SS inside the building?


Long Time Member
Never seen any SS entering or leaving that building before, during or after the shooting, on all those videos we’ve been watching?.

Did they hear the people yelling about a shooter on their building long before the cop crawled up there to look?

Where there SS inside other buildings, or just that one. Coincidence ….. it was that building the shooter chose to shoot from?

You tell me……. how many coincidences have to happen, for the same incident to create a reality rather than a conspiracy? One, two, three, four, five, six …………..

Just wondering out loud. Z
Never seen any SS entering or leaving that building before, during or after the shooting, on all those videos we’ve been watching?.

Did they hear the people yelling about a shooter on their building long before the cop crawled up there to look?

Where there SS inside other buildings, or just that one. Coincidence ….. it was that building the shooter chose to shoot from?

You tell me……. how many coincidences have to happen, for the same incident to create a reality rather than a conspiracy? One, two, three, four, five, six …………..

Just wondering out loud. Z
I was asking myself the same question as I watched 70 year old Florida Rep. Gimenez and others with him easily walk on the roof top where the shooter took his shots from.

You know---- The roof that the head of the SS Kimberly Cheatle said was too sloped to safely put agents on.
That alone should be enough to fire her and whoever else she's covering for.
Never seen any SS entering or leaving that building before, during or after the shooting, on all those videos we’ve been watching?.

Did they hear the people yelling about a shooter on their building long before the cop crawled up there to look?

Where there SS inside other buildings, or just that one. Coincidence ….. it was that building the shooter chose to shoot from?

You tell me……. how many coincidences have to happen, for the same incident to create a reality rather than a conspiracy? One, two, three, four, five, six …………..

Just wondering out loud. Z
Don’t worry, it’s usually only a few months before a conspiracy proves to be fact.

Like you said, way too many coincidences to be ignored. The first clue to it being a lie was the roof being too steep. They were planning on Trump and shooter being dead, neat and easy, but when they have to make up explanations outside their plan they are easy to spot.
I’m just asking questions…….. not making accusations.

Where there any other buildings there that had SS teams inside. I don’t know, that’s why I asked.

I also wonder why the water tower wasn’t manned. Or at least someone assigned to guard the bottom. Could some opportunist have checked that out and finding it unguarded, taken advantage?

Is the SS’s behavior typical? How was Jill Biden’s rally staffed by SS vs Trumps? Maybe these organizations have gotten beat up so bad they’ve resorted to only doing exactly as told by a political asset. Or maybe, they are just inept and they brag on them day and night to keep the wolves at bay.

I don’t think we learned much today from the hearing. Stone walling from start to finish……… Why did she stone wall? If it’s was not a planned hit, why the all the shucking and jiving? Why not straight forward answers if it’s all just mistakes that were made?

Does her behavior today demonstrate innocence or stone walling?

Just asking…….. just can’t get 2 plus 2 to make 4 yet. Lord knows I want this to be a combination of back to back, to back, to back, to back…….. bad decisions. The alternative is just too crazy for me to give serious thoughts to.

No wonder people begin to draw their own conclusions. What would they expect us to do, based on their current behavior?

Some folks call what the general public is doing, “critical thinking”. Can’t have that!!!
I’m just asking questions…….. not making accusations.

Where there any other buildings there that had SS teams inside. I don’t know, that’s why I asked.

I also wonder why the water tower wasn’t manned. Or at least someone assigned to guard the bottom. Could some opportunist have checked that out and finding it unguarded, taken advantage?

Is the SS’s behavior typical? How was Jill Biden’s rally staffed by SS vs Trumps? Maybe these organizations have gotten beat up so bad they’ve resorted to only doing exactly as told by a political asset. Or maybe, they are just inept and they brag on them day and night to keep the wolves at bay.

I don’t think we learned much today from the hearing. Stone walling from start to finish……… Why did she stone wall? If it’s was not a planned hit, why the all the shucking and jiving? Why not straight forward answers if it’s all just mistakes that were made?

Does her behavior today demonstrate innocence or stone walling?

Just asking…….. just can’t get 2 plus 2 to make 4 yet. Lord knows I want this to be a combination of back to back, to back, to back, to back…….. bad decisions. The alternative is just too crazy for me to give serious thoughts to.

No wonder people begin to draw their own conclusions. What would they expect us to do, based on their current behavior?

Some folks call what the general public is doing, “critical thinking”. Can’t have that!!!
Every professional I’ve heard talk about this is absolutely amazed how incompetent, to the point of being so incompetent it’s unbelievable.

In one of these threads I linked a video from Chris Williamson (modern wisdom) who interviewed Tim Kennedy. Listen to that. Tim is a true professional and no bullshit artist. Tim was actually contracted to be on Biden’s detail when Biden was in France for D-day ceremony.
It came out from a whistleblower that a secret service agent was assigned to the roof but went elsewhere!!!

I’m assuming someone told that person to not go up there. I can’t imagine someone would just disregard a post/assignment and decide on their own they were going to go somewhere else.
Like 2Lumpy, I'm just asking questions.

Since there hasn't been an attempt to assassinate a president or former president since Reagan back in 1981 is it possible the SS got lax and just kind of shined it off? How many rallies has Trump had in the last 8-12 years? Especially outdoor rallies? It must be a pretty boring job.

You also have to remember these are government employees. If there were agents inside buildings, they were probably playing cards with headphones on listening to music. And it was kind of warm that night, so they probably had to draw straws to see who had roof duty wearing black uniforms in the sun.

Also, with Cheatle being the Director of the SS, I imagine moral is at an all-time low. She's a ding bat DEI appointee loyal only to herself and Dems.

Then you have the FBI leading the investigation. We all know how much they love Trump. I expect they will cover for the Secret Service as much as possible too.
This will all be stonewalled, and the can kicked down the road until people lose interest. Director Cheatle all but said so yesterday.
This will all be stonewalled, and the can kicked down the road until people lose interest. Director Cheatle all but said so yesterday.
It’s very simple in my mind, you only stonewall if this was planned. If it was incompetence you could say that and vow to do better.
I want to think eel’s complacency theory is more than likely what’s been going here. It goes back the accountable issue that we seem to have too much of especially where terminations have become so difficult in bureaucratic agencies. But for now I’m going to try to keep an open mind and ask questions and hope they’ll eventually get answered by the people that were involved that where directly involved.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
I want to think eel’s complacency theory is more than likely what’s been going here. It goes back the accountable issue that we seem to have too much of especially where terminations have become so difficult in bureaucratic agencies. But for now I’m going to try to keep an open mind and ask questions and hope they’ll eventually get answered by the people that were involved that where directly involved.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
I totally get that but you are expecting answers to come from homeland security investigation when it’s run by Myorkas who should have been impeached? Or the FBLie, we all know their recent track record. You witnessed the answers you’ll get yesterday from Cheatle….none.

People from 1963 are still waiting for answers, just sayin
I totally get that but you are expecting answers to come from homeland security investigation when it’s run by Myorkas who should have been impeached? Or the FBLie, we all know their recent track record. You witnessed the answers you’ll get yesterday from Cheatle….none.

People from 1963 are still waiting for answers, just sayin
I don’t expect answers from them, based on previous behavior…… still I’ll stay hopeful and keep asking question when something else new comes to light.

I’ve come to believe, in life, not much get revealed until you peal the onion back about 4 layers.
I don’t expect answers from them, based on previous behavior…… still I’ll stay hopeful and keep asking question when something else new comes to light.

I’ve come to believe, in life, not much get revealed until you peal the onion back about 4 layers.
Lumpy, realize this is not directed at you. It’s just a general to the train of thought that we’ll just wait to get answers.

4 layers of the onion have been being peeled back against Trump since 2015. Do we need to list all the lies and schemes they have tried against Trump since 2015, starting with spying on his campaign through fake FISA warrants? Your so called onion has been peeled back 15 layers by now. You are looking at this as a SINGULAR event, not a continuation of their assault against him.

They have tried impeachment, bankruptcy, indictments, lies, etc and Trump was still leading in the polls. Their plan to jail Trump had backfired…his poll #’s kept rising. The coverup of Biden’s condition during the debate was exposed and the last straw. They had/have nobody in the bullpen to beat Trump. Should we get into the events leading up to Biden’s withdrawal, how it’s a complete 180° from what msm was telling us.

If Trump gets in power all the fking **** they have pulled the last 8 years will be exposed….he isn’t naive going into the presidency this time. EVERYONE knows it this time.

What is the final option? Take Trump out! What did we learn in the first bit of testimony from Cheatle? Nothing, she gave more info to reporters than she was willing to give under oath. One very important nugget that was revealed was that it is SOP for radio communications to be recorded….just like cameras for Epstein, nyc subway, J6 etc…they somehow don’t have those recordings. Fk that, you can be the biggest taint licking dem, that’s a coverup, plain and simple. A standard operating procedure for every event from the secret service doesn’t happen to be working or available for an attempted assissination on Trump? GMAFB, you have to be a fking idiot to believe it didn’t somehow work or wasn’t available that particular day.

Should we talk about the roof being too steep or hot that it was posted? Funny that ss cas snipers were on a steeper roof and in the same heat. Hell, 40,000+ people were able to withstand the heat. Former Navy Seal and rep from Arizona, Eli Crane, has video of not only the roof slope but from the window that’s mere yards from the roof where the “sniper” shot from. Like I said before, it doesn’t take a fking genius to realize there is incompetence and complicity. Once a certain level of incompetency is met, it becomes complicity. At this level of the game, incompetence at this magnitude isn’t a coincidence.

If people want to continue to believe in our DOJ that have fked Trump from day 1, to complete an investigation, well, that’s part of the problem. The fox investigating the massacre of the chickens?…..haven’t we learned that by now? The evidence and history is readily apparent.

We are talking politicians here, don’t listen to their words, look at their actions. Politicians, from both parties, will tell you what they think you want to hear. What are their actions? Did Cheatle resign immediately? Did she send the info the committee requested? Under oath did she provide fewer answers than she did under oath? Has Biden fired anyone, other than the cross dressing luggage stealer? Didn’t he publicly state that anyone causing issues or a problem with unity within his administration would be fired?

I guess many here have forgotten all that has gone on and can’t see a string of events plain to anyone with their eyes open.

Wake the fk up people.

Do we even get into the last few weeks of Biden being the best he’s ever been, sharp as a tack…..oh, nevermind, he’s being pushed out and Pelosi is tightening the screws. Kamala, who never earned a single vote or delegate is the best you got??? Dems you are the dumbest fking voters in history right now. You were played for years as the D’s played the democracy card while pissing on it at the same time.

Sorry, I’m fking pissed “81 million” were duped by this fking idiot and his machine. It was easy to anticipate. Our country is worse for it and anyone cheering for this or anyone connected to it is a fool. If I was a dem I’d be ashamed.

Until our institutions show me why I can trust them, well……
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Something I just heard which I thought was an interesting comment.

Why do we not have briefings everyday on the attempted assassination? Why do people want this swept under the rug?

A school shooting…we have 1 or 2 briefings everyday single day by LE. Think about any school shooting in the last 2 decades. Did they just have one briefing on the first day and then no more?

Think back to Kyle Rittenhouse. We had every single video, investigations, fbi interviewing everyone, non-stop briefings, etc.

A past president, current presidential candidate, almost gets murdered and there are NO fbi/ss/le briefings? Not only that but it’s as if nobody wants to know the answers. Why?

If this was Biden, how different would it be?
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One of the good guys in politics, Eli Crane, today at the hearing.

This is not the first report of the house being scrubbed clean

Lumpy, realize this is not directed at you. It’s just a general to the train of thought that we’ll just wait to get answers.

4 layers of the onion have been being peeled back against Trump since 2015. Do we need to list all the lies and schemes they have tried against Trump since 2015, starting with spying on his campaign through fake FISA warrants? Your so called onion has been peeled back 15 layers by now. You are looking at this as a SINGULAR event, not a continuation of their assault against him.

They have tried impeachment, bankruptcy, indictments, lies, etc and Trump was still leading in the polls. Their plan to jail Trump had backfired…his poll #’s kept rising. The coverup of Biden’s condition during the debate was exposed and the last straw. They had/have nobody in the bullpen to beat Trump. Should we get into the events leading up to Biden’s withdrawal, how it’s a complete 180° from what msm was telling us.

If Trump gets in power all the fking **** they have pulled the last 8 years will be exposed….he isn’t naive going into the presidency this time. EVERYONE knows it this time.

What is the final option? Take Trump out! What did we learn in the first bit of testimony from Cheatle? Nothing, she gave more info to reporters than she was willing to give under oath. One very important nugget that was revealed was that it is SOP for radio communications to be recorded….just like cameras for Epstein, nyc subway, J6 etc…they somehow don’t have those recordings. Fk that, you can be the biggest taint licking dem, that’s a coverup, plain and simple. A standard operating procedure for every event from the secret service doesn’t happen to be working or available for an attempted assissination on Trump? GMAFB, you have to be a fking idiot to believe it didn’t somehow work or wasn’t available that particular day.

Should we talk about the roof being too steep or hot that it was posted? Funny that ss cas snipers were on a steeper roof and in the same heat. Hell, 40,000+ people were able to withstand the heat. Former Navy Seal and rep from Arizona, Eli Crane, has video of not only the roof slope but from the window that’s mere yards from the roof where the “sniper” shot from. Like I said before, it doesn’t take a fking genius to realize there is incompetence and complicity. Once a certain level of incompetency is met, it becomes complicity. At this level of the game, incompetence at this magnitude isn’t a coincidence.

If people want to continue to believe in our DOJ that have fked Trump from day 1, to complete an investigation, well, that’s part of the problem. The fox investigating the massacre of the chickens?…..haven’t we learned that by now? The evidence and history is readily apparent.

We are talking politicians here, don’t listen to their words, look at their actions. Politicians, from both parties, will tell you what they think you want to hear. What are their actions? Did Cheatle resign immediately? Did she send the info the committee requested? Under oath did she provide fewer answers than she did under oath? Has Biden fired anyone, other than the cross dressing luggage stealer? Didn’t he publicly state that anyone causing issues or a problem with unity within his administration would be fired?

I guess many here have forgotten all that has gone on and can’t see a string of events plain to anyone with their eyes open.

Wake the fk up people.

Do we even get into the last few weeks of Biden being the best he’s ever been, sharp as a tack…..oh, nevermind, he’s being pushed out and Pelosi is tightening the screws. Kamala, who never earned a single vote or delegate is the best you got??? Dems you are the dumbest fking voters in history right now. You were played for years as the D’s played the democracy card while pissing on it at the same time.

Sorry, I’m fking pissed “81 million” were duped by this fking idiot and his machine. It was easy to anticipate. Our country is worse for it and anyone cheering for this or anyone connected to it is a fool. If I was a dem I’d be ashamed.

Until our institutions show me why I can trust them, well……
I hear you, I can follow the path to your logic, and I understand your anger. I can’t say your wrong, but I have no way to “know with certainty” who or whats right or wrong.

Of course, I used to think that everyone believed in my logic and that everyone had the same perspective as me. As I’ve aged I’ve learned I was wrong and that lots people see the world completely opposite to my perspective. I used to believe, “if we all had the same information, we would all agree how to solve societies problems, through open communication and dialogue.” Was I ever wrong. That’s why I’ve often said, we live in two universes and one can’t comprehend the other…….. I now think there many more, as if two weren’t enough. What makes perfect sense in one universe is madness in a different universe.

Absolutes are hard to come by……. Hell I’m not ever sure that gravity is an absolute anymore. Just kidding but…… not really. 😉
I hear you, I can follow the path to your logic, and I understand your anger. I can’t say your wrong, but I have no way to “know with certainty” who or whats right or wrong.

Of course, I used to think that everyone believed in my logic and that everyone had the same perspective as me. As I’ve aged I’ve learned I was wrong and that lots people see the world completely opposite to my perspective. I used to believe, “if we all had the same information, we would all agree how to solve societies problems, through open communication and dialogue.” Was I ever wrong. That’s why I’ve often said, we live in two universes and one can’t comprehend the other…….. I now think there many more, as if two weren’t enough. What makes perfect sense in one universe is madness in a different universe.

Absolutes are hard to come by……. Hell I’m not ever sure that gravity is an absolute anymore. Just kidding but…… not really. 😉
Thanks Lumpy, I agree with your take on things and the way in which you view things.

I’m not angry, just tired of the bs. I don’t want this to just slip under the rug with no accountability. We’ve had too much of that over the last, well, forever. It seems to me the events on that Saturday are being intentionally let go, diluted, and we will have the same situation we do with JFK 60 years down the road.

Have a good night

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