are easily triggered into violent acts. Looting, burning, etc. Some studies note they are 13% of the population that cause 60+% of violent crimes. They are now in 90% of the commercials we see on TV. Hollywood (figuratively speaking) is bowing down to their incessant barking and throwing of race cards, which seem to be in endless supply. They are at the lefts beck and call; easily manipulated and more than willing to be called up from the plantation of their own making to strike back at whitey.

Kudos to the Ben Carsons and Candace Owens of the world for calling their own to task. I'd vote for either one of them.

Call me a racist if you want, but I call it as I see it and as we've seen, their is no low the left won't go to stay in power.

If Brian cans this post or me, it's his site and rules and I get it. I am just fed up the DNC and their petting and stroking of a particular race and culture and no one calls them on it.
Ok, you absolutely are a racist.
Ok, you absolutely are a racist.
And you're a pathetic tool. That said, I intimated that I would vote for Carson, Owens, Condi Rice and any number of colors and gender. Context escapes you so it seems. Another thing that went over your short little head is that democrats weaponize race and gender. Intelligent beings are starting to realize this, except you apparently. Keep fishin' little man.
In my opinion, anyone who supports Kamala Harris is brainwashed. I believe there should be no Democratic black candidates in political positions. You know why? Clean your own front porch up before you go into politics. Black Democrats shouldn’t run for any political positions in American until they fix their own Democrat run black neighborhoods. The Black neighborhoods in large blue Dem. cities are in disarray, with children lacking basic education and crime rates spiraling out of control. The prevalence of STDs, abortions, and homicides further exacerbate the situation. Yet, some Black Democrats aspire to become politicians, like Kamala Harris. These Democrat Black Politicians infuriate me with their audacity and nerve. There should be zero Democratic Black politicians, none whatsoever. They can’t run for something if their whole community is destroyed. The Dem. run Black ghettos across America are characterized by death, destruction, and damnation, IMO
And you're a pathetic tool. That said, I intimated that I would vote for Carson, Owens, Condi Rice and any number of colors and gender. Context escapes you so it seems. Another thing that went over your short little head is that democrats weaponize race and gender. Intelligent beings are starting to realize this, except you apparently. Keep fishin' little man.
I get what your saying JImNv. Usually if someone calls you a racist, that means you won the argument.
Shout out to the Black Conservative leaders people like Vince Everett Ellison, (Chad O Jackson, Independent, but will vote for Trump), Blanchard Robinson, Byron Donalds, Larry Elder, and Burgess Owens, for holding their own accountable. I’d vote for anyone of of them.

Label me as a racist, uncle Tom, cracker, sellout,etc. if you wish, but I speak the truth as I perceive it, and it’s clear that the left will do anything to retain power. I’m no racist.
I love it when some old white guy chimes in on “racist” while living in Wyoming/ Montana that hasn’t a clue of W T F he is talking about. But still, they consider themselves experts on the struggle, even though they don’t live or witness it daily. LOL..Move to Atlanta, Memphis, or Little Rock for a while out of that conclave of white safe land and talk to me in six months, not a year! My family lives in Atlanta. if you saw the day to day in Atlanta on TV that You don’t see alone about killings and black on black crime you would be shocked. It is just fact.
Thomas Sowell provides an insightful perspective on the harmful effects of RAP music and its influence on young people in America. An article in the New Republic says “Rap music has become the nearest thing to a political voice of the poor.” See video link below.

Irrespective of their race, children growing up in various American neighborhoods, including lower, middle, and upper class, often become indoctrinated by listening to gangsta rap music, IMO

Thomas Sowell provides an insightful perspective on the harmful effects of RAP music and its influence on young people in America. An article in the New Republic says “Rap music has become the nearest thing to a political voice of the poor.” See video link below.

Irrespective of their race, children growing up in various American neighborhoods, including lower, middle, and upper class, often become indoctrinated by listening to gangsta rap music, IMO

Al Sharpton, the demented Democrat Lunatic, is responsible for addicting the Black community to Newport Menthol cigarettes. Al Sharpton is widely known to have distributed free Menthol cigarettes to predominantly African American neighborhoods in the US during the 1970s and 1980s. The brother of George Floyd served as a spokesperson for menthol cigarettes. Additionally, Eric Gardner’s mother served as a spokesperson for menthol cigarettes. Menthol cigarette addiction is significantly higher among the Black community compared to whites. This has been the case since the 1940’s as well. Black Lives Matter appears to be silent about the 450,000 to 600,000 Black deaths from cigarettes each year in the USA. According to my readings, this number is an estimate and it seems to be accurate, IMO. please see the great video and article links below.

April Chapman is phenomenal in her “standard of truth” podcast. She does an excellent job in calling out the civil rights movement, and the so called Black Democratic false prophet leaders. See YouTube video below.

“ Georgia Senator and Pastor Rafael Warnock and Atlanta Pastor Jamal Bryant Atlanta are 2 melanated Marxism minded Black Democratic pulpit pimps and simp soy boys. These 2 men are functional atheists. She says Jamal Bryant is in his pulpit reinforcing mental slavery and preaching spiritual bondage with a toxic message to ethnic Black Americans. These two Democrat Black men kneel before and listen to the Black Women who hold importance in their lives.” Quoted from April Chapman and I agree with her, IMO. This is a major issue concerning Black Democratic men in the southern region of America. Even if Black men want to vote for Trump, their wives will urge them to vote for Harris. The Black community in the south is targeted with Black Marxist socialist propaganda by these men, IMO
Mind you, there are a few good black preachers, black politicans, and black civic organizers.

There are also a handful of good white preachers, politicians, and organizers (and I would add TV personalities). The larger problem are those, of any race, who blindly follow their crowd, no questions asked.

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