Imagine that


Active Member
2 days after Biden steps out of the race they suddenly find the Hur tapes of Biden they said they had lost.

What a shock, they had them all along and lied about it.

Seriously, the dems have absolutely no problem lying right out in the open. Does anyone on the left have integrity? Everyone knows they were lying but nobody gives a sh*t.

Can we get the Epstein list, as long as they are finding stuff they had lost maybe they will come across the list.
Anyone noticed conspiracies last about a week anymore until they become fact?

Dems have now gone full Russia commie media.

Outlets are now re-writing their headlines about Kamala being the border czar and their reporting on her being a drag to the Biden presidency. Full on re-writing history….just like a commie regime. Pathetic
Dems have now gone full Russia commie media.

Outlets are now re-writing their headlines about Kamala being the border czar and their reporting on her being a drag to the Biden presidency. Full on re-writing history….just like a commie regime. Pathetic
Much like Pravda back in the cold war days.

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